Heartbreak Ranch (14 page)

Read Heartbreak Ranch Online

Authors: Anastasia Ryan

Tags: #new adult romance, #ranch romance, #cowboy romance, #western romance, #new adult and college

Graysen wished Brady had wanted to go riding in the mountains, because it was ranch policy that they would have needed someone to ride with them. Instead, Brady insisted on going on one of the shorter trails. Graysen was sure it was so they would be alone together. She steeled herself against the idea, remembering that since they weren’t going to be with anyone like their families, she didn’t have to be as polite.

Graysen cringed as they walked through the barn doors. She wasn’t expecting Colt to be the one tending to the horses; he’d told her he was going to be out with the cattle most of the day. But there he was, brushing a snow-white mare, and he looked as sexy as ever in a pair of worn Wranglers and a tight-fitting t-shirt. Colt wore a dark Stetson that covered much of his face, and he looked imposing. He turned to them as they walked into the stables, catching Graysen’s gaze before glancing at Brady. Graysen froze, not quite sure how to handle the awkward situation.

Colt raised an eyebrow as Brady walked ahead of Graysen. She rolled her eyes, glancing at Brady in an effort to signal to Colt that she was not at all happy about her present circumstances. Colt didn’t say a word but kept a confused, frustrated look on his face.

“We’d like two horses to take out for a ride on the south trail.” Brady spoke to Colt in a cocky manner that reeked of superiority.

Graysen became perturbed at the way Brady was behaving, treating Colt as though he was just a simple stable hand. Colt seemed amused though as he raised both eyebrows and spoke in an accommodating tone.

“There’s a nice selection of thoroughbreds at that end of the stables.” Colt delivered his suggestion in such a way that acknowledged Brady’s self-importance as he pointed to the other end of the stalls. Colt walked towards Graysen, saying, “Miss, you might be more interested in some of the horses down here.” Colt turned his back on Brady, so Brady wouldn’t notice when he took her arm and dragged her out of earshot.

“I tried to get out of it, Colt. He wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer,” Graysen whispered, frustrated with the prospect of being alone with Brady.

“Maybe he needs some persuasion ...” Colt turned around to look back toward Brady, his hand forming a fist.

“No.” She placed her hand on his arm. “His grandparents are friends with my parents, and they’ve been sitting with us during breakfast. I’ve been deflecting his invitation for days now, but I wasn’t able to this morning. Carson and my father were pressuring me to go with Brady.”

His eyes rose, “Doesn’t your family realize that you’re involved with someone else?”

. It wouldn’t have been the word she would have chosen to describe them, but at least it was some recognition of them as a couple. Of course, what “involved” meant, Graysen didn’t actually know. It could just mean they were having sex, but she didn’t believe he felt that way. There was something deeper between them, something that was more than just physical attraction, even after just a few days together.

“My sneaking off to your bed every night might have tipped them off to that fact. I am pretty sure that is why they pushed me into going riding with Brady. I will just ride for a bit and then act like I am not feeling well or something. It will be fine. Besides, don’t you need to get back to the herd so we can spend the evening together?”

“I suppose so ...” He looked at her hesitantly. “I am not sure about this, Iowa. I don’t like it one bit. He doesn’t look as though he could handle a coin-operated horse let alone one of our trail ponies. Besides I think he is up to no good. He wants to get in your pants. It is clear as day from the way he leers at you.”

Graysen smiled at him and tried to reassure him. “I am a big girl. I can handle Brady. As for riding horses, you’ll just have to trust that you taught me well.”

He grinned. “For some reason, Hun, I don’t think you have been paying a lot of attention to my instruction.” He curled a piece of her hair around his fingers.

Graysen flashed him a look of mock surprise. “Why Colt, of course I have!” She lowered her voice to a sultry whisper. “Do you think I wasn’t paying attention to you when you were telling me to raise my skirt, or ride your fingers, or grab your …”

“Lordy, Graysen!” he growled as desire darkened his gaze. “I have half a mind to drag you into that empty stall this minute and spank you.”

“Now, Colt,” she teased. “While that sounds like fun, I don’t think that would be very sporting of you. Poor Brady deserves a chance to show me how impressive his riding skills are.” Graysen could barely finish her sentence; she choked trying to hold back her laughter.

“By the way,” her tone grew more serious, “How is the foal doing today?”

“She’s the same as yesterday. No change.” Colt seemed somber. She thought perhaps she was a bit foolish to expect marked improvement in a little over a week, but it was disheartening just the same.

“Graysen!” Brady yelled across the stables. “Did you find a horse yet? I’ve chosen mine.”

Graysen rolled her eyes in disgust and looked to Colt. “Saddle up Clementine for me please.” Colt smiled and nodded. Clementine was the first horse Graysen rode with Colt. She seemed to like her, and even when she’d been on her alone without Colt, she’d been pretty good at handling her. They walked over to Brady who was looking at them curiously. Her eyes sank, heavy with the prospect of having to waste her time with him.

“Graysen, are you feeling okay? You seem a bit weary.” Brady eyed her skeptically.

“I’m a bit tired,” she offered. “I didn’t sleep well last night.”

Colt choked back a laugh and turned to give Graysen a knowing smile before he prepared the horses for them to head out. Neither of them had enough sleep last night.

With the memories of their lovemaking fresh in her mind, Graysen wished it was Colt going with her. She tried not to think about it because dwelling on it would only make things worse.

Colt acknowledged the wistful look on her face, and whispered to her before she mounted the mare. “You know, you don’t have to go. You can still say no.”

“No. It would be so rude to back out now ... I’m going.”




Brady and Graysen headed down the south trail which would take them through a couple of small hills before leading them back to the ranch. Graysen focused on the beauty of the pastures, trying to get her mind on something other than Brady’s endless chatter. Colt loved this place, and as she rode up the small green hilltop that overlooked the fields, she realized how much she was growing to like it too. It was so different from anything she had known before. She knew her newfound appreciation for the ranch had a lot to do with the intense feelings for Colt she harbored. In her mind, Colt and the land were one and the same. How could she not appreciate something that made him the man he was, the man she was so drawn to?

“Graysen?” Brady’s voice pulled her back to her present situation. “You’re very quiet today. I’m not boring you, am I?” His voice didn’t indicate he was hurt by her lack of attentiveness, but it did give off a hint of anger. It was something she hadn’t heard in his voice before.

Graysen resolved to put up a courteous front. “Brady, I am sorry. I am not bored; I just don’t have much to say. I am enjoying the beauty of the ranch.”

“Yes, it is beautiful albeit desolate out here. You do seem to be more of a quiet, reserved girl.” His voice relaxed. “I really like that about you. I cannot bear women who babble endlessly.” He said it matter-of-factly, as though there was nothing wrong with loathing women of any sort. It was as though he was talking about the weather. His smile was insincere and almost as artificial as hers was moments earlier.

Graysen gave Clementine a small kick to pick up the pace. She gritted her teeth and tried to retain her composure. “I am glad I could be so accommodating for you.” Her tone was drenched in sarcasm and Brady elected to ignore it.

“Graysen, you and I have a lot in common,” Brady smugly responded.

“Do we?” She failed to see it.

“You seem like the type of girl who knows what she wants out of life and is very driven to get what she wants.”

She didn’t think it sounded a bit like her. Although before coming to the ranch, she thought she knew what she wanted. Now, what she wanted out of life wasn’t as clear-cut as before. The idea of returning to school and her life in Iowa made her wince. She knew she didn’t really belong there any longer.

“So I gather you are the same way? Always going after what you want?” she asked him while she thought about her own circumstances.
Of course he is
. Brady laughed conceitedly. Graysen found it unnatural and out of place as they rode through the pastures of the ranch. In a place so carefree and lovely, Brady seemed like a thorn on a rose.

“I am tenacious to a fault. I set a goal and make it happen.” Arrogance flavored his words. “It is exactly how I finally persuaded you to join me for a ride, isn’t it?” He slowed his horse to a trot. “Not taking no for an answer and being persistent are good qualities to have.”

Graysen envisioned that Brady would be seriously put out when he finally got it through his thick skull that she was not interested in any sort of relationship with him. He had a better chance of starting a romantic relationship with one of the cows grazing in the pasture than he did with her. The only reason she didn’t argue with him was because she didn’t want to start anything. Graysen grew a bit uncomfortable about being out on one of the more deserted trails with someone who may or may not be predatory.

They rode a few miles before Brady changed the subject. “Are you going to the big dance in a few nights? All of the guests will be there, and I am sure the rest of your family plans on attending.”

The way he phrased the question led Graysen to believe he had already decided for her that she was going to the dance. Her family had mentioned they were going to go, and last night Harper talked about it nonstop. According to what she could glean from her sister’s conversation with their mother, every summer the Edmistons had a big, formal social at the lodge.

“It’s not as though I am asking you to marry me right now. I think I would be good for you. As you know, I travel to Iowa quite frequently.”

He would be good for me?
She bristled at his observation. His arrogance astounded her. She tried to be polite and let him down easily, but it was evident to her that she had to lay all her cards on the table. She needed to be more frank.

“Brady, listen, I’m not interested in a relationship with anyone right now. I want to concentrate on my career.” She tried to maintain a level of civility by saying “with anyone” instead of “with you” like she really wanted to.

“I see.” Brady’s voice was angry. He quickly reverted to his phony polite manner. “Well, perhaps we can be friends.” He turned towards her, giving her the most forced smile she had ever seen.

Friends, my ass
. She wasn’t buying a bit of it. Still, trying to maintain a ladylike demeanor, she smiled and nodded in agreement.

They rode for another twenty minutes, and as they chatted, Graysen felt he was still trying to lure her into something. She tried to keep the pace brisk so they could return to the stables more quickly and she breathed a sigh of relief when the ranch came back into view. She hoped Colt would be in the barn when she returned, but there was another stable hand there to tend to the horses when she and Brady rode into the corral. She presumed Colt was still out with the herd. She was ecstatic to dismount the horse, ending the worst two hours of her vacation.

She tried to wrap things up as they walked toward the stable doors. “Thank you for the ride, Brady. I had a nice time. I better head back to the cabin so I can make it to dinner with my family.”

“At least let me walk you back to your cabin.” She groaned inwardly, forcing herself to give him a slight nod before leaving the stable and heading toward the cabin. She expected him to follow her, but she didn’t expect what happened next. As they walked behind a couple of cabins, he grabbed her hand and leaned in toward her mouth, which was parted in shock. Luckily she was able to sneak her other hand in between them just as his mouth descended.

“Brady, what do you think you are doing? I was serious earlier when I said I wasn’t interested!” Annoyance threaded her voice.

His blue eyes flared in anger. “Graysen, I think you’ll find we would make a good pair if you just let it happen.” He grabbed her free hand, trying to pull her to him.

“Stop! Stop it.” Graysen’s words were harsh as she yanked her hands free from his grasp. She was burning with anger and everything bubbled to the surface. She lowered her voice and watched as Brady’s face contorted with shock. “Brady. Let me make myself very clear, so there is no further misunderstanding between us. I don’t like you. I agreed to go riding with you today as a favor to my parents. Frankly, the thought of your lips on mine makes me sick.” Her voice was cold. “I would rather make out with that tree,” she pointed out the pine that stood near them to illustrate her point.

Brady, for what Graysen guessed was probably the first time in his life, was struck dumb. He stood there speechless as she turned, ran up the porch steps of her cabin, and slammed the door shut.




“Colt where are you taking me? It’s the middle of the night!” Graysen giggled as he led her by the hand down to the barn, but it wasn’t the barn they were going to; it was the lodge. It was normally bustling with guests, but it looked deserted now, and none of the lights were on. “It’s only midnight. Where is everyone?” Graysen wondered as they stepped onto the expansive but empty porch.

“Heck and June like to close up around eleven. The ranch day starts early.” It was pitch-black inside as they walked in. “Wait here,” Colt instructed as he walked off into the darkness.

She stood in the doorway, trying to get her bearings in the absence of any light. Graysen gasped with delight as all of the paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling lit up, giving the room a romantic glow. It was a softer ambience since the ceiling lights weren’t on. Graysen liked this late-night, cozy atmosphere. It was much better than the typically crowded and noisy hall.

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