Heartbreak Ranch (7 page)

Read Heartbreak Ranch Online

Authors: Anastasia Ryan

Tags: #new adult romance, #ranch romance, #cowboy romance, #western romance, #new adult and college




Colt let his gaze slide lazily over her. The anticipation of doing the same with his hands had his blood simmering in his veins. She wore a pair of white jean shorts with frayed edges that accentuated her thighs in a way that had his gut tightening in response. Sitting astride in the saddle like that exposed even more of her creamy, white thighs. As he focused on those awesome legs, arousal slammed through his body and his mind went on full alert as heat slithered down his spine.

Good Lord, his body hadn’t been this out of control since he was fifteen. Colt was standing slightly behind Graysen. He made the mistake of looking at her backside. Her shirt grazed her slender hips and sat on the soft curve of her backside. Her jean shorts bowed out a little bit and he couldn’t see the top of any type of panties. Wild images of her sitting there astride that horse with something indecent enough he could floss his teeth with or worse yet, with nothing but her birthday suit under those shorts drove him crazy. Blowing out a tortured breath, Colt stammered, “Make sure you have a good hold on those reins.”
. He had to cool down or he would end up throwing her on the ground and making her his right then and there. He shook those thoughts from his head.




The next thing Graysen knew, his foot barely touched the stirrup as he mounted Clementine, settling himself behind the saddle. “You’re ... you’re riding with me?” Graysen’s eyes widened.

“It’s the best way to learn. Is it a problem?”

Graysen didn’t trust her voice just then, so she simply nodded. “Good,” his voice deepened. Colt leaned forward, putting his hands around hers above the reins. His muscular chest pressed against her back, and she felt his chin rest above her left shoulder as he softly imparted instructions into her ear. “Now squeeze your legs, Iowa.”

There was no way she was going to be able to do this.
Breathe, Graysen. Breathe.
He surrounded her, and while it made her feel safe, it also felt reckless. Graysen’s control was spinning away from her. She did press her legs into the horse, but not because Colt commanded her to. It was a reaction to his sultry voice. It slid over her skin like satin and tightened every muscle in her body. She was trying to create pressure so she could ease the throbbing between her legs. As she dug into the sides of the mare, they moved and were off in a steady trot. With each sway of the horse’s steps, Colt’s body brushed against hers.

Colt directed her on how to use the reins, and she was surprised she was able to take any of it in. The strong hands and arms that worked to tame a wild mustang were now covering hers. His skin pressed against her and gave her goose bumps despite the ninety-degree weather. She found it increasingly difficult to remain focused. Although she held the reins of the horse, she could not rein in her mind. It wandered to fantasies of those hands undressing her and touching every inch of her body. The grinding of the saddle against her body to the steady rhythm of the horse only intensified the fire raging between them.

“Relax, Iowa, just let it come naturally.” Amusement still graced his voice, only now it was laced with arousal.

Graysen wanted to let it come, but if she did, she had a feeling they wouldn’t be on the horse for very much longer.

They rode in a direction opposite the trails where her family was hiking. A cluster of small buildings resembling the guest cabins came into view. Colt pointed out, “Those are employee cabins, where most of the ranch hands stay. There are also a couple of smaller barns out here that we use for storage.”

Graysen unleashed her inquisitive nature. “Do you live here?”

“My cabin is on the opposite side of the ranch. This part of the ranch can get pretty loud and rowdy and stay that way late into the night. I used to love it, but these days I prefer quiet after a hard day of work. Sure brings back memories though.” Laughter rumbled from his chest. “I used to sneak out here at night and Jake and the other hands would teach me how to play Texas Hold ‘Em when I was in my rebellious teen years.”

Picturing Colt as a headstrong teenage boy brought a smile to Graysen’s face. “Who’s Jake?”

“He’s a good friend of mine. Jake is the ranch hand I rode up the trail with yesterday.”

“The one who came into the lodge last night?”

“The very same. He has always been like an older brother of sorts to me. Heck and June think he might have been a bad influence though.” He gazed out across the ranch, a hint of nostalgia on his countenance.

“Iowa, are you ready for some fun?” Colt asked with excitement in his voice. Before she had a chance to respond, he dug his legs into the side of the horse and they took off. Graysen let out a yelp when he grabbed the reins from her hands. His free hand snaked around her waist, keeping her from flying off the mare.

“Colt! Stop!” she screamed.

“Don’t worry, Iowa, I’m not going to let you go,” he said loudly.

She was in awe that he controlled the horse with one hand. She firmly gripped the saddle horn as they flew across the field. Her heart was racing. She had never experienced anything so exhilarating. They rode in circles through the fields before riding toward some trees in the distance.

“We’re making a full circle back to the barns. Going this way, we’ll meet up with a creek that leads directly behind the guest cabins,” he said as another small structure came into sight. The creek ran between a few scattered trees, and they slowed and followed it. A cabin, about the same size as the one her family was staying in, sat a few hundred feet away from the water.

“Colt, what’s that cabin back there?” Graysen turned to look at the cabin and saw that Colt was grinning. “That’s my home. I built it a few years ago.” It was a picturesque setting, and more secluded. “Ready for a break?”

“If I get off, how will I get back on?” Graysen’s voice betrayed her hesitation.

“Don’t worry; I’ll help you,” Colt reassured her. He slipped out of the saddle and then pulled her into his arms before returning her to the ground.

Her arms lingered around his neck and she smiled. A warm flush ran up her neck and over her cheeks.
So sexy
. Colt smiled back at her with a deep grin that reached his eyes. Graysen had never seen a more beautiful sight.

“Hold onto Clementine and take her to the creek. I’m sure she wants a drink.”

“Hold her?”

“It’s as easy as walking a dog on a leash.”

“Okay, Clem. Let’s get a drink.”

Colt cautioned her, “Wait. She gets to drink from the creek, but you don’t.”

“But, I thought … pure mountain water—” Graysen wrinkled up her nose as confusion crept into her city girl head.

“And between here and where this creek originates, there are a lot of cattle. They don’t care if they pee in the water.”

“Gross!” Graysen bristled at the thought.

Colt laughed heartily. “Now, let the reins relax so she can get her drink.”

She watched as Clementine lapped at the water and then splashed it with her nose and stepped into the rocky creek bed. “She’s going to run away.”

“No, she’s just playing.” Colt took the reins and wrapped them around a small tree next to the creek. “Are you hungry?”

Graysen nodded.

He reached behind the saddle and released the saddlebag. Graysen sat on a nearby rock that wasn’t much taller than a footstool. Colt opened the bag and took out a small blanket. He flipped it out under the nearby tree and sat down on it. He patted the spot next to him on the plaid blanket and Graysen joined him, sitting close enough that their legs touched. The heat between them intensified.

“It’s nice out today. I’m starving after that ride,” Graysen said. Colt opened the bag and her eyes widened. “Fried chicken, plates, and is that really chocolate cake?”

“Yes, ma’am. From scratch with fudge icing.”

She marveled at his preparedness. “You remembered everything. This isn’t your first picnic, is it?”

Colt winced at her compliment. “No, but I have a confession. I didn’t make a bit of this, I got it from the lodge.” His eyes twinkled. “Please eat. You’ll need your strength for later.”

Graysen raised a puzzled eyebrow at him, but she didn’t question his vague direction. She was afraid to find out what he meant by it so she felt safer pretending to ignore it. She forked a leg and bit into the chicken while he sliced cheese. He broke tidbits from a piece and popped them in his mouth. Graysen finished the chicken and looked around for a napkin.

Colt reached out and grasped her wrist. “You left some chicken behind,” he whispered. “May I?”

Graysen inhaled sharply. She didn’t quite know what he was going to do, so she said nothing. He grinned wickedly at her before drawing her fingers into his hand, one by one, wiping them slowly, moving unhurriedly around the tips, removing any trace of chicken grease from her delicate digits. Graysen bit her lip to stifle a moan as his hand sent electricity all the way down to her curling toes.

Nervously, Graysen stood up and tried to collect her thoughts. Without warning, Colt scooped her up as if she were a small child and placed her in the saddle. Clementine moved a bit, adjusting to the weight of a rider. Colt placed his foot in the stirrup and pulled himself up.

“Scoot forward a bit, Iowa.”

She did, but this time she was acutely aware of the most intimate part of his body being pressed more closely to her, and he acted as if it were nothing. He threaded the reins between her fingers and then dropped his right hand to her thigh. His left hand wrapped her waist. She wanted to move his hands. It was too fast, yet somehow it felt wonderful, like two lovers who were comfortable with each other. It seemed as if it had taken forever to get to their destination, but too soon they were back at the corral. Colt hopped down first. Instead of letting her get down off the horse on her own, he effortlessly lifted Graysen onto the ground after she swung her leg around.

“I’m sorry I kept you from that hike today. I know you are here with your family.” He led the horse into the stables.

Graysen didn’t even think about the words as they tumbled impetuously from her lips. “I wanted to ride with you. I think I had more fun.”

Colt turned and stared at her. She could feel his eyes on her face, her mouth, her shoulders. Nothing escaped those piercing green eyes. She felt as if he could read her soul.

“Do you think your family is wondering where you are?”

“I told them that I had a migraine and they think I am at the cabin resting. They probably won’t check on me until well after dinner.” Graysen realized how much she was revealing. She lied to her family in order to meet him. She was making herself vulnerable and she didn’t like feeling so out of control.

In the barn, Colt unhooked Clementine’s saddle before grabbing a brush to run over her. Graysen watched his hands work. “So what is it like living in Iowa?”

“There’s not much to tell. Iowa is miles and miles of corn and bean fields dotted by the occasional wind farm.”

“Are you from there originally?” His voice was quiet and relaxed, as if he liked just listening to her talk. As he brushed the horse, he stole quick glances at her.

“I was born and raised there. We’ve always traveled a lot, so I have been to all sorts of different places. I considered going to school on the west coast like my older brother did, but I didn’t want to be that far away from home.”

“Seems like you are close with your family,” Colt observed.

“I love my family, even if they do drive me crazy from time to time.” She chuckled as he gave her an understanding smile.

He paused. “Are you close with anyone else?” He methodically led the horse into its stall, closed the gate, and then turned to face her while leaning against the wooden gate. His eyes darkened to a lethal green hue, the color an Iowa sky turned before a twister touched down.

Is he asking what I think he’s asking?
She decided to take the question at face value. “I’ve made some great friends at ISU, and I’ve known my best friend, Emma, since we were in first grade.”

“Is there someone special?” He started slowly walking towards her, one step at a time. His sultry smile melted over her like butter on a hot rock. Graysen felt naked, and vulnerable, and alive.

“Someone special?” The volume of her voice suddenly decreased to just above a whisper. Graysen tried walking backwards even though the stall door was in her way. It swung open as her back pressed against it. Colt didn’t stop, and stalked toward her into the empty stable with the stride of a predatory animal.

“You know ... like a boyfriend?” The huskiness of his voice enveloped her.

Her heartbeat roared in her ears and her chest felt like it would explode at any moment. She thought about mentioning Kevin, but then thought better of it. Besides she hadn’t actually been out with Kevin enough times to consider him a boyfriend. “No, there’s no one special,” she whispered while continuing to retreat farther into the stall.

Colt’s eyes were blazing. Graysen hit the wall in the back of the stall. The gate closed behind Colt while he continued towards her. She was trapped, and she knew something that would change her life forever was about to happen. She was absolutely astounded. Never in a million years had anything like this happened to her. Should she try to stop it?

“Colt, what are you doing?” Graysen tried to steady her whisper, but it was broken as he closed in on her.

A strong, masculine hand wove its way through a strand of hair that partially covered her face and tucked it behind her ear before he placed his hands against the wall on either side of her head. He leaned down and gazed into her eyes before whispering in her ear, his deep voice soft and seductive. “I’m gonna kiss you now, Iowa ...”

Graysen managed to close her eyes before his perfect, full mouth found hers. She floated. His lips were warm and inviting, and he spread them over her mouth carefully, as if he were worried he might bruise her. Colt brought his hand up to cup the curve of her cheek, caressing the skin with his thumb as his lips moved softly over hers. This kiss was not what she expected. She tugged Colt closer, pulling him until she was sandwiched tightly between him and the stall door, her petite frame pressed up against his tall, muscular one. He moved his right hand to cup the back of her head, protecting it with his knuckles while he groaned loudly against her mouth.

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