Heartbreak's Reward (Double Dutch Ranch Series: Love at First Sight Book 2) (31 page)

Read Heartbreak's Reward (Double Dutch Ranch Series: Love at First Sight Book 2) Online

Authors: Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

Tags: #Double Dutch Ranch Series: Love at First Sight #2

“Oh, nice. I’d like to look at it sometime. How’d you guys get into horse ranching?”

He pointed behind them. “Our dad had all this property. Before he died, he turned it over to us guys and my mom. My little brother, Dane, handed his over to my mom for now, unofficially. He had enough of ranching when he was living with my parents. He thinks he’s not a cowboy anymore.”

Jase did a quick refection of when he came here. Not that
wanted to watch his dad die. But, he came for his mom. At least he had a good year with his dad before he died. “My dad and brothers taught me what I needed to know. That’s when I decided to have my own ranch, buy and sell the horses, sometimes breed them.”

“Goodness. I wouldn’t know where to start with a ranch.”

manage what you have to do, and know how to start over better than most.”

She stopped him on the road. “True, Jase. I’m here because of my sister. She already seems different.”

He took her by the elbow and directed her. “Maybe she’ll take to riding. I’ll let her work around the ranch to get used to it if she wants.” Jase looked up when a pickup truck pulled in.

“Why’s Davy here?” she asked.

“He works here a lot of the time. Or hangs out.” Jase brushed his hand forward toward the door. “He’s been around for a long time. He’s a hardworking kid for his age. Give him a little credit.”

Another deep sigh. “I’ll try.”

“The tack room is in the back.” He pointed out the stalls, saying his brother still had an empty stall but kept extra horses around. They moved toward the back of the barn. “Come over here and look at this horse. She’s a doozy.” He released her hand and went into a stall, bringing a black horse over. “This is Betsy, she’s a Friesian. There’s a couple more running around out in the back.”

“She’s absolutely gorgeous.” Brenna ran her hand over the long mane. She turned to him. “But, you know what? I love your palominos. They’re awesome to me.”

“That’s the one you’re riding next time. Let me finish breaking her. Did you find a name for her yet?” He stared at her while she was deep in thought.
She’s so damn cute.
“I better get that helmet or your sister won’t get a ride in before dinner.”

“Hey, Jase, how are ya,” asked Davy, after he entered the barn. “What are y’all doing?” He nodded to Brenna.

“Grabbing a helmet for Chloe. My mom’s got her out there with Sammy on a lead rope.”

“I’ll run it over there if you want to show Brenna around.”

“If you don’t mind,” said Brenna, “I’d like to see her ride.”

“Sure, Bren,” said Jase. He grabbed a couple helmets and all three of them headed back to the outdoor ring. “You’ll probably meet some of the ranch hands at dinner. My mom would invite the whole county if she could. Sometimes she invites
ranch hands or sends dinner over to them.”

“So, she likes to cook?”

“For sure. She likes people. We’re all like a big family around here. You’ll fit in fine.” When they were near the arena, Jase handed Davy the helmet.

He ran ahead and leaned against the rail. “I’ll give you a boost up, Chloe, so you don’t have to go over to the stand to get on.”

Brenna laughed, and spoke low, nudging Jase in the arm. “Or
can make the horse lie down.”

Jase gave a cock-eyed grin. “That’s reserved for you, and I trained Warrior to do that.”

“Oh, touché on me. I didn’t know you were the only cowboy who could do something so ingenious.”

He peered at her with a lifted brow. “Are you being a smartass today?” He tried to look threatening, remaining expressionless. “This is my territory now, woman, so you best watch yourself.” Jase narrowed his eyes at her. “I’ll take you back into that barn and…well, it has something to do with a hayloft.”

“I admit I’ve never experienced something like that.”

“In time, doll. I’ll have to rough you up a little first.” He nodded toward the ring. “Look at your sister, she’s cantering.”

“If only Davy wasn’t sitting behind her. How the hell did that happen?”

Jase laughed. “I
what you mean.” He moved behind and embraced her. “Gives me ideas…and a memory of how you almost got laid on a horse.”

“Impossible!” Brenna poked her elbow into his gut and glanced over her shoulder at him.

“Oh, girl, I take that as a challenge.” He slid her hair off the side of her neck and planted a kiss. In the heat, her perfume mixed with sweat and the fragrance enticed him closer, making him want to do more than kiss her pretty neck.

“Everything’s a challenge to you. You’re on.”

He loved how daring she pretended to be. “I can’t wait. Send your sister out with Davy tonight,” he whispered. “I’ll show you my own hayloft. It’s bigger than Tristan’s.”

“Nope, you’ll have to suffer for now.” She nodded toward the ring. “Your mom is finished. Shall I see about helping her and Nora in the kitchen?”

“She’ll probably like that. Besides, I need to get you off the front of my body so I can concentrate. Talk about creating a monster…” On purpose, he smiled in the way she called sexy. “But, you don’t know what you’ve missed until the hay scratches your back, darlin’.”

“Or your back…” Brenna pivoted in his arms and took a half step back. “I don’t mind being pressed up against you at all, but scratchy hay on my tender skin?” She removed his hands from her waist, swiftly heading to meet Judy when she came out of the ring.




Chloe sat beside her at the dining room table, and since Davy had been invited at the last minute, he was placed beside Chloe. Brenna observed the size of the room and the older style furniture and décor, but it fit together perfectly. A huge window allowed a view of the desert and with the sun lowering, the landscape through it was serene. Brenna glanced at her sister as she spoke low to Davy. She kept her head down and only looked at her and Davy, as if she was afraid to be caught watching anyone else.

“Chloe, dear, what did you think of your ride?” asked Judy.

“I liked it, Mrs. Carlson. It was fun. Thank you for letting me ride.”

“Oh, please call me Judy. Everyone else does.” Judy glanced at Brenna before speaking to Chloe again. “I’m having a few of the students over for a get-together next weekend.” She passed a plate of biscuits. “Some of the boarders are going off to college and this will be a little farewell party. It’ll give you a chance to meet some of the girls.” Judy took up a plate of roast beef and handed it to Tristan who sat at the head of the table. “I’d love to have ya come over, honey.”

Chloe half shrugged and peered at Brenna for a moment until Davy asked her about the horse, Sammy George.

Judy spoke to Chloe again. “If you’d like to come over during the week, you can meet some of the students before the weekend, and get a couple rides in, too.”

Chloe diverted her eyes as if she were shy and afraid to speak with so many people there. “Thank you, Mrs., I mean, Judy.” She took the bowl of mashed potatoes from Nora and nodded with a friendly smile.




When dinner was finished, Judy slid her chair out and rose. “Now, I’m getting to that dessert. Everybody ready for cherry pie and ice cream?”

“Cherry pie?” asked Jase and Tristan at the same time.

“Our favorite. It isn’t even Thanksgiving,” said Jase. “I’ll help, Mom.”

Tristan got up too, and held his hand to Nora. “Ya don’t have to ask me twice.”

“Chlo-e,” said Destiny, “Sometimes my grammy lets me come to the party. You can go with

Chloe smiled at Destiny. “That’s very kind of you. Thanks!” When Chloe turned to Brenna, the look on her face was surprising. Kind of like she was ready to cry, but there was more. Like a joyful expression in hiding. Brenna wanted to do a fist pump into the air. The little one got a response from her sister she hadn’t seen in a very long time.

Was it the family atmosphere that made her different? Something she’d have to think about for her own self. She liked being here, and didn’t realize how much she missed the family thing. Well, until now… Her heart reminded her that she enjoyed it again.

She glanced to the doorway when Jase called for her. He turned back into the kitchen. She got up and followed. Before leaving the room she heard Chloe ask Destiny about the party, and Destiny giggled and began talking about horseback riding and roasting marshmallows.

Jase went toward the door. “Come outside with me.”

“But I need to help clear the table.”

“Darlin’, don’t worry about it. Trust me, my brother’s ranch hands are happy to do it as a thank you to my mom for inviting them. They do it all the time…eat and clear.” He handed a plate of cherry pie with ice cream to Brenna. “Selva and Stuart have worked here a long time.” He held the kitchen door open. “Randy trained here after he got out of the army, and he’s great at breaking horses now. I suspect Davy will be working full-time here if I don’t steal him away first.”

“You really like that kid. Where are we going?”

“Told ya I took to the kid a long time ago.” Jase took a bite of pie. He headed to the glider on the patio. “Have a seat here with me. It’s getting chaotic in there.” He sat beside her. “My kids used to come out here and play after dinner. They like pie, too.”

“Did you mention to your mom about Chloe riding here?”

“No, my brother must’ve. You should let her. I wouldn’t mind spending a whole night with you. With your sister away…I can play.” He took another bite of pie, set his fork down, and put his arm around her shoulder. “What do you say?”

Brenna lowered her voice. “I’d love to…as you say, play with you all night, but it’s Chloe’s decision about coming over here.”

“I get that, but let’s say if she stays, I’m letting loose on you.”

Brenna glanced over at the Superstitions. “Or, I let loose on you.” She kissed him on the cheek, and whispered, “I’m raring to let go with you.”

Jase set his plate on his lap, turned her to face him, and whispered, “Woman, you’re making me excited.”

“I wonder why I like the fact you’re excited,” she said with a sexy smile.

“Maybe because you know there’s more to come…more than you’ve experienced yet.”

She blew out a big breath and looked upward. “Change the subject. I’m boiling inside.”

He pulled her closer. “Oh, no, sweetheart. There’s much more to come and you’ll find out the next time I lie naked with you.”

Brenna’s heart raced, her palms sweated. She sat her plate down and laid her hand on his thigh. Her breath quickened. The heat of his skin passed through the denim. Picturing lying beside him again, making love to him, and floating away to that place of pleasure about did her in.

Jase moved even closer and his lips were almost touching her ear when he whispered, “Let’s not make it too much longer. I’m about to burst right now, if you know what I mean.”

“I know exactly what you mean.” She turned to him. “Come home with me.”

“Hey, Brenna?”

She turned when Chloe came out the door. Gulping, she tried to answer. “Yes, sweetie?”

“Davy asked if I could go into town with him to get some ice cream.”

She tried to ignore Jase’s elbow poking into her side. She sat forward and turned. “How long do you plan on staying there?”

“I don’t know, maybe an hour…or two. Destiny wants to go with us, but her dad won’t let her.”

“Her dad’s right,” said Jase. He got up. “I’m getting more pie. Did you hear me, Brenna? I want more.” He turned to go and she couldn’t help but watch him until he disappeared into the house.

“You got it bad for that ranching cowboy, big sis.” Chloe came to stand in front of her.

“I know I do. Ah, I guess you can go. Would you send Davy out here a minute? Alone?” Brenna stood. She had to do this, if only to settle her own conscience because if something happened, it
surely be her fault. “You guys have been seeing each other for a long time now. I’d like to talk to him.”

Chloe folded her arms across her chest. “You are kidding me, right?”

“No, I’m not.” Brenna wanted to hear it from his own lips that her sister was safe with him. And to quell any idea he might be conjuring up in his young cowboy brain.

Chloe huffed as she turned to go back in the house. At the door she stopped. “Really, Bren?”

“Yes.” She stood with her arms crossed, waiting in her most intimidating stance. The problem was, he wasn’t one of her first graders.

Davy took a step out the door and removed his hat. He brushed his fingers through his hair. His brown eyes bore into hers. “You wanted to see me, ma’am?”

“Come over here, Davy.”
Deep breath.
Did she even have a right to do this?

With a couple long strides he came to where she stood. She took a seat on the glider and he sat across from her.

“Did I do something to upset you?” He sat on the edge of the chair, twirling his hat with both hands.

“No, but…I have to tell you how worried I am about my sister…being with you.”

“You have it all wrong, Brenna.”

“Oh? How do you know? I haven’t said anything yet.”

“Because I’m nineteen and Chloe is seventeen. I get it.” Davy shook his head. “You should trust your sister.” He stood and then he sat again. “I don’t know how to say this…”

Brenna almost choked. Maybe she didn’t, or shouldn’t know what he was about to say. She took another gander at the shadowy mountain. Why did it freak her out at twilight?

“I’m in love with your sister.” Davy lowered his gaze to the ground but raised them to boldly stare into hers eyes.

She wasn’t sure how to take his confidence. “You’re in love with my sister. Do you even know what love is?”

Davy nodded. “I won’t hurt her and I know what you’re worried about.” He stood and put his hat on.

Brenna knew what Chloe saw in this young man. His handsomeness surely drew her in, and his personality matched his good looks. He really was the whole package… “If Chloe was older—”

“You have my word that I won’t…won’t…touch her.”

Brenna closed her eyes and dropped her head back against the glider.
Now what do I say?

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