Hell in a Handbasket - The Journey (16 page)

He ran his hands
under my skirt and began to roam them over my ankles. With his hands on my
legs, he slowly stood up. He took his sweet time caressing my legs, roaming his
hands up my legs and then back down again.
Teasing me,
taunting me.
Up again, grazing the outsides of my thighs and stroking my
ass, then he reversed his course and fondled my ass then the outsides of my
thighs. On his next trip up he rubbed the insides of my thighs. When he got to
my mound he rounded his hands, dipped them forward, and cupped me. He slowly
reversed again, barely brushing my inner thighs and calves. My body was quaking
from excitement overload. He began another survey up my legs, savoring every
inch and in the process he pulled my skirt up over my thighs, then my hips and
eventually shoved my skirt up over my backside.

He ground his
hips into my ass. I could feel his bulge in his jeans. I shuddered and moaned.
"Please Ryder."

what, Maeve?" His voice was deeper than I had ever heard it before.

"Please fuck

Maeve, soon."
He hissed like a cold rain hitting hot gravel.

He knelt behind
me and ran his hands up and down my long legs over and over, avoiding my mound.
He caressed my inner thighs once more, scraping my skin where my core met my
legs. I whimpered and my pussy cried yearning for his touch.

I tried to push
my ass back toward his face but I was held firmly by a strong hand on my ass.

"No moving
includes that sweet ass of yours." He ground out. "You're just gonna
have to wait."

I shivered and

Ryder leaned in
and started kissing my thigh. Working toward my pussy but never actually
touching my warm wet spot, instead he worked all around it and onto my ass. He
trailed his tongue on my inner thigh. When he came to my dripping pussy, he
ignored it and licked up, exploring my ass. I never thought he would put his
tongue there. I was so horny and his tongue felt so good I didn't want him to
stop touching me, even there, even with his tongue.

He held my ass
cheeks apart with both hands and licked my ass one more time, sending
lightening through me. He started placing small kisses on the skin surrounding
my backdoor. He dipped his tongue into my cunt and snarled. I heard Ryder groan
as he stood up, trailing kisses up my backside.

"Girl, you
just don't know what you're doing to me…" he was panting like he had just
run a marathon.

He pushed up
against me and I could feel his bulge was even bigger than it was before. I
heard the sound of foil tearing and his zipper going down. I didn't even have
time to brace myself when he slammed into my pussy hard. He ceased moving but
only briefly. He hammered into me repeatedly. His thrusts became faster and
more primitive. I had to lift up on my toes, force my body to arc and hold my
ass out to him so I wouldn't be painfully ground into his desk.

The thrill of
being taken this way by this man was quickly becoming more than I could bear. I
could feel volts of electricity course through my veins, speeding up yet
keeping time with Ryder's thrusts. Waves were crashing faster and faster as
Ryder pummeled me harder and harder. My knuckles were white from the strain of
holding the desk and my toes were starting to cramp up but God this was
unbelievably wonderful. He continued to batter my soft flesh with his swollen
cock, harder, deeper, faster. I thought I was going to pass out because I was
starting to see stars behind my eyes.

I cried out in ecstasy,
soon to be followed by Ryder bellowing as he blasted my cunt with his hot seed.
forward full force, effectively pinning me and
gently swiped hair out of my face.

"One of
these days Maeve, you're gonna let me take that hot, sweet ass of yours."

My eyes widened
and I wore a look of fear.

Ryder vibrated a
laugh into my soul.
"Not today Maeve.

I sighed. I was
very content.

He lifted off of
me. I still didn't move.

He gifted me with
his oxygen-stealing smile. "You can get up now Maeve."

I did as I was
told. Ryder grabbed my hands and started rubbing them. They were still white
from the lack of circulation.

We both spent a
few moments catching our breath. Ryder gently stroked my face, leaned in, and
kissed me. "How do you feel?"

but good.

"Not as
tired." Waggle, waggle.

I was
astonished. In my experience guys were a one shot deal. Not ready to go again
before they had even caught their breath.

you have no idea what you do to me."

"Maybe, but
I'd like to find out." I grinned and blushed.

"Jesus, when
you look like that you set me on fire."

I looked at him
sheepishly, a bit of disappointment and guilt colored my expression.

sweetheart, what's wrong?"

I just didn't get to use the safe word." I half pouted.

He laughed out
right. "Did you want to?"

"I don't
know. I mean…I don't think so…Oh hell…I don't know…"

He chuckled, took
his forefinger curled it under my chin and turned my face…

would you like for me to put you on a plane home or would you like for me to
take you on to the next part of our writing journey?"

"Can I think
about it?"

"Sure Maeve,
you can take all the time you need."

I thought about
it for about 2.3 seconds…"Next part of the journey, please…"

He chuckled.
"Next part of the journey it is!"


Chapter Ten


He led me into the underground parking garage.


"Yeah, Maeve?"

"Do you have a car here?"

"Yes, Maeve."

He stopped at a vintage 1969 Mustang fastback. 428 Cobra
with a four-speed transmission.
Cobalt blue in color with black leather interior.
The car
was a dream of mine.
Did he know this about me too?

He opened the passenger door, carefully placing all of my
belongings into the back floorboard. Then he stepped aside so I could sit down
in the front passenger seat. I love the smell and feel of leather, and this was
real leather, not fake shit. I was so in love with this car.

He shut my door and then casually strolled around the front
of the car. I watched as the muscles in his body rolled under his clothes. I
squirmed in my seat as I watched him, rubbing my hands over the seat,
delighting in the feel of the leather surrounding me.

He got in and started the car. The engine roared to life
and then growled softly underneath me. I think I may have groaned out loud as a
look of pure bliss crossed my face.

Ryder glanced over at me, "Maeve, are you okay?"

"Yeah," I answered breathlessly. "I just
happen to love this car.

I didn't think his smile
could have gotten any bigger.

"Would you like to drive?"

"No, not enough blood flow to the brain right now.
Maybe later."

I was wrong, his smile grew larger, spread across his face
and settled warmly into his eyes.

As he drove, I gave the car a serious look over.

"Yes, Maeve?"

"Did you buy this car restored, or did you restore it

"A little of both.
I got a partially restored car and finished the
restoration. Why do you ask?"

"Well, most of this car looks to be original, even the
radio. Yet, your gearshift knob isn't."

"Ah. Yes. Well…the gearshift knob was a gift of sorts.
It once belonged to someone who was very dear to me." His face lost its
warmth as the smile fell from his eyes.

"Oh. I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry."

He turned to look me and his smile returned the light to
his face. "
okay, Maeve. Few people know of
its existence. Fewer people know where it came from and even fewer than that
know what it means to me."

I wasn't sure if I should continue with this conversation
or just leave it alone. I couldn't seem to stop staring at the shifter knob. It
had a very loose resemblance to a fisted hand and upper arm. The fist part fit
perfectly in the palm of Ryder's hand as if it had been made specifically for
him. The arm was long and covered one third of the shifter shaft. It was beautiful
and appeared to have been hand carved out of a warm, rich, honey-colored wood.
I reached out and touched it. I don't know what I was expecting but it was
smooth, warm, and comforting. I had never thought of a gearshift knob as
comforting but this…

We rode along, with me
stroking the smoothness of the wood and Ryder glancing at me from time to time.
While he effortlessly drove the car through the cold town, I was heating up.
The longer I rode with the car rumbling beneath me, stroking the warm wood of
the shifter was almost enough to send me over the edge.

We drove along for almost half an hour. We finally arrived
at a gorgeous two-story home, well mansion was a better description,
a driveway so long a high school track team could have
used it for practice.

"Aren't you afraid I'll stalk you once I leave, now
that I know where you live?"

"Who said anything about you leaving?"

I must have gotten a look of terror on my face because he
burst out laughing at me again.

"I'm sorry, Maeve, I'm merely teasing you."

"Not funny, Ryder.
Just because I know your name, you happen to be the owner
of the company that publishes my books and we've done the things we have,
doesn't make you not a stranger
." I was starting to
have second thoughts about this. Okay, I didn't write murder mysteries, so I
didn't really know what to look for, but what he said made this look a bit bad.

Ryder reached across the seats. I watched him cautiously. I
guess I still had that deer-in-a-headlight

He tenderly caressed my face with the backs of his fingers
and a wave of electricity hit me full force. I couldn't have gotten out of the
car on my own, let alone run. He cupped my face and drew me to him. His kiss
was more than electric, it was bordering on orgasmic. He gently cupped my neck,
and his thumb brushed my jaw while his fingers splayed in my hair.

He leaned back and
fondled a wavy strand of my hair between his fingers. "Ryder?"

"Yes, Maeve…" He had a dreamy look on his face.
I had never seen that look on a guy's face before, at least not one
this close to me.

"Have you…um…christened…uh…your car…yet?"

"Christened…my…car?" He never looked at me—he
just kept staring strangely at my hair.

"Yeah…you know…had sex…in your car?"

That got his attention.
"Not in this
car, no.
Why? What are you trying to ask me, Maeve?"

"Well…I've never had sex…in a car…before…"

He pulled back and bolted upright. Now he had the
light look.
even in high school?"

"No, not even then…" I tilted my head down and
wore a sad frown.

He smiled and leaned towards me, yet stopping short.
"We can take care of that but there's one thing you have to do for me

"Name it." My head shot up.

"You have to say it, Maeve. You have to tell me
exactly what you want."

I giggled. "Ryder…would you please take my car
virginity…and well…fuck me in this…uh-mazing car?"

"Yes, my Queen."

I quivered, placed my hands on his chest, and stopped his
forward momentum. "Why do you keep calling me that? Not that I don't like
it, because I do, just…why?"

His smile was all consuming. "Didn't I tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"The full Meaning of Maeve?"


"Ah, then let me
rectify that little error. Maeve, spelled Medb, Medbh or Maedbh, was a Queen
who ruled in Ireland, living approximately in the first century B.C. Queen
Maeve was infamous for her beauty and her sexual prowess. She had an insatiable
sexual appetite and therefore many lovers, most of whom came from her army. Her
bravest warriors were granted access to her sexual charms, ensuring their
loyalty. They fought hard to win her favors. It is said that she would lead her
men into battle and then fight alongside of them. Her mere presence was enough
to either turn her enemy away or they would fall at her feet with desire. Maeve
was considered the epitome of the intoxicating power of passion. Passion is a
double-edged sword. The passion that people sometimes feel in love…desire…and
sex is also present in anger…hate…and violence. Maeve understood, accepted and
encompassed all of that power. As will you, my Queen." He slightly tilted
and then dipped his head with those last two words.

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