Hell in a Handbasket - The Journey (5 page)

He leaned back from me. His eyes looked so dark. He
jerked on my panties so hard I thought they might rip. I lifted my hips so he
could take my panties off. As he moved his mouth back to my breast and nipple,
he yanked my panties off of me.

He reached up to stroke my mound.

He moaned…"Oh baby girl, you are so wet."

"That's your fault," I whimpered.

He slipped a finger inside me. It felt so
I thought I would come unglued.

"Oh," he groaned, "You feel so damned

I whimpered and arched my back.

He inserted another finger and there was a slight
feeling of too much.

I gasped and he stopped. "You okay?"

I inhaled and shuddered…"Uh-huh."

"Just relax and breathe." With his left hand
he started rubbing soft circles on my lower belly.
Soft with
slight pressure.
He never removed his fingers from inside of me. He just
held them in place slightly curled up, while his other hand kept drawing
circles. He started increasing the pressure of those circles. More circles,
more pressure.

He placed silky kisses on the inside of my knee,
slowly trailing them toward my inner thigh.

I moaned and my legs opened wider.

He started moving his fingers again, slowly,
and out. He lightly placed his thumb over my clitoris and
my world started to shatter.

He gave me a feather soft kiss and whispered into my

"Come for me Maeve."

My body arched, throwing my head back. I desperately
reached for something, anything I could hold onto. My world was spiralling and
I was falling. I felt my inner core start to spasm and my body started to
twitch uncontrollably.

"That's it baby."

I shattered into a million pieces.

As my world slowly started to right itself, I found
that I had Ryder's sweater in a death grip, fisted with both hands.

There were waves running through my body, starting at
the very ends and rolling inward toward my core. When the waves converged and
slammed into each other, I could feel my body tightening around Ryder's fingers
that were still inside of me.

He kissed me softly again and rubbed my clit with his

My body jerked violently and he smiled.

"Can…can…uh…" I tried to put my hand down
there to stop him.

He moved my hand, not letting me stop his thumb.

"Please, can…you…" I huffed, "give me…a

"Sure thing, sweetheart, but just a
We still have a lot of writing to

He removed his hand and smiled a warm, sincere smile.

"I think you've earned one definition."

I looked at him shocked and confused.
How can this
man think straight? I can barely speak and he

s thinking of definitions?

"Of one of your names."


"Aren't you interested anymore?"

"Sure, I just…still…can't think straight

That earned me another
hell in a hand basket

"Take a deep breath and pick a name."

I inhaled, held my breath for a few seconds and slowly


"Oh no, I'm saving that one for last."

I frowned.

He gently rubbed my forehead and placed a feathery
kiss between my eyes.

Then whispered: "Don't frown,
angel, I'm merely prolonging the pleasure. You will be satisfied, I assure

"Fine then, Damara."

"Damara it is…Damara is a Goddess of British
origin. She is known for her feisty yet gentle sexuality."

My eyes grew wide. "Oh…"

As my body continued to wave and tremble, I smiled a relaxed
smile. "Oh…"

He grinned, "So tell me Maeve, do you trust me

One languid word escaped my lips in a

He handed me my panties and stood up. I saw him adjust
the front of his pants as he walked over to the desk and leaned against it,
facing me. I could see the massive bulge in the front of his jeans. He must be
uncomfortable as hell. I wasn't sure what was going to happen next. I felt
excitement course through my veins.

"Get dressed." was all he said.

I felt a little let down, a bit dejected.

He chuckled. "I don't know how much time we have
left here in this office."


He just stood there—ok, leaned there and watched me
get dressed.
Wearing a half smile and a look that promised so
much more.

There was a knock on the door. I felt embarrassed when
I heard Tom's voice through the door…

"Hey, Ryder.
You guys might want to stop writing, they're supposed
to start calling for your plane in about forty minutes."

"Thanks, Tom. Hey, can you slide the plane
tickets under the door?"

"Sure thing, Ryder, later."


Chapter Three


As we settled into our seats, I couldn't shake this
feeling that everyone could tell what Ryder had just done to me in Tom's

I couldn't decide if I felt guilt, shame,
. Well I definitely felt satisfaction.

Ryder leaned over to me and whispered, "Once
we're in the air, I want you to take your purse and go to one of the bathrooms.
I want you to take your hand sanitizer and clean the counter…oh, and be sure to
rinse the counter afterwards."

I was
And how do you know I have hand sanitizer?"

The left side of his face went up in a crooked smile.
"I remembered how panicked you were about the bathrooms at the airport,
how you were afraid you'd catch something and die, so I just know you have hand

I was starting to feel some of that panic again.

His smile only widened. "Other people have done
in there what we're about to do. I want you to be relaxed and enjoy the
experience. Okay?"

"Okay…" I squeaked at him. "Um, but why
rinse it?"

"Because the alcohol in the sanitizer
will burn certain sensitive areas.
And that burn is not one I want to experience."

"Oh…" realization starting to take

He patted my hand, leaned over and whispered in my
ear. "
a good girl, Maeve, and I'll make what
happened in Tom's office seem like a Sunday picnic."

First my eyes popped open wide and then they drooped
and a warm smile strolled across my face as I remembered what we did in Tom's

"That's my girl." He sure sounded smug.

As soon as it was allowed, I got up and took my purse
with me to the bathroom and did as I was instructed. I had just finished when I
heard a knock on the door. "Occupied," I called out a bit shaky.

"Maeve." I heard his deep voice through the

I tried in vain to still my shaking hands. What was
wrong with me? How had I gotten convinced to have sex with a stranger multiple
times in some very public places? I don't know…I don't know what's wrong…this
isn't me…this isn't how I act.


I opened the door just a smidge to see his handsome
face gracing that gorgeous body and his should be outlawed hell in a hand
basket smile.

"Let me in Maeve…"

So many thoughts were running through my mind. Should
I let him in and continue this character changing experience or should I shut
the door and go back to the quiet, shy girl that I was before? Could I even go
back to the girl who simply wrote her fantasies instead of living them? Did I
really want to?

"Maeve, sweetheart, are you okay?"

I opened the door wider for him and stepped as far out
of the way as I could. These bathrooms are really tiny.

His eyes hinted of a deep seated hunger, yet his smile
was warm and gentle, caressing even.

I found myself backed against the sink counter. He was
facing me.

He brought my laptop with him. My eyes widened in

He chuckled. "No, my sweet, I didn't want you to
be distracted and worried that someone might steal it. So I brought it with

His face grew serious and hungry.

"Take off your panties and hand them to me."

I slowly reached down, pulled them off and handed them
to him.

He balled them up and put them in his pocket.
"You won't need these anymore today."

My eyes grew wide.
What the heck was he talking
? Of course I needed my panties. Did he honestly expect me to run
around without anything covering me?
Without something to
hide behind?

"Unbutton your shirt." He licked his lips
and any coherent thought I had was gone.

I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth and held it there
as I started to slowly fumble with the top button.

"Baby girl, this is a short flight and as much as
I want to enjoy watching you strip, you'll need to work faster."

I quickly made short work of the rest of the buttons
of my shirt.

"Unhook your bra."

I did as I was told.
Again why did it take me an
act of congress to get my bra clasp to unhook?
Finally my bra opened.

I hung my head. I was too embarrassed to look at him.

"Play with your nipples, baby."

I began to caress them and stroke them, still holding
my head down. They began to harden into stiff peaks.

He groaned a deep guttural sound.

I glanced up at him then and liked what I saw. He was
ever-so-slightly trembling. It seemed as though he was having a hard time
keeping control. I was beginning to like this effect I had on him. Before, he
was in control, he was in his element. Now, as I watched him watching me, I
felt more in control and the feeling sent a surge of warmth and tension to my
lower belly. It felt as though even my thighs were tense and they warmed as I
felt a fire burn through me again. I know he had told me in Tom's office that I
was truly the one in control, but seeing him like this, I was actually starting
to feel like I was the one in control.

As that thought was just beginning to take shape, I
realized I didn't know what to do next. It

s great to be in control
if you know what to do.

I began to chew my bottom lip…I didn't have a clue.

He must have understood this because the next thing I
knew he was on his knees in front of me. He put his hands on my ankles and one
at a time he moved my feet apart, widening my stance. He braced my feet against
the wall behind him. He slowly ran his hands up my legs and I trembled,
remembering all the kisses he had placed there earlier in Tom's office. I
shivered. With his shoulders he forced my legs even wider. He glanced up at me
then. "Don't stop playing with your tits."

He flipped my skirt up and plunged two fingers into
me. "Uh, I love how wet you are for me."

a strangled sound.

He began to pump his fingers in and out of me. My neck
didn't seem to want to hold my head up anymore. My head dropped back and banged
against the wall.


"I…I'm good…Just…d-don't…sssstop."

His thumb began rubbing my clit and my body quaked. My
body painfully jerked and I leaned more on the counter; tilting myself up, more
toward his face.

He kissed my outer lips. My body
convulsed…"Ryder!" I cried out.

He grabbed my inner thigh tightly…"Shhhh, Maeve.
We're not supposed to be in here doing this. It's going to get a lot more
intense and I need for you to try to stay quiet. Okay?"


He leaned forward and kissed my outer lips again. My
body convulsed again and his grip on my inner thigh tightened. It was beginning
to hurt. I started to say something to him when he took his other hand, opened
up my outer lips, and licked me. Oh Holy! I grabbed the edge of the counter
with one hand and balled my other into a fist and shoved the first knuckle into
my mouth!

"You taste so good."

I gurgled something incoherent.

He began to suck my labia and clit.

I made an awkward strangulated sound.

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