| 637.12 Ohne Hast, ohne Rast ] Without haste, without rest.
| 650.1415 Voyez-vous ça? ] You see?
| 654.11 n'en parlons plus ] See note 369.3435.
| 667.3435 d'un commerce facile ] Of easy access.
| 668.10 lambris ] See note 150.6.
| 668.28 près du Saint-Père ] At the Vatican.
| 668.2930 bearded like the pard,] Shakespeare, As You Like It, II.vii.150.
| 669.27 muff] One who is generally inept or deficient in practical sense.
| 671.13 villeggiatura ] Rural retreat.
| 683.22 portone ] Front gate.
| 684.11 Il est impayable. ] He is priceless.
| 684.25 vous autres ] You people.
| 685.33 assuré un sort ] Guaranteed a provision.