Henry's End (16 page)

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Authors: Julie Richman

“Oh, you’re Henry.” Her eyes widened and she gave him a once over.

“Don’t torture the guy, Ma.” She was a beautiful brunette with fair skin and black-lashed eyes, the color of Quinn’s.

With a jolt to the stomach, it occurred to Henry that he was meeting Quinn’s family. And that everyone knew who he was.

“Hi, I’m Quinn’s sister, Katelyn.” Her smile was as beautiful as her brother’s.

“So nice to meet you. You two have the same eyes,” Henry observed.

“We got them from our dad.”

“He was a wonderful man. God rest his soul,” Jeanne chimed in.

“Quinn tells us you’re training to do the Long Beach/San Diego ride.”

“We are and I’m pretty out of shape.”

“Don’t listen to him.” Quinn came up on them. “He’s in great shape,” blatantly checking out Henry’s ass with a shit-eating grin. “So have you told him any embarrassing stories about me yet, Ma?”

“I don’t need to.” Jeanne smiled at her son. “I have no doubt that you’ll do plenty on your own to embarrass yourself without my help.”

Laughing, he hugged his mom to him. “So now you’ve met my girls.” His eyes held Henry’s, letting Henry know the importance of the moment, for Quinn Callahan was now the patriarch of the family, and these two women were his world.

“I have and I’m not leaving here tonight without at least one good Quinn story.” He looked at Jeanne conspiratorially. “Don’t let me down, Mrs. Callahan.”

“So polite.” She nodded to her son approvingly. Turning to Henry and touching his arm. “Call me Jeanne. I like this one, Quinny.”

“Me too.” He winked at his mom and was off to another conversation.

Throughout the night, as they locked eyes with one another, Henry felt this terrible longing. Being across the room from Quinn felt like an interminable distance, a gap he somehow needed to close. He wanted to feel the heat from his body, be close enough for him to whisper in his ear.

Wandering into the kitchen, Henry saw a cake that was an exact replica of Quinn’s badge laid out on the counter. As he stood there marveling at the craftsmanship of the baker and the intricate details worked into the delicacy, he felt him come up behind him, and stand close enough to feel his breath on the back of his neck.

“That’s pretty cool, isn’t it,” Quinn remarked.

Turning his face to see Quinn’s, “It really is,” he agreed, “I can’t believe the amount of detail. It’s so realistic.”

“I’m really glad you’re here.”

“Me too.” Henry locked eyes with him, their lips just inches apart, but still miles away from their first kiss.

Derek poked his head into the kitchen, bringing their moment to an abrupt, and unwanted, end. “Come on out and open presents and then we’ll cut the cake.”

“Presents. This night is just getting better and better.” Quinn grabbed Henry by the hand and pulled him out of the kitchen, his grip still tight as they moved through the living room, hand-in-hand, to the couch where the presents were stacked up in a pile on the floor. Only one spot remained on the couch, designated for the guest of honor. Quinn gave Henry’s hand a final squeeze before letting go and taking his spot on the couch.

The moment Quinn released his hand, Henry felt alone in the crowded room. Torn away too soon, too abruptly. The loss staggering. His need to feel Quinn overwhelming.

As Quinn worked his way through the stack of elaborately wrapped boxes, the laughter became more and more raucous as he opened each one.

“Seriously people, how many pairs of handcuffs do I need?” He looked around the room, as he held up yet another pair.

Unwrapping a tubular-shaped package, “Oh, it’s root beer flavored, huh.” He pulled a tube out of a box, “Somebody knows me well. Oh shit, this is from my mom,” a blushing Quinn kidded, “Seriously Ma, flavored lube?”

“It was that or WD-40. What was I supposed to do?” she shot back, inciting yet another round of laughter from the room.

Opening the card to the next box, Quinn silently read the message.

Quinn – This present is actually for me. There’s advantages to being a pussy. —Henry

Quinn looked at Henry, slightly tipping his head as if silently asking, what’s in there? “This is from Henry,” he announced.

Opening the box, he pulled out a pair of white second skin cycling shorts.

“What’s that? A giant condom? You’re not that big, Quinn,” someone yelled out, as the ribbing continued.

As Quinn set aside the last package and thanked his guests, Willie announced, “Cake time.” Carrying out the badge cake with a 3 and a 2 candle blazing atop, Derek set the cake before Quinn.

Again, Henry found himself across the room, way too far from Quinn’s side, as they sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to him.

As Quinn lowered his face to blow out the candles, his eyes, sparkling in the candlelight, locked in on Henry’s, as he made his silent wish.

Wish for me. Wish for me.
Henry found himself silently chanting as Quinn extinguished the flame in one sweeping blow.

“Nice blow job,” someone yelled, inciting more laughter.

“He’s had good practice,” the teasing continued.

As guests began to bid their goodnights after the cake had been served, Quinn whispered in Henry’s ear, “Hang out, OK.”

Henry nodded and started to help with the clean-up as the partygoers said their goodbyes to the birthday boy.

“Bring this one over for a Sunday dinner,” Jeanne told her son when Henry gave her a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I like him.”

“Don’t scare him away, Ma.” Quinn teased.

“I’m not scaring him, you rotten thing,” she said lovingly.

As they later bagged up the trash, “My mother loved you.”

“She’s pretty awesome,” Henry was smiling just thinking of her, so supportive and an active part of her son’s life. He hadn’t seen his own mother or sister in over three years, since they had moved to Montana. His mother hadn’t even come down when he was in the hospital.
There’s no way she’d ever attend one of my birthday parties,
he thought.

“You had quite a haul tonight,” Henry gestured to the stack of presents.

“Yeah, but I didn’t get everything I wanted.”

“What was it that you wanted?” Henry thought Quinn had gotten amazing gifts.

“I want to cook you breakfast tomorrow morning.” He paused, “Spend the night with me.”

“You know we haven’t even kissed yet.”

Nodding his head, Quinn stepped to Henry, “We need to fix that. Right now.” Reaching out, he stroked Henry’s cheek gently with his middle and forefinger. “Thanks for the great gift.” He chuckled, “They’re white. You’re going to see everything.”

“I told you the present was actually for me.”

And they both laughed.

“You have to know how I feel about you. Are you feeling that for me?” Quinn asked. Without waiting for a response, Quinn hurriedly acknowledged, “I know you’re scared. It’s understandable.”

“You want to know what I was feeling tonight. I was feeling lost, Quinn. I was feeling lost because I wasn’t by your side. I wanted to be by your side all night.”

A blaze crossed Quinn’s eyes as he took in Henry’s words. Slipping his fingers into Henry’s hair, he pulled him closer. “I want you there, Henry.” He brushed his lips softly against Henry’s. “You have no idea how much I want you there.”

With his hand tightening in Henry’s hair and the other flat on his lower back, Quinn pressed himself against Henry’s long frame. A low guttural moan escaped as Henry opened his mouth to his first taste of this beautiful man. Slowly, Quinn swiped his tongue along the length of Henry’s with a sensuous languid rhythm, sucking the tip of Henry’s tongue deep into his mouth.

Henry could feel Quinn’s hardness, and the matching response of his own to his partner’s excitement. Arching into him, that desire to be close to this man was something he needed to satisfy.

“I think Derek and Willie want to kick us out,” Quinn laughed, pulling away to get some air. He smiled at Henry. “So now we’ve kissed.” And he planted another soft kiss on Henry’s smiling lips, “Spend the night with me.”

Henry nodded and leaned forward to kiss Quinn back, seizing the opportunity to bite his lower lip. “I’d love to.”

Nervously tapping his fist on the steering wheel as he followed Quinn’s Jeep back to his condo, Henry was not worried about what might happen between them, or getting naked in front of him for the first time. Henry was scared shitless of falling asleep and having one of his sweat-drenching, heart-palpitating, Psycho Marine induced nightmares in Quinn’s bed.

I could just turn around and go home. Call him and say I was really beat. Let’s do it when we’re not so tired. But it’s his birthday and he really wants me there. And his lips were so soft. And Oh God when he got hard and pressed into me. And I just want to be close to him. I want to feel him again.

Henry parked in the spot next to Quinn and gathered all his courage.
I can do this. I can still my mind. Ivy has taught me how to do it. And asshole Cody is not going to ruin Quinn’s birthday. I can’t do that to Quinn.

Quinn’s smile was huge, “I’m bringing a boy home,” he kidded, pulling Henry against him to steal another kiss. “I’m so happy you’re here.” He stroked the side of Henry’s face with his fore and middle finger again.

As they entered the condo, Henry remarked, “You are really neat.”

“Did you think I’d be an Oscar Madison?” Quinn was amused. “Can I get you something to drink?”

Henry followed him into the kitchen. “No, not Oscar, but I didn’t expect spotless. I’ll take some water.” Henry’s mouth was getting dry as his nervous energy surfaced.

Opening the refrigerator and tossing him a bottle, “The truth is, my cleaning lady comes twice a week or I wouldn’t have clean underwear or uniforms and you’d see a trail of dirty socks and tee-shirts.”

Grabbing his hand, Quinn pulled Henry over to a brown leather couch, situated across from a large TV.

“I’m so glad you came to the party and really happy you’re here tonight.” Quinn faced him on the couch.

“I almost turned my car around and went home,” Henry admitted.

Quinn laughed, “I kept checking my rearview mirror for your headlights because I was afraid you were going to do just that.” Quinn took a sip of his water, “But you didn’t. What made you keep following?”

“Well, for one thing, it’s your birthday. But I also kept thinking about how all night I just wanted to be next to you.” Henry watched Quinn’s eyes crinkle at the corners at his admission.

Putting his water bottle aside, Quinn reached out a hand to Henry. “Come here,” pulling him against him, Henry’s head nestled back on Quinn’s shoulder.

Kicking off his shoes, Henry lifted his long legs to the couch. “This is nice. Really nice.” He looked up at Quinn who was smiling down at him.

“Perfect end to a great night.” Quinn tenderly stroked the ginger strands back from Henry’s forehead. “There’s so much I want to know about you, Henry Clark. And I want to know it all now.” Joking he put his hand over Henry’s eyes, “Vulcan Mind Meld.”

Both men laughed.

“So, you know what recently happened to me,” Henry began, “but I don’t know anything at all yet about your love life.”

“How much do you want to know?”

“Everything you are comfortable telling me.” Henry smiled up at him.

Laughing, “Ok, you asked for it. My first kiss was Jennifer Costa. She had really pretty long brown hair and brown eyes. We were seven. I got sent to the Principal’s office,” he laughed.

“School yard Lothario I see,” Henry kidded.

“Totally, I just wanted to kiss all the girls,” he paused, “and probably some of the boys, too.”

Quinn continued stroking Henry’s hair, his eyes shining with the smiles of ancient memories. “My first real guy kiss was senior year in high school, one of my track teammates. His family was as Catholic as mine so we were both sure we were going to burn in Hell.”

“Did you do more than kiss?” Henry shifted on Quinn’s shoulder.

“Yeah, but not much. We’d give each other hard-ons, kissing and rubbing each other through our clothes. We’d both go home sticky messes.”

They both laughed.

“My first real relationships were in college and there were a few that lasted a couple of months, but nothing earth shattering.”

“Any big long-term relationships?” Henry wanted to get this over with, knowing he’d feel unjustifiably jealous.

“There were two. One lasted two years, the other almost four.”

Henry sat up to face Quinn. He wanted to see the look on his face and in his eyes when he spoke of his former lovers. Would there still be a hint of his heart with one of them? He needed to know.

“What happened with them?”

“Well, the first one I was in my early twenties. I’d just entered the police academy, so I was getting serious about my life and my career and he wasn’t. He was still in his stoner phase and wasn’t going to be out of it any time soon. We were just going in two very separate directions.”

“And the other one?” Henry asked, relieved somewhat by the first answer.

Quinn looked up at the ceiling, the corners of his mouth twitching as he was formulating what to say. “That one broke my heart.”

“What did he do?” Henry wanted to reach out and stroke Quinn’s arm, but suddenly felt like touching him was off-limits in the presence of this other person’s ghost.

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