Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother (10 page)


She’s going to be the death of me.
Is this what it means to be mated? To constantly worry for her safety? To worry
so much that I alienate her? What she did at the restaurant was beyond stupid.
She antagonized that little bitch. I would’ve caught her if Jane hadn’t
interfered. She should have shown me the video and waited.

I’ve put Lucinda in the elevator and
sent her to the ground floor. She will be sitting with the door open viewing
the lobby. Mack is outside the fire door and I’m in the command center looking
at video of how that woman got into my building. How does she keep doing that?
She is creative. I will give her that.

The video of her with the signs was
taken on my legal floor. The guards at the front never saw her enter and now I
know why. She came in through the trash chute. Nasty. What the hell does she
want? I almost wish she would get it and go. She’s ruining my honeymoon. I grin
at that. Honeymoon. We’ve been together since Wednesday. Some of it has been
really good. The foyer, the closet, the fashion show, but this sucks.

I am switching the camera feed from
my office to my computer only. I’m going to lock them out. I don’t need that
kind of screw up again. None of them has said anything but I know they saw her.
I will retrieve that video as soon as I get a second with my laptop.

“Still no good picture of her face
sir.” Rollison says. I nod. I’ve already contracted an outside security firm to
install cameras at eye level and on the floor pointing up. They’ll be installed
in the wall base to gaze up at an angle so if she ducks her head, I will still
see. If we could just catch her, I could end this. I still want to know who the
fuck she is and why she is here. I’ve called Doug and he is having his video
emailed to me but there aren’t many cameras in the restaurant. I’m not hopeful
but I will review it just the same.

“I’ve sent all of you the video
from the phone. Run facial recognition on it.”

“I’m working on that. We need a
good shot of her face in the building to press charges.” I nod. I know that. I
just want this done with. I wonder which cop I owe a favor to this time. For
the facial recognition to be usable in court it has to be on the up and up.

The carpentry crew is coming in the
morning to change the entry way to the apartment. I hate that I have to do it
but having Lucinda sit in the open lobby is not as effective as her sitting in
the foyer. That woman could sneak up the elevator shaft. I’m having reinforced walls
put up and a security door installed. Jane will be safe and we will be alone.
It’s going to cost me triple time for a crew of six to have it finished over
the weekend but she’s worth it. My mate is worth it. I want pups and she’s
thinking about them. Anything that I can do to speed that along I will. I don’t
expect her to cave on the year thing but I can hope. I want her to be
comfortable. If I have to adjust a few things to achieve that I will. I need to
get back to her. I thank Rollison and tell him to keep looking then I go back

Jane is curled up in a ball on top
of the comforter. She is probably cold. Jane is weird that way. Most wolves run
hot but she gets cold. It’s just one of the things that endear her to me. I
strip my clothes off quickly and push the comforter down then move her. I climb
in and she instantly cuddles up to me. My dick goes hard. Shit.

She nestles her ass right up
against it and gets comfortable. “Are you awake?” I whisper. Nothing. Damn. I
kiss her neck, temple and the top of her head. “Wake up baby.” I murmur against
her ear. Her breathing changes and she turns her head a little. “I’m sorry.” I
tell her but she doesn’t answer me. “I moved Lucinda to the lobby. We’re alone
like you wanted.”

“Thank you.” She says softly then
wiggles her ass again.

“I’m switching the cameras in the
house to manual. I’ll control them at all times so we don’t have any more
interesting video for the guys.” She cringes. “I’m also having a new entry way
installed first thing tomorrow. The elevator won’t open into the house anymore,
there will be a new door.” She makes a face. “Lucinda is more effective if
she’s blocking the entry. I want to protect you Jane and I want you to feel
safe as well as comfortable.”

“You want foyer sex.” She says and
leans up to kiss me. She’s right, I do want foyer sex.

“Right now I want regular sex.” I
growl into her neck and she giggles. She’s fallen asleep in her robe. I untie
it and open it. She takes my breath away she is so beautiful. I immediately
clasp onto a tightened pink nipple. The cool air has snapped them both to
attention. Jane moans under the ministrations of my mouth. She rolls to her
back and I follow. I trail kisses down her center and bury my tongue in her
core. She cries out and that only brings out the beast in me.

I’m on her in less than a second.
She’s soaking and I thrust into her deeply. God she feels good. No other woman
ever felt this good. Just Jane. She’s wrapping her legs around me. I love it
when she does that. I pound into her. How could she ever think I’d be
interested in Lucinda? She’s not half the woman that Jane is. She’s tightening
around me. It feels incredible when she wraps her heat around me and clenches
down. She’s trying to keep me inside but I power through it and it’s even
better. She cries my name, she’s coming. I want to come at the same time and my
balls tighten ready to burst. I feel her shudder under me and that feeling
shoots straight down my spine until my balls spill their load into her.

We stay that way for a while. Her panting
and throbbing, me heaving hot breath into the crook of her neck. She’s still
wrapped around me so I don’t move. Whatever she needs, she gets. She finally releases
me and her muscles relax. I roll off and pull her close. I’ll hold her for as
long as she lets me. The carpenters will be here in two hours. Rollison will
let them in and stay with them. I let sleep claim me. It’s been a long damn


I feel her stir next to me but I
don’t open my eyes. I wonder what time it is because it seems like I just laid
down. She moves again and gets up. I open my eyes. Jane is putting her robe on.
“What are you doing?” I ask.

“I heard a noise.”

“It’s the carpenters, lay back down.”
She gives me that quizzical look. “I told you that they were putting a door in
this morning so the elevator is on the other side of a security door.”

“On Saturday?” She says it like she
doubts me. I grin and nod then pat the bed. She crosses her arms over her
chest. Uh-oh. “You hired carpenters to put in a door on a Saturday just so
Lucinda can sit in the foyer?” I nod again. I’m not sure if she’s mad or not
it’s hard to say. “You waste a lot of money Jake.” She’s scolding me. I grin.

“I make a lot of money so…”

“I don’t care. You waste money.
That was unnecessary just like ripping my underwear was unnecessary.”
Underwear? What the…oh, last night.

“I will replace them.”

“Jake.” She huffs. “That’s not the
point. The point is you waste money and you shouldn’t. You don’t know how long
you are going to make this kind of money. What I know is that pups are a
lifelong responsibility.” I can’t help but grin again. I love it when she talks
about our future. “What?”

“Nothing.” I shake my head. She
puts her hands on the robe’s tie.

“Tell me.” She says and pulls it
just a fraction. I’m eager for it to come undone. My dick’s hard again with
that small fraction of untying she did. I wonder if it will always do that. I
think it will. She’s magnificent naked.

“You said pups again.”


“Yes again. That’s the second time
in two days. I’m anxious to put them inside you.” She bites her lip. Shit. If
she knew what that did to me. “I’ll wait of course but every time you say it, I
hope.” She pulls the tie the rest of the way and takes the robe off. I inhale
trying to relax because I am suddenly on edge.

She’s crawling toward me. Her
breasts are swinging with the movement. I reach to cup one in my hand. I love
the weight of them. They will nourish my pups soon. She eases down beside me.
“Jake, I know that you want them but…” I know where this is going and I stop
her with a kiss.

“Shh. I know you aren’t ready. I’ll
wait. I’ll wait for as long as you need.” I kiss her forehead and she relaxes.
“I’ll do anything that you need.” I kiss her nose and she closes her eyes.
“You’re mine Jane. I will take care of your every need. Promise.” I kiss her
mouth again. The banging starts down the hall and she flinches. Shit. She
squeezes her eyes closed. “Let’s shower and go out for breakfast.” I say. I
know she won’t be comfortable or receptive if she can hear them. There are
people in the house and who can concentrate with all of that noise. I’ll take
her to breakfast then show her around her new office. No one is there today.

“How should I dress?” She asks.

“Nothing fancy.” She nods and I
follow her to the shower. When she leans over to turn the shower on I want to
shove inside her again. I don’t know if she’ll always be ready for sex without
foreplay but right now at the beginning of our mating, she is. It’s good
because I cannot control my dick for the first time since I was thirteen.

 She steps inside and I follow. I
push her up against the wall and she hisses. It’s cold. I turn the shower head
to spray the wall behind her and she relaxes. You can’t hear the banging in
here with the water blasting us from three sides. I turn her around and skim my
teeth over her wet skin. She trembles and I get harder. My cock is resting
against the cleft of her sumptuous ass. I palm one cheek and she tries to move
away. Jane is self-conscious about her size.

She’s not a big girl, not really.
She’s average height for a wolf but she isn’t covered in muscles like most of
them. Jane feels like a woman should under me. She doesn’t feel as though I am
wrestling with a man. I squeeze and she hisses. I slap her bottom when she
tries to wriggle free. “This is mine.” I growl in her ear. I squeeze again and
bite her shoulder. She whimpers. I love that sound. I reach around and cup her
mound, let my fingers sink inside her wet flesh. She’s getting weak in the
knees. Good. I push up inside of her heat. A moan escapes me. God she feels so
good. Hot and wet. I cup one of her breasts and pinch her nipple.

“Please.” She cries.

“Don’t worry baby, I’ll take care
of you.” I pull her ass away from the wall so she’s bent. It gives me better
access and I pound into her. Jane detonates. I’ve never heard her cry out so
loud and I’m almost afraid that I’ve hurt her until she screams my name. Her
core wraps around me hard and strangles me. My balls burst and spill their load
into her. I bathe her womb with my seed. If she was human she would already be
carrying my child. Jane isn’t in heat though, not yet.

For a she-wolf it only happens once
a year. It’s usually spring. She’ll carry my pups for nine or ten months. It’s
fall now, so I have five months at most to convince her or I’ll have to wait
another year. She’ll be in a frenzy when it does. I won’t let her get the shot
the doc would usually give her. Even in the frenzy though if she doesn’t want
them she will push me away. I need to convince her.

Wolves have adapted and evolved
over the centuries. Our females are drugged to combat the heat when they are
unmated. Drugged and locked away. Not having it.  Mated wolves work together to
satisfy without the shot especially if they already have pups. Those shots are
awful. She would be out cold for four days and I will be a walking hard on. I
could wear a condom and hope it worked or I could satisfy her with toys and my
mouth. I would rather fill her with my offspring. Technically, if she goes into
heat on time, the pup wouldn’t come until after the year mark anyway. All I
have to do is convince Jane.

“Jake?” She’s standing with her
back to me and my arms are wrapped around her. I’ve spaced out dreaming about
pups again. I kiss her shoulder and slide out of her then grab the shampoo.

“Wet your hair sweetheart.” I pour
some into my palm and wash her hair. She’s relaxed. She likes me massaging her
scalp. I let her rinse then pour shower gel into my palm and wash her body. I’m
easy on all of the places I have abused in the last twenty-four hours. I want
to take her again but we need to eat. I feel hollow. I grab the shampoo again
and scrub my own hair. She looks disappointed but if I let her put her hands on
me, I will fuck her again. “Get out and dry off babe, I’ll finish up in here.”
Her face falls so I’m bluntly honest. “Jane if you touch me we are never
getting out of this shower. We both need to eat. Go get ready. You take longer
than I do.”

She feels better about it and I
lean over to kiss her chastely. “Go on.” I growl and she giggles then steps
out. I finish up and turn the water off. The carpenters are still hard at work.
That banging is annoying. I dry off and brush my teeth then hair. Jane has
already left the bathroom. I saw her pull her hair up in a ponytail after she
brushed her teeth. She’s never been much on makeup, no more than lip balm
anyway. She doesn’t need it. She’s beautiful without it. I think she wore it at
the funeral because she thought she was supposed to.

I follow and do the same minus the
pony tail. She’s getting dressed in her closet when I come around the corner. I
lean in the doorway and watch her hop around on one foot to put her sock on.
There’s a perfectly good chair but she doesn’t use it. I shake my head. She
pulls it on and stands. Jane is a magnificent sight in her bra, panties and
socks. I could take her in that chair. I bite the inside of my cheek. The wolf
is pushing hard. He’s a real bastard lately. All he wants to do is fill her and
fuck her. I’ve got to tame him or we’re going to have huge problems.

I head up the hall to my office and
leave the door open so she can find me. I log in and retrieve the video of Jane
in my office dropping her dress. It hasn’t been copied as far as I can tell
from the code. I remove the two minutes and save it to my private drive. You
can’t see much of her from where she’s standing. Only her back and her bra
straps. I decide to show it to her. When I look up she’s coming in the door in
her jeans and another tee shirt that belongs in the trash. “I’m ready.” She

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