Her Billionaire Werewolf Stepbrother (5 page)

He’s right. He should be marked
already. I push at him and he lets me roll him onto his back. He’s grinning.
“Are you going to have your way with me Jane?” I smile and straddle him. “Oh
Jane you nasty girl.” I freeze, unsure. “Don’t stop.” He slaps my thigh. He
should know by now, I don’t like being teased. Jake sits up and glares into my
eyes. “Get out of your head Jane.” He pushes my hips back until I’m straddling
his lap then he surges up into me. I groan.

That was unexpected. It’s bigger
this way and I have to take a breath. She’s pushing me and she’s relentless.
She wants him. She wants to ensure that he is ours, only ours. I have to find
my center and calm or she’ll take over. I’ve never had this much trouble with
her before.  “Your wolf?” He asks and I nod still concentrating. “Just do it
Jane, don’t wait for the orgasm, and just claim me.” I shake my head and I feel
his panic.

“I want the climax.” He calms.

“You’ll get one.” I open my eyes
and he’s got that sexy smile on. “Promise. Just do it so we can move on.” I
feel my fangs elongate. She agrees with him that traitorous bitch. It’s three
against one, I’m out numbered and out gunned here. She’s pushing me toward him.
I wish she’d go back to where she normally stays. “Jane? Please.” He says when
I gaze into his eyes. Those beautiful eyes. I want my children to have those
eyes. He tilts his head sideways and closes them. His throat is exposed and I’m
not sure I like having that much power. When a wolf shows throat, they are
submitting. Is Jake submitting to me? I don’t want that, I don’t ever want to
be that responsible. I feel his hand at the center of my back pulling me in. My
mouth waters and my fangs drop down preparing for the strike. “Jane.” He begs
and I can’t control it any longer.

My mouth descends on the big muscle
that connects his neck to his shoulder and I bite him. I feel a wave of
pleasure shoot through me, it’s a mini orgasm. He groans and I remember to let
go of him. I’m sure that it hurts. I lick my bite. It’s a nasty one. I wish I’d
had better control because anyone that sees this will believe I am a monster.
It’s a vicious bite. I finish tending it and rest my head on his shoulder. I
feel terrible about this. I keep looking at it hoping it will look smaller and
less traumatic. It doesn’t. He’s going to hate the sight of it, of me. I feel
the tears start to gather and I can’t stifle a sniffle. Jake looks down at me.
“What’s wrong?” He asks. I point to it. “Are you sorry?” I nod. He stares at me
for a moment. I see the emotions churning there. “You’re sorry we’re mates?” It
almost doesn’t sound like a question.

“I’m sorry I left such an ugly
mark.” I whisper and he laughs. “What?”

“I can’t wait to see it.” Jake gets
up with me still in his arms and walks to the bathroom. I want to get down but
he has his hands cupped around my bottom. The bright cold lights come on. This
is embarrassing. He is going to see how big and ugly my naked butt is when he
gets to the mirror. I struggle to free myself. “Stop it.” He commands and slaps
my bottom sharply. “I like being connected to you.” He moves inside of me. I
tighten my legs around him. I liked that too. He grins and stretches his neck
to see the wound that I left.

“Cool.” He smiles at himself in the
mirror. “Remind me to never piss your wolf off.” I sigh. “That’s beautiful
Jane. Good job. No she-wolf will ever look at me again. They’ll be too afraid.”
Great. My mark will frighten the entire wolf population. Awesome sauce. “I like
it. I wish everyone could see it. It’s too bad the humans can’t see it or know
what it means. You could get me some serious points in the board room.” He
flips the light switch and the bathroom goes dark.

“I’m going to fuck you really hard
now Jane. Are you up for that?” Am I? Yes. I think we both need that.
Hopefully, I’ll pass out and stay out. It will end this day and perhaps tomorrow
will be less dramatic.

He drags me up the bed to the
center and thrusts into me. It feels good. All of my muscles are clenching,
working, stretching and tightening, inside and out. My nails dig into his
shoulders. We’re in the missionary position again. It feels good but I want him
to take me from behind. Laurie Tickle said ‘they can get deeper that way and
play with your tits’. She knew I was a virgin and loved to brag about her conquests.
She once claimed that she could have any man in bed within twenty minutes,
married or not. She was such a slut. I never saw her fail at any man that she
went after. I realize then that Jake has stopped moving. “Boring you?” I bite
my lip. “You really need to get out of your head Jane.” He pulls out and I
nearly cry. Is he rejecting me? I can’t help that my brain never switches off.
Jake flips me over and hauls me up to my knees.

He surges into me. Laurie was
right, it was deeper this way. I cry out and tremble. I feel his hand on my
clit as he thrusts. I push back against him. I know why she-wolves like this
position. I knew that I would too. Everything at my center clenches down hard
and I come. I feel my body shaking all over and heat shoots through me. All of
the pleasure and tension is concentrated at my center then releases at once as
Jake moans loudly behind me. My arms give up and I sink down into the mattress.
He’s still inside me and I give his erection one last hug before I pass out.


The smell of bacon tickles my nose.
Oh God that’s heavenly. I lift my face and inhale then open my eyes. Jake is
sitting beside me with a tray in his lap. He’s only wearing boxer briefs. He
smiles down at me. “I figured this would wake you.” The room is dim but it
feels late. I look over at the window. “I darken them for mornings. I had them
put in for you. We’re on the sunrise side of the building and I know you like
to sleep in. I like the view and didn’t want to block it with blinds all of the

I grab a piece of bacon. “Help
yourself.” He says. Was I not supposed to take that? Maybe it was his
breakfast. It’s limp in my hand but I haven’t eaten it. Should I put it back? I
don’t know what to do. Jake has both equally shared and been selfish with me in
the past and I’m lost here. I swallow hard. “Jane?” I glance up at him. “Eat.”
He sips his juice then offers it to me. I take it and finish it. I climb up to
sit beside him. I’m starved. He refills the glass from a carafe on the tray.
“What would you like to do today?” I shrug. I hear my cell phone tweet like a
bird and Jake leans over to the night table to get it. He tries to hand it to
me. It’s Dad. I shake my head. Jake pushes the talk button.

“How are you Dad?” Jake says. “She’s
fine.” I take some toast and fold it over scrambled egg making a sandwich. Jake
watches me. I can’t help it that I’m hungry. “Right now she is shoveling food
into her mouth like a truck driver.” He grins and I stop. I put it down and
pull the sheet up around my breasts. I’m still naked and now I don’t feel good
about it. Why does he say things like that? He makes me so self-conscious. I
hear him sigh. “Hang on Dad.” Jake hands me the phone. “Say hi so he knows you
are okay.” I swallow the food and the lump in my throat because I am unsure
that I’ll be able to keep the emotion out of my voice.

“Hi Dad.” I squeak.

“Jane are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine.” I clear my

“You don’t sound fine sweetie.” I
hear it in his voice. It’s the Dad voice. The one full of concern and pent up
anger at whatever has upset me. I pull the sheet and I get up from the bed to
walk away from Jake. He’s what’s upset me and if I get some distance maybe I
will be able to control this. “Jane?”

“I’m here Dad. I’m okay.” I say it
softly because I’m uncomfortable with Jake listening. It’s weird. His dad is
asking me if I’m okay instead of being concerned with Jake’s wellbeing.

“Was he gentle with you?” I feel my
face go hot.

“It was fine Dad.” I say as softly
as I can. I know that he can hear me.

“Jane, I know this is probably a
conversation that you would prefer to have had with your mother but…It’s my job
now to take care of you like that. I want to make sure that your mate is
acceptable, my son or not. I want to be sure that you are comfortable and that
you are okay being with him. Do you feel safe, satisfied and happy Jane?”

“Oh Dad.” I feel my skin break out
in nervous blotches. Why is he asking me this now? He knows that Jake is right
here even if he is across the room.

“Oh Dad nothing, answer the
question or I am in the truck and on my way to get you. You don’t have to stay
with him if you don’t want to Jane. You have a bright future. Don’t let him
hold you back and certainly don’t let him keep you from happiness.” He’s loud
now and I pull the phone away from my ear a little.

“Dad, I’m fine, promise.” I don’t
know how else to put him off of this line of questioning.

“Answer the fucking question Jane.”
He’s angry. Shit.

“Fine. Yes I’m safe, satisfied and
happy.” Mostly.

“I hear deception Jane.” I hear him
losing his control. He’s always been short tempered. Jake can be that way
sometimes. I know how to get away from both of them until they cool off.

“Dad…” I turn my back to Jake. I
don’t want him listening to my conversation since it’s about him.

“Walk into another room and close
the door. I’ll wait. Go now.” I glance at Jake. He’s staring and listening.
He’s also pissed and about to go nuclear. I’ve only seen nuclear once and it
wasn’t directed at me, thank God. I leave the bedroom and go down the hall to
another bedroom. It’s plain but lush, it lacks color. Everything is beige. I
wonder if Jake likes this boring color or if the designer does. I close the
door and sit on the end of the bed.

“Okay Dad.” Even I can hear a
difference in my voice.

“Now talk to me.” He says it more
gently than I’ve ever heard him speak. I inhale then exhale in a rush.

“I’m fine. Jake has been very good
to me.” Except the teasing.

“What is it Jane. I’m worried
because I can tell there is more to the story. I’ve known you a long time
remember.” He waits. I roll my eyes. I hate talking about this. It’s a touchy
thing for me.

“He’s Jake Dad. He treats me the
same as he ever did.”

“How so?” He’s in solve the problem

“I’m never sure if I should take
what he says at face value or if there is some hidden message.”

“Give me an example.” Crap.

“Um, earlier I woke up smelling
bacon. He was sitting on the bed with a tray in his lap and I grabbed a piece.
He said help yourself. It’s not the words it’s the tone I think. I wasn’t sure
if he meant it or if…

“Or if he was being sarcastic.” Dad

“Yes. Once I figure that out, we’ll
be fine.”

“How was the sex?” Ew.

“Dad!?” He chuckles again.

“Jane, I asked you if you were
satisfied. Remember?” I make a face. “Are you?”

“Yes.” I mumble it. “That part was
good.” I whisper but I know he can hear me. He’s wolf.

“Good. As for safe, I don’t have to
ask, you were never safer than when you were with Jake. Happy. That’s a choice
you have to make, to be happy or not be happy. Jake is going to tease you Jane,
it’s his nature. Instead of getting upset about it, give it back to him. You
have more power now than ever before. You can train him Jane if recognize that
power.” I don’t want to talk about me and Jake. That’s private. I change the

“Did you clean out her things?” I
ask cautiously.

“No.” It was his turn to whisper.

“Do you want me to help you?” I
volunteer because I do want to help. I want to be there because I think I need
that closure.

“I would love it if you helped me
Jane. I want you to decide what you’d like to keep.”

“Jake has a chair.” I say thinking
out loud.

“It was his mother’s, she sat in it
all the time and he sat in her lap.” I sigh at the thought of a little Jake
sitting with his mom. “I won’t throw anything out until you come home and take
your time. There’s no hurry sweetie.”

“Thanks Dad.”

“Call if you need anything or just
to talk. I miss you.”

“I miss you too Dad.” I push end on
the keypad just as the door bursts open. Jake’s eyes are wild and his chest is
heaving. Why does he look like that? It’s scary. It’s something beyond nuclear
but I think he’s more hurt than angry. He turns and stalks back to the bedroom
without saying a word. I follow. “Jake?”

“Are you leaving?” He whips around
to face me. I shake my head. “Are you sure? You’ve been acting funny, not like
a newly mated she-wolf and then you can’t talk on the phone in front of me? You
also wouldn’t answer the question he asked.

“Jake.” I purse my lips then think
about what I want to say. He’s getting madder. “It’s just that sometimes, I’m
not sure how to take you.” He’s in front of me now. “You’ve always…” I hesitate
and pause. I know it’s driving him crazy but I can’t help it. Sometimes, no all
of the time, Jake just overwhelms me. I need to tell him but I’m afraid of what
may happen. I don’t want him to tip toe around me but I don’t want to be toyed
with either.

“Tell me.” His voice is softening
and he tips my chin up with his finger. “Tell me.” He’s gazing at me with such
wonder that my heart melts.

“You’ve always teased me and I’m
never sure if that’s what you’re doing.” He leans down and kisses me. “I told
Dad that I was all of those things. I’m satisfied and we all know that I’m

“And happy?”

“Happy is harder. Sometimes I’m
happy other times I’m not sure. I don’t like being teased Jake. I’ve never
dealt well with it. You know that.” He nods. “When you say things like she’s
shoveling food in like a truck driver, it makes me not want to ever eat in
front of you again.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset
you. I will try to put a lid on comments like that. It’s a guy thing.” I don’t
understand. “When I said that to dad, I was trying to let him know that I made
you hungry.” I’m still confused. “That I gave you plenty of exercise.” Oh. I
roll my eyes. He kisses my forehead. “Breakfast is cold.” I shrug. I couldn’t
eat now if I wanted to, my insides are still in turmoil. I really need to
relax, I need to run. I don’t do it that often but with Mom, the mating, and
Dad’s questions. God help me. I need to let her out.

“Can we run today?” He nods. “Like

“Get dressed.” He turns and goes to
a set of doors and opens them. It’s a closet full of clothes, his clothes. They
are hanging on an upper and lower rack. There’s a tall set of drawers that goes
all the way up to the upper rack. As far as closets go, it’s pretty amazing.
Mine is more so because mine is a whole room. I go to my closet that I’d
wandered into last night. It’s still breathtaking.

This is the most amazing room on
Earth. I look at all of the clothes and know that I will never wear them all. I
don’t know where to begin because they are all so new. All I need is a pair of
sweats and a tee shirt. Jake said that his assistant couldn’t go to the office
in the clothes that I normally wear but today I am just me. I open one of the
drawers. It’s full of designer panties. I pull a pair out and consider them.
They are a deep purple and made of silk. I usually go for a five pack of white
cotton but these are interesting. They are slick to the touch and there’s lace
around the waist band.

I drop them back in the drawer. The
next drawer is full of matching bras. Of course it is. Jake likes lingerie. One
of my eyebrows creeps up. I close that drawer. The next is empty and so is the
next. Okay so no play clothes. This woman was obviously not the expert she
thought. I wonder where my things are. I go to another set of drawers on the
opposite side of the room. I open the top one. Thank God something familiar. My
tee shirts are folded neatly and lined up like soldiers. I grab one with an ad
for a pizza place at home and move to the next drawer. My sweats and socks, in
the next my bras and panties. I breathe a sigh of relief. My whole room fit
into these two drawers. I spot my jeans hanging nearby. This closet is just a
bit much for only me. Why did anyone think that this many clothes was
necessary? I pull on a pair of white cotton panties, my socks and then I feel
him behind me. “Are you ready?” His fingers rest warmly on my hip.

“Almost.” I fasten my bra and pull
the pizza shirt over my head. Jake makes a face. “What?” He shakes his head and
holds out his hand. I take it and follow but then stop and grab my tennis shoes
by the door. I’m glad they made it too. Jake waits while I slip them on. “So
where is this property?”

“It will take us about twenty
minutes to get there. I can’t wait to show you.” He smiled at me and took me to
an elevator that I hadn’t noticed until now. This is our private elevator. It
will stop on any floor you like but can only be accessed by this code. He
pressed the buttons and I noticed that it was my birthday.

“My birthday?” Jake winked at me.

“The code will also make the main
elevators of the building give you an express trip to whatever floor you want
but don’t use it unless you’re alone. The others will try to get it.”

“The others?” The other what?

“People in the building.” I nod.
The doors are opening and Jake steps inside. I follow. It’s bigger than I
expected and all shiny metal. I can see our fuzzy reflections in the wall. “The
elevator is surveilled.” He points up to the ceiling and I see a small red
blinking light. Jake pushes the ‘G’. “The ‘G’ goes to the garage, not the
ground. Ground floor and the front of the building are ‘L’ Lobby.” I nod. I can
remember that. I look at the list of floors.

We’re pretty high up but it drops
fast. Jake leans down and kisses me. I whimper when his tongue moves over mine.
“I’m glad you’re here Jane.” He says against my mouth when the kiss ends. “I’m
sorry I overreacted this morning. I’ve wanted this for a long time and just the
thought of you not wanting the same was more than I could deal with.” I nod. “I
need to know that you are content here.”

“I am, but be patient. This is all
new to me, being without Mom, being with you, this…” I throw my hands up
gesturing all around me. He nods. The elevator slows and dings. The doors open
and there are cars lined up against the wall.

“These are mine, my section of the
garage. You can drive whatever you like. The keys are here.” He points to a
metal cabinet and presses my birth date into the key pad. It opens to a dozen
hooks full of keys. “What shall we take today?” I turn and look at the rainbow
of colors. I like the big Jeep with the knobby tires. I gaze it with what
probably looked like lust. He grunts and grabs a set of keys then pushes the
button on the fob. The Jeep lights blink. “Do you want to drive it?” I shake my
head. It’s unfamiliar territory and an unfamiliar vehicle. I’ll let him drive
but I do want to take it out sometime.

I climb into the passenger seat and
check out the controls on the dash as Jake buckles in. He looks at me with his
eyebrows raised. What? He reaches across me and pulls my belt across me then
snaps it in place. Oh. He shifts it into drive and pulls out of the garage.
It’s full. “Should you be at work today?” This building is full. He nods. “Then
what are we doing?”

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