Read Her Gentle Giant: No Regrets Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General

Her Gentle Giant: No Regrets (22 page)

“Come for me, Rachel. Oh, yes, yes! You’re so tight and hot.”

His hand left her hip and returned the little silver egg to her clit. Three seconds later, she let loose with an earsplitting howl he was certain that Kelly would hear even with the bedroom door closed on the other side of the duplex.

Her hips thrust back against him as her pussy clamped down on his cock and squeezed him like a fist, taking him along with her. His head fell back as a shivering tingle radiated hotly down his spine. He shouted his release as it poured from him. Her breath came in ragged sobs as she collapsed under him.

Still inside her, he kissed her back and her shoulders. He pulled the tie on the blindfold loose, smoothed her hair back from her face and listened as her breathing gradually returned to normal. She remained motionless.

“Damn, baby. Are you all right?” he asked, concerned for her.

“Yes, I can’t move. I think I’m dead.”

He pulled out slowly and helped her crawl up to her pillow to lie down.

He removed the towel from the sheet and covered her with the turned-down sheet and blanket. He left the plug in place for now and gathered everything else in the other towel to wash and put away. He sat down on the edge of the bed facing her, and she drowsily opened her eyes and gazed up at him from deep pools of blissful blue. He smiled tenderly and stroked her cheek.

“Go to sleep, baby. I’m going to wash all of this and put it away, and then I’ll lay down with you. Do you feel all right with the plug in place, or should I remove it?”

“How long should I wear it each day?”

“Only for an hour, maybe two. We’ll remove it before we go eat.”

“I can handle that. Hurry back,” she murmured sleepily.

He sat there, watching her for a moment as she fell asleep. Her cheeks were rosy from her orgasmic blush, and he marveled at her stamina. He stroked a lock of her hair, which was spread out in wild disarray on his pillows. He couldn’t wait to come back to bed and rest his cheek on the silken strands and breathe her scent in as he drifted off for a nap.




Chapter Twenty-one

The scent of jasmine evoked memories of their play earlier that afternoon as Rachel pulled back the covers on Eli’s bed. The scent rose in the air, and Rachel smiled, not surprised by the warm thrill that raced through her body. Knowing she had work to do out in the garage, she’d decided to stay home that night and thanked Eli for the invitation, and he’d understood completely.

The main hurdle for the evening was the one she’d dreaded a little.

She walked out into the garage and opened the automatic door. The enclosed space reeked of smoke. What was left of her old life filled a stack of boxes the size of a small car. Having laid Matthew down for the night, Kelly followed her out into the garage.

“Want some company?”

“Sure.” Rachel could have put this off for a few days, but she felt driven to put the whole experience with the fire behind her as quickly as possible. It was late, but she’d had a nap earlier and didn’t feel sleepy.

Rachel noticed that Kelly had a roll of paper towels and a bottle of spray cleanser and a three-gallon bucket full of sudsy water. “If you find any clothes worth saving, they can soak overnight in this.”

“Thank you,” she said quietly as she lifted the lid on her cedar chest.

Lifting the tissue-wrapped tablecloth and christening dress and several other similarly wrapped bundles from the chest, she handed them all to Kelly, who took them inside the duplex for safekeeping. She re-covered the cedar chest with the old blanket to protect it and carefully moved it out of the way.

Pulling the Dumpster over to the stack of boxes, she opened the first box. The sharp, acrid odor hit her in the face and transported her back to the moment when she realized she had to grab what she could and run.

She grimaced and said, “Would you mind getting that box of trash bags from the kitchen, Kelly?”


“Sure.” Kelly hopped up and returned quickly with them.

Rachel looked in the box that was full of her clothing, now coated in a layer of smoky soot. Kelly opened a trash bag and held it while Rachel made quick work of sorting the contents of the box into the trash bag or into the bucket of hot, soapy water. She sorted all the boxes of clothing first, most of which went into the Dumpster, she noted with a disgusted sigh.

Rachel removed photographs from frames and tossed the grimy, soot-smeared frames in the trash. The knickknacks and collectibles that were cleanable Kelly worked on with the paper towels and spray. Kelly handled each item with care, taking them inside to wash in a sink of soapy warm water after removing most of the soot out in the garage. The last thing Rachel needed was for her new home to begin to smell like smoke, and so she was choosy with what she attempted to salvage.

It was eleven when she stopped for the evening. Kelly said goodnight and took Matthew back to her place to get some sleep. She’d be leaving in the morning to return to Abilene. Rachel hugged her and thanked her for all the help, glad for this chance to have gotten to know a member of Eli’s family. Rachel took her shower then smoothed on a little of the jasmine-scented lotion Eli had purchased for her.


* * * *


“Thanks, Ethan. I appreciate your advice,” Eli said as they left Ethan’s office at The Dancing Pony. It was after closing time, and the evening had been slow, which gave Eli the opportunity to talk to Ethan privately. He’d broached the subject of Rachel’s earlier statement as delicately as he could, knowing that Ethan would not want it widely known that he knew much about the topic of erotic spanking.

“I hope that helps, Eli. Remember, if you put her needs first, you’re both going to be satisfied with the outcome. Take small steps and let her responses be your guide. It’s very considerate of you to look into this for her,” Ethan said, dropping his keys in his pocket.

“I felt awkward asking you because I didn’t want to take a chance on offending you.” Eli looked him in the eye as Ethan stopped and turned to him in the dimly lit hallway.



Ethan grinned and shook his head, reassuring Eli. “I know. Grace and Rachel are close. If Gracie feels all right talking to her about it, then I should feel equally comfortable talking with you about it. My door is always open.

I appreciate your discretion, though. You heading home?” he asked.

“When all the ladies are in their cars safely, yeah. I’ll be headed home.

Kelly is going back to Abilene tomorrow.”

“Wish I could have met her. Maybe next time. Has Rachel been staying with you?” Ethan asked.


“How’s that working out?”

Eli couldn’t fight the sappy grin that spread on his face. “It’s been great having her there, but she’ll be over at her place after tonight. Kelly’s been staying there the last few nights.”

“Rachel’s independent.”

“That she is. I came home today to find she had landscaped and was working on my lawnmower.”

Ethan chuckled. “Sounds about right. She’s independent in a good way, which comes from being on her own for a few years. So you like having her over there?”

“It’s like coming home, where before it was just a place I rented.” Eli imagined Rachel asleep at that moment, soft and warm in his bed. The caveman in him growled softly.

“Word of advice?” Ethan asked. At receptive Eli’s nod, he continued.

“Give her whatever space she needs, but let her know you want her with you. If she’s anything like Grace, don’t expect a permanent arrangement unless you plan to make it official.”

“Gotcha, boss. I’m already on it.” Eli grinned broadly.


* * * *


Eli didn’t just inhabit her dreams, now he tucked himself in behind her and pulled her against his warm, muscular chest as if she were weightless.

Rachel shifted and turned to him, opened her legs, and wrapped her thigh and calf around his hip. She was already warm and wet from her dream as she snuggled deeper into him. She rubbed her nose and cheek against his

pectoral muscles. Smiling contentedly, she slid her hand over his forearm and biceps. Her thigh slid over his hip, and when it registered in her mind that it was bare, she pressed her hips to his and felt the heat of his erection.

He hissed softly as she did that, and his big, warm hand slid down the curve of her back over her derriere and pressed her to him with a yearning groan.

“Hi.” She’d been mute up until that point because no words had been necessary between them.

“Were you having sweet dreams?” His thick fingers gently caressed her pussy and found her slick and hot. He dipped a finger into her wet opening, and her desire flared at his deep groan.

“I was dreaming of you.” Her hand slid down his abdomen slowly, seeking and finding his stiffened cock. His breathing was ragged as she stroked his length within her soft grasp.

“Angel, are you sore from our earlier play?”

“My ass is still tingling a little from the plug, but the rest of me is fine. I want to make love to you, Eli.” She sat up on her haunches. She leaned to him and kissed him, moving over his hips and straddling him. Languidly, she lay atop him, caught up in their unhurried kiss.

His large hands slid soothingly over her back as he pulled the sheet and blanket up over her legs and hips. She sat up, and her damp pussy pressed against his hardened length, getting him wet with her juices. His eyes closed in pleasure, and he moaned at the sensation. She slid down his length then back up again, delighting in the panting sounds he made.

“Does it feel good?”

“I want inside you. As good as this feels, I want to slide all the way into you and feel you all around me. I want all of you, angel. Let me help you.”

She rose over him, and he lifted her as though she were weightless. He positioned her with his cock at her entrance but, once again, let her control the slide. They both moaned aloud as the blunt tip of his cock slid into her slick, wet entrance. She loved the feel of him as he breached those tight muscles beyond her lips, stretching her deliciously. She looked down and gasped in renewed awe at the sight of his huge cock sliding slowly into her slippery cunt.

“Beautiful.” He lifted her slightly, so they could both see the honey that now coated his cock and flowed so freely from her for him. “I love to watch


my cock fill your pussy, Rachel. I love seeing your cream covering it even more.”

“Me, too,” she whimpered quietly as he gained more ground then slid almost all the way out.

“Does it bother you at all that I call this beautiful part of you that?”

“I thought it might, but it doesn’t, Eli. When you say it, it’s not derogatory, like you’re making fun of me. It sounds…”

“Reverent and respectful, Rachel. That’s how I feel, when you allow me to share this part of you. I feel humble that you allow me inside you.”

She slid down more of his length before she rose up again, leaving only the head inside her. “My gentle giant, Eli. I love being with you. When we make love, I feel like I belong to you. Like I am,” she shuddered as she slid all the way to the hilt, “
. Claimed. Marked. Loved.” Punctuating each word with a gentle downward twist of her hips, Rachel reveled in the glow that seemed to come from his light gray eyes as she said these things to him.

“Does that make you happy?”

“You have no idea how much.” He growled as he gently grasped her hips and thrust inside her. “I want you to feel claimed, to
you are mine. I want to take care of you, love you, and protect you.”

She moaned softly in pleasure as she clasped her hands with his. “I feel safe when I am with you. I love that feeling.” She glided back up almost off his cock and looked down between their bodies. “But I also feel a little wild and uninhibited with you because I trust you not to judge me.”

“I think you’re incredible.”

The only thing she felt incredible about right now was the turn her life had taken in the last few days. He slid his feet up and raised his knees until she slid all the way onto his cock and leaned forward over him, bracing herself on his chest as he rose up from the bed.

Damn, he is strong!

In a quick maneuver, without breaking the connection, she found herself on her back.

She raised her knees as he looped his forearms under her thighs and spread her legs wide so he could see every inch of her as he slowly pistoned into her depths. Each time he entered her, she felt it all the way to her toes as he dragged over that sweet spot inside of her. Taking her ankles, he placed one at each of his shoulders, freeing his hands to roam over her heated body.


He squeezed her ass cheeks before sliding his hands up to her breasts as they swayed slowly with his movements.


“Hmm, baby?”

He reached down and wet his finger in her juices and rubbed over her clit, making her crying out and buck in pleasure. In her current position, he was in control of how much she could move.

“Take me so I know I’m yours.
me I’m yours.”

He pulled out carefully, left the bed, and went to the closet. He opened the door and carefully positioned it then returned to the bed where he sat on the edge and reached for her. She began to climb into his lap facing him, but he faced her away from him and pulled her back onto his lap, impaling her on his long, thick cock. She gasped at the different sensation as he entered her from the different angle, and then he did something that she didn’t expect.

After she was seated on his lap, his cock buried to the hilt inside her, he slid his hands to her knees and parted them. He laid her thighs open over his, and her calves draped on the outside of his calves. She perched there, feeling tiny, in stunned silence at the unspeakable eroticism of the pose she found herself currently in. He spread his knees, splaying her open even wider. She softly wailed at the wild sensuality of the moment, and the desire to move was driving her crazy, but she couldn’t get any leverage. She would need his help for that, but he sat still and quiet.

“Look.” He pointed at the mirror on the inside of the closet door.

Oh, Lord have mercy

She was splayed so that they could both see. A fresh rush of moisture came to her burning pussy, and he growled deeply in his chest. He slid his big, warm hands down her calves and lifted her ankles until her feet were flat against the side of the mattress. He slid his hands down to her shins and cupped them gently to support her and give her leverage of a sort. He kissed her temple as she watched in the mirror, and she turned her head to kiss his warm, full lips and stroke his chin.

“Do you want to ride me, or do you want me to help you?”

“Hold me tight, okay?” she asked unsure of herself. This was new.



He squeezed her shins gently and encouraged her. “I’ve got you. Push against the mattress and lift at the same time. I’ll hold you steady. Look in the mirror.”

Rachel looked in the mirror and moaned at the image of the two of them locked together like this. She could clearly see the hilt of his cock pressed inside her, her swollen pussy lips glistening and stretched around him. Yes, she felt completely taken and marked.

All his

He held her shins with her feet stable against the bed and balanced over his thighs, and she began a slow rise and fall motion over him, gripping his forearms, her shoulders against his chest, watching the entire time. Oh, it felt good, and watching like this made it even more exciting. His cock glistened when she lifted over it, and she could see her juices smeared all over the length of his shaft as she rose over him and glided back down.

As she found her balance, her hands slid to her breasts, and she played with her nipples, dragging on them with her fingertips, pinching them. As she was swept away by the rhythm, she slid her hands into her hair, rising in an arch and falling over and over. She watched the way his face showed his pleasure, his cheeks darkening and his features becoming so tense and focused. His hair was a black pool behind him on the bed as he tilted his head back slightly.

She realized the sound she heard was her moaning loudly. The muscles in her pelvis had begun to tingle and jump, a certain sign of an impending orgasm. She looked in his eyes, and he smiled at her.

“I feel it, baby. Touch yourself for me. Yes, that’s right, baby. If harder and faster is what you want, do it. I’ve got you.”

“Yes! Oh, Eli! Look at us!” She whimpered as she slid her middle fingers through her slit, focusing on that spot alongside her clit that loved stimulation. She slid her clit between two fingers and pinched slightly, her breathing nothing more than high pitched panting.

“Are you mine?” he asked in a soft guttural voice.

“Yes!” she sobbed loudly.

“Do you see that you are mine?”


“See how perfectly we fit together?”


“Yes!” she wailed. Her orgasm began to pulse through her. Her mind screamed again,

, Rachel.
! Oh, god! Mine!
!” He roared as his orgasm was brought on by hers. She rode each pulse, milking his cock as it twitched and pulsed inside her.

“Yes, Eli. I am
. I am
,” she whimpered softly. As he reached forward, his fingers slid in over hers and gently rubbed alongside the bundle of sensitive nerve endings. Her head fell back to his chest as her feet now dangled outside of his, her legs quivering as he held them open with his own. She whimpered when she realized he wouldn’t be content until she’d come again for him.

His other hand settled around her waist and pressed her back to his chest and abdomen, giving him control of her body. He slid his hand up to her breast and tweaked the nipple as he gently rolled her clit between his fingers. With his cock planted deep inside her, she undulated against him, reaching up to hold on to him from behind. He began to rub over her lips and strum her clit at the same time. Feeling very wanton, Rachel arched her back and began to pump on him in sinuous, smooth strokes. She locked her gaze with his in the mirror and came undone again as he held her tightly to him.

“Yes, angel. Yes. I love listening to you come. You’re so beautiful when you lose yourself like that. You’ve got me hard again.” He lifted her off his cock with a groan, and she allowed him to position her on the bed on her hands and knees.

“Oh, angel, I love your pussy so much.” He shoved his cock home again. She moaned as she raised her ass to him.

“Do it, honey. Give it to me good and hard.” Rachel answered his thrust with one of her own. The sound of flesh smacking flesh was loud in the room as he pounded into her. She turned her head and gaped at the sight of him fucking her with his huge cock from behind in the mirror.

It was the perfect viewpoint from the side. She could see his cock ram into her, smeared with her cum and his, pistoning perfectly into her feverish, swollen pussy. Her muscles clamped down on him, and he reached forward and flicked her clit hard. She groaned rapturously and came again.

He growled deeply in his chest, and a shiver and a thrill shot up her spine at the animalistic sound. Eli suddenly stilled and snarled. She felt his


cock pulsing as his seed jetted from his cock, bathing her pussy yet again.

Wrapping both arms around her torso, he gently pulled her upright against his chest. His cock still pulsed deep inside her as Rachel placed a hand over his forearm across her hips. She slid her other hand into his hair behind her as he wrapped the other arm under her breasts. Floating with only his solid form to keep her from drifting away, she turned her head and met his gaze in the mirror as they looked at the reflection of their joined bodies. Her thighs were splayed wide on either side of his, on her knees before him, her body languorously draped against his torso.

“Beautiful.” He kissed her temple.

“Yes. Beautiful.”


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