Read Her Guardian Angel 4-Her Angel Series Online

Authors: Felicity Heaton

Tags: #Angels

Her Guardian Angel 4-Her Angel Series (18 page)

explains why you didn’t want to drink the wine. And you’re really
an angel?” Her eyes searched his.


glanced away and a sense of sorrow flowed through him. He frowned
and ducked to one side, trying to see her face so he could
understand the sudden change in her emotions. Her gaze met his and
the edge of hurt in it compelled him to comfort her even though he
wasn’t sure what was wrong.

“What is
it?” he whispered, his brow furrowing as he waited for her to

said that you aren’t omniscient… or some fancy word… that you
couldn’t have stopped my mother from dying… I wished that you could

He did
too. Watching her grieve had been one of the most difficult trials
he had ever endured.

“I wish I
could have been there for you.” He let the confession slip out
quietly, unsure of whether it would only hurt her further to know
that he had seen her suffering and had done nothing about

rested her head on his shoulder and sighed, her breath skittering
over his collarbones. Marcus closed his eyes, leaned his cheek
against her forehead, and held her close to him, comforting her in
the way he had wanted to then. Waves lapped against them, rocking
them back and forth. It had been a long time since he had felt such

“I could
sleep here, like this. It’s so hard to sleep these days.” Her words
were a bare whisper and she sagged against him.

remembered the couch in her apartment and the blanket. “You haven’t
been sleeping well?”

She shook
her head. “Not since that break in.”

frowned. He hadn’t thought to piece the two together. Her mother
had died during a break in and one had occurred in the apartment
building they shared. It had frightened her and he hadn’t noticed
it. That was why her ex had shaken her up by trying to bang her
door down. She had feared him breaking in and hurting

wrapped his arms tighter around her and pressed her close to him,
enveloping her slender form in his protective embrace. Desire to
call his wings out and wrap those around her too, to cocoon her
completely, ran deep in his veins but he held them at

“I will
never let anything happen to you, Amelia. I promised you that and I
mean to keep my word.” The hardness in his voice surprised him as
much as the intensity of the emotions that beat in his heart at the
thought of her coming under attack and being afraid.

pressed a kiss to her forehead, rested his lips there for a few
heartbeats of time, and then drew back. Amelia emerged from his
embrace, her eyes sparkling with tears. He kissed away the ones
that had fallen onto her cheeks. She raised her head into his
kisses, until their lips were a hair’s breadth apart.

really are an angel.” Her lips brushed his as she spoke, stirring
his passion.

When she
went to speak again, he swooped on her lips, silencing her. Her
words became a quiet moan that sent a shiver through him and he
held her closer, one hand supporting her backside and the other
splayed between her shoulder blades.

He didn’t
want to talk anymore.

He wanted
to show her without words how she made him feel, how much he craved
her taste and her touch, and that he needed her. He hadn’t promised
to keep her safe and protect her because he was an angel. He had
made that vow because he was a man, and he cared about

ran his tongue along the seam of her mouth and she opened to him,
her tongue coming out to play with his and tease it inside. He
slanted his head and claimed her mouth, plundering it with his
tongue and drawing another heated groan from her. She shifted
against him, pressing closer until her warm body was flush against
his, driving him mad with the need to caress every inch of her, to
taste her and seek out her sensitive spots with his lips. The water
lapped at his waist, knocking against him, and he turned with her
and carried her back to the beach.

moment he was clear of the water, he laid her down on the hard sand
and covered her body with his. The heat of her overwhelmed him,
pushing his desire to new heights, and he moaned into her mouth as
she scored her nails over his scalp and then tangled her fingers in
his hair, anchoring him to her. He wasn’t going

She tore
a groan from his throat when she raised her hips into his, rubbing
her warm flesh against his hard length, and he ground against her,
desperate for more. Nerves surfaced, whispered doubts at the back
of his mind, and he pushed them away. He would let things progress
naturally. He would make love to her and bring her

He kissed
a path along her jaw, so hungry to taste her that he nipped
occasionally with his blunt teeth. Each playful bite drew a deep
moan from Amelia that set his blood burning hotter and hotter,
until he couldn’t stop himself from biting her shoulder, sinking
his teeth into her soft pale skin, ravenous for her. She groaned
and giggled, and he released her, panting hard when she raked her
short nails down his back. The blaze that followed their trail made
him shudder and moan, bucking his hips against hers.

Her legs
tangled with his, her feet sliding up his calves, driving awareness
of their position through him. His hips nestled between her thighs,
her body burning against his where they met and pressed together.
Or was that his body on fire? He thrust forwards, rubbing his
aching length, desperate to feel her beneath him. It felt so damn
good, she felt so damn good, and he couldn’t get enough of her. He
wanted to devour her, to slow down and lick and caress every inch
of her but needed to feel her, to bury himself in her heat and be
one with her before he exploded from the sensations overloading his
mind and his body. The conflicting feelings collided inside him,
driving him out of his head until he was alternating between kisses
and nips on her arms and shoulders, between stealing her breath
from her lips with his own and caressing her body. He wanted to
touch her everywhere at once, and have her touch him.

Needed to
feel her hands on his flesh.

lapped at his feet and then swept over him to his knees. The
distraction was enough that Amelia caught him off guard when she
grabbed his shoulders and rolled with him, flipping him onto his
back and knocking the wind from him. He stared up at her,
transfixed as she straddled his hips, the warm apex of her thighs
pressed against the full length of his cock. He groaned and rolled
his eyes closed when she leaned forwards, lightly running her hands
over his stomach and up to his chest in swirling patterns that
pushed him closer to the edge.

fingers shook as he placed his hands on her thighs and ran them
upwards towards her hips. Amelia moaned and he wanted to see her
again and see the pleasure he brought her. She smiled down at him,
her hair tangled and wet, sand sticking to her shoulders and arms,
and then looked at her breasts, drawing his gaze there.

lips parted as she took hold of his hands and leaned towards him.
He went along with her as she brought his hands around behind her
to the bow tying her bikini top in place and tugged at the ends of
the black string. The two black triangles covering her breasts fell
forwards and he stared at them, wishing they were out of the way
and no longer obscuring his view. Amelia untied the strap around
her neck and his breath shortened as the wet bikini top fell onto
his stomach.


He was
aware that he didn’t look particularly manly as he stared at her
full breasts and their dusky pink peaks but he didn’t care. It
wasn’t the first time he had seen a female nude, but it was Amelia.
The sight of her like this, so open and vulnerable, bared for him,
made his cock throb and his body tighten with the urge to be inside

caught hold of his hands and brought them to her breasts as she sat
back on his groin again, torturing him with her warmth. Marcus
thumbed her puckered nipples, teasing them into harder peaks, and
watched the myriad of feelings flicker across her face, small
ripples of pleasure that brought him warmth and increased his
hunger. Her pleasure was his as he studied her face and her
reactions to everything that he did. She moaned and leaned back,
forcing her breasts into his hands, and he squeezed them, causing
her to bite her lip and utter his name in a low sexy

He raised
his hips into hers, grinding his hard length into her soft mound,
and she tilted her head back, moaning her pleasure at the starlit

He needed

hesitation, he focused his powers on ridding himself of the
remaining obstructions between them.


He had
forgotten that this wasn’t the real world and that it was Amelia in
control here, not him. He thrilled at that and the fact that she
was astride him, in command. He wanted to be the one in control but
it was equally exciting, if not more so, to be submissive to her
desire instead. There would be time for him to take control. They
would have all the time in the world once his mission was complete
and she was safe at last.

squeezed her breasts again and then slid one hand around her back,
forcing her to come to him so he could taste her. She leaned over
him, breasts swinging freely, and he craned his neck to watch her
face as he pulled her left nipple into his mouth. She bit her lip,
screwed her face up and moaned with such heated desire that his
cock throbbed again. He tried to rub against her to relieve some of
his ache to be inside her but couldn’t reach her hips now that she
was leaning over him, her body away from his. He endured the
torture and focused on rolling his tongue around the sweet bud in
his mouth, eliciting another groan from her.

she whispered and took his left hand away from her other breast and
brought it down to her groin.

He was
the one groaning this time as she slipped both of their hands into
her bikini bottoms. His heart pounded as she released him and he
eased his hand down over the soft thatch of curls and found her
moist core. Hell. He swallowed, sucked harder on her nipple, and
delved his fingers into her warm petals to find her aroused

she moaned again and he swirled his fingers around, teasing her and
using her breathy little moans as a guide. She arched towards him
and moaned louder when he moved his hand, venturing further towards
her slick centre.

Her hand
came down, shifted her flimsy bottoms aside, and guided his. Marcus
stilled, his task of teasing her breasts forgotten as she eased his
middle finger deep into her hot body.

It took
every ounce of his willpower not to climax right then.

She rose
off him, bare breasts on show, a feast for his eyes, but he
couldn’t stop staring at her groin. Her hand held his in place,
moving his finger into her hot channel, thrusting it deep before
withdrawing it, and he couldn’t take it when she started to rotate
her hips barely inches above his. He wanted her to do that on him,
for it to be his aching cock inside her not his finger. Her eyes
opened and she stared down at him, her gaze locked with his in a
way that mesmerised him until he lay calmly below her, drinking in
her pleasure, and started to thrust his finger into her. She
frowned when he withdrew his hand and then gasped when he inserted
two fingers into her and pumped her slowly.

She was
beautiful. The way she writhed on him, moaning and arching, her
eyes flitting between holding his and closing as she frowned, stole
his breath and sent his heart pounding. His whole body tensed at
the sight of her and the thought of being inside her, where his
fingers were. He wanted that more than anything but he wanted to
bring her pleasure first and give her a moment of bliss under her

eyes opened again and she threw her head back and jerked against
his hand, his name falling from her lips with each breath she
expelled. Her body throbbed around his fingers, milking them and
stirring his desire into frenzied need.

he husked and her eyes slowly opened, fixing on him, her chest
heaving as she struggled for breath. Her cheeks darkened and she
glanced down, briefly teasing her lower lip with her teeth before
stroking a line down his stomach towards his swimming

eyelids fell to half mast and he struggled to keep them open as she
ventured further and cupped his hard length, running her fingers
over the blunt head through the wet material and teasing it. He
needed to be inside her now, sheathed in her warmth, one with

tugged the waist of his shorts and cool air washed over his groin,
tickling his balls and length, as she lowered them around his

He looked
down, following her fingers as she undid the ties on either side of
her bikini bottoms and then cast them onto the sand. His heart
stuttered and breath faltered but she chased away all reasonable
thought when she ran her hand down his cock, revealing the crown,
and then swirled her fingers around it.

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