Read Her Guardian Angel 4-Her Angel Series Online

Authors: Felicity Heaton

Tags: #Angels

Her Guardian Angel 4-Her Angel Series (19 page)

couldn’t take that.

He jerked
his hips up, desperate to beg her not to tease him but unable to
find his voice to warn her that if she did, he wouldn’t even last
until he was inside her. As though she had seen his silent
struggle, she took mercy on him and moved up his body until her
knees were against his waist and her groin hovered above

she whispered and he looked at her, dazed with passion and burning
with the need to touch her again, to kiss her. She smiled and
reached over to stroke his face. “Don’t try to hold

couldn’t know what she was asking. As he was, he was liable to hurt
her in his need to have her. Unless his supernatural strength had
no meaning here in her inner world. He had to be gentle with her
just in case he did still have his strength. He couldn’t risk
hurting her.

wicked edge to her smile said that she knew his inner fears. What
else did she know about him? What powers over him did this world
grant her? She could make his wings disappear with just a touch.
Could she handle him and make this moment everything he had dreamed
it would be?

He tilted
his head back into the softer sand beneath it when she took hold of
his cock and positioned him beneath her. The heat of her as the
crown of his length nudged into her slick core was almost too much
to bear and he gritted his teeth as she eased gently down onto it,
drawing him slowly into her body. It was exquisite and he had to
keep still, every muscle in his body tensed, to stop himself from
climaxing. She wiggled on him, tearing a moan from his throat, and
then pressed her hands into his chest and leaned over

He opened
his eyes and stared into hers, breathing hard and searching for
some control.

smiled softly and then moved, and his entire world came to

grasped her hips, eliciting a groan from her when he dug his
fingers into them, and opened his mouth in a silent sigh as she
rode him. He couldn’t stop himself from thrusting into her, meeting
her downward plunges onto his cock. She buried her nails into his
chest so deeply that he was sure he would wake with marks to
remember this moment by and rocked against him. It was maddening.
Each time she lifted off him, cold air swept over his cock only to
be chased away by the fiery heat of her as she took him back inside
her tight sheath. He groaned and stared into her eyes, lost in them
and the pleasure crossing her face. He thrust harder and deeper,
hungry to feel her and bring her to climax again. Each deep plunge
of his body into hers tore another moan from her and from him,
until they were groaning together and the world disappeared around

she uttered and clenched him, her body tightening around his in a
way that sent sparks skittering over his skin, and he shuddered to
a halt inside her, needing a moment to regain control.

didn’t give him one. She kept riding him, thrusting down hard onto
him, and leaned back. Her hands pushed against his stomach and she
arched away from him, her head thrown back and her moans filling
the night.

Marcus was lost.

moaned, clenched his teeth, and then surrendered control just as
she had told him to. He clutched her hips and drove into her,
seeking his release, coming undone more and more with each deep
thrust of his cock into her body and each answering moan she gave.
The harder he was with her, the louder she groaned, until she was
holding his hands on her hips, bouncing on his length and pushing
him over the edge.

slammed his hips into hers, held her firmly in place over him, and
groaned as he came, his whole body throbbing with release and
melting into the sand.

took hold of his hand, brought it down to her aroused nub, and made
him stroke it. He teased her until she climaxed, and the feel of
her body quaking around his drew a response from him that he hadn’t

His cock
twitched and hunger washed through him fiercer than ever


Chapter 11

woke half expecting to find blue skies stretching above her and
warm sand against her bare flesh. She stared at the smooth white
ceiling until it sunk in that the delicious dream she’d just had
was over now. Tilting her head to one side, a slow smile spread
across her face when she saw Marcus lying beside her wearing
nothing but the dark cloth thing he wore beneath his armoured

His black
hair caressed his forehead in tangled waves, tempting her to reach
across and sweep it back, but she didn’t move. She drank in the
sight of him lying with her, his face peaceful in slumber, and then
raked her gazed down the length of his body.

She still
wasn’t sure what had happened or whether Marcus had really been
there, but it had been blissful.

Unable to
resist any longer, Amelia rolled onto her front beneath the covers,
the thick duvet warm against her bare flesh, and combed her fingers
through the overlong lengths of his hair.

A frown
flickered on his brow and then his eyes slowly opened to reveal
their icy irises and he turned his head towards her. The dark blue
flecks in his eyes were shifting again and the more she caressed
his cheek and the cut line of his jaw, the more his eyes changed,
his irises brightening until they were as blue as they had been in
the stairwell during their fight with the demons.

“Morning,” he breathed, rolled onto his side, and drew her
against him. His lips brushed hers in a tantalising kiss and he

dreams?” She drew back and he smiled.

thought we had established it wasn’t a dream?” he said, sending a
warm wave of relief surging through her. He lured her in for
another long slow kiss that had heat pooling in her belly and her
mind racing back over everything they had done on the

If Einar
hadn’t told her that Marcus wasn’t experienced with women, she
never would have guessed it for herself. The man was insatiable and
she could see why Taylor had been so surprised to hear that Marcus
had never been with a woman before, and could agree with her that
angels were definitely chocked full of passion.

It had
been fun to take command of the situation at first, but Marcus had
proven to her that it could be just as exciting to let him take the
reins. She had never woken feeling so sated but so tired at the
same time.

kissed him slowly, savouring the quietness of the moment and some
time alone with him in the flesh. It was reassuring that what they
had shared together in that other world was going to continue here
in the real one. When he had left her to report to his superior,
she had thought that he would be different again when he returned,
as distant and detached as he had often been around her. The way he
was kissing her now, holding her snug against his delicious body,
made it feel as though that side of Marcus had never existed and
that she was crazy for thinking he would want nothing to do with
her. She no longer felt like only a mission to him. What Einar had
told her about him and what Marcus had told her about himself, gave
her a better understanding of him and why he had always been so
cold around her and others in their building. He wasn’t used to
being around people and he didn’t like it here on Earth, but she
was going to do all in her power to change his mind about that at
least. She would give him a reason to like being here and hopefully
he would stay with her when everything was over.

He rolled
onto his back, bringing her with him, and stopped kissing her. He
frowned at the duvet wedged between them and tugged at it. Amelia
raised herself so the blanket came free and then sighed when he
pulled her back against him, his bare body warming hers. It was so
easy to forget everything when he kissed her. He wasn’t an angel
and she wasn’t in danger. It all seemed so distant and

kissed him again, teasing him with sweeps of her lips that barely
grazed his. He made a short noise of frustration, snaked his hand
around the nape of her neck, and brought her mouth down on his. The
kiss was fierce and hungry, everything that she had come to think
of whenever her mind turned to him. There was so much passion and
desire in him, but such tenderness too. He had held her close to
him in that other world, lying on his back with her body half on
his and his fingers playing in her damp hair. She had felt so
tremendously at peace with him there and she had known the depth of
his feelings for her. It transcended such a simple word as care. It
even went beyond what she knew as love. And it was something that
burned deep within her too.

hands skimmed down her bare thighs and she tingled wherever he
touched, sparks racing over her skin and burrowing deep into her
belly where they blazed into desire.

loosed a moan and deepened the kiss, so their tongues softly danced
and their breath mingled.

wouldn’t say no to a real-world encore to last night.

stiffened beneath her, hands grasping her upper arms, and pushed
her backwards. She was going to ask what was wrong but the way he
stared at the closed bedroom door held her tongue. She listened,
straining to hear what he had, if anything at all.

lifted her off him and rose from the bed, his back to her. He stood
there, stock still and never once taking his eyes off the door. Had
he heard something? It was probably just Taylor and

The sense
of danger drifted away at that thought and she swept her gaze up
Marcus, lingering a moment on his backside and the material that
loosely covered it before continuing to the dimples above his
bottom and finally following the strong line of his back up to his
shoulder blades.

Her gaze
tracked the grey-blue swirls of the wings marked on his


had wanted to seal his power and he wasn’t sure why.

Did it
have something to do with her, so they could take her from him? She
didn’t want to go. She wanted to stay with him.

stepped down from the bed and slipped her hand into his. He looked
down at her, held his finger to his lips, and then nodded towards
the chair in the corner of the pale green room. His armour and her
clothes covered it. She nodded, let go of his hand, and went to
them. As she reached the chair, Marcus’s armour disappeared. She
turned to look over her shoulder at him in time to see it
materialising on his body. Was it the same power he had used to
create the handkerchief for her? It certainly beat the hell out of
having to manually dress.

hurried into her underwear, her pale blue summer dress, and her
shoes, and returned to him. He opened the bedroom door and peered
out into the hall. They were on the top floor of the building and
there was no noise coming from below. Had he heard something? Did
angels have hearing beyond human?

He took
hold of her hand and she followed him down the stairs, their
footsteps quiet on the wooden treads. When they reached the next
floor, he led her into the drawing room. Taylor and Einar were
standing in the middle of the dark red room, both dressed head to
toe in black, and she almost said that she had known it was just
them and nothing to worry about, but then Einar spoke.

“Something is wrong.”

looked worried too. She stared at the windows and the fading night
beyond. It was earlier than Amelia had thought. The sun hadn’t
risen yet and the world outside was bathed in hues of grey,
blending everything together in the strange pre-dawn

happening?” Marcus said.

shrugged. “I’m not sure.”

“I am.”
Taylor frowned and then stalked past them, heading out of the door
and down the stairs at a quick pace.

Both men
looked at each other and then Einar hurried after Taylor. Marcus
drew Amelia closer to him and they followed his friend down the
rectangular staircase to the lobby. It was dark without the lights
on but Taylor took care of that by yanking the front door

An angel
stood in the middle of the empty road in front of the building, his
long flame red hair falling down around his shoulders and his
crimson wings tucked against his back. The long flight feathers
grazed the greaves of his obsidian armour.

Was this
an angel of death?

Einar said and Taylor was out of the door, storming down the steps
towards the angel. Einar raced after her.

was more cautious. He slowly walked out onto the porch with Amelia
and stopped there. She wasn’t sure why either man was making a
fuss. It was an angel. One of them.

red-haired angel spread his wings and her eyes slowly widened as
the colour began to drain from their tops, revealing black feathers
beneath. She followed the crimson as it flowed down and then took a
step back when she reached the bottom of his wings. The red dripped
from them like blood, creating patches on the tarmac beneath him.
Her eyes widened further as the black feathers began to slide off,
falling in clumps into the pool of blood surrounding him, revealing
leathery wings beneath. A grin slowly widened the angel’s mouth,
turning his handsome face cruel and dark.

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