Her Perfect Getaway (8 page)

Read Her Perfect Getaway Online

Authors: Emma Jay

Tags: #erotic, #hawaii, #vacation, #contemporary romance, #vacation fling

He loosened his grip on her wrists
and stroked her skin with his fingertips as he pressed a kiss to
the side of her neck. Finally, he heaved himself off of her. She
shifted toward him and curled her fingers through his hair as she
kissed him. He let his hand drift down her bare back to cup her ass
briefly before he tapped it and rolled away.

“Now that your blood’s pumping,
let’s get out on the water.”


“Oh, my God, the way he looks at
you,” Bailey said as the four women stood waist deep in the water.
“I’m glad we’re in the ocean because damn, that makes me

Elizabeth trailed her hands through
the water and didn’t meet her friends’ eyes. She couldn’t, not when
memories of what he’d done to her, memories he was transmitting
across the water to her, were so fresh in her mind.

“I thought you’d be more relaxed,”
Haven said, bumping her arm.

“I was perfectly relaxed until you
started making a big deal about it,” Elizabeth sulked.

“Did you scream out ‘Sully?’”
Bailey teased.

“I did not.”

“You screamed out something,
right? Because he doesn’t look like the type who’d stop until you

A smile tugged at the corner of her
mouth. “I screamed.”

“A lot?” Joslyn asked.

“More than once.” The grin bloomed
full across her face and Sullivan returned it, then approached with
the snorkeling gear, followed by another guy, younger and just as

“What are you
smiling about?” Sullivan asked her, low, as he passed. But he
didn’t wait for an answer, instead started passing out the masks,
snorkels and fins. “This is my friend Jace. He’s going to be
helping out today. None of you ladies have been snorkeling before,
is that right?”

Since they hadn’t, he showed them
how to put on the flippers. Bailey held onto Jace’s arm as she
balanced, the rolling waves knocking into her.

“Maybe we should have done this on
land,” she muttered.

“Maybe, but it’s hard to walk once
they’re on. Everyone’s fit okay? Your toes aren’t curled up? The
strap isn’t too loose?” When no one stated any issues, he
continued. “Now the masks. You want them sealed to your face. If
air gets in, so will water, and that’s no fun. We seal

“With spit,” Haven

He flashed her a smile and drew a
small bottle out of the pocket of his board shorts. “Actually we
use baby shampoo to defog them. The seal is different. You want to
make sure the strap is around the widest part of your head, high,
and snug. Let’s try it.”

As the women donned the masks, he
approached, inspecting, his finger lingering just a bit longer on
Elizabeth’s cheek as he checked the strap. She shivered and he
smiled, just for her, before turning back to her friends and
continuing with the lesson.

He drew her away from the rest of
the group so she could demonstrate how to use the snorkel, though
she was pretty sure he just wanted to get his hands on her, since
he kept them lightly at her hips as she put her head in the water
and paddled with her fins the way he’d showed her. It was a lot to
keep track of—breathing through the snorkel, moving her legs like
they were a mermaid tail, all while he was touching her. But if she
could get up on that surfboard, she could do this.

Only after she got in the rhythm
did she even think to look beyond the mask. She focused on his feet
first, then the ocean floor beyond. Just when she was getting used
to it, he closed his hands over her waist and urged her to

After he ensured the other women
could manage, he split them up. He sent Joslyn and Haven with Jace,
and kept Elizabeth and Bailey with him. Tugging his mask down and
slipping his snorkel into his mouth, he motioned for them to follow
with an inclination of his head.

Elizabeth couldn’t stop herself
from admiring the way he moved in the water, like he was born to
it. Then she remembered about his mother and realized he pretty
much had been born to it. Only when he motioned did she look past
him to the sea life beyond.

She almost choked when she forgot
how to breathe, so engrossed in the view before her, all the
different colors, the darting creatures who dared to come so close
to the humans. A few brushed against her skin and it tickled. She
felt herself grinning around the mouthpiece and reached a hand
toward the fish, who immediately disbursed. She met Sullivan’s gaze
through his mask and saw he was smiling, too. Again using a nod of
his head, he motioned for them to follow.

They swam to the other side of the
coral reef, careful not to brush against it, and she sucked in a
breath at the view beneath them. It was like a tiny city, populated
by fish of all shapes and colors, hurrying about in groups or
alone, magnificent in the naturalness of it. Without thinking, she
reached for Sullivan and he linked his fingers through hers as they
held themselves in place, just watching.

“I wish I’d had a
camera,” Bailey lamented when they surfaced.

“People bring them,” Sullivan
said. “But I always wonder if they’re more involved in getting the
video than in being in the moment. Right now, we’re in the moment.
That’s the best place to be.”


A few minutes later, Sullivan's
alarm went off and he tapped Elizabeth to show her. With an inward
sigh, she tapped Bailey and the three of them surfaced, treading

wouldn't be happy if we made her late for her appointment," he
said. "Better head back."

only then realized her legs were so tired she could barely make it
back to the beach, and she took off her flippers as soon as she
could touch bottom, which put her behind Bailey and Sullivan. Both
waited for her on the beach as she dragged herself out. Bailey
turned toward the van as soon as Elizabeth got to the beach, but
Sullivan caught Elizabeth's hand as she started to

stumbled to a halt and looked up at him. Before she could register
what he was doing, he eased forward, just a bit, and captured her
mouth in a sweet kiss. She leaned into him for a moment, her
fingers lacing through his of their own accord as she savored the
play of his lips over hers.

"Wow," she
said when he straightened.

He only
smiled and led her to the van, where everyone was waiting--and
watching. Sullivan opened the back door for her--Jace was up front
with him--and she slipped into her seat without a

They drove back to the hotel so
everyone could shower and change.

"We have
to be there in an hour," Haven emphasized when Sullivan joined them
in the elevator, his bag over his shoulder. "An

twenty minutes to get there," Sullivan added.

talking to you," Haven said. "I don't want you dallying in the
shower with my best friend."

offered her a half-smile. "We don't dally."

felt her face heat as the elevator door slid open. She popped out,
away from her friends' speculative looks. Sullivan followed, his
hand at the small of her back. She wouldn't look at him as she
unlocked the door.

He set his
bag on the dresser. "Do you want me to go?"


not talking. Are you mad?"

"No! No,
I'm just not accustomed to people knowing about my sex life." Her
face still hot, she crossed to the suitcase. Goodness, she'd only
spent one night here, and stored her things. Hardly worth the money
she was spending.

He wrapped
his arms around her, pulling her against his chest and dropping a
kiss to the side of her neck.

All her frustration melted away at
the feel of his lips on her skin. What did that say about her, that
a man could have that power over her? No, not a man. Sex. Sex was
what melted everything away. Not Sullivan. Not this man.

Who was peeling off her bathing
suit top and cupping her breasts, turning her toward the mirror so
she could watch. She closed her eyes and turned her head under his
chin. He released her breast and curved his hand over her chin to
turn her face back to the mirror.

“Watch. I want you to see what I
see when you come.”

“We only have—” But the protest
died when his fingers slid beneath the waistband of her

“Made me crazy watching you in
this. Jesus, you look gorgeous.”

She caught her breath as his long
fingers stroked up her belly, teasing, his skin dark against hers,
before sliding back into her bikini bottoms and parted her folds
with an expert stroke.

“Already wet,” he said, his lips
against her temple. “Do you like watching?”

“I don’t have any

“I do.” He tweaked her nipple and
released it to reach into his bag for the condom and handed it to

Fingers shaking, she tore it open
and took it out. Still stroking her, he took the condom and rolled
it on.

“Grab the bed post.”

She turned sideways, and
understood why he wanted her in this position. She could see him
behind her in the reflection, cock hard and ready. He rolled the
condom on, pressed his hand between her shoulders to bend her over.
She watched in the mirror as he guided the tip of his erection
against her opening. Seeing him enter her at the same time she felt
him stretching her took her breath away. He seated himself fully
inside her, his hips flush against her ass. His fingertips trailed
up her back so lightly, she got wetter, her body clenching around

Then he started to move. A cry
caught in her throat as she watched him withdraw, only to slam back
into her, again and again. God, watching his cock plunge into her,
slick with her juices, was the hottest thing she’d ever seen. She
thrust back against him, taking him so deep, verging on pain, but
oh, so delicious.

He captured her fingers from the
bed post and lowered them to her hip. “Make yourself

She curled her fingers into a
fist. “No!” She’d done that before, but with a boyfriend, someone
she’d made love to for months before she felt

“I want to feel you. Please,
Elizabeth. Do you want to come?”

“I want to, but not like

“Haven might come looking for us
if we’re late. Want me to tell her why? Touch yourself,

The desire to have an orgasm in
this position, watching him enter her, was overwhelming. She
unclenched her fist in his hand and let him guide it between her

“You know what to do.” His voice
was strangled.

Her fingers rode the hard slick
ridge of her clit as he pumped into her. She kept her gaze on the
mirror, his flexing buttocks, his hard cock disappearing inside her
with more determination. His movements dictated hers until the
desire to come drove her to seek her own rhythm. Her entire body
tightened as she fingered herself, seeking, needing, and

The cry tore from her throat and
she slammed back into him, needing him deep as her muscles rippled,
just as the strongest orgasm of her life tore through her, shooting
from her clit to her channel to her muscles. Her very cells seemed
to pulse and burst. As she sagged against the bed, Sullivan pounded
harder, faster, his groin slapping her ass, his fingers tightening
on her hips as he shouted and slowed.

“I love feeling you,” she managed
as his cock jerked inside her.

A moment passed before he pulled
out, pulled her straight and turned her into his arms. “That was
sexy as hell. Thank you.”

“You used my friend’s impatience
against me,” she reminded him, and curved her hand around the back
of his sweaty neck to pull him down for a kiss.

“Worked,” he said with a grin
against her lips before giving in to her kiss.

She leaned into him, barely able
to stand on her shaking legs. His chest was sweaty against her
breasts, and for a moment she savored it, sliding against him. He
cupped her ass in both hands, rubbed against her for a moment
before he broke the kiss.


“You talk more during sex than

“You obliterated my brain cells.
So damned sexy.” He brought her fingers to his lips, held her gaze
as he kissed them, then led her into the bathroom.













Chapter Six


Max loved watching Elizabeth’s
expression as she and her friends entered the Waialae Beach Park,
taking in the green grass, the palm trees, the white sand

“This is where your wedding will
take place,” Jennifer motioned toward the green rocky promontory,
shaded with palm trees, with a sweep of her hand. “You and Eric
will stand here, and your guests will be here.”

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