Read Her Twisted Pleasures Online

Authors: Amelia James

Her Twisted Pleasures (12 page)

Part of the team. At least our communication sounded legit. I deleted his message and put Holland and his ‘team’ out of my mind. Distracted, I flipped through the channels for news Will could be involved in. He couldn’t tell me about it, but if I didn’t hear about any cop shootings, he was okay.

My phone chimed again—a text from Alex: ‘I want to fuck you. I’m coming over.’

I smiled and started typing yes, but my heart raced and I backtracked: ‘Not here. I’ll come to you.’

His response: ‘I’m going to fuck you in your bed….’

I started typing an

argument, but didn’t send it fast enough.

‘…and I’m going to stay there all night.’

Holy shit. I texted: ‘No no no no no.’ All night? I loved the idea of sleeping in Alex’s arms, just not in a bed I shared with Will.


‘Will could come over any minute.’ He always called first, but I didn’t want Alex getting too comfortable.

‘Good. Makes it hotter when we might get caught.’

Why did he love torturing me? ‘Let’s meet somewhere else.’

‘I’m on your street.’

I wanted to scold him for texting while driving, especially when the roads were snow-covered and icy, but why bother?

He’d said more than once that no one could tell him what to do. He hated rules as much as Will did. Maybe that’s why they were such good friends.

I turned off the TV and picked up a few scattered magazines on the way to the bedroom. I’d made my bed that morning, so the bedroom was clean except for a few scattered clothes that I tossed in the hamper. I ran a brush through my hair, my hands trembling and my heart racing. Do I have time for a glass of wine?

I scurried to the kitchen and stopped short. Alex was already taking off his coat and tossing it on the chair. He was still wearing his suit from court.

“You shouldn’t leave your door unlocked, babe. You never know what kind of deviant might wander in.”

“Ha. As if a lock would stop you.”

He grinned and reached for me. “Good point. Com’ere.”

I let him pull me into his arms and kiss me, his mouth claiming mine. I slid my hands into his hair, holding him against my body. God that felt good—physical touch and human connection I’d craved all week.

“Mmm… feels like my dirty slut missed me.” Alex pulled his mouth away, moving to nibble my throat.

My pulse pounded under his tongue. Missed him? No. I missed Will. Alex was just a warm body—a convenient, available, hot hard body I used —

Used? That sounded so cold.

Alex was never cold. He was mean, cruel, and ruthless, but driven by fiery passion I couldn’t resist.

And he was steering me toward the bedroom.

Damn it! Resist him! I really needed to get laid.

“Stop.” I pushed him back and he stumbled, surprised.

“Seriously? You’re still playing this game?”

Even though I realized we were way beyond that, saying stop or no made me feel less guilty. “Stop because… I’m in charge tonight.”

He laughed without his typical sarcasm. The sound was honest and rich. Genuine amusement and a warm

affectionate smile lit his face.

Good God, the man is beautiful.

“This oughta be good.”

I wanted to slap that silly grin right off his gorgeous face.

Why did he always drive me to violence? “Shut up and get your ass in my bed.”

A battle waged in his eyes.

He wanted to say no, to pin me against the wall and fuck the sass out of me, but curiosity won and he smiled. “Yes ma’am.”

That was too easy. Alex never surrendered—to anyone —except as a calculated move.

Oh shit, what am I getting in to? “Follow me.”

But he wasn’t about to take orders. He grabbed my arm, spun me around, and kissed me hard, dragging me against his erection. “But once I get in your bed, I’m not going to leave.”

So that’s it. “We’ll see.”

I’d won the battle but lost the war. Somehow, it didn’t matter.

I used his grip on my arm to pull him into my bedroom, hesitating once we got there.

Alex was never passive—and neither was Will. They both took what they wanted. Will always made sure I wanted it too, but Alex didn’t give a damn.

What’s the lesson here?

Wow. I was actually trying to learn something from cheating on my boyfriend? I wanted Alex in my bed, which he knew. He wasn’t about to help me, though—he just stood there, baiting me with his dangerous eyes. Fine.

Do it. Unzip his pants. My fingers twitched, refusing to obey. How did I normally initiate with Will? Hmm. I didn’t. Not since the first night.

What had happened to that strong confident woman who knew what she wanted and went after it?

I had to get her back. I didn’t like this weak, uncertain woman who couldn’t take a simple action. Ironically, I was okay with the unfaithful girlfriend.

“You’re in charge,

sweetheart.” Alex grinned as if he couldn’t wait to see what I would do with him.

“I know.” I wanted him in my bed—naked—but I had to do something to make that happen.

I unbuttoned his suit jacket and pushed it off his shoulders.

There. Something. I pulled off his loosened tie and dropped it on the floor. One button after another popped open under my fingers, and his crisp white shirt slipped down and pooled around our feet. I struggled with his belt—he didn’t help—

reaching for his zipper with trembling hands.

“Why are you so timid?” His eyes mocked me.

I smacked both hands

against his chest and shoved him down on the bed, crawling on top of him as he fell.

“That’s my girl!” He laughed and grabbed my hips, rolling on top of me.

I braced my body against his shoulders and pushed back.

“Oh no. I’m the boss tonight.”

Sitting on his abs, I grabbed his wrists and pinned him into submission. If he decided to fight back, I was screwed—my goal, of course, but not just yet His tie was too short to wrap around both his wrists, so I used it to tie one of his hands to the headboard rails, and found a scarf in my dresser to tie the other.

“This is never gonna hold me.” He wriggled the silk tie loose and started working on the knot in my scarf.

“Just lie still.” I grabbed his wrist again and tied a double knot, pulling it nice and tight.

“Ow.” He yanked at his bindings but they held.

Smiling, I surveyed my work. Alex Sheridan tied to my bed, struggling and helpless with a beautiful scowl on his gorgeous face. “I like this.”

“I don’t.” His blue eyes turned dark, and he snarled at me. “Game time is over. Let’s fuck.”

“Oh, we will.” I picked up another scarf and wound it around my hands, then straddled his hips and hovered it over his neck for a second, threatening him. “When I say so.”

And then I tied the scarf over his sexy, angry eyes.

“Not gonna happen.” He shook his head, trying to evade the blindfold.

I pulled the knot tight.

“Relax. This will heighten your other senses.” I leaned over and circled his nipple with my tongue. He moaned and I bit him.

“Bitch!” He hissed.

“Watch your mouth or I’ll gag you, too.”

“Don’t you dare threaten me.” His voice was low, each menacing word a warning.

Cold chills shot down my spine, heating my body with frightening pleasure. My heart pounded and my blood raced as I remembered what he’d said to me in Will’s bed. I know how to scare you. Ever since that night, I’d wondered what he was planning. Anticipation mixed with fear—exactly what he’d wanted. Could I provoke him into action tonight?

Did I dare?

“Don’t talk.” I shifted and stuffed my breast in his mouth.

He bit my nipple, but I was ready for it. Hmm… you’re so predictable. I pulled my breast away and risked a quick kiss on his mouth. He tried to trap my tongue, but I moved too fast.

“I need to use my hands.” He growled and struggled.

“Not yet.”

First I had to free his bulging erection from his pants.

I pulled them down, leaving him naked and seriously pissed off. His cock straightened and seemed to reach for me. Wow. I hadn’t seen him this hard since the first time we fucked. Did anger turn him on? Or maybe being powerless got him hard.

I’d never seen Alex lose control—in the courtroom or the bedroom. Always he remained calm and cool, scheming behind those deceptively quiet blue eyes.

Tonight I had the upper hand.

He was naked and furious, and I was dressed and victorious.

Big turn on for me. Huge. I wanted to ride this power trip all night. “I’m taking off my clothes.”

He groaned and tugged at his bonds. “I need to see you.”

“Use your imagination.” I tossed my shirt across his chest.

” I need to see you.” He practically spit the words.

My panties landed on his thigh. “You’ll get what you need.”

He swore and worked his tie loose, but I caught his arm and tightened it, then crawled on top of him, dragging my naked body along his. “Can you guess what I’m going to do to you?”

His entire body quivered with what I hoped was desire—

more likely rage. Short harsh gasps left him unable to say a word.

I touched my lips to his chest, his thigh. My teeth scored his nipple, his lower abs, creating a random pattern and keeping him off balance.

“Suck my cock,” he growled, with some effort.

“You are in no position to give orders.”

But of course he tried.

I spread my legs and sat on his erection, sliding my wet pussy up and down his shaft, grinding the pulsing head against my clit. Holy shit, that almost made me come. I moved off him before he could enter me.

“Give it up, slut.”

“Nope.” I turned and bent over him, taking his cock in my mouth—my hot pussy inches from his face, miles away from his tied-up hands. I tasted myself on his shaft. Not bad. A little salty, a little sweet. I could see why the guys enjoyed it so much. I made circles around his cock with my tongue, licking it clean.

Alex twisted and moaned as I sucked him. He and Will both loved my blowjobs. I was really good at sucking cock, and not too humble to admit it.

Alex got quiet. Was he giving in and enjoying this, or —?

“Ow!” I yelped as his hand clamped the back of my neck, his fingers tight around my throat. Blackness swirled behind my eyes, and I fell onto the bed on my hands and knees.

He pulled himself upright, jamming his other hand into my pussy. “Never turn your back on me, sweetheart.”

I could barely breathe. Dear God, what have I done? Have I pushed him too far?

I’d gotten too comfortable with him, started to trust him.

Unadulterated fear ripped through me as green and purple spots flashed around my face. I was going to die tonight.

Would Will find my body naked and strangled? The body of Alex’s missing client had never been found. Is this what happened to her? Had she trusted him too?

As I held my last breath, a different sensation fought through my terrified mind.

Pleasure—no, couldn’t be—

battled the cold fear with heat.

Flames roared inside my veins.

His fingers molested my clit, bringing my senses to blazing life. My heart stopped. My lungs failed. My body died.

But my pussy—the part of me I thought of as a dirty, separate thing—lived, igniting my heart, replenishing my lungs, and resurrecting my body, beautiful and whole.

He let go of my neck and I collapsed on the bed, every sweet tingling breath blissfully filling my body. Alex rolled me over and I caught a glimpse of concern in his eyes. I smiled to let him know I was all right, and he stroked my throat with the same hand that had nearly strangled me. Excitement surged through my body, mingling with remnants of fear, and I came a second time.

“Do that again.” My God, I’m begging him.

He raised an eyebrow. “Do you trust me?”

“Hell, no. I won’t make that mistake twice.”

“Good girl.” He leaned over and caressed my throbbing nipples with his tongue.

I couldn’t trust him—ever—

but I wasn’t afraid of him. He couldn’t have hurt that woman.

His evil heart just didn’t stretch that far.

Darkness closed in, and I began to drift out of consciousness. He spread my legs with his knees, and his cock teased me, parting my pussy lips and rubbing my clit.

I tried to breathe deep, but I could only gasp. The room spun and I grabbed his arm, trying to pull him off as he slammed into me.

“Do I scare you, Talia?” His breath brushed my skin, his voice low and calm and dangerous.

I couldn’t speak, but I didn’t need to.

“We’re playing a risky game.

Does that turn you on?”

His cock filled my slick pussy, twisting slow and insistent. Through a purple haze I watched him bite his lip as his body tensed. I dug my heels into his ass and pulled him in, hearing his groan through the fog as we fucked.

His arm lay across my chest, smothering my pounding heart and cutting off my breath. Alex looked at me and I kissed him, clinging to him while we spun into black oblivion.

“Dark makes you hot.” His fingers eased up. He wanted an answer.

“Yes.” Confessing let me breathe again; hot swift sparks consumed my body.

His fingers tightened.

“Fucking with danger….”

He couldn’t finish his sentence, but those few words ignited my deepest fantasies, unknown to me until now.

“You can’t control it. You can’t control me.” He used his strangling hand to lean back and look into my eyes, increasing the pressure and pushing me closer to blackness.

“No one can.”

Awesome fear suffocated my mind as he fell on top of me, fucking me like a man driven by something he couldn’t contain.

No one can….

He took his hand off my neck and wrapped his arms around me, crushing me against him. I grabbed his hair and forced his mouth to mine, feeding the darkness possessing us, indulging the dangerous passion we’d unleashed. I did not fear it; I reveled in it.

Submission. Yes! Not giving up control, but having it taken from me. This! This was why I needed Alex. Will was too nice; he would never abuse me like this. But Alex…. Mmm… Alex had no such qualms.

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