Read Her Way Online

Authors: Jessica Jarman

Her Way (12 page)

“Open for me, Emma. Let me taste you, sweetheart.”

She glided her tongue along his lower lip then inside as she kissed him. She grasped his shoulders, fingernails digging painfully in his flesh as she feasted on his mouth. Her hips pumped against his hand. And, shit, she was making those noises deep in her throat. He needed to be inside her before he shot his load all over her thighs.

Will pulled away, pulled his hand from her sweet heat. She whimpered and grabbed his hand and pushed it back down. He chuckled and moved her hands to her side. He rose on his knees and stared down at her. Her hair was spread out—dark curls against the white pillowcase. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips parted.

Holding her gaze, he gripped her legs and pushed up until her knees were bent and near her chest. Her pussy was wide open for his viewing. Soft dark curls framed glistening lips. He could see her clit protruding from beneath its hood. He circled it with the tip of his finger. Emma shuddered but kept her knees up.

“Please, Will…”

“Please what, sweetheart? What do you want?” He continued to tease her with his fingers. Circling it, tweaking it. He swore he could feel it throb.

“Damn it, Will, you know what I want.”

“Yeah, but I want to hear you say it.” He slid one finger inside her as he leaned down and capture her clit between his lips.

“Oh shit, that feels good. But I want you inside me, Will.” Her voice was soft, hesitant. “I want your cock in me.”

The cock in question jerked at Emma’s words. Will sucked hard before moving up her body. The tip of his dick prodded her and he nearly groaned as her slick desire coated him. He slid into her, slowly.

Emma’s eyes closed and she moaned as he filled her. He moved his hands to grip her hips and slowly began gliding in and out of her tightness. Her muscles squeezed his cock and he fought to keep it slow, to stoke the heat he knew was burning in her. She tried lifting her hips to meet his thrusts, but he held her tight against the mattress.

“You’re driving me crazy.” Emma cupped his face with her hands. “Absolutely crazy.”

As he thrust into her, hard, he kissed her pouty lips. “That’s the plan, sweet Emma.”

She moaned low in her throat and her breath came out in short bursts. She let go of his face to run her hands along his shoulders and back just as she wrapped her legs around his hips and tightened around him.

Fuck. He picked up the pace a bit, his strokes faster, harder, deeper. He wanted to stay buried in her forever. Before he could dwell on that thought, Emma’s pussy convulsed around his cock. He didn’t let up, but continued to slam into her again and again, drawing her response out. He felt his balls pull up and his cock swell even more.

“God, Emma,” he groaned, lowering his head to bury his face in her hair. “God, you feel so fucking good, baby.”

“So do you.” She managed to gasp the words and tightened her arms and legs around him as her pussy squeezed him.

He felt his release everywhere, from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. Everything in him was focused on Emma and spilling into her sweet little body.

Will inhaled deeply, his cock still pulsing. Well, so much for the slow fuck. Eventually he’d have enough control to do it and drive her completely nuts. Yeah, right.

Emma ran her fingers through his sweat-dampened hair and sighed contently—at least, it sounded contented to him. He lifted his upper body, bracing his hands on either side of her to hold his weight. Yeah, content if that big smile was anything to go by. He lowered his head and kissed the tip of her nose.

was the way to start day,” she murmured.

“Yeah,” he agreed, easing over to lie next to her. Looking at her face, he couldn’t help but hope they’d start more days just like this. He closed his eyes briefly. Fuck, he was sunk.







Chapter Seven



“So how’s it going with Will?”

Emma rolled her eyes and looked at Lynn. They sat on Emma’s back deck, enjoying a bottle of wine as night fell. Hannah and Ana would be there soon, and they were doing girls’ night. It’d be the first night in over two weeks Will wouldn’t be staying over.


“Just fine? No details?” Lynn wiggled her eyebrows.

“It’s going great. We’re having fun.”

“From the looks of the blush, you guys are having all sorts of naughty fun.”

Emma resisted the urge to cover her cheeks. “Quit asking questions.”

“But you look so cute all flushed. So is he coming over later tonight?”

“No, it’s girls’ night. And he has to work, anyway. Besides, we don’t have to spend every night together.” Though she’d much rather be cuddled up with him after a raunchy bout than sleeping alone. Oh well.

“Do you ever stay over at his place or does he just stay here?”

What was with the twenty questions?

“Does it matter?”

“Well, you could go to his place when he’s done working…”

“Lynn, I don’t want to be too clingy. I finally found a guy I like—really, really like—and don’t want to scare him off.”

“From what I’ve seen, you don’t have to worry about that. You can tell he really likes you, too.”

“Likes, yeah. But that doesn’t mean I need to cling to him like lint.” Emma took a sip of her wine and stared out across her yard.

“How much do you like him? Is it a casual thing or are you looking for more?”

Emma sighed. “I wasn’t looking for anything in the first place. It just happened. And I have no clue where it’s going. It’s been, what, a little over three weeks? Can we just drop this please?” She didn’t want to talk about Will and their relationship. He was in her thoughts enough as it was, talking about him just made her want to be with him. Damned if she was going to be one of those clingy women who couldn’t go a day without seeing a man.

“Okay, okay. No Will talk unless you bring him up.”

“Thank you.”

The sound of car doors slamming signaled the others’ arrival. They both stood and Emma picked up the wine bottle from the table in front of them. Hannah and Ana rounded the corner of the house.

“C’mon, let’s go, ladies. I’m ready to go out,” Ana said as she climbed the steps.

“Let me just put this away and grab my purse.” Emma slid the door open and stepped inside.

“So how’re things going with Will?”

She groaned as Lynn burst out laughing at Hannah’s question.

It was going to be a long night.

* * * *

“If you want to see him tonight, go see him. Or at least call.”

Emma stared at Hannah. Just the two of them sat at the table. Lynn and Ana were on the dance floor.

“Doesn’t that seem desperate?”

“Did he tell you he didn’t want to see you tonight?”

“No, I told him it was girls’ night and that I’d probably be out late. He seemed cool about it and said he’d call me tomorrow some time.” She slid a finger around the neck of her beer bottle. “He didn’t
to come over tonight so I figured…”

“What? That he didn’t want to see you?” Hannah laughed.

“Well, I don’t know.” Why were they talking about this again? Oh yeah, because her friends wouldn’t stop bringing it up.

“Sounds like he’s respecting your space when you told him you were going out. Maybe he’s afraid of coming off as clingy too.”

Emma snorted. Guys didn’t worry about stuff like that…did they? Most of the ones she’d dated hadn’t. She thought on that as she sipped her beer.

“Enough. Don’t think too much about it. Let’s dance. You can decide if we’ll hit Kincaid’s after this in a little bit.” Hannah stood, grabbed Emma’s hand and pulled her up. Emma pushed Will and the situation out of her head—tried to at least. She laughed when she saw Lynn and Ana dancing with a group of guys. She and Hannah pushed their way through the crowd to join them. She moved to the music. Ana scooted over, bumped her hip against Emma’s and grinned.

“‘Bout time you joined in,” Ana shouted above the music. She leaned over and spoke directly in Emma’s ear. “Where we going after this?”

Emma pulled back and saw her friend laughing. Why the hell were they so obsessed with her going to Will?

“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Emma gave her a look and kept dancing.

Nosy bitches. Damn, she loved them.

* * * *

Will leaned against the counter and wiped his face with a towel. Exhaustion radiated from every limb. It’d been a hellishly long day. He’d been damned relieved when the time had come to close the kitchen.

“Hey, why don’t you take off? I can deal with the rest of this crap. Go see your girl,” his brother, Justin, said.

Will shrugged. “She’s out with friends tonight, so I can help finish up.” And he sure as hell didn’t feel like going up to an empty bed.

“Suit yourself. Things going good with her?”

“I guess so.”

“You guess?” Justin laughed.

“What do you want? A blow-by-blow of the relationship?”

“I’ll skip the
dude.” His brother laughed. “I just figured you’d come up with something better than ‘I guess so’. Especially since Mom said she was going to Sunday dinner.”

“Yeah, don’t read too much into that. I haven’t asked her, yet.”

“What the hell are you waiting for? Oooh,” he drawled out, “you don’t want her to come.”

“It’s not that,” Will protested. “It just hasn’t come up. I’ll ask her when I talk to her tomorrow.”

Justin stared at him for a minute. Will fought the urge to squirm. He really didn’t need his family dissecting his relationship with Emma. He was having a hard enough time figuring it out without their input. He’d been struggling not to call her all evening. To see if she wanted him to come over later. The last thing he wanted was to freak her out or make her think he was pressuring her for more. And he sure as hell didn’t feel the need to be with her every minute of every day. But something—contentment?—had settled over him the last week or so. Going home to her every night and waking up with her in the mornings felt right. He didn’t know how she felt about it—though all signs showed she was happy with the arrangement.

Still, he respected her going out with her friends. Will didn’t want to get in the way of that. He just wanted to be there when she got home. And, frankly, that freaked him the hell out.

“Seriously, Will, go on up. I’ll finish up. You’ve been here all day.” Apparently Justin’s questioning had ended.

“Fine, I’ll just check out front and head up. You staying tonight or going out?” Justin had been bunking with him for the last several weeks, though many nights had been spent away with his on again-off again girlfriend.

“Staying. I’m beat. I’ll catch ya up there if you’re not in bed.”

“Okay. Thanks.” He slapped his brother on the back before pushing the door open to the main dining area. He walked through to the bar. It was still pretty packed. He approached his sister, who was bringing empties back to the long bar.

“Hey, Felicia, I’m headed out. Unless you need some help?”

“Got it under control. You have the weekend off?”

“That’s the plan.”

“Good, enjoy. See you at Mom and Dad’s Sunday.”

“Yeah. Later.” He gave her a half hug and kissed the top of her head. “Behave.”

“Ha ha. Oh!” Her small exclamation stopped him. “Some woman was asking for you. I think it’s the girl you were dancing when I played Sid’s a while back.”

“She still here?” Will scanned the crowd, hoping it was Emma. Pitiful lovesick fool he was.

“Yup, she and her friends are at the bar…far end. Cute brunette.”

His gaze settled on her. Her back was to him, but he knew it was her. Would’ve even if her friends weren’t gathered around her. Something about the way she held herself.

She wore a black skirt—a short, low-riding skirt. A tantalizing stretch of skin was bared between the fabric and the red blouse she wore. And the boots…good God, the black leather, high-heeled boots put many, many thoughts into his head. Naughty, filthy thoughts.

“Will? Hello?” Felicia waved a hand in front of his face.

“What? Oh. Yeah, that’s Emma.”

She laughed and gave him a light shove. “Well, go talk to her, doofus.”

Will didn’t even have a snappy comeback, he just started making his way to Emma. As he got closer, he heard her talking to her friends.

“We should just go. He’s probably not here. Maybe he went out with friends, or something.”

Ana looked up and saw him. She nudged Hannah, whose gaze followed Ana’s, and they both grinned.

Emma took a drink of her beer. “Come on. We shouldn’t have even come.”

He laid his hands on her shoulders and brought his mouth next to her ear. “I’m glad you did, though.”

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