Herb Magic for Beginners (11 page)

Read Herb Magic for Beginners Online

Authors: Ellen Dugan

Tags: #herbalism, #magic, #wicca, #witchcraft, #magic, #cottage witchery, #earthday40

One knot each for the Maiden, Mother, and Crone,
Bless this protective charm that I’ve made on my own.

Then hang the herb-filled bag inside your home, next to the main entrance. Once it’s in place, set up the wards with this verse:

St. John’s wort, vervain, clover, and dill,
Ward well my home, protect from ill will.
Make this house a secure magical place,
Defend and protect us through time and space.

Visualize a bright, protective light surrounding your doorway. Tap the bag of herbs three times to activate the spell. You may refresh this warding spell every six months or so.


Garlic (Allium sativum) is associated with the planet Mars and the element of fire. This herb is sacred to the triple goddess Hecate, and it was often left at the crossroads as an offering to her. Garlic was also associated with the god Mars, as Roman soldiers ate the herb to increase their courage and strength. The Anglo-Saxon roots of the word garlic are gar, “spear,” which is probably a description of the long, green onionlike foliage that shoots up from the bulb; and leac, a term that denotes a pot herb.

One of the oldest plants known to humanity, garlic has healing qualities. It contains iron and vitamins, and is a mild natural antiseptic. Not surprisingly, one of the old folk names for garlic is “heal all.” According to herbal folklore, people wore a clove of garlic as an amulet to ward off the plague. They also used it to defend against vampires, to keep sailors safe at sea, and to protect its bearer from Witchcraft. In some cultures, garlic was used as an aphrodisiac, and it was thought to boost the male libido.

In the kitchen, garlic has been used for centuries. I finally took the plunge and starting cooking with fresh garlic a few years ago. It’s a great seasoning to add, as garlic mellows as it cooks and becomes sweeter. If you’ve never cooked with fresh garlic before, you should give it a try.

Braided garlic may be hung in the kitchen to provide protection for the family and to promote well-being and contentment. Garlic is one of the best protective herbs, and hung over doorways in your home, it will fight negativity, absorb evil, and ward off spiteful people, psychic vampires, and roaming ghosts. Try adding one of those decorative braids of garlic to your kitchen to ward and protect the heart of your home.

Kitchen Witch Braided Garlic Charm

You can work this quick Kitchen Witch spell at any time and during any moon phase. Hang the braided garlic in the kitchen, and enchant it for protection and to encourage a happy, healthy home with the following charm:

I enchant this braid of garlic so fine,
Keep negativity out at all times.
Psychic vampires, roaming ghouls, and ghosts beware,
You will never find refuge in this Witch’s lair!

Sure, this charm is a little tongue-in-cheek, but remember that laughter can be the best positive type of magic that you could ever hope to tap into. If you really want to take the wind out of the sails of someone who is trying to frighten you or make you miserable, just laugh. Then, forget about the person.

Warding Plants You May Not Know Are Herbs

Open afresh your round of starry folds,
Ye ardent marigolds!
Dry up the moisture from your golden lids,
For great Apollo bids . . .


Calendula (Pot Marigold)

Calendula (Calendula officinalis), also called pot marigold, is an annual flowering herb that corresponds to the Sun and the element of fire. To the Hindus, this flower represented eternal life and health. Herbal legend says the name of the plant came from a young Greek maiden called Caltha. She saw the sun god, Apollo, and fell hopelessly in love. She became obsessed with him, and every day she waited for the sun to appear, hoping to catch another glimpse of the god. Alas, she never saw him, and she eventually wasted away. To honor her devotion, the first marigold appeared on the spot where she died.

In ancient times, people wore garlands of the pot marigold at wedding feasts, and it was a popular flower to bring indoors, as it was considered a lucky blossom to have. In modern times, carrying a calendula in your pocket will help you find justice and favor in court. The sunshine-colored blossoms were also believed to strengthen the eyesight, drive away all negative thoughts, and promote joy and a positive attitude. In fact, the old herbalists believed that just sitting and studying the bright orange flowers growing in the garden was a sure-fire way to banish the blues.

They best time to gather pot marigolds for magical working is at noon on a sunny day. Scatter the loose petals in the bedroom to keep nightmares away. This little flower is a powerful herb to be be used in any protection charm or spell.

Petal Power

Here is an herbal charm to protect your abode and ward the thresholds of your home. You can cast this spell on any sunny day, but try it on a Sunday for extra success and power. Gather together a handful of fresh calendula petals at noon, to tap into the amazing strength and positive power of the sun. Take a moment to hold these lovely orange petals in your hands, and feel the punch of energy that comes from their scent and color. Now bless these petals for protection, and scatter them across the thresholds of your home, or across your front and back porches, while you repeat this charm:

As I cast these flower petals on the ground,
No negativity shall ever be found.
Orange for vitality and energy to spare,
My home is protected, with an herbalist’s flair.

Close the protection charm with this line:

By the shining power of the sun,
So mote it be and let it harm none.


The familiar holly bush (Ilex ssp.) is an extremely lucky and protective herb. It is associated with the planet Mars and the element of fire. The holly was a sacred plant to the Druids, and was a popular natural decoration for midwinter festivities in many magical cultures.

The Romans used holly wreaths for their Saturnalia festivals. In Europe, the evergreen holly was considered a masculine plant, and was incorporated into winter solstice celebrations along with its feminine counterpart, ivy. Since holly was such a magical plant, there were certain rules that needed to be followed while “decking the halls.” Holly was not to be brought in the house before the winter solstice and had to be removed on Twelfth Night, which is January 6. These twelve days of partying were the forerunners of the twelve days of Christmas. As long as holly was displayed inside the home, it was believed that the faeries of winter would use this as a temporary home. The faeries were believed to enjoy the break from the cold and then would bless the family with good luck and good fortune in the coming year.

When this shrub is planted around the home, it brings protection to the entire household. Holly also has the reputation of protecting folks from lightning strikes, manipulative magic, ghosts, and unethical sorcerers.

Holly Spell for Protection

For this spell, you will need three red, pillar-type candles, a sprig of berried holly, a small slip of paper, and an ink pen. Arrange the candles on a large plate, and nestle in the sprig of holly at the center base. Set the plate on a safe, flat surface, and light the candles. Since the holly is associated with Mars, the best day of the week to work this spell is a Tuesday, to help increase bravery and to tap into the warrior’s spirit. As always when it comes to protection magic, use a waxing moon to pull protection toward you, and a waning moon to banish your fears and dread.

Once you have the candles lit, take a moment to focus on the problem, and write it down on the slip of paper. Carefully draw the astrological symbol for Mars (
) at the top of the paper. Fold the paper and then carefully drip a bit of the melting wax on the paper. (Be cautious—don’t burn yourself.) Next, tuck the sealed slip of paper neatly under one of the candles. Then repeat this spell:

A trio of scarlet candles burning so bright,
Brings radiance and comfort on the darkest nights.
The sacred holly protects, guards, and defends,
All worries and troubles now come to an end.
By all the power of three times three,
As I will it, then so shall it be.

Let the candles burn for a few hours. You can let them burn until they are gone, or just relight them every night for a few hours until they burn themselves out. It’s up to you. Once the candles burn out, burn the slip of paper to ash in a small metal pot or cauldron. (Do this outside.) After the slip of paper is consumed, wait a few moments and then scatter the cool ashes to the wind.

Lamb’s Ears (Betony)

Lamb’s ears are a modern cousin to the ancient plant known as betony (Stachys officinalis). Betony is associated with the planet Jupiter and the element of fire. According to older herbal texts, this herb could drive away night terrors and disturbing visions and dreams. The Anglo-Saxons wore the silvery leaves as a charm against evil spirits.

Today, lamb’s ears are an easy-to-find and affordable alternative to betony. This easy-to-grow perennial will add protection to your home. Dried, crumbled leaves scattered across the threshold may be used to reinforce a home’s security. I have been working with this herb for years, and I have found that lamb’s ears have the same magical qualities as the old betony. I will warn you, however, that this silvery and soft blooming herb spreads like crazy in the garden. One small plant will quadruple in size by the end of the growing season. The flower spikes can grow up to three feet in height and have small purple flowers on the stalks. Lamb’s ears will perform well in either full sun or part shade. This does makes a wonderful front-of-the-garden plant, and children love to pet the soft, fuzzy “ears.”

Betony Charm for Security

Crumble the fuzzy leaves of perennial lamb’s ears (betony) around the outside of your home for security. These form a barrier that will prevent most bad vibes, negative energies, and manipulations from making their way to your property. You can perform this spell at any time and during any moon phase.

Lamb’s ears also make a nice accent color in a flower arrangement, and if you wish, you can tuck in a few silver leaves or the bloom spikes in arrangements. Enchant these herbs to create a sacred space and to protect your home. Try this simple sacred space/protection charm when you work with this herb:

Soft, silver, and fuzzy is betony, the plant called lamb’s ears,
They create a border of magic, no evil can draw near.
Lend your lovely power to mine,
Combine through time and space,
This home is protected, as I stand now in sacred space.

Herbal Trees for Security and Protection

Elder is the Lady’s tree, burn it not, or cursed you’ll be.

The Poem of the Nine Woods


Elder (Sambucus canadensis) has the planetary correspondence of Venus and is aligned with water. The elder is a deciduous shrubby tree with musk-scented wood and foliage. This enchanting tree bears beautiful off-white flowers in the summer, followed by burgundy-colored berries in the autumn. The berries are incorporated into pies, jams, jellies, and wines. The elder tree is sacred to Venus, Holda, and many other goddesses. As the opening quote warns, this tree should be treated with respect. The old herbalists used elder for all sorts of medical cures, and gathered its wood and fruit carefully and with ceremony. You are to ask the Elder Mother, who resides within the elder, three times for her permission before harvesting from this magical tree.

Wearing the blossoms of the elder imparts protection. In Scotland, elder branches hung over doorways protect the entire household. If grown in the yard, the elder tree will help enforce a kind of magical security throughout your property. It was said that Witches and spirits dwelled within the elder. One of the best things about the elder tree is that its foliage, blossoms, and berries may be worked into spells that will help break any magics that may have been cast against you. According to herbal tradition, if you gather these on the night of a full moon, your protection magic will be doubly powerful.

Breaking Spells with the Elder

Here is an elder tree spell that will break an enchantment cast by another. It’s up to you how you’d like to set this up. Put your own creative spin on it. You can scatter the foliage or berries around a candle, or tuck them into protection charm bags. Then repeat the following verse three times:

I call upon the spirit of the Elder Mother,
Help me to break this spell, which was cast by another.
Their magic quickly fades, malevolence now ends,
As safety, protection, and harmony begin.

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