He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) (14 page)

Read He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

He moves his chair, reading my mind.

“You must be used to this, waiting on tables. Isn’t that what you do for a living?” Katherine sneers.

I sit down on Alex’s lap and try to rein my temper in, which is proving extremely difficult under the circumstances. I know what I would do to Katherine if I was on home soil, because I wouldn’t let anyone speak to me the way she has. My eyes catch Michael’s and he looks furious. Sarah all but chokes on her first mouthful of cheesecake.

“Are you alright, Sarah?” I ask. She nods politely, and I turn to Katherine. “I shouldn’t need to explain what I do for a living, but seeing as you’re showing such an interest, I’ll tell you. I am a hotel manager, but then again, I’m sure you already knew that, because you seem to know a lot about me.”

“I’m glad to see you’re at least dressed for dinner tonight,” she spits.

“Katherine, when you’ve finished,” Alex all but hisses at her. “Can you at least be civil?”

Alex’s hand digs tightly at my waist. His whole body tenses underneath me. I drop my hand to his and stroke it. I look into his eyes, and all I see is pain and hurt. She is supposed to be a friend. How did it ever come to this? But then again I don’t know her, so is this the way she is all the time?

“Unlike last night,” she hisses through gritted teeth.

“Katherine—” Michael starts, but I stop him with a stern glare.

“God, what is it about you?” she says. “You seem to have all the men in my life under some sort of spell—Alex, Michael, James. I hope you manage to keep out of my date’s way tomorrow night.”

“No, seriously!” Emma exclaims. “Tell me James hasn’t asked you.”

Katherine gives Emma a smug look. Well at least it’s not just me.

“I can’t believe he would do this to me.” Emma is close to tears and visibly shaking. There must be a story behind this. Poor Emma. I know her and I haven’t really hit it off, but tomorrow is her night to enjoy.

“Sh, Emma. Calm down.” Connor tries to reassure her.

“You know what, Katherine?” I say. “I have tried to be polite for Alex’s sake but no longer. For the second night in a row you have come into his home and gone out of your way to offend me. Fortunately, I’m tougher than I look and don’t offend that easily. But what gets me is that when I look around the table, no one seems that happy to see you. Have you listened to yourself lately? You sound like a complete bitch, and if you want to keep the friends you do have, I suggest you try to behave like a friend, because otherwise you’re going to end up sad and lonely.”

I steal a glance at Alex, who doesn’t seem angry or upset by my outburst. He picks up the cutlery, takes a bit of cheesecake and lifts it to my mouth. The smile on his face as I take it is priceless. Maybe he’s making sure my mouth is full so I can’t say another word. Emma isn’t the only one here tonight that is capable of speaking her mind.

I get the history between Alex and Katherine. But what I don’t get, is the way she can speak to him and others and he doesn’t stand up to her. It’s not because he’s quiet and shy, because men like Alex don’t get where they are in the world, with being quiet and shy. This is something we need to talk about.

“Alex, are you going to let HER talk to me like that?”

“Yes, because you know what? I couldn’t have put it better myself. So for the second night in a row you are being asked to leave, Katherine.”

I don’t know why she looks so shocked. She must have known this would be the outcome after her outburst. She sits for a few minutes, looking at the reactions of everyone around the table. I move slowly from Alex’s lap, much to his dismay. He holds onto my hand, seemingly not wanting to let me go.

“I’ll see you out,” I say.

“Making yourself right at home, I see. Didn’t take you long, did it?” If I were anywhere else other than Alex’ home, I know I would’ve slapped her by now. She is a right bitch.

“For fuck’s sake, just go, Katherine!” Alex shouts at her.

I walk out into the hall with her slowly trailing behind me. I’m waiting for whatever else she feels like spitting out of her mouth, because I know this isn’t the end of it. She grabs my shoulder, stopping me in my tracks.

“There is not a hope of you two being together for much longer. Believe me. I will make sure of it. I will do whatever it takes to remove you from his life.”

The venom coming from her mouth kind of makes me feel sorry for her, but not sorry enough. I pull her arm from my shoulder. “Katherine, I thought you were his friend, but it’s obvious you’re not. What is it you want from him?”

“I want Alex. Simple. I love him, and he loves me.”

“If that’s how you treat someone you love and care for, God help everyone else.”

“He is totally different when it’s just the two of us. I know he loves me. He might not have said those words, but I know.”

“So, I see what the real problem is. You heard him say them to me last night, and it got under your skin.”

It happens so quickly, I don’t even see her hand moving. I just feel the force across my face. “I warned you last night, Libby. You can’t keep his interest, and you don’t seem the type to be a city girl. I can’t see you pulling up stakes and moving here, because believe me, there is no way he’ll be moving. All his business interests are here, along with other things. Me? I can give him everything he needs and more. You. What the fuck can you give him? All you look good for is waiting tables.”

I push her against the wall, my arms at either side of her. “That was your one free pass. Because believe me when I say that if you ever try that again, you won’t know what hit you.” Before I finish, I hear footsteps in the hall. I look up to see Michael eyeing up the situation in front of him.

She has hit a sore point with her words.
Could I move here to be with him? I suppose as time goes on in our relationship, I’ll find out.

“Katherine, go now before I end up doing something I’m going to regret,” he tells her.

“I’m going. I’m going. But as I said, Libby, I don’t expect to see much of you in the future.” She gives me one last dirty look before turning on her heel and walking out the door. I lean against the wall and turn away from Michael, hoping he doesn’t see what is bound to be a nice red mark on my face.

“It’s too late, Libby. I’ve already seen it,” he says, walking closer to me “Let me see it.” He slowly turns my face toward him. His touch feels warm and kind.
isn’t a word I would have associated with him before now.

“There’s no hiding that for the rest of the evening, but it should be fine tomorrow—no lasting effects that makeup can’t hide. Come on, before Alex comes looking for you and thinks I’m up to no good.”

“I thought you were always up to no good, Michael. Or are you just a big softy, putting on the tough guy act?”

“Hey, I have a reputation to keep, so don’t go spreading that around.” He laughs, putting his arm around my shoulder and steering me in the direction of the dining room.

I’d rather not have to go and sit with everyone, but would happily take to the stairs and fall into bed. It has been a long and eventful day. Michael drops his arm from my shoulder as we enter, and I laugh to myself, knowing he’s done it for Alex’s benefit.

Six pairs of eyes turn toward me.

“Libby,” Sophie gasps.

“Baby, are you going to tell me what happened?” Alex asks, motioning me toward him but staring at Michael. As if there was any doubt I would.

“Elizabeth, are you alright?” Sarah’s concerned voice takes me back weeks, to the first time we met back in Scotland after Jeff’s attack on me. She was concerned with the injuries I received.

I nod slowly, walking straight toward Alex. He wraps his arm around me and pulls me down onto his lap. His touch sends shivers all down my back. He smiles, almost sensing how I’m feeling. He takes my chin and turns my face around, slowly, almost painfully, I presume so he can inspect it more closely.

“Well? I’m waiting for an answer.”

“If I said I walked into the door, would you buy it?”


I tell him what was said between Katherine and me, which doesn’t take very long.

“Bitch,” Emma says. She looks at Sarah, who frowns at her. “Sorry, but I don’t like her.”

I would never have guessed. At least I can agree with Emma on one thing. I have absolutely no idea why and how Alex is friends with Katherine.

Alex places a soft kiss in the centre of my cheek and wraps his arms tightly around my waist. Everyone has begun talking again except Sarah. Her eyes are firmly on Alex and me. The tender smile that crosses her face gives away her emotions.

“Are you not going to have any of this dessert?” Alex asks.

“No,” I say tiredly. I try to hide the yawn, but it’s no good. Sarah has already seen it.

“I think we should all make tracks,” she says.

“Before we go, my brother dearest, you had better tell Libby about her surprise for tomorrow,” Sophie says, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Everyone looks in our direction. I turn my face toward him and raise my eyebrows, daring him to tell.

“Oh, shit. I almost forgot. With one thing and another, I forgot. You and Sophie are going for a day of pampering tomorrow, starting with lunch. Go and do whatever you girls do in preparation for a night out.”

“Thanks.” I kiss him as I remember that I was going to do my hair myself. He really can read my mind. “You didn’t have to.”

“I know, but to be honest, it was Sophie’s idea. I can’t take the credit for it.”

“It doesn’t matter whose idea it was, I love it. So thank you, both of you,” I say, turning toward Sophie, who seems rather happy. I think I’ll enjoy spending the day with her.

“So we’ve all got a great day to look forward to,” Emma says, slurring her words.

I look at Sophie, hoping and praying that we aren’t spending the day with Emma, because I don’t think I could. Sophie shakes her head, sensing my apprehension. Thank God for that. That would have been my idea of torture.

Connor approaches Alex and me. I take it they will be the first to leave.

“Libby, I am so sorry about tonight. I can’t and won’t make excuses for Emma. The way she behaved tonight has left a lot to be desired. Then on top of Emma, you had Katherine to contend with. Sorry. ”

“Connor, don’t let it bother you. I’m sure she’s just nervous about tomorrow.” I smile as I say the words I know I don’t mean.

“I think I know her enough to know it’s not just nerves about tomorrow.” He pauses and holds his hand out to me. “Alex, I like Libby. Try not to mess this up. Libby, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. I’ll try to keep Emma out of your way. Oh, and you had better save a dance for me as well.”

“I look forward to it,” I reply with a smile I mean.

“Not too much, I hope,” Alex says. “Good night, Connor, and don’t forget to take Emma with you. She looks as if she’s ready to sleep.” Alex looks toward where she is slumped at the table. She can sure knock back the drink.

Connor walks over to her and helps her up, and she staggers slightly. I look on with amusement, glad it’s not me in that state. Me, I’m more tired than anything else. It takes Connor a few minutes to manoeuvre Emma from the room.

Next we say our good-byes to his parents and Sophie.

“I am so looking forward to our day tomorrow,” Sophie gushes as she throws her arms around me.

“Me too. I can’t remember the last time I had a girlie day.”

“I’ll see you at lunchtime. We could start with a liquid lunch, and then by tomorrow night we might have caught up with Emma,” she says, laughing.

“Sophie, I don’t think so,” Alex says sternly.

She laughs as she kisses him.

“Goodnight, Mom, Dad,” Alex says. “I might pop by in the afternoon, seeing as I’ll be at loose ends now.” His eyes burrow deep into me.

“That’s fine, son. We’ll be home.” Sarah takes him in her arms and kisses his cheek.

Richard and I say our good-byes, and he apologises for how the night turned out with both Emma and Katherine.

Sarah embraces me when she lets go of Alex. “Goodnight, sweetie. I can’t wait to see you all dressed tomorrow night. I already have my suspicions about what dress you’re going to wear.”


“And then there were three,” Michael says, taking a drink from a bottle of beer and handing a bottle to Alex.

“And soon there will be two,” Alex says, laughing at him.

“Yeah, yeah, I get the hint. I’ll be out of your hair soon enough.” He turns to me. “Libby, I would take anything Katherine said tonight with a pinch of salt.”

“It’s fine
I’m tougher than I look. You know looks can be deceiving!” I reply with a hint of sarcasm, thinking of our conversation earlier in the hall.

“Right. Point made. I’ll head off and leave you two in peace.”

Alex stands, staring at Michael and me. Michael is his friend and a bloody good one at that. If only all his friends were the same
Michael and I had a bit of a shaky start, but he has proven that there is a good guy deep within him. I overheard Michael and Alex having words while they were in Scotland. Michael said Alex would be much better with Kirsty. That’s how I learned that they bet each other on stealing the other’s girlfriends. Childish I know. I felt a bit uncomfortable around Michael after that.

“You can stay in one of the spare rooms if you want,” Alex says to him.

“What and be subjected to listening to you two? No, thanks, but I will come over tomorrow when Libby goes out.” He laughs.

“Yeah, do that.”

Michael says goodnight and leaves. I offer to go and clean up, but Alex is having none of it. Instead I head upstairs to go to bed. I get washed and try desperately not to think about the turn of events for the day
I finish up in the bathroom and head back into the bedroom, take a T-shirt off the shelf in his closet, and put it on.

I am sliding into his bed when he enters the room, and I have to admit he looks as shattered as I feel. He looks drained. I think the situation with Katherine is taking its toll on him. I understand he feels a certain obligation to her, but she made it clear she sees Alex as a lot more than a friend, but that is all she will ever be to him. Although given recent events, he might even struggle with that.
Should I talk to him about it? Or is it better to leave it alone?
I’m starting to dread tomorrow night. As the saying goes, bad things come in threes.

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