He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) (17 page)

Read He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

“Natasha, it’s great to see you, and yes, you’re right; this is Libby.”

Natasha looks to be in her mid-thirties. Her dark brown hair is pulled back off her face in a bun, and her face is a vision of natural perfection. “Libby, I see we don’t have much to do for either of our beautiful ladies this afternoon, but I can assure you that you will have a relaxing day, starting with lunch and some of our finest champagne. You will then have a choice of treatments, including a massage, and then hair and makeup. Ladies, let me lead the way.”

We follow her through what I would say is the front shop. A smell of scented candles flows from the front all the way through the long hallway until we come to a doorway. Natasha tells us to change our clothes and put on the provided robes, and then head into the dining area. It looks more like an intimate restaurant. There are only a few tables, and it looks like we have the place to ourselves.

We take our seats and Natasha opens a bottle of champagne. The cork pops, much to Sophie’s delight. We both order a ham-and-pear salad.

“So, are you looking forward to tonight?” Sophie asks. “I can’t wait to see what dress you end up wearing.”

“Yeah, I am, although I want to stay out of Katherine’s way. It’s meant to be a family function, and I don’t want to ruin anything.”

“The plan is to keep both you and my mom away from her,” she says, laughing. “Although I think it will be easier with you. My mom always seems to find a way of running into her. Emma doesn’t care for her much either. I still can’t believe James is bringing her as his plus one. Something isn’t adding up with those two attending together.”

“So, Sophie, is there a man in your life?”

“I’ve been too busy lately. Maybe when things calm down a bit with the shop, I’ll have a social life again. But I don’t want to talk about me when I can find out all the gossip about you and Alex.”

“There’s nothing to tell.” I smile, thinking of him. “But I’m sure you can tell me a thing or two about your brother.”

“Oh, I’m sure you already know all the good stuff. There’s not much to know. He’s a workaholic, but then, you already knew that, considering that’s how you two got together. He keeps to himself, usually, and doesn’t let many people in. That’s until you.”

“So what do you want to know?” I ask.

“One: has my brother told you he loves you? Because it’s so obvious.”

“Yes, he has.”

Sophie looks taken aback at my admission.


“He’s not one for showing his feelings.”

“He’s not doing too badly. I think he’s showing his feelings pretty well, considering.”

“Considering what?” she asks.

“I’ve been the one holding back.”


I tell her about my past with Jeff and my reservations about a future with Alex. She listens to all my points, from the fact that we’re both still getting to know each other to the biggest one: the fact that we live on different sides of the Atlantic. That one thing will be a huge stumbling point.

“If Alex asked you to move in with him tomorrow, what would your answer be?”

“You can’t put me on the spot like that,” I answer sharply, looking anywhere but at her, because I know she’ll see the turmoil in my eyes
Can I answer this question?
Could I up sticks and move and leave my family behind? I don’t think I could. Or would I end up with a broken heart, letting Alex go? I sigh at the thoughts running through my mind. “It’s far too early in our relationship to even think about that.”

“You’re right. Sorry I put you on the spot. I didn’t mean to upset you. I can see it in your eyes. I don’t know how I’d feel if I were in your shoes. Mom told me how close you are to your family, and I don’t think I could move away from mine. Right. No more sad talk. Let’s enjoy our day.”

The rest of the day goes smoothly, and I enjoy every minute. As for Sophie, I think we are going to become good friends. We laughed all afternoon and drank a few glasses of champagne. We’ve both had fingernails and toenails done and had a relaxing facial and the most relaxing back massage, although my back was a bit tender at my scar. My makeup is done and the hairdresser is putting the finishing touches on my hair.

I can see Sophie from the corner of my eye. She has opted to keep her hair down with soft curls framing her face. Her makeup looks natural as well. I, on the other hand, had both dresses in my mind when the hairdresser asked what I wanted. As I stare at my reflection in the mirror, a smile spreads across my face. My hair has been curled and pinned up to perfection, leaving only a few soft strands flowing down around my face. My makeup has the right effect, from the soft, smoky colours highlighting my eyes to the reddish-brown on my lips.

“Wow, Libby. My brother isn’t going to be able to keep his hands off you, and that’s before I see you dressed.” Sophie squeals as we stand and turn to face each other at the same time.

“You look great.”

“Don’t I? Maybe I’ll find the man of my dreams tonight,” she says, and giggles. “Now, I have a small present for you.” She reaches into her handbag and takes out a small bag and hands it to me. “These are for you to go with the dress. Can’t have any lines showing under your dress.”

I smile as I look in the bag—underwear

“Ladies, you both look stunning,” Natasha says as she enters the room. “I trust you have enjoyed your day with us? Your driver is waiting outside.”

“Natasha, thanks for today.” Sophie hugs her. “Now let’s sort out payment.”

“It’s already been settled. Now, off you go. Enjoy your night. I expect to see lots of pictures next time you’re here,” Natasha tells Sophie.

“Alex, he’s already paid? Yes,” Sophie says to Natasha, who can only nod in agreement. “Oh, I’m sure you won’t have to wait that long. I’m certain Libby’s picture will make the headlines tomorrow.”

I shake my head at her comment, but I know she is probably right.

We say our good-byes and head outside, where Murphy is patiently waiting for us.

“Ladies, you both look as gorgeous as ever,” he says with a charming smile as he opens the door.

We talk and giggle like schoolgirls about normal stuff. Sophie suggests we swap phone numbers, and, as I take my phone from my bag, I see that Alex sent me a couple of texts earlier in the day.

“Missing you. Hope you two are behaving. X.”

“Missed you. On my way back to you. X.”

“I see. You two are crazy about each other.”

“Yeah, I suppose we are,” I reply coyly, and then I blurt out, “I love him.”

“Oh, honey, that’s obvious to everyone who has spent even a short amount of time with the two of you.”

Murphy drops me off in front of Alex’s building first. Sophie and I hug, and I thank her for a fantastic afternoon.

“Miss Stewart,” the doorman says, opening the door for me.


I head up in the lift. Alex gave me the code to use before I left him. I can’t wait to see him. My feelings have grown more intense every day since the first day I met him. I didn’t think it was possible to feel this way about someone. I’m totally and utterly head over heels, and nothing is there to break my fall.

I exit the lift, and much to my surprise, I nearly walk straight into Joan.

“Joan, is everything all right?”

“Yes, dear. I’ve moved your things back into the master bedroom. Mr. Mathews is getting ready in one of the other rooms, so you can get ready in there. Now, will you need a hand with your dress?”

“Yes, that would be perfect. Thank you.”

“No need to thank me. Now up you go. I’ll give you a few minutes, and then I’ll be up.”

I head up the staircase, feeling happy and excited. Excited about what Alex will say when he sees me, and excited about spending the evening in his surroundings. When I enter the bedroom, I see that Joan has taken both dresses from the bags and hung them up over the closet door.

Now I have a decision to make: red or cream? I take a step back and look at both dresses for a moment, but I think I already know which one I’ll be wearing tonight. I hope I’m making the right decision. Eagerly, I change out of my clothes and take the bag Sophie gave me, putting on the seam-free underwear. With this dress, a bra will most definitely not be needed. I take the dress from the hanger and slip it on as Joan knocks on the door.

“It’s me,” she calls out.

“Come in.”

She enters and walks over and helps me with the zipper, which is all the help I need.

“Mr. Mathews is downstairs waiting on you. I haven’t let him come up, so he is a bit anxious.” She smooths down my dress as she speaks. She reminds me of my mum—that’s what she would do. “You look stunning, and I think you picked the right dress. Now, don’t take too long to come down the stairs, because I won’t be able to keep him down there for long before he comes looking for you.”

I stand and look at my reflection in the mirror as Joan leaves the room. I turn to the side, and suddenly I don’t think this dress is a good idea.

“Joan,” I call out.

She comes back in the room. “Yes? ”

“I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“My scar. I don’t know what I was thinking when I picked this.”

“Right. From here right beside you, of course, I can see a small amount of it, but the way the dress drapes down your back, most of it is covered. You look perfect, and the only opinion that matters is downstairs waiting for you. If you like, I have a nice black silk shawl that would look perfect against the colour of your dress.”

“No, I’m being silly. It’s there, so why attempt to hide it? Thank you.” Maybe I’m being silly, or maybe I don’t have the inner-strength to wear this. The confidence I need to walk through a crowded room, with my head held high, is somewhere deep within me. I just need to let it resurface.

I slip my shoes on and spray on some perfume before putting it and some lip gloss into my bag, and head down the staircase.

as he looks up the stairs and our eyes meet. My heart is doing somersaults. I wasn’t ready for the sight that greets me. My gaze slides over him—all of him. As my mother would say, he looks dashing, but me, I think he looks hot and all mine. He’s standing at the bottom of the stairs in his tux, top button undone, with his tie draped around his neck. I’m not sure I even want him to put the tie on properly. His jacket is open and seems to sit perfectly on him. He has a shadow along his jawline that I’ve grown to love. I’m so glad he hasn’t shaved. And as for his hair, what can I say about that?

I walk slowly down the stairs, watching my step as I go, scared that I might go tumbling down in these heels. He holds his arm out to me as I near the bottom; his eyes still firmly set on me.

“Libby, you look breathtaking,” he says, running his eyes from my head all the way down my body, savouring me. I reach the bottom of the stairs and take his hand.

“You don’t scrub up so bad either,” I say before his lips press lightly against mine, sending goose bumps racing through my body.
This could be a very long night.

Joan enters the hallway. “Miss Stewart, this is perfect,” she says, coming over and handing me the shawl.

“Thanks, Joan. I might take it with me. Just in case,” I reply with a smile.

“What’s with the shawl?” Alex asks, turning me so that I’m standing with my back to him. He already knows. How can he be so attuned to what I’m thinking and feeling?

I feel his hand on my back. His touch is warm and inviting. My eyes close voluntarily and my body instantly relaxes. His fingers trace my back all the way down to the edge of the dress.

“Miss Stewart, you have a lot of flesh on show, wearing this.” He places a small kiss at the side of my neck, and my body melts into his. “You do know there’s no way I’m letting you leave my side tonight, right?”

I nod because it’s the only thing I’m capable of doing.

He moves away slightly, and, already, I miss his touch. But it’s not long before I feel his soft lips on my back, placing soft kisses on my scar. He moves my dress slightly so he can kiss it all.

“Is this what the shawl is for?” he asks, turning me in his arms again until I face him.

“Yes,” I mumble, slightly embarrassed. My eyes fall to the floor.

“Libby, look at me.” His hand moves to my chin, lifting it up so I am again looking into those beautiful brown eyes that are filled with sadness at this moment. “If your scar wasn’t there, would you even consider putting a shawl around yourself?”

“No.” I sigh, knowing exactly where this is going.

“Right. Baby, it’s part of you. I wish it wasn’t, but it’s there. It’s a reminder of how strong my beautiful girl is, what you’ve overcome. I understand why you want to cover it up, and if that’s what keeps the confident side of you out tonight, that’s fine by me. I certainly don’t want to see you retreat. Back in Scotland, I only saw small glimpses of the way you truly are. The professional side of you is super-confident, but these last few days, you’ve been relaxed, carefree, and confident even when others are trying to bring you down. I want to see you like that all the time.”

With his last statement, I know he’s talking about Katherine.

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