He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) (19 page)

Read He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

“You’re thinking of keeping it?” I ask curiously.

“Yeah, it could keep me on good footing with a certain lady I want to impress.” He leans over and places a soft kiss on my lips.

“You know you don’t need to impress me with this place. I would love you the same without it all.”

The happiness on his face is evident. “Libby, you have no idea how I feel, hearing you say that.”

“I think you’ll find I do, because I feel the same way, and I mean every word.”

“Alex,” a deep male voice calls across the room, walking toward us. This is Colin the chef, I presume.

“My dear.” He stops in front of me and lifts my hand to his lips. “When you come to your senses and dump this man to the kerb, I am more than willing to take his place.”

I laugh at his boldness.

“Remember who pays your wages.” Alex grins. “Libby, Colin. Colin, Libby.”

“So, Libby, Alex tells me you have a passion for not just your hotel, but the kitchen as well?” Colin asks.

“Yeah, I suppose I do. I don’t spend nearly as much time in the kitchen as I’d like to.” I shiver, remembering my last day working in the kitchen. I have the battle scars to prove what happened that day.

“If you ever get bored on any of your trips here, then you know where to find me. I’m sure I could put you to good use,” Colin says, laughing.

“I’m sure if Libby gets bored, we can find something else other than slaving away in the kitchen,” Alex says.

We chat with Colin for another few minutes before he is called back into the kitchen. We stay at the bar and finish our champagne before we need to go to the ballroom. I’m looking forward to spending the rest of the evening with Alex’s family, who have made me feel so welcome.

“Should we not be going?” I ask him.

“They won’t start until we’re there. I’m enjoying our time together. I’m not quite ready to share you with everyone just yet.”

I take a sip from my glass, and the bubbles slide down my throat.

“Libby. Stay.”

I splutter on my drink at his words and the seriousness on his face. I suppose I should’ve seen this coming.

“What do you mean, stay?”

“Baby, you know what I’m asking.” He is almost pleading with me.

“It’s too soon.” I sigh.

“It’s not. I know how I feel about you, and I know you feel the same.”

“I have a life back home. It’s too early in our relationship to consider this. I have a job I love dearly, and as for my family . . .” My voice trails off.

“Libby, I love you with all my heart. I want you in my life. These past few weeks, being apart from you has been unbearable, and I know it’s been the same for you. You’ve used work to escape, these last few weeks, as a distraction from how you were feeling. I need you with me. At least think about it. Promise me you’ll do that?”

I nod, because not only am I left speechless, but tears are trickling down my face.

“I don’t want you to cry.” He wipes away my tears with his fingers.
I’m going to be a mess by the time we get downstairs.
“There is a lot to think about, and you would be
as you put it, on a regular basis. As for working, you wouldn’t need to.”

“I don’t work because I need to. I work because I want to. The job I have means a lot to me. I’m passionate about my work.”

“You could have that passion here, doing the job you love.”

“What, in this hotel? I don’t have enough experience to run a hotel this size. Don’t you get it? Stewart House is in my blood.” I look away from him because I don’t want to see the pain that is bound to be in his eyes at my sharp words. “Is there a ladies’ room close by so I can freshen up?”

“Come on. I’ll show you.” We walk away from the bar in an unbearable silence. He leads me out and down the hallway, and we stop outside the bathroom. He opens the door and gestures for me to enter.

“You’re not coming in. I’ll be out in a few minutes,” I say, walking away from him.

I stand in front of the mirror, looking at my reflection. I look drained. Only a short while ago, I felt on top of the world. Why did Alex have to bring this up tonight, of all nights? I do know how he feels, but I’m right in saying it’s far too soon to be thinking about this. And I know that if the day ever comes, I’ll be the one who has to give up my life and leave everything behind.

Could I walk away from my hopes and dreams? Then there’s my family. It’s not even my parents I’m thinking about; it’s Ethan and Lucy. It was hard enough to move to another house after staying right next door to them. I can’t imagine leaving them both behind.

Oh, Alex, you know how to pick your moments.

I touch up my makeup for a second time this evening, ensuring I look presentable before making my way from the bathroom. Alex is pacing the hallway. He stops when he sees me.

“Libby, baby, I didn’t mean to upset you.” He takes me in his arms, and my weight sinks into him. I rest my head on his shoulder. He is clearly as shaken as I am and he holds me tightly.

“We have time on our side. I want to enjoy my time with you. As I said, it’s too soon to think about this. You’re coming to Scotland in only two short weeks and will be staying for a while. You’ve said yourself that we should see how things go after that. You could decide after living with me for a few weeks that it’s not what you want after all.” I say this last sentence to try to lift both our spirits.

“If you think my feelings are going to change, you’re wrong.” He sighs. “My feelings for you intensify with each passing day.”

“I feel the same, but . . .”

“No buts. This will work. We’ll make it work together. I do know how to compromise, but that’s something we both have to do.”

I move my head slightly and our eyes meet. I see burning passion, but I also see sadness and conflict.

“Alex, I do love you.”

“Of that, I have no doubt. No doubt whatsoever.” He moves one arm away and gently strokes the side of my face. “I love you, too. Now. Can we put this behind us and enjoy tonight?”

“Yeah, I think we can. Anyway, I’m looking forward to dancing with you.”

“Come on, then. Everyone should have arrived by now. My parents will be wondering where we are.”

“Let’s go, then,” I say, moving away from him. “What are we waiting for?”

We head toward the lift and travel down to the ground floor.

“You know, Miss Stewart, you are a vision of beauty tonight, but I have to say you will look much better after you have been well and truly fucked,” Alex says as soon as the doors open.

I turn and gape at him. I feel the heat through not only my flushed face, but all the way through my core.
Nice one, Mr. Mathews.

“That did the trick,” he says. “Now let’s go and show you off.” He laughs as he takes my hand, and we stroll toward the ballroom.

enter the grand ballroom. It’s enormous. There’s so much to see, I will never take it all in. It’s in keeping with the rest of the ground floor in colour, but even stripped of everything, I get the impression it would have a romantic feel to it. But
all this for an engagement party?

There are easily thirty round tables seating ten or twelve—there could be more—all elegantly dressed in white and baby pink—not a colour I would have picked for this room. The table decorations seem a bit over the top, with centrepieces made of hanging-ball, clear-glass vases with baby pink and white flowers. Pink feathers are scattered across each table. The chairs are covered with pink and finished with white sashes. I presume Emma likes her pink.

“Baby, what do you think?”

“The room itself is stunning.” I make a face and shake my head. “But Emma’s choice of colours has left a lot to be desired.”

Alex laughs as he tugs my hand, indicating that we should move as a waiter rushes over with glasses of champagne on his tray. We each take a glass and continue moving.

Lots of people look in our direction.

Alex seems to know exactly where we’re going. As we make our way through the crowded room, he stops several times and introduces me to a few business associates. Everyone slowly takes their seats. We make our way toward the table where his parents are sitting.

“Libby,” Sophie screeches as she greets me with a huge hug. “You made the right decision about the dress. This is stunning on you. Alex, my dear brother, you did good picking these. Stunning—the perfect finishing touches to your outfit. Diamonds. See? My dear brother has good taste in everything in his life.” She points to the jewellery.

He nods, acknowledging her.

“You look great as well,” I say to her. “I enjoyed our afternoon together.”

“Yeah, me too. I’m sure we’ll have many more days like today, if my brother gets his way.” Sophie smiles, but I can only frown. “We’ll talk later, just the two of us,” she whispers. I get the feeling she knows that Alex wants me to stay with him.

Both Sarah and Richard greet Alex and me with a warm hug. Michael, on the other hand, puts on a bit of a show, and I can only presume it’s for Alex’s benefit. He dramatically takes me in his arms, dips me slightly, and kisses me on the cheek, but anyone watching from afar would think it was a full-on, passionate kiss on the lips. I laugh.

“Michael, my friend, I suggest you take your hands from her ass and back before I kick your ass out of the building.” There is no hint of humour in Alex’s tone.

“You wouldn’t dare. Libby, don’t let anyone tell you differently; you are by far the most beautiful woman in this room tonight,” Michael whispers as he returns me to a standing position. “Alex.” The two best friends shake hands. I must admit Michael is growing on me. I have a much better perspective on the relationship between the two.

Emma is sitting at the table shaking her head furiously, dressed in what I can only guess is her favourite colour—baby pink. It’s only then that I take in the other guests at the table: I presume Emma’s parents, her brother James, who is smiling at me, and bloody Katherine, who seems to be growling at me.
Oh, we are in for a fun night.
Our table is set to accommodate twelve.

“I switched the place settings,” Sophie says, grinning.

I raise my brows questioningly.

“Because Emma had Katherine sitting right next to Alex, and after everything, I thought it was best.”

Alex and I greet Connor and Emma. Emma still seems as uptight as she was the night before, but, then again, maybe she has good cause to be, considering the people sitting around her table. I would be anxious as well, and I am, all things considered.

“Libby,” Alex says, distracting me from Sophie. “I would like to introduce you. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, this is Elizabeth Stewart.”

“How nice to meet you both,” I say to Emma’s parents. They both greet me and seem nice enough. We all take our seats as the MC announces that the meal is about to be served.

“I have other family at other tables. I’ll introduce you to them after dinner,” Alex says.

“I see some things don’t change,” Katherine hisses through gritted teeth. “Still sharing toys.” Of course Katherine, would be very well aware of the games, and dares these two would play, surrounding girlfriends.

Alex freezes, and I worry he’ll react to her words. I squeeze his hand, reminding him that I am close. Michael looks worried, obviously sensing his friend’s anger, as Alex composes himself and takes a deep breath. Alex turns to me, and I know instantly that he is fine again, with his smile that melts my heart at every turn.

“Katherine, enough. I already warned you not to ruin Emma’s night,” James says through gritted teeth. “Good evening, Libby.”

I smile weakly at him, aware that Alex is watching me intently. As for Katherine, I’ll have to try to ignore her. Alex and James acknowledge each other with slight nods. I take my seat between Alex and Richard, and instantly Alex puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. His fingers dance delicately across my bare back, sending icy shivers all down my spine. My eyes shift to his and he grins. He knows exactly the effect his touch has on me. Oh, tonight is going to be so, so long.

The MC makes an announcement, giving the full running order for the evening. He asks everyone to stand to toast the happy couple. A chorus of “To Emma and Connor” rings out around the vast room before dinner is served. I still think this is way over the top for an engagement party. With all the formalities, it feels more like a wedding. The engagement parties I’ve gone to back home, including Ethan’s, have been in nice halls decorated with banners and balloons, with a nice buffet and a DJ. Not a full four-course meal and band.

“Where are you going?” Alex asks as I move to let the waiters serve the first course.

“Nowhere.” I turn to face him. “We can’t possibly eat with me tucked into you.”

“Says who?” The grin on his face is infectious, and his look says, “Try to stop me
” He takes a long drink from his glass before offering it to me. I can only shake my head at him.
a good word choice for the man sitting to the right of me.

“So, Alex, I made an appointment for Wednesday morning for our meeting,” James says from across the table.

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