Read HH02 - A Reclusive Heart Online

Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #romance hollywood heart recluse love sweet boss workplace romance romance contemporary romance series romance

HH02 - A Reclusive Heart (12 page)

for this. No, for this his little recluse planned on approaching a strange man and trusting him not to hurt.

He glared up at her as she shifted nervously in front of her computer as she wrung her hands together. Although she was a

sexy little thing now and he wouldn't have minded a go between her legs he'd decided that she was off limits. He also had a

firm rule about touching virgins, he didn't.

Virgins were too much work, too much drama and he didn't care enough to introduce them to sex patiently. When he had

sex he wanted to get off. He didn't really care about anything else and he sure as hell didn't care about making things perfect for

a woman. He got them off and that was enough in his book. It was the main reason he decided not to act on his attraction to the

little recluse even though he thought she was developing a bit of a crush on him and he knew he could have had her on her back

within seconds if he wanted, but damn.....

She really didn't want him. She wanted a stranger and that was not the reason why he surged to his feet and suddenly found

himself glaring down at her. It wasn't. He was concerned for her because she was doing something stupid. That was all.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" he snapped, grabbing her by her arms and giving her a rough shake. "Do you have any

idea what could happen to you by going around and letting some guy fuck you?"

She winced, from his crude words or the tiny shakes he was giving her he didn't know or care. Didn't she realize she

could catch something? Get pregnant? Or worse, go home with some asshole that got his thrills by beating the shit out of

women? Didn't she realize how stupid this was?

"T-that's why I was doing research, you jerk!" she snapped back, surprising them both by the expression on her face. "I

don't know anything about sex and have no one I can ask!" she said, getting good and mad as she pulled her arms back only to

give him a good shove.

"I'm sick of not knowing! I want to have sex! I want to know what it feels like to be with a man and if I want to have sex

with a thousand men then that's my business, buddy!" she said, giving him a good shove. "And if you don't like it

then......then......then that's too darn bad!" she said, giving him a final shove that knocked him back onto his ass on the edge of

the bed.

She turned to grab her computer and storm off when he found himself saying something he knew he'd regret. "I'll teach


Chapter 11

Was it possible to die from mortification? Jamie was pretty sure she was about to find out. Did he just offer her sympathy

sex? Admittedly she didn't know much about sex, but she didn't think she wanted some guy having sex with her because he felt

bad for her.

She wanted what the heroines in her books got from their men, blinding passion and desire. She wanted a man who

couldn't keep his hands off of her, not a man who was willing to take one for the team.

"Um," she cleared her throat uncomfortably, "no thanks. I'll just stick to videos and books."

His eyes narrowed on her as he got to his feet. "I meant," he bit out tightly, "that I'd help you, not that I would sleep with

you, Jamie."

"Oh.........," she said, thinking it over before asking, "Why?"

"Why what?" he snapped, looking agitated as he walked over to her computer to check something.

"Why do you care?"

"I need you healthy and whole to do this tour, Jamie," he explained, keeping it short and sweet, but she got the point. He

was only offering to help her for his job, not because he cared. It was foolish, but she couldn't help but feel a little hurt and

disappointed that he didn't care.

Maybe that was for the best, she decided. If they kept a professional distance she'd feel more comfortable about asking

him questions. If they were friends she'd feel a little awkward and embarrassed with some of the questions that she was dying

to ask.

"Okay, where do we start," she asked brightly, ignoring his scowl as he gestured for her to sit on the couch.

Trying to hide her nerves, she quickly sat down, at the far corner of the small sofa. Nick sent her a questioning look, but

said nothing as he turned the television on and went to the pay-per-view menu. When he scrolled down a list of titles that could

only belong to adult movies she gasped and lunged for the remote.

"What the heck are you doing?" she demanded as she did her best to steal the remote away from him before he could do

something that would embarrass them both.

"I'm helping you go through your list," he said, holding the remote just out of reach as he selected a movie.

"Oh my god!" she gasped. "They'll know!"

"Who?" he asked, frowning.


"That I watched a skin flick?" he asked, frowning.

"Yes!" she hissed as she shot a nervous look at the door, half expecting someone to break down the door to yell at them.

"No one's going to care as long as I pay for it and besides, no one will know you watched it, Jamie. This isn't your room,"

he pointed out.

"Oh," she mumbled, thinking it over and realizing that he was right. As long as no one said anything no one would have to

know that she'd watched this with him. Maybe it would be for the best to have him help her with this, just the learning and

asking questions part. For the rest she'd find a willing man who wanted her, which she hoped wouldn't be too difficult because

she was really ready to have sex soon.

Well, if they were going to do this then they needed to do it right, she thought as she rushed out of the room.

"Where are you going?"

"To get my notebook!" she yelled over her shoulder as she opened the door and ran out.

"You're kidding, right?"


Nick shot a look over at his little recluse as she scribbled something else down on her notebook and couldn't help but

sigh. She hadn't been kidding after all. Fifteen minutes into the movie and the woman hadn't stopped writing for more than a


"Doesn't that hurt?" she suddenly asked.

He followed her gaze to the television and nearly groaned when he realized what she was asking. "No, it doesn't," he said

tightly, shifting on the couch, again, which sadly had nothing to do with the brunette giving head in the movie and everything to

do with the little recluse sitting by his side taking notes.

"It doesn't hurt when her teeth glide over it?" she asked, looking entranced with the action as he struggled not to imagine

Jamie on her knees in front of him doing exactly that. What the hell had he been thinking to offer to help her with this?

He really was an idiot.

Any other man would have shoved the woman out the door, but instead of doing that he'd offered to teach her about sex.

Now he was stuck sitting here sporting the hardest erection of his life and wishing like hell that he hadn't offered to put himself

through this hell.

"Why is she moaning when he's not even touching her?" she asked, sounding curious.

"Because it's a movie," he said, shifting again before reluctantly adding, "And some women enjoy the act."


"Yes," he said tightly, praying the movie would end soon and he'd be able to get her the hell out of here so he could

relieve himself, again. For almost two weeks he'd been forced to seek relief from his hand as she drove him crazy and wonder

why the hell the little recluse affected him like this.

She was cute, pretty and had a great body, but he'd seen better, but no other woman left him hard and aching like her. The

only explanation he had for this temporary insanity was the fact that she was forbidden fruit and virginal, untouched. He nearly

whimpered when his cock jumped at the thought.

This was hell.

"I don't think he's doing that right."

"What?" he asked, refusing to look over at her, knowing that his poor dick didn't need a visual.

"She looks bored and, um, well, his tongue is barely touching her," she pointed out.

He looked back at the screen and cursed softly as he watched the man go down on the admittedly bored looking woman.

Normally that was something he liked to skip with a woman. It was too intimate and he sure as hell didn't trust any woman

enough to do that. He might like one stands, but that didn't mean he liked to take chances. Growing up with the type of women

that he did he knew damn well what could happen. It also didn't hurt that he didn't like doing that for a woman and didn't have

much of an interest in doing it.

Until now.

Now he wanted to do if for Jamie. Hell, who was he kidding? He wanted to do it for
. He wanted to strip her naked,

lay her on the bed and lick between her legs where he knew he'd find her soft, so damn soft and wet. He'd take her with his

tongue, but not like this idiot was doing, and he'd make damn sure that she wasn't bored. Until she screamed his name he

wouldn't stop licking her, sucking her, fuck-

"I don't think I want some guy doing that to me," she muttered, sounding disgusted.

He just barely stopped himself from telling her that he damn well was going to do it to her and she damned well was

going to like it when he remembered that he was going through a momentary lapse of sanity. She was a shy little recluse who

didn't know the game and was so far from his type that it wasn't even funny. He liked his women practiced, who knew what

they wanted in bed and most importantly how to give him what he wanted. Jamie didn't know shit and was going to be

completely dependent on whatever guy she took to bed to introduce her to sex.

Why the idea of being the one to teach Jamie how to fuck had his poor dick twitching, he would never know, but he

wished like hell that it would stop. He rubbed his hands over his damp face and had to wonder when he broke out into a sweat.

Probably about the same time he thought about Jamie's lips wrapped around his dick, he thought, shifting, again.

"Wait, why is he putting his-"

Whatever she said was lost on him as his eyes shot to the screen. He felt is eyebrows arch impossibly higher as he dove

for the remote.

"Wait, I wanted to see that!" Jamie grumbled, but he didn't care. A man could only take so much.

"It's time for bed," he blurted out as he swiped up a magazine off the bureau and held it discretely in front of the huge tent

in his pants.

"What?" Jamie asked, shooting a nervous look between him and the bed. The fact that she didn't look excited over the idea

did not piss him off.

It didn't.

"I meant that I'm tired and that we're going to have to call it a night," he explained tightly.

"Oh," she mumbled, shoulders slouching as she stood up, hugging her notebook to her chest as she headed for the door

only to pause halfway there and worry her bottom lip. "You're still going to help me, right?" she asked softly as she stared

down at her feet and he just barely stopped himself from going over to her and taking her into his arms.

He was not a hugger, damn it!

"Yes," he gritted out, knowing that the sooner he helped her get laid the better. No, scratch that. The sooner
got laid the


Maybe he should head downstairs to the hotel bar and pick up a woman. No, he couldn't do that since there was absolutely

no way that he was going to last that long. The damn woman had him panting and ready to burst and she hadn't even touched


"Are you okay?" she asked, moving to take a step closer as she ran her eyes over him with obvious concern.

"Great. Fine. Never been better," he said quickly as he ushered her towards the door, making sure to keep the magazine

firmly in place. "I'll look over your computer and get it back to you tomorrow," he said, opening the door and pretty much

shutting it her face.

"Okay, goodnight," he thought he heard her mutter, but didn't really care.

He dropped the magazine, reached down and undid his pants and had himself in hand as he quickly made his way to the

bathroom. He slapped his hand flat against the wall above the toilet, closed his eyes and thought about Jamie's face. Never in

his life had been this turned on by one woman and he sure as hell never pictured a woman's face while he jerked off. Now he

couldn't help but moan as the image of her sweet face caused his balls to tighten. He didn't even finish the second stroke before

his legs threatened to give out and a long groan escaped him.

," he heard himself growl in ecstasy.

He dropped his hand away and flushed the toilet, panting harder than if he'd just done thirty minutes on the treadmill and

stumbled back from the toilet, wondering what the hell was happening to him. She shouldn't be affecting him like this. He didn't

want her. Okay, that was bullshit. He
want her.

She was his responsibility and definitely not his type, but he couldn't help but like the idea of holding her in his arms or

kissing her, something he didn't usually like but did to get a woman to spread. With Jamie he just wanted to kiss her just to kiss

the little recluse. His arms actually ached from the urge just to hold her.

This was so damn wrong. If he didn't need J.L. Lewis so damn much he'd either walk away or fuck her to get it out of his

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