Hidden Alpha [Alpha Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (24 page)

She turned her head and saw Gavin watching them with eyes full of lust. She had been so caught up in the moment she forgot that Gavin couldn’t join them like this.

“What about Gavin? How is he going to participate?”

“It’s okay, baby doll. I’m happy just watching,” he replied.

She watched Chase glance toward Gavin, and he looked hesitant when he said, “Or you could join in. If you’re ready, that is. I know I wouldn’t mind feeling that cock of yours fuck me, and I’m pretty sure Devlin would like it, too.”

Gavin’s eyes shot to Chase. “Seriously? You would let me do that?”

Chase’s eyes crinkled as he smiled. “Of course. You are our mate.”

Gavin looked to Devlin. “And you, too? You would let me?”

She could feel Devlin nod against her neck. “Yes, I would love it, but you better hurry. She is so tight I’m not sure I am going to last much longer.”

Gavin smiled and looked back and forth between Chase and Devlin. He looked like he couldn’t decide which one he wanted first. She didn’t want to rush him, but she was close, too, and if someone didn’t hurry up and move, she was going to strangle all three of them.

“Why don’t you go with Chase first, since he was the first to offer. Then later I’m sure Devlin will still be in the mood.”

Gavin winked at Chase. “Pushy little one, isn’t she?”

Chase laughed. “You have no idea. When she’s in the mood, she gets what she wants, or you’re in trouble.”

She swatted Chase on the chest and stuck her tongue out at him. When she tightened her pelvic muscles, both Chase and Devlin groaned. Chase said, “Hurry, Gavin. She’s going to make us both come very soon.”

Devlin handed Gavin the lube. “Just do what Chase did to Amalya. You don’t have to be quite as gentle. He likes a little pain with his pleasure.”

Gavin took the lube and moved behind Chase. Seconds later, Chase dropped his head down on her chest, and his breath quickened.

“Just lube up your cock and fuck me, my mate. I can’t hold on much longer. Between your fingers in my ass, and my cock in her pussy, I’m ready to blow now.”

Chase held still while Gavin entered him. When they were all connected, the men started slowly moving. They found a rhythm that soon had them all moaning. Chase tilted his head forward and to the side. He whispered, “Claim me, my mate.” Amalya’s fangs dropped down, and her mouth watered. She watched as Gavin’s fangs punctured the skin, and Gavin thrust harder into Chase. His moan announced his orgasm. When Gavin raised his head and licked the wound clean, Chase looked her right in the eyes. “Now you,

When he dropped his head back on Gavin’s shoulder, she didn’t hesitate. She sunk her fangs deep into his neck and drank down her mate’s blood. It was delicious, and she knew why Chase and Devlin liked to claim her so much. It was like their souls were one in those few moments. She heard him scream out his release and felt his seed pumping into her. At the same time that she licked the bite mark closed, Devlin bit into the back of her neck. The bite and the feel of Devlin now coming deep inside her, too, was enough to thrust her into another orgasm she didn’t know was coming.

When they all came down from the clouds and were able to stand on their own again, they helped each other rinse and dry off before falling into bed together. The bed was a little small for all of them, but that just meant they had no choice but to cuddle or fall out.

Amalya knew they still had a long way to go, but their bonding in the shower had come a long way toward making them a family. She felt like she had cheated Gavin out of his mating Devlin had promised in the shower, but she knew they would get to it soon.

Chapter 20


A week later, Amalya was outside with Dmytri and Adryk, playing in the backyard. Anya and Katrya were in their playpen sleeping. She had moved it under the deck so they were in the shade. While she kicked the ball around with the boys, she kept an eye on the babies. She was also watching the woods. Over the last few days, she had gotten the feeling someone was watching her. She hadn’t said anything to her mates about it because she didn’t want them to worry about her. They had things they needed to take care of that had been neglected since their mating.

Devlin had “alpha business,” whatever that meant. Chase was a police officer that had taken a leave of absence and now had to go back to work. They had explained to her that the beta of the pack was also the head enforcer and usually either sheriff, police chief, or a sergeant with the local police departments. Pack enforcers were basically wolf-shifter cops. He dealt with problems inside the pack and issues with other packs. Chase was the police chief, and the officers that worked for him were all shifters and pack enforcers. He had explained it was easier to keep their race a secret, having pack members in law enforcement. Gavin had traveled back to their hometown to take care of whatever he had to, to officially hand his pack over to Garrett. He was also going to pack up the rest of their belongings at their house and bring everything down. While they would not sell the house, they had talked about renting it out to either pack members or college students. They didn’t need any of the furniture, so they were going to leave it for whoever rented the house. The only two pieces of furniture Gavin was going to bring with him was their bed and a brown leather love seat they had bought when they first moved in together. The bed was going to be placed in one of the guest rooms at the cabin. They didn’t really need it, but it held sentimental value, so they both decided they wanted to bring it to their new home. The love seat was coming along because it was almost brand-new. Amalya and Gavin had cuddled on it many nights before he left, and Amalya couldn’t stand the thought of not having it. They had also ordered a new specially made bed for the four of them. Since the small town they now lived in did not have a furniture store, they had ordered it from their hometown, and Gavin would be picking that up, too. Amalya had wondered why they didn’t just have it delivered. Devlin had explained that they never voluntarily invited nonshifters to their home. They didn’t want to risk anyone finding out their secret. Explained that way, she understood. She still remembered how she had fainted after Dmytri shifted in the hospital. She couldn’t imagine what a stranger would do if they saw one of the boys shift. She didn’t want any of her family to become a science experiment.

So, Gavin was gone for the day and wouldn’t be back until later that night or possibly the next morning. He was renting a moving truck and enlisting the help of some of his soon-to-be former pack to get everything moved. She was still worried he would regret leaving his pack and come to hate her, Chase, and Devlin for it. Gavin had assured her that he was fine leaving his pack and wanted to be with them more then he wanted to rule his own.

They had also tried to answer some of her questions about alphas, but she was still a little confused. What she did understand was that when shifters are born, they are born an alpha, a beta, a pack member, or an omega. So, any pack can have more than one alpha wolf, but only one of them will be the “alpha”, king of the mountain, head honcho, or whatever they were called. To become the “alpha” one had to either be appointed by the old alpha, which was what Gavin was doing with Garrett, or someone had to challenge the old alpha and win. She didn’t like the idea that a challenge was to the death, and any alpha wolf could challenge for leadership. That meant any alpha wolf could challenge Devlin, and they would fight to the death. She knew Devlin was strong, and he and Chase had both assured her that no one nearby would challenge him. All of the area packs knew each other, and, while they kept to themselves for the most part, they did get along and had no problems with each other’s leadership. It wasn’t the nearby packs she was worried about. They also told her about lone wolves. They were wolves that had either left their pack voluntarily or had been kicked out for one reason or another. She was afraid a lone wolf would come onto their land and decide he wanted it for himself. All of the mates told her she had nothing to worry about, but she still did.

She and Gavin had been born alpha, but unless they led a pack or challenged an alpha leader, their status didn’t mean a lot. What she did learn it meant was, that when she or Gavin gave someone a command and used their “alpha voice,” which she still hadn’t figured out how to do, that other wolves would listen to them. Also, being mated to “the alpha” placed all of them above the pack. Not that they were better than the rest of the pack members, just that other members would defer to their lead in the absence of the alpha. So, if Devlin wasn’t around, and she needed a pack member to do something, they had to listen to her or risk punishment from Devlin when he returned. She was also informed that as alpha mate, she would be protected by every member of their pack. Any one of them would lay down their life to save hers. While she didn’t like the idea that her life may be in danger and that someone could be killed protecting her, she did like the idea of being protected. Chase, being police chief and leader of the pack enforcers, had informed her this morning that even though he had to go to work, there would be eight enforcers traveling the woods around their property, but they were advised not to come too close and bother her or the children. She knew they were out in the woods but hadn’t seen anyone yet. She thought maybe that was the feeling of being watched she was having. She wanted to yell into the woods and ask them to come out so she could meet them, but if they were given orders by Chase, she didn’t want to get them in trouble.

As she was still kicking the ball with the boys, Adryk kicked the ball really hard, and they all watched as it flew over Dmytri’s head and landed a few feet into the woods.

Dmytri called, “I’ll get it,” as he ran for the woods.

Looking where the ball landed, Amalya caught movement a few yards away. When she looked over, she could see two men trying to hide behind the trees.

“Dmytri, stop!” she shouted. When he froze in place, she realized she had found her alpha voice. “Come back here right now, quickly.” She continued as she motioned for Adryk to come closer, too. When Dmytri and Adryk were within reach, she grasped their hands and pulled them behind her, blocking them from the view of the men in the woods. She knelt on one knee as she kept her eyes on the two men who had now stepped out of their hiding places and were standing at the edge of the tree line.

“Be good
”—she emphasized the word “boys,” hoping they would know not to shift—“and take your sisters inside to the special room.”

They must have understood, because they said, “Yes, mama,” and walked off quickly to do what she asked. She didn’t even have time to enjoy the feeling of being called “mama” by the two boys.

Devlin and Chase had built a safe room in the basement that could only be accessed by someone with the proper code. The room was fireproof and well hidden. No one would be able to find it if they weren’t shown where it was. Dmytri and Adryk had been shown the room years ago. The door opened by their handprint and voice. Whenever the door was locked from the inside, a signal would sound at the police department, and every pack enforcer would either get a phone call or text message. When they got the call, they would all respond to protect the alpha, his mates, and his children. She knew within a matter of minutes that the cavalry would be on the way. She hoped she wasn’t making a mistake, and these two were really enforcers. She would be very embarrassed if they were there to protect her and she called in everyone for a false alarm. She kept her body between them and the children and didn’t speak until she heard the house lock down. Not only did the safe room lock, but it was wired to secure and lock every window and door in the house, too. No one could get in or out of the house. That was, if someone had broken into the house and the system was activated, they could not escape before the enforcers arrived.

She could tell by the way the two men gave a confused look toward the house when windows and doors started closing themselves that they were not the enforcers there to protect her. All of the enforcers knew about the security system and would know how it worked. None of them had the codes to the safe room, but they did to the doors to get in and secure the house. Now that she knew they weren’t part of the pack, she was more worried. She knew she shouldn’t show weakness and that she could shift and defend herself if needed. She stood up straighter and raised her chin slightly the way Devlin and Gavin had shown her to show her dominance and status in the pack. If they were shifters, which she was pretty sure they were, she wanted them to know she was an alpha, and they were on

“Who are you, and what are you doing here?”

One of the men stepped forward, and she hoped he didn’t see her shiver. His eyes were coal black and lifeless.

“We are two of your pack enforcers. We were patrolling and thought we would introduce ourselves.”

So they are wolves.
Still she knew he was lying, but she would play along and hopefully stall them long enough for the real enforcers to show up. Chase had assured her that they were close-by, but she wasn’t sure how close.

“What are your names?” she asked.

The one with the black eyes seemed to be the spokesperson, while the other hung back at the tree line and scanned the area as if he were watching for someone.

“My name is John, and this is James,” he answered, motioning to the man behind him.

Her mates had taught her how to tell if someone was lying to her, and these men were lying. With her now-excellent hearing, she heard their breathing rate increase. She could also see the pulse in the black-eyed one’s neck beat rapidly and a streak of sweat roll down his temple. While it was warm out, it wasn’t so hot he should be sweating. She knew it was from being nervous.

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