Hidden Alpha [Alpha Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (27 page)

“If you’re supposed to be in a secure location as alpha, why were you waiting for me, and why are you risking your own safety to take me home? We should get you somewhere safe. I can drive myself home.” Gavin’s argument held little conviction, but he tried.

“Because you are my best friend, and Amalya is like a sister to me. There is no other place I would rather be than by your side. Besides, you’re technically still alpha. It should be you that is being protected. And as official beta and head of the enforcers, I am doing my duty by protecting you. See, it all works out just fine. We’ll go and save the day, and I’ll be a hero.” Garrett smirked.

Gavin laughed, which he was sure was Garrett’s objective. They chatted about trivial things while Garrett sped toward the alpha cabin. Gavin knew his friend was trying to keep his mind off of all the horrible things that could be happening to his mates, but it wasn’t working. Gavin could only think the worst.

With Garrett’s exceptional driving skills, they made it to the cabin in half the time it would normally take. As they approached the driveway, he could see the enforcers patrolling the woods and thought that it was a good sign. If there was still danger at the cabin, they would all be there fighting off whoever had invaded their home. Pulling up in front of the cabin, everything looked secure and peaceful. Gavin didn’t wait for Garrett to fully stop the truck. He jumped out and ran toward the house yelling, “
Where are my mates?


* * * *


Devlin tensed when he heard a truck come to a skidding halt in the driveway in front of the house. He couldn’t see who it was from the deck and was worried someone else was there to hurt his mates. He stood and started to tell Amalya to take the boys in the house until he heard a loud booming voice bellow, “
Where are my mates?”

He relaxed when he realized it was Gavin, and he yelled to the other wolf, “We are on the deck, and everyone is fine.”

He watched Gavin and Garrett come running around the side of the house, Gavin in the lead. When Garrett stopped dead in his tracks, and Skye stood so quickly he knocked the chair over, Devlin wondered what was going on. He looked back and forth between the two men as they just stared at each other. He asked several times what was going on, and when neither man moved or answered, he stepped in front of Skye so he would have to focus on him. When Skye’s eyes finally focused on him, Devlin asked, “What is going on?”

“Mine,” Skye whispered.

When that one word left Skye’s lips, Devlin knew they were all in for some interesting times. He had met Garrett before, and he knew the man was straight as straight could be. He seemed to always have women around him whether he was intimate with them or not. They were moths to his flame. He heard a growl from behind him and turned, placing himself in front of Skye. He wasn’t sure if the growl was directed toward him or Skye, but he wasn’t going to let anything happen to Amalya’s cousin. He didn’t think Garrett would hurt Skye after discovering he was his mate, but he wasn’t going to risk it until he was sure. Devlin pointed his finger at Garrett and said, “I understand he is your mate, but you are on
land. You will not disrespect me or my family.”

Garrett nodded before tilting his head to the side, showing his submission. “I apologize, alpha. I meant no disrespect.” He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts. “How could he be my mate? I’m not gay. I can’t have a man for a mate.”

Devlin turned back to Skye in time to see the joy in his eyes fade before he diverted his eyes away from Garrett. “I see. I’m sorry. Maybe I
leave after all.”

Amalya stood and sent the boys inside to play before taking Skye’s hand into hers. Devlin was jealous at first but realized this man was her family. Holding his hand, Amalya made Skye look at her. It was eerie how much they looked alike, and Devlin couldn’t believe he hadn’t noticed earlier. Skye had the same dark-chocolate hair and honey eyes as she did. When she had his attention, she said, “No, you will stay with us if you want. No one will make you leave, especially Garrett.” She glared at Garrett. “If he ever gets his head out of his ass, he will realize you are an amazing person. Then he will have a lot of making up to do for denying you.”

Garrett tried to defend himself. “I didn’t deny him, I just don’t understand. I know he is my mate. I just don’t know why. Why would fate mate me to a man when I’ve never wanted to be with one?”

Amalya pointed at him. “That right there is as good as denying him. When you smarten up and quit being such an asshole, you can come talk to me, and
I will let you grovel for forgiveness at Skye’s feet.”

With that, she took Skye’s hand and led him into the house.

Devlin was proud of her for standing up for her cousin, but he would have to speak with her later about speaking to someone’s mate like that. No one can come between a mating bond, and if she tried they would have trouble.

Garrett started walking toward the house, but Chase stopped him. “Just let them cool down for a little while.”

Garrett growled. “She is taking my mate away. She can’t do that.”

Chase patted him on the shoulder. “Your mate went willingly with her. And she’s right. You hurt his feelings, and he will need some time to forgive you.”

Gavin chuckled as he walked past Garrett, smacking him on the back. “You found your mate, my friend. Let the fun begin.” He was still laughing when he walked into the house, probably to go check on Amalya and make sure she was okay. Devlin wanted to do the same. He felt the need to check every inch of her body and make sure she was healing from being shot. Thankfully, their wolf’s DNA healed them quickly. As soon as she had shifted, she had started healing and would be completely healed soon. He didn’t care. He needed to be with her now. The need to claim her again was riding him hard. He looked to Chase and was pretty sure his mate was thinking the same thing he was. His suspicions were confirmed when Chase called out to two of the enforcers that were out in the woods to come to them. When the shifters stood before them in human form, Chase gave them their orders.

“We need to see to our mates. Amalya’s cousin, Skye, is inside. He is to be watched
protected. He is not to go anywhere by himself inside or outside the house. Do not harm him or interfere in any way. If he attempts to harm anyone in the family, defend my family. If you think he has done something that I need to know about, report it to me. Otherwise, he has free roam of the house and surrounding lands, just not alone. He is also and alpha mate for another pack. Do you understand?”

When they both nodded, Chase directed them to the storage bin they kept on the deck for when pack member arrived in wolf form and needed something to wear before entering the house where their mate was. The clothes were a recent addition for them and only came about after Amalya had moved in. Devlin knew she only had eyes for Chase, Gavin, and himself, but he still didn’t want other men walking around his house naked. Besides, he had children there now, too. While the boys were...well...boys, he now had two little girls that didn’t need to see naked men either. After the men were dressed and in the house, Devlin listened as Chase talked to Garrett.

“I understand he is your mate, but you have to give him some time. He is not from around here. He doesn’t know you and needs time to absorb everything that has happened to him today. Even though he is your mate. you
give him the time he needs. Devlin, Gavin, and I will see to that.” Chase held up his hand when Garrett started to argue. “I am not denying you your mate. I am simply explaining to you that he is under our protection. He is the only blood family that Amalya has, and we will not allow him to be hurt by anyone, even a mate. It is almost dusk. You are welcome to stay on our lands tonight, but not in our home. I can find you a place to stay for the night so that you can think over everything. You need to come to terms with the fact that your mate is a male and decide how you are going to make it up to him for hurting his feelings. He has had a lot happen to him over the last few months and especially today. I will not tell you everything because it is not my place, but I will tell you that he had to kill another shifter today to save Amalya’s life. He also had to kill his own father a few days ago just to be able to come here and protect her. I do not have to tell you how many emotions surface when you are forced to kill someone. He just found out his cousin was alive. Why don’t you give him the night to get to know her a little and come back in the morning? I can’t speak for him, but by the way he looked at you when he realized you were mates, he will probably forgive you and want to talk to you. But not right now. You need to go and think about how to explain to him why you reacted the way you did. There is a small bed and breakfast in town near the police station. I can call and tell them you’re coming, if you would l like.”

Garrett nodded. “Yes, that would be good. Thank you.” He turned and started to walk away. Just before he reached the corner of the house, he stopped and turned back to say, “I never meant to hurt him. I was just shocked is all. Please know I have nothing against mating a man. I know you, Devlin, Gavin, and Amalya are all very happy, and I want that happiness, too. I will do whatever I have to, to make this up to him. Please tell him I will come back in the morning to speak to him and apologize in person.”

Chase nodded, and Garrett walked around the house. Devlin held Chase close as they listened for the truck to start and leave the driveway. He kissed Chase’s lips and whispered against them, “Very well said, my mate. Now why don’t we go find our other mates? I have the need to be close to all of you right now.”

Chase gave him a quick kiss. “Me, too.” And he led Devlin into the house, looking for Gavin and Amalya.

Chapter 22


Gavin found Amalya in the kitchen making tea. The man she called Skye was sitting on a stool at the counter. He still wasn’t sure who the other man was, besides Garrett’s mate, but he was going to find out where he came from and why he was in their home. He also wanted to know why Amalya was so protective of him. He knew all of her friends, and Skye was not one of them as far as he knew. When she turned away from the stove, he hugged her tight and ran his cheek over the top of her head, inhaling her scent. When he smelt her blood he pulled away and looked down at her, checking her body for injuries.

“Baby doll, are you okay? I smell your blood. What happened?”

“I’m fine now. The assassin that killed my parents found me and tried to finish the job. He shot me in the shoulder with a silver bullet. Skye killed him and then dug the bullet out and saved me.”

At the word “shot,” Gavin’s legs started to give out on him, and he led Amalya to a stool so he could sit down and pull her between his legs. He ran his hands up her arms and gently over both shoulders, checking to see if she was really truly healed as she said. He found no outward signs of injury, but she flinched a little when he touched her right shoulder. Pulling her shirt off her shoulder, he checked her skin. There was a faint pink mark there that he knew would heal and not scar, but he still couldn’t believe she had been shot. Thankfully, all of her mates had claimed her, so she was able to shift and heal quickly. He couldn’t stand the thought of her being in pain. He kissed the healing mark and replaced her shirt to its proper place before looking over at Skye.

“Thank you for saving my mate. I am in your debt. But can someone please explain to me exactly who you are and why you’re here?”

Skye told Gavin the same story he was sure he had told to everyone else before he had arrived. While he sat and listened to Amalya’s cousin, he kept an eye on his mate as she moved around the kitchen preparing tea for them all. Two of the pack enforcers also joined them but stayed in the doorway. Chase must have sent them to watch Skye, and Gavin was thankful. He wanted to believe the male was no threat to him or his family, but trust had to be earned. Besides, if what he just witnessed outside was true, and Skye was Garrett’s mate, that made him precious, whether Garrett wanted to admit it or not. Skye was now an alpha mate, and they were to be protected. She sat a cup in front of him and leaned into his body. When he wrapped his arms around her waist, she whispered in his ear, “I really am okay, my love. Everything is fine. Thank you for coming home for me.”

“My sweet Amalya, there is nothing that would keep me from you. I’m sorry I was not here when you were attacked. I will never leave you unprotected again.”

“It was a freak thing. I’m glad you were not here. If you had been, he may have killed you. And like I said, my cousin saved me, and he killed the assassin. It’s all good.”

Skye cleared his throat. “It’s not completely true that I was the one that killed John.”

Gavin and Amalya looked at him in confusion. Amalya said, “Yes you did. I saw you. Just as I fell to the ground, you sliced his throat, and he fell to the ground.”

“I may have cut his throat, but I’m pretty sure it was you who delivered him to his death.”

“But I was on the ground and shot. I wasn’t anywhere near him. He shot me before I could get close enough.”

Skye smiled as if he had a secret, and Gavin said, “Can you please explain what you’re talking about? How do you think Amalya killed him?”

Skye started to explain as Devlin and Chase entered the kitchen. “Our family has many secrets, and some of us have many powers. One of those powers held by a select few of our family is the ability to control the weather to one extent or another.”

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