Hidden Alpha [Alpha Mates] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (8 page)

Chapter 8


It had been four days since they had brought the babies home from the hospital. Devlin and Chase had worked hard to get the funeral arrangements done, and it was scheduled for tomorrow. It took all of three of them to get Dmytri, Adryk, Anya, and Katrya to sleep, but they finally accomplished it. Amalya didn’t think she had ever been so tired in all her life. While Devlin and Chase had been busy making the arrangements, she didn’t want them to have anything else to worry about, so she was taking care of the boys and babies. She thought her job as a kindergarten teacher would have prepared her, but this was so totally different. At least at school the children went home to their parents at the end of the day. She wasn’t sure she had slept more than an hour at a time since they got home. She was working on getting the babies on the same feeding schedule so maybe they could all get some sleep, but so far they had minds of their own and woke up at different times each night. As soon as she would get one fed, changed, and back to sleep, the other one would wake up. She wasn’t complaining, though. Amazingly, Devlin and Chase had both gotten up a few times when she just couldn’t seem to move when one of them started crying. She felt bad those times, but knew she wouldn’t do anyone any good if she was too tired to function.

She was tired, but as soon as she entered the bedroom, all thought of sleep left her mind. Both men were in bed completely naked. Devlin was lying on the bed on his back with Chase propped up on one elbow. Chase was leaning down and devouring Devlin’s mouth. Devlin held him by the back of the head and looked to be holding Chase into the kiss. She watched as Chase softly ran just his fingertips down Devlin’s chest and abs. Devlin’s muscles constricted and relaxed as Chase’s hand moved slowly lower.
What would it feel like to have him do that to me?
When Chase’s hand skimmed over Devlin’s hip, bypassing his cock that looked like it was straining for attention, Devlin let out a low growl. Chase lifted his head and chuckled. “Impatient are you?”

Devlin growled again. “Damn right I’m impatient. You know how long it’s been. Touch me.”

“We have to wait. I want Amalya to join us.” Taking that as her hint, she cleared her throat and started walking toward the bed. “Don’t stop on my account. I was enjoying the show.” When she saw them both look up at her, she lost some of her bravado and stopped halfway to the bed and blushed. She paused just long enough to realize the look in their eyes was not anger that she had interrupted. It was desire. For her or for each other, she wasn’t sure, but she was ready to find out. She had never met a man that had looked at her like that, and she needed to know what it felt like to have someone love her. She was ready to make love to these two men. She knew it was a giant leap of faith to trust them that they wouldn’t hurt her, but they genuinely seemed to like her. Maybe even love her already. She never believed in love at first sight, but she was pretty sure that this was what it felt like. Since the moment Chase walked into her classroom, she had done nothing but want him. She wanted him to love her and to make love to her. She needed to love him back the way a woman should love a man. With Devlin, it took a little longer, but once he explained to her why he had reacted the way he had at the hospital, she tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. He was trying hard to make her believe in him and trust him. Every time he was near her, he would pull her into his arms and tell her how honored he was to have her as his mate. He also told her how much he was already in love with her. He would thank her for giving him the chance to show her that he could be trusted and would take care of her.

Devlin held his hand out to her. “Come here, sugar. Come join your mates and let us love you. Please.”

Every time he spoke she wanted to jump and obey him. They had explained to her that it was the alpha in him that made her want to please him. But she knew better. It was the love that was growing between them. She wanted to make both of her men happy. The fact that he seemed to be giving her orders but always added the “please” on at the end made her want him more. If he had just ordered her to do something, she wouldn’t be so happy to oblige him. But he always asked, not ordered. That meant the world to her. For some reason, even as a child she hated taking orders from anyone. That was part of the problem with her foster parents when she was a teen. They were always trying to order her around, and she resisted them at every turn. Gavin and his parents were different. They always gave her the option of making up her own mind. They never ordered her to do anything. Gavin would even ask her opinion on something and sometimes defer to her decision. She shook her head.
Gavin has no place in this bedroom. Forget him as he has forgotten you.

She walked toward the bed and leaned down a little to take Devlin’s hand. Both males immediately rose up to their knees and brought her into their embrace. Devlin kissed her first, and it was a good thing they both had their arms around her, as her knees went weak. Devlin pulled away, and before she could catch her breath, Chase was moving in to take her mouth. When Chase pulled away, all three of them were breathing hard.

Devlin’s denim-blue eyes looked into hers. “Please, sweet Amalya. Are you ready for us to make love to you and claim you as our own?”

She had seen Devlin and Chase try to control themselves over the last few days and knew it was hard for them. Chase had explained to her that once a shifter meets his or her mate, it is very important for them to claim each other. He said it was ingrained in their DNA to mark their mate as theirs so no one else would come near them. Chase and Devlin had been fighting their nature for four days now, and she could tell it was taking a toll on them. Earlier that day, she had bent over in front of Devlin to pick up one of the boys’ toys, and he had tackled her to the floor and started kissing her. She thought he was going to make love to her right there on the living room floor, and he probably would have if one of the babies hadn’t woken up and started crying just as he had ripped the front of her shirt open. When he had her on the floor, she was scared at first, but something deep inside her seemed to take over, and she wanted him as bad as it seemed he wanted her. He had apologized several times for what he had done, but she had told him not to apologize. She had wanted him just as much. He had blushed at that comment, but said he had some things to take care of. He had walked out the back door, and when she went to find him after settling Anya down, his clothes lay in shreds on the back deck. When she had asked Chase about it, he said that if they really need to blow off some steam, they would shift and run for a while. She had assumed that was what Devlin had done and understood. Whenever she was upset about something, nothing settled her more than a long run or walk in the woods. She had been that way since she was a child. More than once, Gavin had had to come and drag her back to the house when her foster parents couldn’t find her.

Stop thinking about him. He’s not here. They are. Think about the two men that love you and want to make love to you.

Devlin kissed her neck and whispered, “It’s okay, sugar. We can just hold you for tonight if you’re not ready.”

She shook her head and looked into his eyes. “No, I’m ready. I was just thinking is all.” She smiled at them and could feel her face heat up at the next question. “So... um, where do we start? How do we do this with all of us?” She had read enough romance books to know how two men and one woman would have sex, but she wasn’t sure if she was ready for both of them at the same time. They had also already discussed protection. They had explained to her that they couldn’t carry human diseases, and even if they could, they had only ever been with each other. They also insisted that if she were fertile, they would be able to smell it. They promised that they would use protection the times she was fertile for a while until she was ready to have pups, as they called them.

Devlin pulled her shirt up and off over her head and bent his head to her breast. “Don’t worry, sugar. We won’t do anything to hurt you. We know this is your first time, and we want to make it perfect for you. First, we will get you ready. Then Chase will claim you. If you are okay after that, it will be my turn.” He lifted his head to look into her eyes again. “If anything hurts, or you need to stop, just tell us. You are our mate, and we don’t want to hurt you in any way. If you’re not ready, just tell us, and we can take more time. Are you ready for us,

Chase bent his head and took a nipple into his mouth while Devlin stared into her eyes, waiting for an answer. She felt heat pool deep in her belly.
How am I supposed to think with them touching me?
“Um, what was the question again?”

Chase looked up with a sheepish grin. “Are you ready for your mates,

Hell yes!
She nodded as she placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “I’m ready. Make love to me. Claim me. Make me yours. Forever, please.” The look of love that they both gave her was enough to make her knees weak again. Luckily, they were both there to catch her. They carefully laid her on the bed like she would break. Devlin lay beside her on her right side, head propped on his elbow, watching her. Chase knelt over her and covered her with his body. Chase took her lips in a kiss that said she was his, and she had better not forget it. When he left her lips and started raining little kisses down her neck headed toward her breasts, Devlin swooped in and took her mouth. Chase worked his way down to take one nipple into his mouth, and he sucked while Devlin took the other and rolled it between his fingertips. At the feel of Chase’s mouth on her nipple, her back arched, half her body coming off the bed. Every time he sucked her nipple it felt like he was sucking on her clit. It throbbed in response to his mouth. This was the best she had ever felt, and they hadn’t even touched her there yet. For a second, she wasn’t sure if she would be able to handle more pleasure. But when Chase started kissing down her stomach she knew she wanted more. No, she needed more. She needed him to touch her there. She needed his mouth on her. She needed his cock buried deep inside her.

When he was just above her mound, she lifted her hips, hoping he would get the hint. With a small chuckle, he slid her shorts and panties down her legs. Then he used his fingers to spread her outer lips. She heard a swift intake of his breath, and he froze. Wondering what was wrong with her, she lifted her head to look down at him. “What’s wrong with me?”

When he grinned up at her, he had a tear that was just starting to fall down his cheek. “Nothing is wrong. You are perfect. But I’m afraid to hurt you.” He looked to Devlin. “She
innocent. We can’t hurt her.”

She knew what he saw after his statement to Devlin. She was a virgin, as she had told them. She had been preached to by Gavin’s parents that it was important for her to keep her innocence until she was found her “one” as they had always called him. They would probably be surprised to find she had two instead of one perfect man in her life. She reached down and ran her fingers over his jaw. “I know you won’t hurt me. I trust you. Please make love to me.”

Chase took a deep breath, and she thought he was going to stop. Just as she was ready to beg, he said, “Just let me know if it hurts, and I will stop. I will try to make it as painless as I can.” With that, he dipped his head. The touch of his tongue to her clit was enough to set her body on fire. She had never felt anything so amazing. She felt one of his fingers at her opening and clenched. He lifted his head. “Baby, just relax. I won’t hurt you. I don’t really want to take your innocence with my fingers and tongue, but if I don’t stretch you for me, it will really hurt. This is the way it has to happen.” She knew what he meant, but she had always thought that it would be a man taking her for the first time that would break her virgin barrier.

She took a deep breath and relaxed her body. Devlin helped by softly running his hand up and down her belly and kissing her neck. Chase must have felt her relax, because he again lowered his head and started licking at her. She knew she was wet from their attention and briefly wondered if she tasted okay to him. As if he read her mind, he answered her question when he moaned, and she thought she heard him mutter, “Delicious.” After a few minutes of just his tongue, she felt his fingers at her opening again. She didn’t tense this time. She knew she wanted these men to make love to her and that they wouldn’t hurt her. She felt him slick up a finger in her juices before slowly pushing it into her. She felt full but no pain as he licked at her clit and pushed his finger farther into her. She felt more heat and liquid rush to her pussy that was now throbbing when he worked a second finger into her. There was a small bite of pain but nothing compared to the pleasure she was feeling. The whole time, Devlin was rubbing her lower stomach and whispering words of love in her ear. Chase stopped licking. “So perfect, baby. Now come for us.”

She wasn’t sure she knew what he meant. While she knew some women took things “into their own hands”, she had never felt the need to bring herself pleasure. She wasn’t sure she would know what an orgasm felt like when and if she ever had one.

Wow, was she ever wrong.
No one could mistake this feeling for anything else.
Heat rushed to her pussy and then engulfed her entire body. She felt like her body was on fire and wouldn’t be surprised if she burst into flames at any moment. She was so caught up in the sensations she barely noticed that Chase had worked his way up her body and was now hovering over her. He was holding his cock at her opening and looking down into her eyes, as if silently asking her permission to enter. When she caught her breath enough to speak, she cupped his jaw and whispered, “Make me yours, my mate.”

It didn’t seem like he was going to make her say it twice. Her pussy was still giving off little spasms as she felt the head of his cock start to stretch her. Even through the pleasure she was still feeling from her orgasm, the pain from her innocence tearing took her breath away. She knew the basics of anatomy and knew there was already a small hole in the barrier but had just assumed that Chase had completely taken her innocence with his fingers. She was
wrong. As soon as the head of his cock was inside her, she cried out and tensed her body. Chase didn’t move, just kissed the side of neck. “I’m sorry, baby. Just breathe. It will pass in a moment. Relax for me.”

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