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Authors: K. R. Bankston

Um, they was,” Reggie began before Ian gave him another look.

They were somewhere fuckin’ around is what you’re trying not to say,” he barked as Reggie flinched from the venom in his voice.

Pulling out his cell Ian made a call. “Yeah, 30 minutes,” Ian said simply as Reggie continued to regard him silently.

Go to the hospital, find out how Carver is,” Ian barked referring to his wounded security.

Sure Ice, no problem,” Reggie replied having a sinking feeling and thanking his fate silently not to be included in the festivities.

Ian asked for a drink, which Azi immediately supplied.

How much did they get Azi,” he asked calmly sipping the Cognac.

All the receipts,” Azi replied. “Almost 15K.”

Ian sighed deeply and said nothing more. Azi left him alone retreating to the other end of the bar, cleaning broken glass and trash from the floor. Fifteen minutes later, Azi noticed two men enter the club, dressed in black. They spoke briefly with Ian, nodding quietly before leaving his presence.

Go home Azi,” Ian told him once again gaining eye contact. “Finish this tomorrow when you come in,” he added saying nothing more.

Azi hurriedly complied with his boss’s mandate having a very bad feeling after seeing the two men earlier.

Ian sat calmly as Red and Ike were ushered into the club, the two black clad gunmen at their back, guns placed firmly.

Gentlemen,” Ian greeted them giving them a look. “Tonight I lost 15 thousand dollars,” he told them as he continued to sip his drink, not blinking. “I want you two to tell me why,” he said simply but both men knew the question was anything but.

Ike was sweating bullets. Red was trying to play it cool but he knew Ian was furious. “We only made a quick run Ice,” Red tried. “Just up to the Wendy’s to grab a burger.”

Ian nodded thoughtfully before turning to Ike.

Is that so,” he asked giving the man a look.

Ike swallowed hard before answering in agreement with Red’s statement.

Hmph,” Ian returned. “So while you two were enjoying a double stack, I was losing money, having my patrons threatened, and my reputation sullied,” he paused momentarily. “Is that about right,” he threw out as Ike again swallowed hard and continued to sweat.

We ain’t think nothing like this was gonna happen Ice,” Red tried again. “I mean Peppermint’s is safe as hell,” he added as Ian again regarded him.

Of course it is,” he spat his anger beginning to get the better of him. “Because that’s what the fuck I pay you fuckin’ morons good money to do, protect it,” he railed angrily finally rising from his bar stool.

Your services are no longer required,” Ian told Red looking him directly in the eye.

Turning to Ike he saw the fear coming off the man in waves.

Who drove,” he asked simply as Ike finally looked up at him and made eye contact.

Red,” Ike answered simply.

Go home and have your ass here tomorrow at 7:00 AM to help Azi get this shit cleaned up and the club open for business,” Ian told him as Ike nodded profusely and hurriedly left the men alone.

These gentlemen are going to see to it you get where you need to go,” Ian told Red looking him in the eye as he spoke.

Swallowing hard Red knew this was the end of the road for him. He knew the only place he was going was a short trip to the morgue as the two men prompted him, guns drawn, to the outside of the club and eternal darkness.


Role thought it odd to find the child outside so late, but not letting it bother him he called the boy over.

You wanna make a quick $50,” he asked the kid seeing he was bit older than the first one.

What I gotta do,” the kid asked warily eyeing the man in front of him.

Chuckling slightly Role told him he wasn’t a freak or anything like that.

I just want you to take this envelope inside Mardi Gras,” he told the kid. “Give it Mr. Ice,” he went on. “Nobody else,” Role finished as the kid shrugged slightly and took the $20 offered.

Once you come back, I’ll give you the other $30,” Role told him as the kid agreed and took package, heading inside the crowded club.

He continued to watch until the small figured disappeared among the bodies he could see from his vantage point outside in the parking lot. Lighting his cigarette and taking a deep drag, Role waited. He was ready for this thing to be over. There was still the matter of him finding out where they were keeping the woman now, but Role knew a simple phone call and few well placed questions to DeNoah would remedy that.

By the end of his cigarette he saw the small figure approaching him once again, empty handed.

I gave it to him,” the kid said calmly as Role nodded slightly.

What he look like,” he asked, wanting to be sure the kid did as he asked.

Mean, with muscles,” the kid answered somewhat shakily.

Role almost laughed aloud. He supposed to a kid his age, Ice would look intimidating.

Everybody said it was him,” the kid added as Role nodded believing him and giving him the rest of the money.

The child hurriedly left Role’s presence with his newfound wealth, leaving him alone once more. Sighing softly he got into his car and started it, intent on going home.
You need to call DeNoah,
his mind threw at him as he drove. Role knew that Ice would be calling soon and he’d better have some serious answers for him. If the man even suspected he was bluffing, Role knew the deal was off and he was stuck. Coming out of this broke as well as beaten was not what Role intended. Deciding that he would call DeNoah first thing tomorrow, he called his on again off again girl and asked if they could hook up. After a few minutes of pleading and promising, Role finally got a yes out of her. Chuckling to himself as he disconnected he jumped on I-20 west, singing along to the music as he drove.


Mook, LaRon, and Tariq were sitting around the table discussing the night’s festivities. They were once again at yet another safe house.

Things went smooth as silk,” LaRon reported as Mook agreed.

Tariq smiled slightly before speaking. “I would love to see the look on his face when he got that call,” he threw out as the other two men smiled in agreement.

Things are going right according to plan,” Tariq began again.

They others once again agreed. They were working on phase two of their plan. They wanted to throw Ian off balance, send him problem after problem, until his empire began to implode and eventually collapse.

Tomorrow night, Acquis,” Mook said as LaRon nodded.

They were targeting every club Ian owned.

That should keep him busy for a minute,” Tariq replied.

We need to keep Ryan’s ass in Louisiana too,” LaRon spoke, the edge evident in his voice.

Tariq cleared his throat slightly and told him he had that end covered.

Seems he and Ice left some unhappy folks in Mississippi, who have cheerfully volunteered to help us out,” he replied as all three chuckled slightly.

Going on to tell them in great detail what was about to happen, Tariq outlined their strategy to keep the two brothers separated.

Divided they fall,” Tariq said calmly as both Mook and LaRon agreed.

We’ve already started the ball rolling,” he told LaRon looking him the eye.

There was something about the look that told him Tariq had something more to add, but would do it later, when they were alone.

Hit me up tomorrow Mook,” Tariq told him as the man rose and bid them goodnight.

No problem, Top,” Mook returned. “Peace,” he threw at LaRon as the man returned it and they watched him leave the house.

I think Tweety might find these interesting,” Tariq told LaRon handing him the manila envelope.

Curiosity getting the better of him, LaRon opened it and began perusing the contents. The smile grew wider with each photo.

Where’d you get these,” he asked Tariq who was sipping his vodka and cranberry.

Told you we’d started the ball rolling,” he said simply as LaRon cleared his throat.

The photos showed Ryan and Caramel together, kissing, hugging, and several with them making love.
Told her this muthafucka wasn’t no good,
LaRon thought.

Perhaps showing her those will help her let go and give you the chance you want,” Tariq told him regarding him evenly.

LaRon sighed slightly and thanked him.

Yeah, hopefully so,” he went on. “I know she’s still scared and mad at me ‘bout the past and shit,” LaRon told him as Tariq nodded thoughtfully.

That’s understandable,” he said simply as LaRon nodded his agreement once more.

I just love her so much, ya know?” he freely admitted.

Believe me, I do understand,” Tariq replied and LaRon knew he did.

He knew it had to be hard as hell for his friend and boss to watch the woman he loved everyday but not be able to talk to her, touch her, hold her.

When are you gonna tell her man,” LaRon asked giving Tariq a look now.

Sighing deeply he told him it was on deck soon. Deciding not to push LaRon rose and bid Tariq goodnight, leaving him alone with his thoughts and regrets.


Kim made it to the suite first, undressing and jumping into the shower. Her night had been short. She observed the developments and made her report. Top then told her to call it a night and go home.
That fool is about to die and he’s too stupid to realize,
she thought of her target as the water ran and she enjoyed the warmth. Lathering herself with the aromatic black cherry infused body wash, she began to bathe herself. The relaxing scents put her completely at ease as she continued to lather, eyes closed, oblivious to any outside surroundings. Mook stood watching her through the opaque shower curtain, her beautiful curves dripping with the luxurious suds from the body wash she was using. He felt himself come alive and immediately stripped his clothing, being aware of her movements and being as stealthy as possible.

Naked, he gently pulled the curtain enough to allow him access as Kim continued to enjoy her oasis, face under the spray. Mook licked his lips watching the thick lather run down her well shaped butt, trailing its way down her sexy legs. Hard enough to cut steel he continued to watch as Kim began gently massaging her breasts anew and the lather covered the perfectly round mounds on her chest. Mook was fighting his nature trying to control his breathing and not give away his presence just yet. Her hands slid effortlessly down her flat stomach, disappearing between her legs.
Mook thought, eyes still glued to her. Her hands once again made their way up her stomach and back to her breasts. Mook saw her nipples harden and knew she had to be thinking dirty thoughts at the moment.
Better be about me,
he thought and finally stepped closer taking Kim into his arms.

Startled by his sudden appearance, Kim jumped slightly as her eyes flew open. Mook smiled and kissed her deeply as the fear and apprehension melted away. Hands caressed her butt as he pressed his erection against her. Kim moaned involuntarily from his touch as the kiss deepened. Mook’s hands made their way to her breasts, massaging them gently and playing with the hard nipple. Her breathing was ragged and uneven by this point, her own arousal mixed with the water flowing still from the shower head. Mook finally ended the kiss, immediately putting his lips on her neck, kissing his way down her chest and ending up with her nipple in his mouth.

Oh god,” Kim breathed as he worked her over, his other hand snaking between her legs, finding her swollenness and touching her there.

This man is forever,
she thought just as she fell over the edge and cried out loudly. Mook continued arousing her, returning to her lips and kissing her again as his tongue danced in her mouth.

Forcing himself to stop, he kissed his way down her body again, this time placing one leg on his shoulder as he came face to face with her femininity and once again gave her a personal tour of his tongue stud. Kim held him firmly in place as she once again felt her body explode. Mook didn’t flinch taking all of her with finesse as he gently guided her down from the orgasm. Looking in her eyes now as she leaned against the shower wall, Mook spoke.

Can I,” he asked simply.

Pulling his face to her own, Kim kissed him deeply, pressing her body against his own as Mook lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He placed her against the shower wall as she felt every inch that was his essence slide deeply inside her.

Mmm, yes,” Kim purred as Mook thrust into her murmuring his pleasure as he did.

Damn, this shit is so good, fuck,
Kim thought as her eyes rolled back in her head behind the closed lids. She clawed his back as Mook intensified his effort. They both came hard together as Kim cried out and Mook moaned deeply, relaxing finally as they tried to catch their breath.

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