Hide & Seek (17 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

Tariq smiled slightly and headed out in the den with Keifer.

Thanks for all your help man,” Tariq told him handing him the bag of cocaine.

Keifer had a habit and Tariq had been supplying him since finding out about it almost two years ago. He figured he owed it to the man for saving his life.

Thanks man,” Keifer told him gratefully.

Tariq also gave him $1k in cash before biding him goodnight and returning to Kaitlyn’s room.

You scared the shit outta me,” Tariq told her softly, stroking her face again as she continued to sleep.

Tariq finally understood the depth of Kaitlyn’s despair. He would have never thought her capable of committing suicide.
KiKi’s a fighter
, he thought sighing deeply. Tariq had to try and put himself in her place. He reasoned how she would have seen her existence for the past month; alone and isolated, not sure if she would live from one day to the next. Strange men coming in and out of her room ushering her from one place to the other as she struggled with loss and unfamiliarity. He sighed deeply again.

I just need you to hold on a little while longer baby,” Tariq told her softly in her ear as Kaitlyn shifted slightly.

I love you,” he whispered.

Ice, help me,” Kaitlyn mumbled.

The words stung Tariq as he sat up and regarded her. He couldn’t be angry with her. She was afraid and Ian was her protection.

Soon baby, this will all be finished,” Tariq told her kissing her forehead gently. “Don’t forget me, KiKi,” Tariq whispered in her ear again. “Don’t forget Tariq,” he said again softly as she sighed deeply.

I love him,” Kaitlyn mumbled and again grew silent.

Smiling at the revelation Tariq finally rose and left her alone, but not before clearing the room of any other drugs, taking the disposable razors she’d managed to open and remove the blade, and once again securing her to the bed.



Role was trying to orient himself and see out of the one eye that still remained open.
How the hell did he know,
he thought as he finally focused and saw the big burly man still in the room with him. Role was trying to remember what happened when the men burst into his house last night. He’d been with his girl, in mid stroke, when he heard wood splinter. Before he could dress and check it out the men were in his room punching him in the face. He remembered hearing his girl scream before one of the men hit her hard knocking her off the bed. She’d been silent after that cowering in a corner as the men continued to handle their business with Role.
I hope they let her go,
he thought having no further recollection of what happened after that. Everything was a complete blur to him, everything except the trouble he knew he was in now. Hearing the door open, Role turned his attention to it. His heart dropped as Ice entered, gun in hand, scowl deeply etched on his face.

I don’t have time for games today,” Ian told him in a no nonsense tone. “I want answers and they better be good answers,” he added sitting down in front of Role and looking him directly in the eye.

Role swallowed hard. He had never sat this close to death before.

What are you talking about,” Role tried, not wanting to give away something that wasn’t being asked.

Ian backhanded him, bloodying his nose. “I’m talking about these fuckin’ notes you sent,” Ian raged. “I’m talking about you knowing where the fuck my woman is,” he went on. “I’m talking about you better answer my muthafuckin’ question before I splatter your damned brains all over the wall of this fuckin’ basement,” he finished for him, eyes blood red.

Role again swallowed hard. He was in a catch-22. He didn’t really know where the girl was anymore. It’d all been an elaborate bluff and now he had to produce or die.

I don’t know where she is no more,” Role admitted honestly.

He was absolutely terrified of the man in front of him. Ice was every horror story he’d ever heard from Top and LaRon and then some.

Ian sighed deeply trying to keep his rage in check. He wanted to stick the end of the .380 in this fools mouth and blow his brains out, but he didn’t. Even though he didn’t know where Kaitlyn was, he did know who took her and that would be almost as good.

What the fuck do you mean you don’t know where she is anymore,” Ian barked as the man jumped slightly. “You sending me notes asking for shit, but you don’t have the goods,” he again addressed Role getting right up in his face.

I um, see,” Role began before Ian barked at him to shut up again.

Wisely choosing to follow directions Role remained quiet praying he left this room alive today.

Who took her,” Ian asked plainly looking directly at his captive.

Role swallowed hard. He was definitely between a rock and a hard place now.

Speak up asshole,” Dixon growled as Ian sat back and continued to regard the man in front of him.

Role cleared his throat and finally answered Ian’s question.

Top and his crew,” he replied as Ian frowned deeply.

Who the fuck is Top,” he growled his anger again kindled.

Tell you what,” Ian threw out before Role could answer. “You start at the fuckin’ beginning and tell me the whole story, and don’t lie muthafucka, cause its your life at stake right now,” he finished, laying the .380 on the table and crossing his arms, waiting for Role to speak.


Kim was still taking in the carnage around her as the cell rang and she waited for her call to connect.

Hey,” Tariq greeted her calmly.

Hey Top.”

She didn’t want to tell him the scene she’d found, but it was necessary.

Shit is bad Top,” she told him carefully knowing he was still dealing with issues from last night.

Tell me,” he replied evenly as she heard the edge to his voice.

Sighing deeply Kim began to speak. “Que and Ronnie are gone,” she told him as Tariq swore on the other end.


Couple shots to the temples,” Kim replied. “The package is missing,” she added as Tariq again swore aloud.

Anything talking,” he asked of the scene.

They needed to know who’d killed the two foot soldiers and where Role was now.

Hearing a faint noise, Kim pulled out the .9mm she was carrying and walked toward it. Using her foot she kicked the door open, surprising the disheveled woman inside.

Who the fuck are you,” Kim spat acidly pointing the gun at her.

Please, please, don’t shoot me,” the woman wailed.

Tariq remained mute hearing all that transpired as Kim held her cell phone still.

What the fuck are you doing here,” she asked again her anger still at full throttle.

This bitch better start talking quick,
she thought.

I just came to get my purse and my stuff,” she told Kim her voice quaking as she was right now staring down the barrel of the gun.

What happened here,” Kim asked slightly less edgy.

Tariq listened with interest as well when the woman began giving Kim the answer to her questions. She told her about the men barging into the house, beating up Role and slapping her around before dragging him out of the house and leaving.

You see their face,” Kim asked.

The woman shook her head and told her she was too scared to recall what they looked like.

I just didn’t want them to kill me,” she added weakly as Kim grunted and told her to get out of the house.

Wasting no time the woman grabbed her purse and did just that.

Returning the cell to her ear, Kim began speaking to Tariq again. “Whatcha think Top,” she asked as he sighed deeply.

I think Ice has found his stupid ass,” he told her as Kim sighed deeply. “So we need to get ready for a war, cause we both know that fool will crack,” he added as Kim agreed.

I need you to head to Mardi Gras,” Tariq began again. “Put your ear to the ground, we need to know what’s up and who’s doing what.”

Kim told him she was on her way.

What you want me to do about Que and Ronnie,” she asked as an afterthought.

Tariq sighed deeply and told her to call the police anonymously to which she replied her understanding and disconnected. Kim headed for her car and got in, stopping quickly at a payphone she passed and dialing 911. After giving them the info and refusing their request for her name, she hung up and continued on her way. Her cell rang minutes later and she saw Mook’s name on the ID.

Hey,” she greeted him smoothly.

You straight,” he asked calmly as Kim replied she was fine. “Hmph, OK,” Mook returned.

She smiled slightly hearing the love in his voice.
This one was a good choice,
she herself as they continued to talk and she drove toward Mardi Gras.

I’m here,” she told him preparing to disconnect.

Be careful baby,” Mook told her seriously.

I promise,” she replied as he finally let her go.

Taking a deep breath, Kim got out and headed toward the door, her game full on, praying they could find what they needed. Armageddon was on its way.


LaRon was rubbing his temples trying to get his head to stop hurting. There was entirely too much shit going on too early in the day. Tariq had called earlier telling him about Kaitlyn and all the drama. He’d just called again telling him about Que and Ronnie. All hell was about to break loose and he knew it.
Well we said we were ready for war,
he thought of himself and Tariq. Jaleesa stirred and broke his thought as he looked up to see her sitting up in bed.

Hey baby,” he greeted her sweetly.

They’d been up late last night after he got in watching movies. He needed to unwind after all the drama and LaRon had always been a movie buff. He liked old westerns.

Hey Deuce,” Jaleesa replied calmly.

Rising she headed into the bathroom returning a few moments later and finding him once again waiting for her.

Why don’t you sit right here,” LaRon told her holding the manila envelope in his hands.

Shrugging slightly, Jaleesa complied. Reaching out, LaRon stroked her face and kissed her lips gently. Jaleesa smiled slightly not wanting to set him off. She was still terrified of him, even though he hadn’t laid a hand on her in the three weeks she’d been here.

I wanna show you something,” he told her cryptically.

Jaleesa frowned slightly in confusion and waited for him to speak again.

I want you to know first, that I love you,” he told her as she continued to remain mute. “I want you to know I’m not trying to hurt you,” LaRon went on laying the foundation. “I just want you to know the truth,” he finished and handed her the envelope.

Watching him a few more moments quietly, she finally turned the envelope over in her hands and opened it. Peering inside she reached in pulling out the contents dropping the envelope to the floor. Turning the contents over in her hand Jaleesa began to slowly go through the photographs. She was livid seeing Ryan and Caramel together.
This trick pretended to be my friend,
she thought angrily before catching herself. She had to remember Ryan was the boss, Caramel’s pimp. She was probably forced to sleep with him. No Ryan was the one she directed her anger toward now. He was the one who did this.
How could he do this to me,
Jaleesa thought as the tears rolled down her cheek.
He doesn’t even care that I’m missing or anything, what the fuck,
she continued to think sobbing now as LaRon took her into his arms and held her.

Though he wasn’t happy about the cause of her tears, LaRon was glad she was letting it out and allowing him to console her. Jaleesa hugged LaRon tightly, she needed to feel wanted and cared for right now. Ryan’s betrayal made her feel lost and empty. She couldn’t describe the pain she felt knowing while she was missing, possibly hurt, or dead; he was screwing around on her.
Like I didn’t mean shit to him,
she thought as she continued to sob. Letting her go for a brief moment, LaRon retrieved the Kleenex and helped her gather herself.

Where did you get these pictures,” Jaleesa asked finally as he continued to hold her.

A friend took them,” he answered simply as she asked nothing else for the moment.

I’m sorry about the hurt, Tweety,” LaRon told her.

She said nothing as she stroked his chest her hand resting on the tattoo. She’d always found it creepy, but thinking about his explanation of it, she finally understood the depth of his love for her. It was an Ace of spades, which represented the gang he ran with at the time, surrounded by blood filled veins, and in the midst was a Tweety bird, encased in all the veins, 2 blood filled teardrops coming from the corner of the bird’s eye. She remembered asking about it and what he’d said.
“I’m in the game forever Tweety,” he told her. “But as long as blood flows, you’ll always be my heart, and these tears are for the last two beats of my heart if you ever left me.”
LaRon cleared his throat breaking her thought as she looked up into his eyes.

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