Hide & Seek (19 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

Doing as he was told, scared shitless, Tyreece’s gun hit the carpeted floor with a dull thud.

Smartest shit you’ve done in a while,” Ryan growled angry as hell and growing angrier.

The man in front of him had caused nothing but undue chaos in their otherwise harmonious business flow.

Who else is here,” Tate asked as Tyreece swallowed hard.

My family is here man,” he returned pleading with his eyes. “Take me where you want, or kill me here, but please don’t hurt my family,” he asked painfully as Ryan continued to regard him hatefully.

That depends on you,” Ryan said flatly.

OK, whatever you want man,” Tyreece threw back fearfully.

Ryan was going to kill him anyway, but he figured he may as well garner all the information he could before doing so.

Let’s go,” Tate ordered following Ryan’s lead.

Tyreece moved without hesitation toward the splintered front door.

Try anything stupid and I will come back to this bitch and kill every muthafucka up in here,” Ryan told him ominously as he passed him.

Tyreece worked hard to control the shiver that worked its way up his spine hearing the man’s words.

It’s your show man,” Tyreece returned trying to keep his voice even.

Grunting his approval, Ryan let Tyreece walk out in front of them as they all crossed the street and got into the truck. Tate in front, Ryan and Tyreece in the back, as they began their journey and Ryan kept the .380 he now held trained on their captive.
God I sure ain’t got no right to ask,
Tyreece prayed silently as they rode.
But please let me have something worth trading to save my life when we get where we going’,
he finished just as their destination became clear and Tyreece finally believed hell existed.



Freight was absolutely furious as he sat inside Mardi Gras and sipped his drink. His friend was dead and the man responsible was still going on his daily routine like he’d stepped on a worrisome bug.
Spider was good people,
Freight thought continuing to keep his temper in check. He noticed movement at the front entrance looking up to see Kim enter the establishment.
Well now,
Freight thought taking the woman in as his mind continued to wander.
Top is up to something,
he continued to think observing the woman’s demeanor and knowing she was working. Freight watched as Kim made her way to a table and sat down. The server came moments later taking her order as she sat back and continued to take in every nuance of the club. Scanning the room, their eyes finally met as Freight held her stare until Kim broke the connection turning away and continuing her task.
Need to see what’s up with Miss Lady,
he thought rising and walking over to her table as the server put her hot wings and coke before her.

Anyone sitting here,” Freight asked calmly looking Kim in the eye.

Sitting back and eyeing the huge man standing in front of her, she answered there wasn’t as Freight smiled slightly and sat down.

I’m Colton,” he introduced himself using his legal name. “And you are,” he asked as Kim raised an eyebrow and finished her wing before answering.

I’m Kim,” she replied simply her tone uninviting.

Freight smiled slightly before forging ahead. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Kim,” he told her ordering yet another drink and a basket of fries.

This is my first time here,” he continued as Kim continued to eat wordlessly, half listening as she continued to case the club. “If I’d known women as beautiful as you ate here, I may have stopped in before now,” Freight threw out as Kim finally regarded him again.

Sighing deeply she spoke. “I have a man,” Kim told him point blank. “I don’t cheat, and I’m not looking’ for a cut buddy,” she told him flatly as Freight burst into laughter.

Damn, you’re raw,” he told her. “I like that,” he continued to chuckle as his drink and fries arrived.

So, can I just be a friend,” he asked not wanting to give up.

Kim was captivating and her sharp tongue turned him on more than he would readily admit. Freight liked a woman who could hold her own.

Look,” Kim began again. “Somehow I don’t think friendship is what you have on your agenda where I’m concerned,” she threw out as Freight ate, still smiling slightly. “So why don’t we just cut our losses when we leave here and keep it moving,” Kim finished, picking up her coke and emptying it, preparing to leave his presence.

OK,” Freight threw back growing serious. “Why don’t we talk about Top, and why my lifelong friend is dead because of him,” he threw out point blank.

Kim didn’t flinch. She wiped her hands, folded them across her chest and eyed the man sitting across from her.

Speak it,” she told him simply as Freight again smiled slightly.

This isn’t the place,” he told her calmly.

Hmph,” Kim replied. “Where and when?”

Now,” Freight replied rising from the booth as did Kim following his lead and going outside.

There’s a Dairy Queen I passed down the street,” he told her as she again nodded her understanding. “I’ll follow you,” Freight told her.

Fine,” Kim replied turning around without another word and getting into her vehicle.

Freight knew she would call Top on her way and that’s exactly what he needed her to do. It was time to stop pussyfooting around and meet. Either Top was going to be hospitable to the idea of joining forces and helping each other, or he was gonna say no and a new war would begin, Freight thought as he too started his engine following the sexy woman driving the BMW in front of him.


LaRon was regarding Halle as DeNoah introduced them. Taking the woman in, he admitted she was very attractive. Standing he guessed around 5’ 6” or 5’ 7” she had a nice figure, pert breasts with a tiny waist and ample hips. Facially she had almond shaped eyes that were dark and stormying, with a nice smile and eyebrows too sharply arched for his taste. Her complexion however was flawless and her mannerisms smooth and refined.
And what exactly does she want with someone like DeNoah,
LaRon thought listening to the woman speak and knowing she was far out of his cohorts league.

It’s nice to finally meet you, Halle,” LaRon returned smoothly. “DeNoah seems to think you’re pretty good people,” he joked as the woman smiled again, without involving her eyes LaRon noticed.

Yeah, DeNoah is cool,” Halle returned smiling as DeNoah smiled back.

LaRon could see the man was totally taken with the woman, but there was something about her that rubbed him the wrong way.
She’s scheming, but on what, is the question,
he continued to think as they sat down and enjoyed a beer together. LaRon fleetingly thought about allowing Jaleesa to relax with them, but changed his mind knowing the meeting was a fact finding mission for him. His cell buzzed and interrupted his thought. He read the text enclosed with great interest.

Excuse me for a moment,” LaRon told them both rising and leaving the room.

Closing the bathroom door he dialed and waited for the call to connect.

What’s going’ on, Top,” he addressed Tariq once the man answered.

Seems we have a visitor,” he told him calmly going on to elaborate about the current situation.

So Spider was playin’ both sides of the fence huh,” LaRon replied the angry edge to his voice.

I’m not sure in what capacity though,” Tariq returned as LaRon sighed. “I’m heading out now,” he added as LaRon told him he was too.

Mook coming,” he asked as Tariq replied he was. “You want me to bring DeNoah,” LaRon asked.

No, not yet,” Tariq replied. “I think it’s better if experience meets him first,” he replied and LaRon whole heartedly agreed.

Getting a couple of last minute directives, LaRon finally disconnected and headed back into the den where the couple was softly kissing each other.

Sorry ‘bout that,” LaRon announced walking back into the room pretending he hadn’t seen them.

No problem,” Halle returned smoothly.

LaRon saw her slyly look him over and sighed lightly. His suspicions were immediately confirmed that the woman wasn’t really interested in DeNoah. LaRon suspected she was more interested in money and how to get her hands on plenty of it.
This fool needs to wake up for real,
he thought but said nothing.

I gotta make a run,” LaRon said this time, addressing DeNoah.

Immediately picking up on the tone, DeNoah told him it was cool and asked if he needed help.

Nah, I’m straight,” LaRon returned as they all rose. “You two enjoy your time,” he added smiling slightly. “It was nice to meet you Halle,” he told her once again giving her his attention.

It was nice meeting you too,” she told him looking directly in his eyes, making no attempt to hide her lustful intentions.

LaRon again sighed slightly, dismissing the woman’s sly advances and walked out the door with them, getting into his own vehicle as they entered theirs, leaving and heading to meet Tariq.


Role was sweating bullets and praying DeNoah answered his phone. He was in a world of trouble and his distant friend was his only hope of survival. The ringing seemed to go on for hours before he finally heard DeNoah’s voice and breathed a small sigh of relief.

Wassup man,” DeNoah threw out.

Nothin’ much man,” Role returned trying to sound normal.

That task was further complicated by the .380 pointed at him and the hate fill scowl Ice was giving him as he waited for the information he sought.

What you up to,” Role threw out once more.

Everything’s straight, just dropped Halle off.”

Who’s Halle,” Role asked continuing to make small talk as Ice’s patience meter continued to decrease.

DeNoah chuckled slightly.

That’s my girl, hooked up a few weeks ago,” he returned as Role smiled slightly and teased him about it being time.

Now maybe your ass will calm down some and stop trippin’,” he teased as DeNoah laughed and told him whatever.

What’s going on with Top and them,” Role asked casually.

Everything’s straight,” DeNoah returned giving away nothing more.

I see ya’ll moved location and shit,” Role threw out fishing once more as Dixon brought Ice another drink.

Yeah, you know how that chick is,” DeNoah told him, taking a drag on the blunt he smoked as he drove. “She got my ass this time and got out, almost got away too,” he added, the weed loosening his tongue.

Damn man,” Role threw back sympathetically hoping this would be his ticket in.

I told you she was tricky,” he went on as Ice continued to silently regard him.

What’d Top do to you,” he asked wanting to know if his former boss meted out punishment equally.

Shit man, I thought he was gonna kill my ass,” DeNoah told him, hitting the blunt once more. “He scared the shit outta me, I’ll tell you that, but then he gave me another chance,” he told him as Role whined somewhat resentful that DeNoah had gotten what amounted to a warning.

So where ya’ll at now,” he asked again relaxed and casual praying DeNoah would give away the info.

He heard DeNoah hitting the weed he was smoking once more, taking a moment to swear at another drive who’d obviously cut him off in traffic.

But anyway,” DeNoah returned, high and feeling no pain. “We over in College Park, you remember that house way out, almost to the state line,” he threw out as Role racked his memory, finally recalling the house.

Yeah man, damn, way out there,” he asked as Ice gave him a look to wrap up the conversation.

So its still just you watchin’ her,” Role tried again, wanting to give Ice as much information as possible and spare his own life.

Yeah most times, and then Deuce, when he ain’t with his girl or up in Mississippi doing shit,” DeNoah told him as he turned into the McDonalds.

Why is he in Mississippi,” Role asked as Ian’s interest was once again peaked.

Top got some shit going on up there,” DeNoah replied without missing a beat.

Arriving at the speaker, DeNoah ordered his food and drove around to the pickup window. Role, hearing all the commotion, waited until he gathered his food and left before speaking again.

What kinda shit,” Role asked as DeNoah munched on his fries.

Putting shit in place to kill Ryan’s ass, you know the plan, ain’t shit changed man,” DeNoah threw back as Role grunted his understanding.

I’m bout to go up in here and give Halle what she need,” DeNoah told him arriving at the woman’s house once again.

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