Hide & Seek (22 page)

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Authors: K. R. Bankston

His cell rang, breaking his thought and giving him temporary reprieve from his minds condemnation.

Wassup man,” he greeted LaRon.

Mook’s on the line too,” LaRon threw back as Tariq greeted him as well.

What you think about this fool Freight,” Mook threw out almost immediately.

He hadn’t been impressed with the man at all, especially after picking up on his attraction to Kim. As far as Mook was concerned, he would cheerfully plant a bullet in his skull right now if Tariq asked him too.

Well, first of all I’m not thrilled about the spy mission he had Spider doin’ for him,” Tariq told him honestly as both men agreed.

My thing is, what the hell does he really want,” LaRon threw out.

All three men were immediately on edge meeting the would be business partner when they arrived at the Dairy Queen and Kim introduced them all.

Yeah, I’m not buying’ the, I just wanna do business spiel,” Mook told them as Tariq agreed with his assessment.

He definitely has a hidden agenda,” Tariq replied.

So we gonna kill him or what,” LaRon asked, echoing what Mook was thinking at the moment.

Not just yet,” Tariq replied. “Let’s find out what Mr. Freight can offer that we can use and exploit,” he returned as they continued to listen mutely. “Then once we get it lined up to take it over, his hours are numbered,” he finished as both LaRon and Mook whole heartedly agreed with his latter sentiments.

Mook,” Tariq began again.

Yeah Top, wassup,” he answered waiting for him to speak.

I need you to stay cool and not kill him yet,” Tariq told him calmly. “I can see he has a roaming eye,” he added clarifying his statement.

Mook sighed deeply as LaRon silently chided himself for not noticing.

I’m cool Top,” Mook returned. “Kim can handle her own, and as long as dude doesn’t touch her, we’re good,” he added as Tariq told him that was fine and if Freight did lose his mind and try to hurt Kim, he had a full green light to do whatever was necessary.

Thanks Top,” Mook replied as Tariq showed his approval.

I met this chick DeNoah is fuckin’,” LaRon said finally changing the subject momentarily.

What’s she like,” Tariq asked curiously.

LaRon went on to inform them both of his observations concerning the woman.

So you think she just a gold digger or something else,” Mook asked picking up on LaRon’s tone.

After the Spider thing, hell everybody is suspect to me,” LaRon admitted.

Put someone on her then,” Tariq said calmly as they all agreed it would be the quickest way to get answers to their questions.

Done,” LaRon said simply as all three men ended the conversation and disconnected.

Alone once again, Tariq’s mind immediately picked up where it left off.
I still hafta kill Ice,
he thought as he weighed once again the option of telling Kaitlyn the truth.
KiKi, baby, this is almost over, I swear,
he thought as he watched her again. She was aimlessly changing channels not really paying any of the programming any attention. Picking up the new book he’d gotten for her, Tariq put on his mask and made his way to her room again. Kaitlyn heard the door open but didn’t bother looking up. She knew it would be one of the three men who came on a regular basis. There was one however that always spent more time with her than the others she thought finally looking up as the man stood beside her chair wordlessly handing her another book. “Water Flows Under Doors,” Kaitlyn said aloud. “Odd name,” she mumbled again, taking the book and its author, Keith Kareem Williams, turning it over silently reading the synopsis. Producing the note pad, Tariq asked how she was today.

Why don’t you ever talk,” Kaitlyn asked in lieu of a response. “Are you mute,” she asked before he could answer.

Tariq shook his head no as she grunted slightly and answered his question.

I’m locked in this room slowly losing my mind,” Kaitlyn replied evenly never taking her eyes from him.

Tariq wrote another quick note asking if she wanted to go outside today.

Can I stay longer than 30 minutes,” she asked needing a break from the walls closing in on her.

Tariq shook his head yes as she smiled slightly, lifting his dragging heart. Rising she disappeared into the bathroom to change, returning quickly and grabbing her book as Tariq followed her to the back door, opening it and allowing her to go outside.


Role was nervously biting his nails as they drove.
Please let DeNoah have told me the truth,
he thought anxiously as the black BMW made its way down the long winding country road. Even in a city like Atlanta, there were plenty of almost rural portions. This was one, Ian thought to himself taking in the farm they were passing and the cattle grazing in the green grassy field.

Where do we turn,” Ian threw out as Role jumped slightly.

Turn left up here at the next street,” he returned as Ian groused saying nothing more.

Dixon followed his direction, turning once they reached the connecting intersection. The drive continued as Ian smoked his cigar his mind racing. He was definitely hoping this wasn’t yet another wild goose chase. He missed Kaitlyn desperately and he was far beyond ready to bring his baby home where she belonged.
I’m going to kill these fools slow and painfully,
Ian continued to think as they passed the first house and Role spoke once more.

Start slowing down, its gonna be the next house on the right, brick front, two big gold lion pillars in front,” he told them as Ian nodded and Dixon took his foot off the gas letting the BMW slow on its own.

Ian saw the house Role described as they got nearer. It was huge and nothing else surrounded it. He knew the lack of brush would make sneaking up on the occupants extremely difficult; however the cover of darkness would afford them a slight edge. Knowing this, Ian had to do another drive out here and survey the actual lay of the land. For now he simply looked as they drove nearer to the house Ian took in the layout, making note of every entry point they could exploit. He saw the back yard was fenced with a high wooden privacy fence. The patio however stood slightly above the yard and he saw a glimpse of a man wearing a mask.
This is the fuckin’ place,
Ian thought excitedly knowing he was close to Kaitlyn.

Two in front, Ice,” Dixon told him as Ian growled slightly seeing the two men sitting on the front porch playing checkers.

How many in the house normally,” he asked Role.

Swallowing the lump once again in his throat he answered. “Was three when I was with him,” he answered somewhat subdued.

Role was thinking of the reality of his present situation. He was caught between hell and high water. If Ice didn’t kill him, Top and Deuce certainly would.

Ian was still making mental notes when he saw her and his breathing ceased. Kaitlyn was standing on the patio, book in hand as the man in the mask opened the door for her. From his distance he couldn’t see her face, but her body was smaller. He could tell she’d lost weight.
Probably all the damned stress she’s been under,
he thought angrily not wanting anything to hurt his baby. Ian was more determined than ever to end the drama and quickly.

You probably shouldn’t go back up the street,” Role said aloud.

Ian grunted but agreed with his sentiment. He was sure seeing the BMW twice would make the two men outside suspicious. Ian didn’t want anything to spook them right now. He didn’t want them to up and move and he be right back at square one again. No, Ian had plans. He was going to let them continue to believe everything was fine and they were safe. By week’s end he would have all his soldiers in place and the war these fools wanted was coming straight through their front door.

You’re gonna call your buddy again,” Ian barked as Role listened. “You’re gonna find out which room they’re keeping’ my woman in.”

OK, Ice, anything you say,” Role replied quickly wanting to continue breathing a bit longer.

Ian slightly edgy, voiced his approval and said nothing else for a while. His mind was replaying the brief glimpse he’d gotten of Kaitlyn and how much he missed her.
When I get her back, I’m going to shower her with the world,
Ian thought longingly, telling Dixon to stop at the liquor store and get him a bottle.


Jaleesa was still thinking about Ryan and his deception. She knew what’d happened between her and Deuce was unfair, but she didn’t care. All Jaleesa cared about right now was revenge.
I owe both of these bastards,
she thought angrily. Sighing deeply she rose and dressed hoping he would come back and allow her to go outside again soon. Jaleesa had been trying to convince Deuce she wouldn’t run and that he could trust her. So far however it was proving extremely difficult. Hearing footsteps she reeled her mind in just as the door opened and he walked inside.

Hey baby,” LaRon greeted her.

Hey Deuce,” Jaleesa returned smiling at him.

Walking over to him she put her arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

You’re in a good mood,” he replied immediately on guard.

LaRon was no fool, and he knew Jaleesa like a book. She was plotting. The question was only, what.

Well, I was hoping you would let me go outside today,” she replied honestly.

LaRon regarded her a little while longer before telling her he would. Following his lead, Jaleesa walked with him down the long hallway to the back door. He opened it and allowed her outside into the warm sun filled day.

She sat in one of the patio chairs contained, under the cool shade of the huge umbrella covering the table. Jaleesa loved the peppermint striping of the chairs, contrasting the solid red of the accompanying umbrella. The table also contained the red and white striped pattern.

Want something to drink,” LaRon asked rising to go into the kitchen.

Sure, some tea maybe,” she told him amiably as he grunted and left her alone.

Jaleesa didn’t move. She knew this was a test and she was determined to pass it. She needed this man to trust her enough to allow her free movement. She also needed to find out where her best friend was.
I’m going to kill his ass the first chance I get,
Jaleesa thought behind the tranquil façade as she relaxed, eyes closed still sitting in her patio chair. After him, Ryan was next on her payback list Jaleesa continued to think as LaRon returned with their drinks.

Thanks,” she replied smiling at him once more and sipping her tea.

Deuce, can I ask you something,” Jaleesa began timidly.

Yeah, Tweety, wassup,” he answered without missing a beat.

Could you let me see KiKi, or at least talk to her,” she added quickly seeing the frown come to his face.

Please, Deuce,” she tried again, making the tears come.

Looking into her eyes, LaRon knew she missed her friend and was worried about her. “Maybe,” he answered evenly.

Knowing this was the best she would do, Jaleesa left it alone and simply nodded returning her attention to the beautifully manicured lawn, praying he would say yes and equally praying she could pull off her plan and not lose her life.

You still hate me,” LaRon asked breaking her thought as her mind came crashing back.

Sighing deeply Jaleesa carefully weighed her answer. “I hate the things you did too me,” she told him honestly. “I’m trying to learn how to separate the actions from the person,” Jaleesa began again as LaRon continued to watch her. “I mean, I think about all the good times we had,” she went on, her voice wavering slightly. “But then,” she trailed off as the tear rolled down her cheek.

The pain Jaleesa was experiencing was real and it continually fueled her rage and desire to kill Deuce for the hell he’d put her through.

Tweety, baby, I love you so much,” LaRon told her softly, reaching out to gently caress her face. “I know I was a beast, baby, I know that,” he told her earnestly. “I’m not like that anymore, I swear baby,” he tried again as his pleas continued to fall on deaf ears.

Jaleesa wasn’t buying the act, not one word of it. As soon as she let her guard down and he thought she was his wholly again, he would turn right back into Satan’s minion and hurt her all over again.

Tweety, let go baby,” he told her effectively reading her mind. “I know you’re scared, I know you probably don’t half believe me either,” LaRon told her as she began to cry harder. “But on my life and the life of the two babies I took from you, I am not that man anymore,” he told her as he leaned in and kissed her deeply.

Too her dismay, Jaleesa’s body betrayed her coming alive as his hands gently caressed her, finally finding her breast and squeezing softly.

Mmm,” she murmured before she could stop it.

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