High Stakes Chattel (15 page)

Read High Stakes Chattel Online

Authors: Andie Blue




“Why are you in such a good mood?” John asked Samantha later that day as they went about their work.

ust happy about my new position,” Samantha replied with a secret smile. Last night had been thrilling. She wasn’t surprised that her happiness showed. When she’d looked in the mirror this morning, she’d noticed that she was fairly glowing.

She and John exercise
d all four of the new horses, taking them on rides around the beautiful park and brushing them down. She enjoyed being with John. He was funny and down to earth and he made her feel safe. She smiled and laughed as they rode, and in truth they were flirting a little bit.

Nico frowned as he watched from the window in his lab. Sam and John were outside riding. Samantha looked carefree and radiant, laughing at something that John had said.

That evening, after a long day of work, Samantha was surprised to find herself eager and energized by the thought of going to Nico’s room. She combed her hair until it shined and took off all of her clothes. She rubbed some fragrant lotion on her tired body and put on her simple green robe. She knew instinctually that he would like her to come to his room without her clothes on.

She wondered a bit about his reference to “letting the beast out of the cage” and quickly made her way upstairs to Nico’s room, nervous and excited about what the night would hold.

“It’s 10:05,” he said when she entered. “You’re five minutes late. Do you know what the punishment for that is?”

He was still dre
ssed in a white shirt and snug-fitting black breeches that outlined his muscular thighs. He looked as though he had been pacing the floor for the last half hour, waiting for her to arrive.

“Tell me. I’
m shaking in my boots,” she said sarcastically, thrilled to see that he’d been as eager for tonight as she was.  Besides, she wasn’t wearing any boots, only her soft green robe with nothing underneath.

He grabbed her by her robe belt and pulled her roughly against him. She could feel his hardness against her.

“I’ll have you shaking,” he promised darkly.

She was deeply aware of his strength and masculine power.

“Tonight you are going to give yourself over to me completely. To do whatever I want to with that beautiful body.” He opened up her robe and took a long look at her naked body. Lust darkened his eyes. “You are mine, you know. And there is going to be some punishment for your behavior today.”

“What behavior?” she asked
, beginning to get nervous.

“It is not acceptable for you to flirt with John.”

“But…” She began to protest but could see from the dangerous look in his eye that it was not a good idea.

He sat down on the bed, his hard shaft straining
against the tight fabric of his pants.

“Come lay on my lap, with your bottom up,” he said, the sound of his voice low and commanding.

She stood there hesitating, feeling like a lamb before a lion.

“The longer you take to get here, the worse your punishment will be.”

She took her robe off, and awkwardly lay down on his lap, feeling chastised and vulnerable.

caressed her bottom tenderly.

“Were you flirting with John?
” he asked while rubbing up and down her legs and inside her thighs.

She said nothing,
leaning her head against his leg, searching for a response. He stopped rubbing and gave her several hard spankings, taking her breath away.

“I asked you a question.”

She considered lying but knew it was not what she wanted to do.

He reached down and gave her nipples a pinch. “Answer me.”

“Yes,” she said quietly.

He gave her several more hard spankings, causing her to whimper and squirm. He
r bottom stung and she was certain he had reddened it.

He opened up her legs and rubbed his fingers over her. To her shame, she knew he was finding her very wet. He let his finger rub over her s
atiny flesh, slick with desire.

“Is it speaking of him
that has made you wet?” he asked, moving his hand back up to her stinging bottom.

She remained
silent, confused with her mixed feelings of shame, fear and desire.

He gave her two more v
ery hard spankings. Her skin throbbed painfully.

“No, it’s not him,” she cried,
breathlessly. “Please let me tell you…” She trailed off, beginning to sob a little.

He lifted her up to a sitting position on his la
p, seeming surprised to hear her crying. “It’s you. It’s only you,” she said, hiccupping through her tears.

Samantha,” he said, kissing her and cradling her to him. “It’s all right.”

She put her arms around him and placed her head on his shoulder.

“It’s you. It’s only you,” she said again, looking up at him and giving him little kisses up and down his neck.

held her tightly. “I hope so.” He gave her a long kiss and then began kissing the tears off of her cheek.

He cradled her in his arms and stood up, taking her into the adjoining room where a
large, porcelain tub was filled with hot water. A sound of surprised pleasure escaped her. He placed her gently down into the bath, getting his shirt wet in the process. The bath felt wonderfully hot on her aching muscles, and numbing to her stinging bottom.

“Does it feel good?” he asked
, taking off his wet shirt and reaching for a cloth and bar of lavender soap.

She never got tired of looking at his beautiful body. He got down on his kne
es, looking incredibly handsome with his bare chest and wet hair. She wanted him to climb in the bath with her.

“Let me
have your arm,” he told her softly.

She lifted it for him
, and he rubbed the cloth along one arm and then the other, soaping her armpits with the fragrant lavender soap. He poured water from a cup down over her lathered armpits.

“Have I told you how beautiful your breasts are?” he asked as he began to soap them, lifting them up and rubbing in a circular motion, tracing the
under curve of her breasts and around her nipples.  She quivered as he poured water slowly over her nipples. He leaned down and kissed the soft flesh, teasing it with his tongue, licking and sucking each nipple into a swollen pink bud.

“I think that part is clean,” she said breathlessly with a little smile.

He smiled back at her and continued with his work.  “Now give me your foot.” After washing her foot, he brought the cloth down her long leg, until he reached the hot, damp juncture of her legs.

“I just want to be thorough,” he said with a beautiful smile, making her hungry for him. She desperately
wanted him to be inside of her.

“Nico, get in here with me,” she pleaded. “I want to touch you.”

“No. I’m not finished with you yet. Last night you had me at your mercy and tonight it’s my turn.”

After a few more agonizing minutes
, he helped her out of the tub and dried her off with a towel, taking care to be gentle on her sore, red backside. “I’m going to rub some oil on you now. It will help heal your beautiful little bottom,” He carried her back to the bed and deposited her face down. “But you still won’t be able to do any riding tomorrow.”

He poured some of the oil into his hand and rubbed it into her back. It smelled heavenly. Slowly and expertly, he rubbed down her arms and spent time massaging her. He shifted down to her calves, kneading t
he oil into her muscles firmly.

“Spread your legs open,” he said.

Shyly she complied, although it made her feel exposed. He massaged the back of her legs and her inner thighs. As he moved upward toward her buttocks, she felt herself tensing.

The oil stung as he rubbed it into her sore bottom. She couldn’t help but squirm against the bed. He put his hand between her legs and gave her hot center a little slap. “Stop that,” he scolded.

His strong fingers begin kneading the oil into the red flesh of her buttocks without regard for the burning sensation she felt. She whimpered a little and once again his hand moved down between her legs to give her a little slap.

“Turn over,” he said. She turned over, feeling vulnerable and exposed. “Spread your legs as wide as you can,” he said and stood over her
, watching.

She did as she was told, furiousl
y blushing.

He grabbed the cords that
he had already prepared and tied each of her legs to the bedposts and then tied her hands together above her head.

you have this planned?” she asked, feeling a little nervous.

He didn’t answer her but simply stood there for a long time
, looking at her. She was spread helplessly beneath him, utterly exposed.

He sat down next to her a
nd poured the oil directly on her breasts, creating a little figure eight. He began rubbing it in while lifting and squeezing her breasts. He roughly massaged her nipples, pinching them sharply. She twisted in her ties, which only succeeded in making them tighter.

He rubbed the oil into her belly and then down her hips and thighs. Her hot center became
very wet. She wanted him to touch her there, to relieve this agonizing pressure. He rubbed his hand lightly over the throbbing area and gave it a couple little slaps, making her squirm more.

He stood up and removed his pants, exposing his very hard cock. He got back on
to the bed, straddling her neck. “Kiss me.”

She struggled to lift her head enough to kiss his thick cock. “Good girl,” he said
, patting her again. “Now open your mouth wide.” She obeyed, and he plunged the tip of his thick cock into her mouth. “Suck on it.”

She had never thought of doing such a thing but closed her eyes and began sucking, moving up and down as he guided her. “Use your lips and your tongue,” he growled.

She did as he told her to and hoped she was pleasing him. “Very good,” he said and pushed deeper into her throat. Just as a little salty drop of liquid escaped into her mouth, he stopped moving. “That’s enough,” he said, obviously struggling to regain control. She felt pleased that she’d made him lose it.

He moved out of her mouth and down her body, dragging his heavy cock over every inch of her, rubbing against her, kissing her nipples and her belly and down between her legs. She released a soft moan as he gently kissed and licked her there. He slid his hands beneath her bottom, lifting her fully open to him.

She arched into his mouth, wanting more, which he gladly gave to her. She had never felt pleasure this great before. He lapped and sucked at her little cleft, covering it with his mouth. He reached up and pinched her nipples while continuing to suck her. She couldn’t take the excruciating pleasure any more. He created suction, making her entire body convulse as she exploded, crying out loudly.

Smiling with satisfaction, he came back up to her and kissed her deeply. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest. She hardly had the energy to kiss him back. He touched her cheek
, and she looked into his dark eyes. “I’m not quite done with you yet, Samantha.”

“Hmmm?” she said
, still trying to catch her breath.

“I’m going to fuck you very hard now. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she said, feeling wrung out from pleasure.

“You won’t be ab
le to do any riding tomorrow, all right?”

“Yes, I understand.”

He held on to her bound wrists and positioned his body over hers. She could see the lust in his eyes as the tip of his cock touched her cleft. He impaled his thick shaft within her, filling her aching emptiness. He was huge and hard, thrusting powerfully into her in a delicious rhythm. He felt so good inside of her.

She could see him enjoying his conquest. Lifting h
er bottom as much as her leg restraints would allow, he went deeper into her than she thought possible. He filled every inch of her. Just as he was about to lose control, he removed himself, holding his penis above her breasts and shooting out a hot liquid on to her nipples, neck and mouth, while moaning in deep ecstasy. He collapsed beside her, exhausted.

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