His Imperfect Mate 26 (5 page)

Read His Imperfect Mate 26 Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Romance, #Mm, #Vampires, #Contemporary

His eyes rounded when Sloane came back into the kitchen with another bag of blood, ripping it open and pouring the crimson content into a glass. Setting it in the microwave, Sloane punched in the time and then looked over at D.

D nodded, and then Sloane hit the start button. “You only have two more bags upstairs,” he said as he stared at the cup going around in a circle inside the microwave. “I’ll have to send for more.”

It hurt D’s heart that Sloane wouldn’t even consider letting D drink from him. They were mates after all. He hated drinking that crap from a bag. The source was so much better, but D wasn’t going to rock the boat. Sloane had let him stay, and he wasn’t going to press his luck. He curled his lips in to stop himself from saying those thoughts out loud.

When the microwave dinged, Sloane grabbed the cup and carefully handed it to D. He felt a bit awkward all of a sudden drinking his blood in front of his mate. He’d never had that problem before, but for some reason,
drinking from Sloane’s vein felt wrong.

D crossed over to the table and sat the cup down, letting his hands fall to his sides.

“Is there something wrong with it?” Sloane moved until he was standing behind D. He was dying to press his back into Sloane’s strong chest and feel the warmth of his mate. But he didn’t dare.

“I’m not really that hungry right now.” His appetite had left him when he realized that Sloane wasn’t going to let D drink from him. It was an honor in the vampire world to find nourishment from one’s mate, and here Sloane stood, denying him. It only cemented D’s knowledge that he was a failure all the way around.

Sloane picked the cup up from the table, placing it close to D’s mouth. “You’re thinner than shit. Now drink it down.”

Boy, could Sloane make him feel any worse? His fingers curled around the cup, wondering how mad his mate would get if he refused.

He took a tentative sip, glancing up at Sloane from under his lashes. D could see the pleased look on the wolf’s face as his eyes fixated on D’s lips.

He wanted to know what Sloane was thinking, but was too afraid to ask.

“Drink all of it,” Sloane encouraged.

D gave Sloane his back as he quickly emptied the glass. He sat the glass on the table and quickly left the room before Sloane could say another word. There was strained tension between them, and D wasn’t sure if he could handle that.

As much as he dreamed about being with his mate, he hadn’t considered how uneasy it would be between them. Sloane said he would give D another chance, but he felt like everything he said and every move he made was scrutinized, taken apart, and examined. And he was found lacking.

That was no way to live.

D went back to the bedroom, curling under the covers. As badly as he wanted to be with Sloane, he couldn’t do this. The stress was too much. D’s health was already at risk with the lack of sleep and eating.

“Is there something wrong with the blood?” Sloane asked as he leaned against the doorframe, tucking his hands into his front pockets.

D shook his head as he pulled the covers tightly over his shoulders.

The bed dipped, and he felt Sloane’s hand on his arm. D held his breath, waiting.

Chapter Four

After all the anger, anguish, hurt, and betrayal, Sloane found that he couldn’t take seeing his mate so unhappy. He wasn’t strong enough to stay away. He felt stripped away as he gazed at his mate lying there so disheartened.

Whether Sloane admitted it out loud or not, he knew Dudley brought his heart to its knees.

It felt strange to him to finally let go of the emotions that he had been holding on to for so long and give in to the need to care for his mate. His heart overruled his mind as Sloane pulled the blankets down from D’s shoulders and turned his mate over with a gentle hand.

“Are you sick?”

D’s bottom lip trembled as he shook his head once more. Sloane waited for his mate to say something that would let him know what was wrong, but the vampire just lay there gazing up at him with his dark eyes. Sloane brushed aside a lock of smoky-black hair that had fallen over D’s forehead and then dipped his head down, ghosting his lips across the vampire’s.

He could feel the swift intake of air from his mate as D began to tremble under Sloane’s hand. The sound was music to his ears as Sloane pulled the covers back and stretched out beside his mate, pulling D into his arms as he took the kiss deeper, letting the feel of his mate’s lips wash through him. It was better than he had imagined it would be. D’s lips were soft, warm, and pliant as Sloane pushed his tongue against D’s lips, demanding entrance.

D opened and Sloane’s tongue dove in for the first real taste of his vampire. D groaned as his fingers grabbed Sloane’s shoulders, gently pulling for Sloane to move closer. Sloane had no problem sliding closer as he licked at D’s lips.

He could feel D’s hard erection pressing into his hip as D squirmed beside him. Sloane was having the same reaction as his mate, his cock straining painfully behind his zipper. Unable to resist any longer, he ran his hands over his mate’s back and then cupped his ass firmly, squeezing the soft mounds in his hands.

The feel of his mate’s body, the kiss that was heating his blood, sparked something inside Sloane, making him feel as though he had to have D now, this second. He reached between them and slid open D’s pants, palming the man’s erection as he nibbled his way down D’s neck, inhaling his scent.

D’s hands fumbled with Sloane’s zipper, freeing his cock and curling his shaking hand around Sloane’s shaft. The vampire was uncoordinated at first, jerky and unsure, but then he began to match Sloane stroke for stroke. The knowledge that it was his mate in his bed, giving Sloane so much pleasure, made his head spin with the reality.

Sloane’s thumb slipped over the head of D’s cock, giving him a natural lube to use as he thrust his hand harder, letting his fingers play over D’s balls on the downstroke. The skin was smooth and flawless, silky to the touch as Sloane twisted his wrist and tightened his fist.

“Sloane, oh, Sloane,” D cried out into Sloane’s mouth with a desperation that made Sloane growl out his approval. He thrust his hips, sending his cock further into D’s clutch. It had been ages since he had been with a lover, and Sloane knew that as badly as he wanted this to last all night, he was going to come very soon.

It couldn’t be helped, not when D was lying almost under him, giving himself over to Sloane so shamelessly.

Sloane slanted his head, licking a long path across D’s lips and then bit down gently on the kiss-bruised beauties. He lifted his head, laying it next to D’s as he closed his eyes, trying desperately to let D come first.

“Come for me, Dudley,” Sloane whispered against his mate’s temple as the electricity shot through his body, signaling that he was so damn close that he was about to come.

D shouted out his pleasure as hot spunk filled Sloane’s hand and filled his senses. His cock throbbed a few more times in his mate’s hand before Sloane erupted, his seed shooting onto D’s shirt. The scent of their combined cum made Sloane want to fuck D until his mate was shouting to the heavens.

D collapsed against Sloane, nuzzling into his chest as he sighed.

Now that the moment had passed, Sloane wasn’t sure what he should say or do. He slowly wrapped his arms around his mate, resting his chin on D’s head.

Could it be as simple as letting go?

“Thank you,” D said quietly.

“For what?”

“Giving me another chance.”

Sloane pulled D closer, kissing his dark hair as he stared at the far wall, letting everything run through his mind that had taken place between the two of them. They couldn’t continue in the strained relationship they were in, so Sloane knew he had to man up.

“I’ll send for your things. You can live here with me so I can keep an eye on your wandering ass,” he teased. Sloane knew damn well that this was what he wanted all along, and he was going to try his best to make things work between him and D.

D turned over in his arms, smiling up at Sloane. “Do you mean it?”


D patted his chest, excitement blazing in his eyes. “You don’t have a coffeepot. We need to get a coffeepot if I’m going to be staying here.”

“Hell, no,” Sloane said as he shook his head. “I’ve heard what caffeine does to you.”

D snorted. “Lies, all lies. I can handle my cup of coffee just as well as the next guy. Get me some, and I’ll prove it to you.”

Sloane couldn’t deny that he was curious to see what coffee did to his mate. Pa had told him that D went a little off the deep end when he drank it, and Sloane was feeling devilish enough to see what would happen.

“I’ll tell you what,” he started as he ran his fingers over D’s thin face, “I have to go into town so I’ll pick you up a cup from the diner, but you have to eat and put some weight on. Deal?”

D nodded his head in quick bursts as he grinned widely. “Deal.”

Sloane slipped from the bed, readjusting his pants, and then grabbed his shoes. “I won’t be gone long, so make yourself at home. And whatever you do—”

“Keep my wandering ass inside the house,” D finished for him.

Sloane bent at the waist and gave D a quick kiss before he headed for the door. “Yes, stay inside.”

Sloane jumped into his truck and headed to town, feeling a bit lighter at heart knowing his mate would be waiting for him when he came home. He spotted Maverick’s SUV sitting in front of the diner already as he pulled in next to him.

* * * *

Cody watched as Sloane entered the diner. “Here he is,” he said as he slid from the booth he had been sitting in with the alpha. “Catch you later.”

Maverick nodded as Cody walked into the kitchen where Steven was cooking. “How’s the new help working out?” Cody asked as he stole a fry from one of the plates.

“Seth? He’s doing great, why?” Steven asked as he plated the food he’d been cooking and then sat it on the small window for pickup. “He got the hang of things right away.”

Cody was glad the new guy was working out. Maverick had asked him to hire Seth, and lord knew Cody and Frank could use the extra help around here. Seth was taking care of his nephew after the house fire that had claimed Oscar’s parents. He knew it wasn’t easy being a single parent, so he made sure he gave Seth all the hours he could work.

“Just asking,” Cody replied. “I was thinking about hiring a dishwasher as well.”

Steven turned and gave him a low growl. Cody was actually impressed with the human. “You’ve said that five times already. Do you know how hard it is to cook
wash dishes?”

Cody chuckled as he ducked when Steven tossed a towel at him.

“I’ll see you in a week when you come back in here telling me you’re thinking about hiring a dishwasher.”

“My memory’s not that bad.”

“Yes, it is,” Frank said as he walked out of the office. “It sucks.”

“Tell him, Frank,” Steven chimed in. “If I have to wash one more pan when the dinner rush is underway, I’m going to scream. You can get me a prep cook as well.”

“This isn’t a damn four-star restaurant, and you’re not a chef,” Cody reminded him. “What do you need a prep cook for?”

“To do all the little shit I don’t have time for,” Steven commented as he dropped large pieces of chicken into the hot grease. “I never claimed to be a chef, but having help in the kitchen would, well…help.”

“You have George,” he said with a smile, feeling like he one-upped Steven and beat the young man at his whining game.

“And he’s been busy cooking for the entire house. Hell, he could probably use a damn prep cook as well. Just get me one.” Steven went back to cooking, ignoring Cody.

“He put you in your place.” Frank snickered.

“Fine, I’ll get a dishwasher and a
cook.” Cody palmed the door, heading out of the kitchen. Everyone was so damn demanding these days. He kissed his mate as he walked behind the counter, seeing Keata chatting away with Seth.

“You better let him get back to work before Steven comes out here with his damn Ginsu knives and starts screaming at everyone.”

Keata smiled as he walked over to Cody, leaving Seth to get back to taking orders. “That bad?”

“You have no idea.”

* * * *

Sloane sat back as he listened to his cousin.

“I’ve found out that D’s father is Magnum Constantinople.”

“Consta-what?” Sloane asked. He never knew D’s last name, and it never really dawned on him to ask. It sure as shit was a mouthful.

Maverick grinned. “Constantinople. He’s well-known in the vampire community and well respected. I have a feeling that if he wants to take you out, he’ll send someone to do the job. From what I hear, he’s too arrogant to get his hands dirty. He’s also known for his stance on shifters,” Maverick said and then leaned in, his grey eyes locked onto Sloane’s. “He hates them with a passion, so don’t underestimate him, Sloane.”

Just fucking great. His damn father-in-law wanted him dead…yesterday. What the fuck was with his breathing and D’s family? They had a damn hard-on for him just for mating the youngest son.

“I’m not stupid enough to let my guard down,” Sloane replied as the waiter brought his coffee. That reminded him. “Can I get a large coffee to go when I leave?”

The waiter nodded. “I’ll have it for you by the register.”


“Giving your mate coffee?” Maverick asked with a quirk to his brow. “You have heard what it does to him?”

Sloane shrugged. “He wants a cup.” He wasn’t about to sit here and tell Maverick that he was truly looking forward to what would happen when D drank it, but by the look on the alpha’s face, he already knew.

“Your neck.”

Sloane chuckled as he shook his head. “Yeah, my neck. I’m going to head out of here and get back home. Thanks for the information.”

“Anytime,” Maverick replied as Sloane walked over to the register and grabbed D’s coffee.

“On the house,” Cody said. “Just videotape it when D drinks it and goes nuts.”

Did everyone know about his mate’s reaction to coffee? Sloane shot Cody a glare before leaving the diner. It couldn’t be as bad as everyone was making it out to be. It was just coffee. Sloane sat the cup in the cupholder and drove back home. He could see all the lights on in the house and growled.

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