His Imperfect Mate 26 (6 page)

Read His Imperfect Mate 26 Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Romance, #Mm, #Vampires, #Contemporary

What the hell were all the lights doing on? He grabbed the coffee and walked inside, his jaw dropping as he spotted D up on the kitchen table with a hammer in his hand. “What the hell?”

D’s head snapped around, his eyes wide as he pointed toward the floor. “Rats! I saw rats!”

Sloane rolled his eyes. He was going to have to buy traps. He hadn’t seen any, but everyone else was shouting about the damn things. He set the cup down on the table and pried the hammer from D’s hands. “I’ll save you from the vermin.” Grabbing D around his waist, Sloane pulled him down from the table. “Have you eaten?”

“Did you hear me?” D said as he waved both hands frantically toward the basement door. “There were rats in here. I jumped up on the table after that.”

“You’ve been up here the whole time?”

D bobbed his head quickly. “Hell, yes. Those things are nasty.”

Sloane chuckled as he grabbed the cup and handed it to D. “Here, I brought you some coffee.”

His mate’s face lit up as he snatched the cup from Sloane, taking a long drink as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. The look of pure bliss on the vampire’s face had Sloane smiling. “I’ll get your blood ready while you enjoy that.”

D didn’t make a sound as he drank the contents down. Sloane opened the fridge, grabbing the bag and remembering the cup this time. A twinge of guilt settled in his chest as he warmed his mate’s dinner. He knew he should allow D to drink from him, but he wasn’t sure if he was ready for that yet.

All his life Sloane had dreamed of finding his mate. It was something that most wolves didn’t think about when they were pups, but Sloane did. He had dreamed about what it would be like and how he would live happily ever after.

What bullshit that was.

But he still held on to the belief that being mated was the most intimate, most sacred thing. And after what D had done, it was going to take a minute for Sloane to fully trust the man. He had been nothing but kind and gentle to D since discovering who he was, trying to coax him into their mating with gentleness that normally didn’t come easy to him.

Now he was going to have to learn to trust the man, and feeding him was an intimate act of love and trust. It may sound like a stupid thing to most, but it wasn’t to Sloane. It was something he felt very strongly about and wasn’t going to back down until he fully trusted the vampire.

The microwave dinged, pulling Sloane from thought as he reached inside and grabbed his mate’s cup. “Here,” Sloane said as he turned around, but D wasn’t anywhere in sight.

* * * *

Raven sat in his father’s study with his two brothers as Magnum sat behind his rich, cherry oak desk in his study, strumming his fingers on the wood as he stared at them. “I fail to see how you managed to let that shifter live.”

He had wondered the same thing about letting the wolf live. But Raven had seen the sincerity in Dudley’s eyes when he said he was happy. They may not have been there for Dudley like he needed his brothers to be, but even Raven wasn’t cruel enough to rain on Dudley’s parade. “Dudley said he wasn’t going to mate the wolf,” Raven replied.

“So you just walked away!” Magnum slammed his fist into the desk, his eyes hot with fury. It wasn’t a question but an accusation.

“You are acting like Dudley now with your sentimental bullshit. I don’t care what your brother says. That wolf needs to be taught a lesson, and you three are going to teach it to him.”

“But I thought—”

“Did I ask you to think, Raven?” Magnum asked with irritation and malice. “I want you to follow my fucking orders. I called Dudley and told him that wolf would be taken care of. Now fucking take care of him.”

Raven, along with Remus and Daniel, rose from their chairs and walked out of the office. He may have defended their father to Dudley, but Raven was really starting to see a clearer picture of his father, and he didn’t like it.

“Are we going to kill the wolf?” Remus asked.

“You heard Father,” Raven replied. He knew going against Magnus would result in a far worse punishment than defying the man.

And Raven wasn’t going to be punished if he could prevent it. “He wants Sloane taken care of, so he’s going to be taken care of.”

“I don’t like this,” Daniel said as he glanced back at the office door. “Dudley said he was happy. Why are we doing this?”

“Because your father ordered it!” Raven shouted and then regretted his outburst when Daniel shrank back. Fuck, he was even starting to sound like his bastard father. Raven had noticed a lot of things since coming back home from Brac Village.

The main thing he realized was that he didn’t want to turn into Magnum Constantinople. The man may be revered in the vampire community, but he sucked as a father, and Dudley was the one to open his eyes to that.

“Come on, we have to go take care of some things before we leave.” Raven walked toward his bedroom, his brothers close behind.

Chapter Five

D ran the vacuum over the stain that wouldn’t come out of the floor. No matter how many times he tried to get it to suck up into the vacuum, it wasn’t going anywhere.

“What are you doing, Dudley?” Sloane asked as he walked into the living room.

“Trying to get this stain up, but it won’t budge.”

“D, that’s hardwood flooring, and the stain is actually faded wood.”

Turning the vacuum off, D stared down at the stain. “But, how am I going to get that out of there?” he asked and then shoved the vacuum aside, running to grab soap and water. That should help. “If I can’t get it out, we’ll tear up the floor and lay new wood.”

“Whoa, slow down,” Sloane said as he grabbed D by his waist. “It gives the floor character. Let it be.”

D wiggled free and ran into the kitchen, seeing a dirty bowl and spoon in the sink, so he ran to make some water. Once the bowl and spoon were clean, he didn’t want to waste a sinkful of suds, so he started grabbing clean dishes from the cupboard to rewash.

“Now what are you doing?”

“Using the clean water. I don’t want to waste it.” D scrubbed the dishes in the sink and then set them aside, wondering what else he could clean. He spotted the toaster and saw that it had fingerprints all over the shiny chrome.

“No, you don’t,” Sloane said as he grabbed it away from D. “You can’t submerge a toaster in water.”

“Why not?” D asked as he made a grab for it. “It’s dirty.”

“They weren’t bullshitting about you drinking coffee, were they?” Sloane said as he raised the toaster above his head. “No more coffee for you.”

D growled low as he stopped trying to get at the toaster. “I’m perfectly fine.”

Sloane sat the toaster on top of the fridge and then pushed it all the way to the back, ensuring D couldn’t reach it. “You’re like the Energizer Bunny on speed. I thought for sure everyone was over exaggerating.”

“I told you, I’m fine,” D said over his shoulder as he opened the pantry door, looking at the contents stuffed on various shelves. It was a damn heart attack waiting to happen! This would never do. D started tossing the boxes of cereal and boxes of double fudge pudding out into the kitchen. As he reached for the large bag of potato chips, Sloane grabbed his arm.

“Don’t you dare.”

“Do you know how many calories and preservatives are in this bag?” D asked as he tossed the bag over his shoulder, hearing it hit the floor. “None of this is any good for you. I watched a program once that said—”

“I don’t care,” Sloane growled as he tugged D out of the pantry. “You’re not throwing my favorites away.”

“But it’s nothing but a heart attack in a bag!”

“Then I’ll die happy,” Sloane said as he narrowed his eyes at D. “Don’t throw my junk away.”

D’s sight narrowed in on the open bag of Doritos on the counter.

He took off across the kitchen, but before he could reach them, Sloane tackled him, both sprawling to the floor. D pushed his legs into the wolf, trying to get to the bag of chips, but Sloane grabbed the bottom of his jeans, pulling him back.

Unsnapping his pants, D wiggled out of them and then pushed to his feet, grabbing the chips and dumping them on the floor before Sloane could get to them. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you eat them.”

Oh shit.
The growl coming from Sloane sounded lethal. D spun around and took off upstairs, the wolf hot on his heels. Reaching the top of the landing, D ran by the bathroom and then skidded to a halt.

The damn room was a mess.

He ran into the bathroom and slammed the door, grabbing the cleaner from under the sink.

“Damn it, Dudley,” Sloane shouted and then threw the bathroom door open. “I’m about to tie your ass down until that coffee wears off.”

“It’s not the coffee, I swear,” D argued again as Sloane grabbed him around the waist and tossed him over his shoulder. D kicked his legs as he extended his arms, trying to reach the cleaner from this distance. The bathroom needed a good cleansing, damn it.

Sloane dumped D onto the bed and then crossed the room and slammed the door shut, locking it. “You’re going to calm the hell down, mate.”

D stopped in his tracks. Did Sloane just call him mate? He swallowed when he saw the lust-filled look Sloane was giving him. D realized that he was standing there in a T-shirt and skimpy underwear with a salivating wolf watching him from across the room.

The older man looked as though he wanted to eat D for lunch!

Was that good?

* * * *

Sloane had to plant his feet firmly into the carpet before he leapt across the distance and tackled his mate, for a fucking purpose this time. Holy hell, was D a terror when on caffeine. He honestly thought everyone was bullshitting him.

And those scanty underwear hadn’t gone unnoticed. “You didn’t drink your cup of blood.” Where that thought had come from, Sloane hadn’t a fucking clue. It had absolutely nothing to do with what he was looking at. His brain wasn’t working. That much was clear to him.

But his cock sure as shit was as he felt it starting to fill out at the sight.

“I’ll go get it.”

Sloane’s eyes stayed glued to his mate’s groin, seeing that D wasn’t unaffected either. The swell behind his underwear grew until the very head of D’s cock was showing from behind the material, leaking pre-cum as it presented itself.

His mate tried to walk around the edge of the room, slowly making his way to the bedroom door. Sloane couldn’t stop staring at the glistening head. His damn eyes were fixated on it. Sloane knew he had to let D leave the room. His mate had to eat, but fuck if unlocking that door wasn’t the hardest thing.

Correction, his cock was the hardest thing right now.

Sloane wasn’t stupid enough to let D go. He followed him down the stairs and into the kitchen, watching his tight little ass the whole time. D knew he was watching, too, because he constantly looked over his shoulder at Sloane, his eyes just as heated as Sloane’s felt.

With his hip pressed into the counter, Sloane watched his mate as D picked the cup up and drank the drink down. He smiled his approval as D wiped his mouth and set the cup in the sink, his movements measured, careful.

“Is there something wrong, Dudley?” Sloane asked as he pressed his chest into D’s back.

“N–No,” his mate stuttered as he gripped the end of the counter. “Nothing, why?”

Sloane grabbed D’s hand, pressing it into his swollen shaft behind his jeans. “I was just wondering if maybe you could take care of this for me.”

His mate’s eyes gleamed like glassy, volcanic rock as he looked up at Sloane. His tongue peeked out, sliding across his bottom lip as his fingers tightened around Sloane’s erection. “This?”

Sloane groaned as he nodded, and then his head fell back onto his shoulders as D’s fingers ran up and down his length.

“Here, in the kitchen?”

“Yes.” Sloane moaned the word as he reached down and opened his jeans. “Right here, right now.” He lifted his head to see D drop down to his knees in front of him, his ass in perfect view for Sloane to imagine all kinds of things while D sucked him off.

Sloane gasped when D leaned forward and deep throated him. He nearly stumbled backward, caught off guard by his mate’s ability to even do something like that. Sloane’s hands slid through D’s hair and curled, holding on as he shuddered and savored every second of what his mate was doing to his cock.

D pulled back and licked and sucked with genuine enjoyment, making the sloppiest sounds imaginable. When D looked up at him from under his thick, black lashes, all Sloane was able to do was gape at him in amazement. The man was so goddamn beautiful kneeling in front of him with Sloane’s cock in his mouth.

“Shit!” Sloane shouted when D began to hum around his dick.

The vibrations were felt all the way to his toes. His mate’s tongue flickered over the very tip of Sloane’s cock, sucking in the clear liquid as his lips created a vacuum seal around his shaft, nearly making him come.

Sloane was going to die a very happy man right now.

D murmured Sloane’s name around his cock, sending Sloane into a wild craze. He began to fuck D’s mouth in earnest, feeling the head of his prick sliding down his mate’s throat over and over again. His thigh muscles quivered, his legs threatening to give out as his balls drew so tight to Sloane’s body that they actually hurt.

Sloane shouted as his back arched, his cock lodging in D’s throat as hot jets of seed were ripped from his balls. White lights exploded behind his eyelids, making him dizzy as hell. His damn head was throbbing as he settled his body back down. Sloane was gasping for air, pulling his cock free and praying he could stay upright.

As his head cleared, Sloane could see D’s own cock in his hand, seed bathing his fist. Oh god, this man was seriously out to kill him—in a fucking fantabulous sort of way this time.

“I’m going to get cleaned up,” D said with a blush as he hurried from the kitchen. Sloane wanted to grab his mate and pull him into his arms, but D was gone already and he was just too damn tired to move.

Sloane jerked when he saw something moving over by the fridge.

He snapped his pants and walked over, cocking his head to the side to see behind the fridge. Damn, they really did have rats, and the son of a bitch was huge! As brave as he was, Sloane took off upstairs as fast as his feet would carry him.

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