Hit and Run: A Mafia Hitman Romance (12 page)

Read Hit and Run: A Mafia Hitman Romance Online

Authors: Natasha Tanner,Vesper Vaughn

We’re just fucking.

A lot.

On the bed. Up against the wall. On the kitchen counter. On the parquet wooden floor.

We’re like two rabbits together. Her and I are like magnets constantly drawn together.

I wake up one blustery morning in late December to find that Lizzy’s gone.

I go from groggy to dead awake in about a tenth of a second. “Lizzy?” I call out into the apartment.

I check the only other room; the bathroom. She’s not in it.

I look in the kitchen for a note.

There is none.

I throw clothes on and fly out the door, down the twisting staircase to the lobby.

I run smack into Lizzy carrying two bags of groceries.

“Jesus Christ, Lizzy,” I say to her. “You scared the shit out of me.”

She laughs. “I wanted to get a jump on groceries. I didn’t sleep well last night.”

“And you couldn’t have left a fucking note?”

She flinches at my words. “Seriously? I couldn’t find any paper. Relax.”

I take the grocery bags from her and we walk upstairs.

“Sorry I scared you so much,” she says, putting the groceries away. “Like I said, I couldn’t sleep. I thought I would be back before you woke up.”

“Yeah, well. Don’t fucking do that again,” I say. I step forward until she’s trapped against the cabinets.

“Don’t tell me what to do,” she counters, reaching down and unbuttoning my jeans.

“I’ll always tell you what to do,” I whisper back to her, reaching under her sweater to find her bra and unclasping it.

“Is that right?” she replies.

I lift her sweater over her head and her bra drops to the floor. “Turn around,” I say to her.

She does, putting her hands up against the wall behind the counter. Her tits are hanging down and I grab them, running my fingertips over the hard nubs. She moves her hands so she can take her own pants off.

It takes seconds for her to be naked. I walk up behind her, sliding my cock against her ass. She gasps and I feel between her legs with my fingers. She’s so wet it’ll take no pressure at all for me to be inside of her. I take the head of my cock and rub it in her wetness. She trembles.

“You like that, wife?” I ask her.

“Yes,” she gasps. “I like that.”

“So what do you want now?” I kiss the back of her neck and grab both of her tits with one hand from behind.

“I want you inside of me,” she says.

“Say it louder,” I say. “Call me what I am.”

“I want you inside of me, Cain.”

“No,” I say, pulling my hand away from her tits. I rub my cock against her opening, her most delicate places opening up for me. But I’m not giving her what she wants. Not yet. “What am I to you?”

She’s breathing so heavily now I think she might pass out on the kitchen countertop. “I want you inside of me,

She bends over at a ninety-degree angle and I slip into her. She screams out my name when she comes, and I unload inside of her.

We collapse into bed, both of us the best kind of exhausted.





We both fall asleep after the kitchen sex. I wake up once again before Cain does and I watch him lying there, slowly breathing.

I walk over to the kitchen and wrestle out the secret I was hiding in my coat pocket. I take the plastic wand and wander into the bathroom.

I pee on it.

And then I wait.

I was at the modern art museum three days ago when I saw an abstract painting of a rose blossoming out of the curvy mound of a woman. That’s when I realized that I haven’t had to buy any tampons since we’ve been on the run.

Then I did the math. It’s been nearly eight weeks since the first time Cain and I had sex at the library.

That was more than enough time for my regular cycle to restart.

But that period never came. That’s why I woke up this morning and went straight to the market. I didn’t leave a note for Cain because I was so preoccupied I forgot.

So here I am, sitting in a flat in Munich with my husband in the other room, awaiting the results of a pregnancy test.

I look down when I think it’s been long enough.

It has.

Two blue lines glare up at me from the countertop.

I feel a combination of pure joy and utter fear, once again.

This time, it really feels like I’m falling.

I pace the tiny bathroom a dozen times, trying to decide how to approach Cain with this news. I burst out of the bathroom determined to wait until I take him out to dinner to say anything.

But he’s just waking up from his nap, stretching his strong arms over his head, his six pack rippling in the light from the window.

“I’m pregnant,” I say with absolutely no preamble.

I am
the worst
at keeping secrets. The absolute worst. Like, there’s nobody in the world worse at it than I am, I guarantee.

Cain laughs. “That’s funny,” he says, pushing his body up so his back leans against the headboard. “Come back to bed. I want to fuck you with your clothes on.” He pats the duvet, a sly grin on his lips.

I respond by tossing the pee stick at him.

He catches it easily and looks at it. “Oh my God.”

“Yeah,” I reply, still standing near the bathroom nervously. “I really wasn’t making that up, I swear.”

He looks from the test to me and from me to the test. “Oh my God.”

I bite my lip. “I’m guessing it was that first night in the library, but it could have been in the woods at Flea’s place.” I run my hands through my hair.

He puts the test down on the bedside table. “Get over here,” he says sternly.

I pull the sleeves of my sweater down over my hands and walk towards him, kneeling on the bed and crawling over. He grabs the back of my hair and pulls my face towards his.

“We’re having a fucking baby,” he whispers.

He’s smiling.

“You’re actually excited?” I ask him, almost scared to believe it.

He tilts his head to the side. “Are you serious? Of course I’m excited. You’re having
baby. The sexiest woman in the entire world is having my baby. Why wouldn’t I be excited?”

I laugh nervously. “I figured…I guess I figured you wouldn’t want kids.”

Cain shakes his head. “Yeah, maybe before I met you.” He kisses my lips softly. “But from the second I saw you, that thought flew out of my head. I wanted nothing more than to fuck a baby into your sexy body.”

He kisses me again, his fingers playing at my panty line. I gasp for breath and pull away.

“Wait,” I say. He stops touching me.

“What is it?”

“We’re on the run from your family, your sick cousin, probably my family as well,
the U.S. government. I don’t really think this is the best time-“

He interrupts me by kissing my lips. “Don’t ruin this, Lizzy. Right now, you’re my pregnant fucking wife and I want nothing more than to keep practicing for our second kid right now.”

I can’t resist that. I kiss him again and straddle him. He runs his fingers through my hair and I pull my panties to the side, slipping over his enormous, rock-hard rod and moving up and down slowly. I stare at him and toss my hair back.

He rubs my breasts through my thick sweater and smiles at me. “You’re so fucking hot,” he says.

I go up and down his shaft slower still. “You like that?” I ask him.

He grabs the sides of my lower back and then my ass, slapping his hands onto it.

I gasp.

“Do you like
?” he asks me.

“Yes,” I moan back at him. “I love that.”

He spanks me again, and I respond by moving even slower. He’s filling up every single inch of me. The feeling is beyond description. I feel like I could have a thousand dictionaries and never be able to describe how good his cock feels inside of me.

“Faster,” he says.

I go slower.

He spanks me again.

“If you want me to speed up, you should stop punishing me. Because I like it too much,” I say to him.

He stops spanking me and I speed up. I’m riding him faster than I’ve ever ridden him before, feeling the head of his cock slipping in and out of me, filling me up more and more with each thrust.

“I’m going to come,” I whisper to him.

He grabs my hair and pulls my head backwards so I’m staring at the ceiling. “So am I. Oh God, you’re so fucking hot. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t-“

We both scream out, coming together at the exact same moment, spinning into ecstasy.



“I think we should name him Michael,” Cain says as we walk hand in hand through the drizzly city. Most of the buildings are covered in Christmas lights, but the streets are nearly empty. We’re huddled together under an umbrella and passing a kebap between the two of us. The warm sandwich brings life back to my frozen fingertips.

“How are you so confident it’s a boy?” I ask him.

“Because I know these things. Don’t question me on this.”

I laugh and hand him back the kebap so he can take bites of it. “Alright, fine. Let’s put money on it,” I say.

“You don’t
any money,” Cain says.

“Yeah, but I’ll win, so it doesn’t matter. It’s a girl. I know.
the one carrying this baby,” I reply.

“You’ve only known you were pregnant for like five hours,” Cain objects.

“Yeah, but I’ve known about three minutes longer than you’ve known. So I have more authority on this subject,” I retort.

He finishes up the kebap and throws the wax paper wrapper into a garbage can. We wander into the middle of a cobblestone square and Cain pulls me close to him, the umbrella in one hand. He lifts me up onto my toes and kisses me. “You got infinitely more fuckable when I found out you were pregnant, you know.”

I smile at him. “Soon enough I’ll be the size of a killer whale and you won’t think that.”

Cain laughs. “Don’t say that. Your curves will just get bigger and that’s more of you for me to fuck. It’s a win-win situation.”

Cain pulls me even closer to his body so we’re both safe and dry under the huge black umbrella. His torso is radiating warmth. I want to crawl into his muscular chest and stay there forever. His strong arms wrap me in an embrace that is as cliché as it is comfortable.

He nuzzles his lips into my hair. “I feel like we should be dancing right now,” he says.

I wish I were making this next part up. Then it wouldn’t feel so fake.

The plaintiff wail of a street violin fills the empty air, echoing off the cobblestones and filling my ears with sweet music. I glance around but can’t find the source of the noise.

“You planned this,” I say, my mouth pressed into his breastbone.

He laughs and the sound rumbles through me. “I wish I did,” he says. “It’s almost too fucking perfect, isn’t it?”

Then he starts swaying in time with the music. The violinist is playing a waltz.

Cain tosses the umbrella aside and we’re both baptized by the now-pouring rain. He bows to me and takes my right hand in his, wrapping his right arm around my waist. Soon he’s leading me in a perfect waltz.

“You know how to dance?”

“Boxing and dancing are one and the same, Elizabeth.”

I laugh. “If you say so.”

Cain takes a deep breath. “This has been the best month of my entire life. I’ve never, ever had a normal time of things. Ever. Until I met you.”

“Being on the run for our lives is
in your book? And come on. You must have had
kind of normal childhood, what with going to your country house and all.” My voice is laced thick with sarcasm.

“Yeah, I know. Poor little rich boy. But not really. I was aware of what my dad did for a living from the time I can remember existing. And he had me go out on
starting when I was fifteen.” Cain’s eyes go dark with pain. “I’ve been hurting people since I was fifteen. And it only got worse from there.” He pauses again and I pull him closer to me, hoping I can absorb at least a little bit of his pain. I hate seeing him like this more than I can possibly say.

“And then I had to start killing. I never wanted to tell you, but I’ve killed more people than you can imagine.”

“How many?” I ask, almost not wanting to know the answer.

“Thirty-nine people,” he says, his voice catching in his throat. “I’ve kept count of every single one. I know you don’t like knowing this. But I have to be honest. I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to hurt people.”

“You don’t have to,” I say, realizing as the words leave my mouth that I cannot possibly promise him something like that.

Cain shakes his head. “We can pretend all we want, Elizabeth. But this only ends one way. We can’t hide forever, as much as we both want to.”

We spin and twirl together through the empty square. The song ends, and between the lack of music and the conversation topic, the warm feeling that I’ve carried with me all day long evaporates into the cold, misty night.



“You checking on telegrams again?” Elizabeth asks from our bed. She’s naked and it’s hard as fuck for me to leave her when she’s looking so tempting.

“Yeah,” I say. “I’d really like to hear from Flea. I figured he’d come back on the grid once Christmas was over. But there’s been nothing so far.”

She turns on the television and lowers the volume. “Be back quick. I demand more sex from my husband.”

I walk over and kiss her sweet lips. “Of course I’ll be quick.”

I lock the door behind me, head down the staircase and out into the freezing cold streets of Munich. A passerby bumps into me and the hackles on my neck stand upright. It’s been all too easy to let my guard down the last two months here with Elizabeth. It’s just been so

I’ve never had that in my entire life.

I walk to the telegram office a few blocks over, flipping up my collar to protect my skin from the bitter wind.

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