Hit and Run: A Mafia Hitman Romance (16 page)

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Authors: Natasha Tanner,Vesper Vaughn

Maria bites her lip and blushes. “He likes his alone time, I think.”

“Right,” Cain says skeptically. “The guy loves you so much he sold his apartment in New York City to live with you down in London. I highly doubt he values being away from you. He changed his
whole life
for you.”

She flips her brunette hair over her shoulder. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” She puts her hand on her stomach. “I forgot to tell you – we’re having a baby.”

I shriek and jump off Cain’s lap. “Way to bury the lede! How could you not have told me sooner?”

Cain starts applauding. “I didn’t think Flea had it in him.”

“Oh, stop it,” I say to him, embracing my sister. “That is so exciting! Do you know what you’re having?”

“A tech genius. I think it’s a girl,” Cain says, rolling over to us to give Maria a hug. “And never, ever forget that I was right about Samson.”

“How could I? You never
let me
forget,” I say to him with a laugh.

“I think it’s important to keep my woman in line,” Cain says sarcastically.

Maria cackles. “Like any man could keep my sister in any
of line.”

Maria leaves before dinnertime. That night, Cain makes shepherd’s pie for both of us. I bring Samson into the kitchen. He’s asleep in his stroller, the only way he’ll be put down anymore. Cain was right about the wheelchair being soothing for him because it mimics his stroller.

Cain pours us both a glass of wine. “To our real wedding happening in the dead of a Scottish winter.”

I laugh. “To both of us being crazy enough to buy this house.” I glance around the kitchen at the shiny copper range hood, worn wooden cabinets, and tile countertops. It’s functional, but it’s not renovated. Not yet.

Cain takes a sip and then leans forward to kiss me. “I love you,” he whispers. Then he reaches down to brush Samson’s dark hair out of his eyes. Samson sighs contentedly at his father’s touch.

We dig into the delicious food set before us.

“So, I’ve been meaning to tell you,” I say to Cain. “I applied to the university in Edinburgh. I could start classes in a few weeks if I wanted.”

Cain raises his eyebrows in surprise. “I’ve been pushing you to do that for
,” he says. “What finally made you do it?”

I shrug. “I think I’m finally okay with leaving Samson. I mean, I know he’s obviously safe with you. I just thought I’d miss him too much.” I pause. “That’s why I didn’t want to have a baby so soon.”

Cain reaches out his hands and strokes the sides of my face. “You’ll be even fucking sexier when you’re a scientist.”

I blush. “So you’re okay with waiting to have a baby?”

“I want whatever you want, Lizzy. Of course I’m okay with it.”

We finish our meal in happy silence. As he clears the table, stacking the plates on his lap, I ask him the question that’s been irking me for months. “Do you miss it?”

Cain shuts off the tap. “Miss what?”

“You know. Being a super-assassin.”

Cain laughs. “No, I don’t miss it.”

“Not even a little? Because I think I would miss at least
parts of it.”

Cain wheels his way back over to me and lifts me out of my chair with only his arms. I perch on his lap. “I get to be with both of you every day. I would never miss this for the entire fucking world.”

We kiss and embrace each other. “Meet me in the bedroom,” I say to him.

He doesn’t object.

I get Samson into his crib and grab the baby monitor, shedding my clothes as I walk down the hallway. The cold air makes my nipples rock hard, so by the time I’m ready for Cain, I’m
ready for Cain.

He’s lit candles in the bedroom and he’s naked and laid flat on the bed.

I walk over to him and get on my hands and knees. I crawl across the mattress. Cain moans.

“Hurry up!”

I take my time. I shed kisses up his thighs. He’s rock hard and ready for me. I wrap my lips around his length, drinking him in. He grabs my hanging breasts with his hands and pulls at my nipples.

“You’re so fucking sexy, Lizzy,” he whispers. “I wish I could stand up and fuck you from behind.”

“We can get close to that,” I say with a sexy smile. I turn around and lift myself onto him, my ass bouncing in the air as I slide up and down him.

He moans and pushes himself upright, shoving pillows under his back so he can grab onto my tits. I move myself up and down his thick rod, feeling every inch of him in my body.

Even though he can’t walk, he’s been exercising his legs every day, sometimes for hours. They’re still thick and muscular.

“Turn around,” Cain whispers. “Sit on my face.”

I do as I’m told, placing my knees carefully next to his head. I groan as he swirls his tongue in my wetness, drinking me up. He teases my nipples as his tongue goes in a figure eight motion.

“I’m about to come,” I gasp.

I slide off his face and onto his cock again.

We both finish at the same time, Cain screaming my name.




“You are the luckiest son of a bitch on planet earth, you know that, right?” Flea asks me, standing in his grey suit. “It’s sunny on a January day in
and you’re having an outdoor wedding. I don’t even know what you did to pull that off.”

I laugh and pat him on the arm. “You know, after last year? I wouldn’t really call myself lucky. But I appreciate it, man. I really do.” I look in the mirror one last time and adjust my tie. “Let’s get this show on the road!”

I wander out of our house, the wheels of my chair sliding across the grass. The sheep baa at me from behind their fencing and I wave at them. I’ve become the type of guy who talks to sheep. I never, ever thought that would happen.

And I’ve never been happier in my life.

About a dozen white chairs sit beside a makeshift aisle strewn with white rose petals. The pastor, who is also our neighbor, stands at the altar. Maria is holding Samson at the altar. She’s the only one who he’ll tolerate other than Lizzy and me. I walk down the aisle and say hello to everyone; the audience is mostly a collection of friends we’ve made since moving to Scotland.

Flea walks behind me and stands next to me at the altar.

“I never thought you’d be the type of guy to go save a random stranger,” I whisper to him. “I owe you. Elizabeth couldn’t live without Maria.”

Flea shrugs. “Don’t mention it, man.” He pats me on the shoulder and I grin.

The violinist starts playing music and everyone stands up. Elizabeth wanders out of the house wearing a wool, long, plaid skirt that couldn’t be more Scottish. On top is a fitted, warm, white wool sweater. Her hair is in two plaits and her face is completely free of makeup.

I feel myself tearing up and I smile at her. She waves at me, smiling broadly in return.

Samson coos as she approaches, and Maria hands her our son. Samson grabs for the white rose pinned to my suit and comes away victorious with a handful of white petals in his chubby, dimpled hand. He giggles and everyone laughs.

That’s when I know it’s my moment.

I push myself up out of the chair and set my feet on the ground the way I’ve been doing for the last few days.

I woke up one day and I could feel my feet again.

Just in time for the wedding.

Elizabeth gasps and claps her free hand over her mouth. “When? How-?”

Everyone applauds.

I kiss Elizabeth on the mouth. “I love you,” I say to her.

“I love you, too,” she replies and the pastor gets the ceremony under way.

Who gets to marry their best friend not once but
two times

Flea is right. I’m the luckiest guy on earth.




I duck my head to avoid the rain and climb into our Land Rover, going slowly down the curving rural roads.

My heavy backpack sits in the passenger seat.

I can’t believe it.

I’m officially graduating next week. No more exams. I’m free.

I pull into our carport and walk into our perfect house. I see that Cain has the fireplace roaring. It’s April but it’s still blustery and cold.

“Hello?” I call into the house, putting my backpack on the chair.

I hear the pitter patter of feet and look up to see Samson, his dark curly hair and blue eyes gleaming at me, running. “Mommy!” he yells.

“That’s my boy!” I scoop him up and walk into the kitchen.

I see a tray of slightly lumpy sugar cookies covered in a mountain of sprinkles.

“We made cookies,” Samson says, clapping his hands together. “Daddy let me do everything.”

“You did? That’s amazing!” I kiss him on the head.

“Put me down, Mommy, I want to bring one to you with some tea.”

“Such service,” I say seriously. I sit at the table and watch as my son turns on the electric kettle. “I think I’ll help you pour, though. Is that alright?”

He nods. “Alright.”

“Where’s your dad?” I ask him.

He shrugs. “He said he needed a nap.”

I stand up and ruffle his hair. “I’ll be right back. Don’t pour that kettle without me, alright?”

Samson nods. “I promise.”

I walk across the shiny, blonde wood flooring that Cain sanded and sealed himself. The hallway walls are now covered in family photos of our various vacations, along with a lot of photos of sheep.

Cain is pretty serious in his role as shepherd. And he’s taken up photography in what little spare time he has being a full-time farmer and raising our son.

“Cain? Sweetie?” I call out.

I walk into our bedroom and see that the bathroom light is on. I knock on the door. “Can I come in?”

Cain opens the door and stands there, beaming.

“What?” I ask him.

He pulls out a pregnancy test from behind his back. Two blue lines are glaring at me. I didn’t expect him to find it quite so quickly.

“You can’t hide shit like this from a former spy. You should know that by now.”

I smile at him and bite my lip. “Hey, did it ever occur to you that I
you to find it?”

Cain sweeps me off of my feet. “Don’t spoil my fun. I like to think this was great detective work on my part.”

He kisses me on the mouth and carries me like we’re crossing the threshold out into the front yard.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see,” he says.

I lean my head into his muscular shoulder and sigh contentedly. I love when he holds me like this in his strong arms.

We make it to the barn entrance and he puts me down. “Open the doors,” he says.

I do. I’m greeted by the smell of fresh hay and the sight of a thousand black irises in fifty different vases. I turn around and smile.

“For my pregnant graduating, mad scientist wife,” he says.

“I always knew you’d figure out what my favorite flower was

“It was the only one on planet earth left,” Cain says. “You sure like to make things hard for me.”

I reach up and kiss him on the mouth.

Samson calls out to both of us. “Mommy, the water is ready!”

Cain sweeps me off my feet one more time. “I can’t wait to tell him that he’s going to be a big brother to a beautiful baby sister.”

“How do you know?”

Cain rolls his eyes. “Lizzy, I’ve guessed
every baby’s sex in a thirty-mile radius
correctly. Don’t question me on this.” He kisses my forehead. “I promise you, you’re having a girl. And she’s going to look just like her gorgeous mother.”

I laugh and start to cry.

I can’t believe this is my life. I get the best of everything. The city. The country. School life. Home life. My husband. My son. My unborn daughter.

Everything is perfect.

And we’ll never have to run ever again.




Natasha Tanner is a hopeless romantic. She loves to write about bad boys and her stories always wind up with a happy ending and some steamy moments. She resides in Vermont and hopes you enjoy every one of her books as she strives to become a full-time writer.








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Vesper Vaughn lives in the sunny hills of Hollywood with her family. When she’s not writing about bad boys, she’s binge-watching television, hiking, or daydreaming about her next story. She’s passionate about gin and tonics, Shonda Rhimes shows, and the Hemsworth brothers.











Please see my
Author Central Account
on Amazon for a full list of my titles.

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