Hollywood Lies (16 page)

Read Hollywood Lies Online

Authors: N.K. Smith

I pull away from him a little to look into his eyes. “See?” I say, running my thumb over his cheek bone, then down the line of his jaw. “Emotionally intense.”

“What? You think the story’s about you? Please, get over yourself. I stood in the rain to see Winona Ryder in
Mr. Deeds

I smack his shoulder, and he starts laughing. “You know what I like?” I ask when his eyes are locked on mine. “The way your hair changes color when the light hits it. You have little blond highlights all over.” I run my hand through his hair.

Devon closes his eyes for just a moment.

“And I like the slope of your nose. And the twinkle in your mocha eyes when you smile.” I lightly touch the area next to his eyes. “And this.”

“Are you talking about my crow’s-feet? How dare you!”

Instead of laughing, I kiss him. I kiss him deeply until he gets hard beneath me, and I shift, rising up only to sink down onto him. I’m wrapped around him as we move together. The entire time, he licks, nips, kisses, and sucks on my collarbone, neck, and earlobe. His arms hold me tightly, and we start the whole process over. After we come together again, we lie in my bed, his body still wrapped around mine. It’s strange to not want to be alone. I don’t know what it is about him that draws me to him, but something connects with me. I feel comfortable in his arms. I don’t want to leave them.

Julie and Xavier leave my trailer to go grab some food while Oscar and Michael stand outside my door. I relish the peace and quiet; we’re halfway through the shooting schedule and everything is going well now that I’ve made up a little ground. The producers seem happy again with what we’re doing, and so far, we’re coming in under budget.

My cell buzzes, breaking the quiet. I think about not picking it up, but I do. A text from Devon. We’ve spent every night together since that first night a few weeks ago. While we don’t have sex every day, we’ve been pretty active. He has amazing stamina and doesn’t need much recovery time.

Was thinking bout u. Dick’s hard.

I quickly type out a response.

U just want me for sex don’t you?

His reply isn’t as quick this time.

Don’t say that. I want sex, yes, but that doesn’t mean I JUST want you 4 sex. I find your intellect & talent appealing. Makes me hot. It’s been days . . . 

Perhaps if I wasn’t such as sexual person, I could take his interest in me the wrong way, but I’ve never seen much harm in two people admitting they want to have sex. He could have anyone as just a piece of ass, just like I could, but also just like me, I doubt we’d have such good conversation if all he wanted was a few orgasms.

I text him back.

U r a machine. U haven’t gotten tired of fucking me yet? How many times has it been this week?

Devon replies.

Bout 6. Can we make it 7? Srsly, I need your pussy. Haven’t tasted it yet today. Make it worth your while.

The thought of his face between my legs makes me wet.

Aren’t you the bold one? Maybe I mistook your naivety. Don’t have much time. Have a schedule to keep.

My cell buzzes again.

On my way. I can be quick. Promise.

A minute later, Devon is in my trailer, pants down, condom on as he presses me against the thin wall. My pants are off, panties dangling from one ankle as he lifts me up. He positions the head of his cock at my entrance.

I whisper into his ear, “Thought you were going to lick my pussy.”

“No time.” He pushes into me. “Don’t worry; I’m going to eat you all night.”

“God, I love this,” I say after he starts thrusting up into me, fucking me hard and fast. I can’t say anything else. The sex is passionate, but not overly emotional, which is exactly what I need right now.

Later that night, when I’m still catching my breath after an hour of foreplay and sex, Devon turns to me. “Let’s go get something to eat. I’m starving.”

“I can have Julie call for some take out.”

He does this little half jump which makes the bed shake, as he excitedly grabs my shoulders and brings me up. “No. I want to take you out, like, dinner and a movie or something cheesy like that.” He gets out of bed and starts collecting his clothes. “I mean, we’ll probably skip the movie part, but we can definitely do dinner.”

“Actually, we can’t just go out for dinner, Dev.”

He stops. “What? What do you mean?”

I bring the sheets up to my chest in some kind of show of modesty. Usually I don’t care if anyone sees my body, but somehow, I feel incredibly vulnerable in front of him. “There are photographers camped outside of this hotel. If I go anywhere, they’ll follow. Not to mention I haven’t alerted my security team.”

“But I want to take you out on a date.” There’s a little pout on his lips that threatens to make me forget everything I know about protecting myself.

Instead, my logical mind screams loud and clear to break it down for him. It wouldn’t be fair to continue without making sure he knows exactly what he’s getting into. “Date? Do you have any idea how ridiculous it’d be to date me?”

Devon stays silent.

“We can’t be seen together romantically. The tabloids would love it. They’d portray you as my little plaything, some innocent little boy toy caught in my web.”

“What are you talking about? The world loves you, Cole.”

“You think?” I stand up and wrap the sheet around me. “They love the idea of me, but what they love more is the fall from grace, and trust me, Devon, they’re waiting for me to fall again. They will eat this up. Every time I try to have a relationship with anyone, they devour everything until there’s nothing private, nothing personal. And believe me, it’s not easy to handle. No one else has been able to, and I don’t—”

“Did you say relationship? Is that what we’re doing? I mean, do you want that from me?”

“It’s not a matter of want. It’s a matter of whether or not it can ever be.”

“But it’s not like—”

“You’ve searched me on the Internet, right?”

He nods.

“And how many images did you come up with me out and about with someone more than once? I mean, how many times do you see me with the same guy?” I know how the question makes me sound, but I’m not ashamed of my sexuality, or how I live my life.

Devon sighs. “None recently.”

“Exactly. I learned a long time ago that relationships don’t last long when it’s out in front of the whole world. It’s why Oliver and I didn’t work, and one of the central reasons Quin and I—”

“So we won’t go out. We’ll keep everything quiet.”

“You’re going to get bored with me anyway.”

Devon steps toward me, drops his clothes, and places his hands on my hips. “Never.”

“You say that now.”

Devon raises his eyebrow. “So . . .” He draws out the word while using his arms to move me around in a subtle little dance. “Does this mean we’re going to do this? Can I date you, Collette Stroud?”

I deliberately roll my eyes and turn my head so his searching lips meet my cheek. “You really want this?”

“Hell, yes.” He turns my face to him and kisses me long and hard.

“Fine,” I finally say against his lips, our foreheads together. The sheet falls from my hand, pooling at my feet. Our bodies are tight against each other.

I want this with him. I’ve known it for a while, but I feel reckless for agreeing to it. I wrap my body around his.

With his hips between my legs, arms secure around me, he pulls away and asks, “Just for clarity’s sake, are we together? I mean, can I change my Facebook status from
It’s complicated
In a relationship

I bring his mouth back to mine. This is going to be an interesting ride.

Chapter 7


Despite the fact Cole and I can’t go out on regular dates like normal people, I manage to get us into date-like situations a lot; they just involve a big group. While Julie avoids me like the plague and seems to be relatively cold to her boss, the rest of the cast and crew still wants to be around Cole.

We’ve gone out as a group quite a bit, which satisfies my need to spend time with her outside of a hotel room. It’s not like I want everyone to know we’re together, but there is something beautiful about experiencing her in different environments. Not just sexual experiences. I absolutely love watching how she interacts with others. I love watching Cole in action. I also enjoy watching other people react to her.

I’ve learned to alert Cole’s security team well before the outing, and everything goes well. I almost always manage to sit next to her at dinners, which gives me the opportunity to touch her under the table.

I think back to last week as I dial Brady’s number on my cell. We talk and go through the motions, but all I can think about is Cole.

Cole wore this little skirt that barely covered anything, which meant it gave me wonderful access to everything I wanted. We were all scrunched into this horseshoe-shaped booth, so we were practically sitting on top of each other. Naturally, my right hand found its way onto her leg and began to stroke her exposed flesh. I could feel the goose bumps forming, and then a second later, she spread her legs.

Without much visible movement, I trailed my fingertips over the length of her sex right there with everyone else sitting around us. I pushed her panties to the side. Well, it was more a scrap of silk than panties. Cole leaned back against the padded booth as she carried on a conversation with one of the other actresses in the film, Anita, about some new fashion designer.

I coyly played with her little clit. I teased it lightly, then pressed it with just one finger. Very slowly, Cole’s hips started moving and her breathing slowed and deepened. I didn’t know how she managed to keep up the conversation, but she did. Meanwhile, I used my other hand to casually sip beer from a bottle.

I couldn’t make her come like that, so after a bit, she squeezed her thighs together, and pushed my hand away. I thought that was it, just a little early foreplay before going back to the hotel, but then she excused herself to use the restroom. Thankfully, my mind was quick, and I used everyone getting out of the booth as an excuse to get another beer from the bar.

I ordered one while I watched Cole wait with Michael and Oscar, and Xavier inspected the bathroom. Cole flicked her eyes over to me briefly before she disappeared into the hallway with Oscar in tow.

With my beer in hand, I walked pass Michael, who gave me a look like he was jealous. Oscar and Xavier were standing right outside the bathrooms, and I almost went into the Women’s but Xavier stopped me with a shake of his head.

Just then, a tall brunette and a short blond came out, giggling. Of course they wouldn’t be able to clear the Women’s bathroom easily with women going to the toilets in packs, so I confidently walked into the Men’s where I found Cole ready to pounce on me.

She pressed something into my hand. I looked down and nearly came in my jeans when I saw it was the little scrap of her white panties. I brought them up to my nose. “You are such a dirty girl.”

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