HOOKED ON YOU (Paradise Cove) (27 page)

The comparison stung. He knew she meant it as a compliment, but it hit too close to home. “I’m the same guy. Different suit.”

“You’ve never told me about your family. Your upbringing. I would like to know more about you, Colt.”

He grabbed the bottle of champagne. “Let’s have a toast and then you can get to know me a whole lot better—in bed.”

She blinked and dropped her hands to her sides. The mood was detouring downhill as she asked, “Do you mind me asking you questions?”

There would be no going forward if he didn’t answer at all, so he opted for honesty. “Not really, but I would rather do something besides talk about my past.” He put the bottle down and reached for her hand.

“Fair enough.” She let him tug her forward. “Maybe I can dig out some secrets after post-coital sex.”

He dragged her face close so he could kiss her mouth and shut her up. “Stop talking.” His lips moved against hers, and he cocked his head to take the kiss deeper. He heard her soft sigh and felt her body surrender.

His hands slid around her back, riding low, feeling the soft curves of her behind. “You want that champagne, or would you like to see my boudoir?”

She giggled and kissed his neck. “I’ve had enough to drink. Take me to bed before I change my mind.”

Colt quickly led the way to the master suite. Hoping for a miracle, he’d put clean sheets on the bed and filled a small fruit jar with some roses for the bedside table. She smiled when she saw them.

“You told me you had champagne and roses. How did you know I’d come? I wasn’t sure myself.”

“I didn’t.” He kissed her fingers. “But I hoped you might want me, too.”

“I do.” Her eyes were warm with appreciation. “This is so sweet and thoughtful.”

“Like you are.”

Her mouth trembled, and her skin turned pink. Damn but he loved that about her. Hell, he didn’t want her any more perfect than she already was.

“Can I help you off with that dress?” His hands were on her back zipper, and when she whispered, “Yes,” he slid it all the way down. He bent and lifted her feet, one at a time, then flung the dress over a chair.

She stood before him in a pushup bra and matching silk underwear and he grabbed the back of the chair, his body on fire. “God, Taylor. You are so beautiful.”

Holding his gaze, she undid the back of her bra and let it fall. His heart thumped.

“Hurry,” she whispered.

Not needing further encouragement, he unbuttoned his shirt and flung it aside. When he undid his belt buckle she jumped into bed, her eyes glowing in the dark. “Hot damn, Colt. But you’re beautiful too.”

He dropped his pants, and peeled down his boxer shorts. He was already hard and swollen, and he heard the sweet sound of her gasp. He fumbled for a condom from the top drawer next to the bed and slid it on. He ripped the sheet off of her and lay down, taking her into his arms.

They kissed for a long, long time, until her kisses became more heated, and she started moving against him. He suckled her breasts, teasing the nipples into perky rosebuds. She let out a whimper of pleasure, and he kept that up until she squirmed, placing a leg over his.

“Don’t tease me any longer, Colt. I can’t stand another minute.”

He slid his hand into her panties and found that she was hot and wet. In a quick movement he had her underwear off, and was on his knees, straddling her. He gave her deep throated kisses that had them both groaning and arching toward one another. Their bodies were slick with sweat and heavy with desire.

A second later she took him in her hand and guided him home.

He continued to kiss her even while he was buried inside. His tongue made love with hers, matching the motion of his hips as he thrust deep, then receded, going back again and again and again.

He built her up slowly, caressing her breasts, nibbling on her neck and shoulder. Then he flipped them so she was the one on top. He let her set the rhythm, keeping his hands on her hips to guide her and slow her down when needed.

* * *

She collapsed on top of him, panting, her head resting on his chest. He caressed her hair and kissed the top of her head. His hand stroked her back, and she could feel the rise and fall of his chest, as they both tried to recapture their breath.

She didn’t think she could ever move again. He had sucked every ounce of strength that she had. “I’m just going to lie here forever,” she whispered. “Is that okay?”

She felt the ripples of his laughter. “Help yourself. I’m not going anywhere. Jamie’s with his mom, and I’ve got all night.”

“You don’t understand. I mean forever. I feel like a sponge. Boneless.”

“I feel a bone,” he said, stroking her ribs. “And another one. Can I kiss it?”

“As long as you don’t have to move.”

He flipped her over before she knew what was happening, and he was back on top. Kneeling beside her. She looked into his smiling blue eyes. “I’m not done with you yet,” he said and dropped his head to nuzzle her stomach.

“I can’t move,” she said, giggling as it tickled.

“Just stay still. I’ll do all the work.”

“You’ve got to be joking. We’re good. More than good. We’re depleted. Aren’t we?”

“Not even close. That was only a warm-up.”

“Seriously. How can you have such stamina?”

He gave a wicked grin. “I haven’t done half the things I plan to do to you. Lay back and enjoy it.”

“Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

“When it comes to pleasing you, I am.”

“Oh, Colt. That’s so sweet.”

Then his head went lower, and she convulsed when his mouth found her sweet spot. She stopped talking. She stopped moving. She stopped breathing. Colt was right about everything—he did know what she liked, more than she’d known herself.


Taylor must have fallen asleep because when she woke up, she was still wrapped in Colt’s arms. The sky was dark and the stars were out. How long she’d slept she had no idea. Colt snored softly beside her. He looked so endearing, all rumpled, and sexually sated.

As he damn well should! She’d never known anyone so inventive. She’d always thought sex was two dimensional. On top or on the bottom. But Colt had thrown that theory out the window—finding numerous new positions in which to enjoy her better.

Not that she was complaining. Heck no! She’d never felt so well loved,
so appreciated and desirable.
He’d made her feel like something special, and his appetite had been insatiable. Taylor had never thought of herself as the type of woman that a man couldn’t get enough of. But Colt had been like a man starving—afraid that this might be his last meal.

Hearing a soft snore and a whimper, she felt a tug inside of her. Knowing she shouldn’t, she brushed the back of her fingers against his cheek. She didn’t want to wake or arouse him—he needed his sleep. He had to take Sean’s family out fishing in a few hours. She only wanted to touch him a little more before she left.

It was true that women, most anyway, couldn’t have casual sex without their feelings getting involved. Her heart felt like it was bursting out of her chest. She didn’t expect him to feel the same way. He’d wanted to get laid and he’d been laid good. She didn’t regret it. Matter-of-fact, she wanted to do it again.

Call her foolish, but maybe there might be a slight chance for them after all.

The sheet was only barely covering him so she took another minute to feast her eyes. She already knew what his chest looked like since he paraded around half naked most of the time. She could practically name every rib he possessed, possibly every ripple in those delectable abs too. Her eyes were not used to feasting on the slim hips, the muscular legs, the tantalizing sight of…

Oh My! Was he hard again?

She felt her skin get prickly and knew she was getting turned on again. Sliding slowly, ever so carefully she crept to the edge of the bed. She had one leg out when she felt a hand grab her.

“Where are you going?”

“Home. I don’t want anyone to know.”

“They know. We were sucking face on the dance floor last night. And trust me, they don’t care.”

Her cheeks flamed. “I remember that, and you’re probably right, but I care. We shouldn’t have done that—not at the wedding. It was Kayla’s big night, and we kind of made a spectacle of ourselves.”

“I’m sure she’s very happy for us. Your mom too.” He ran a finger down her arm. “Get back in here. Before I tie you up.”

“What? You wouldn’t dare!”

“I might have to. Besides, that’s something new I haven’t tried.” He grinned. “Got a rope down here somewhere. You want me to blindfold you too?” He gave her a teasing smile, but she grabbed a pillow and tossed it at him.

“You’re incorrigible.”

He moved quickly, pulling her down on top of him. She felt the naked length of him, his arousal prodding her tummy. She tried to ignore it, but her body quickened with desire. She put a hand down and stroked him.

“Just one more hour.”

Again he took her, and pleasured her like no other man. When it was over, she clung to him and wept.

“Why are you crying?” he asked softly, brushing her hair off her damp cheeks.


“Because why? Did I do something wrong? Are you having second thoughts?”

“No, and no. You did everything right. So much so, that I’m not sure how I’m going to do without you.”

“You don’t have to. I’ve been telling you that all along.”

“It’s just so damn complicated.” She sniffed and turned her head away.

“Doesn’t have to be. Don’t over think it.” He gently stroked her back. “We enjoy each other and have strong feelings for one another. Isn’t that enough?”

“I guess it is.” She sighed. “I hope it’s enough. I want it to be.”

“We’re good then?” he asked, putting his weight on his elbows and looking down at her.

“We’re good.” She sniffed back more tears and blinked rapidly. “I’m going to freshen up in your bathroom then take off before anyone else is up.” She gave him a quick kiss. “You’re really something, Colt. Your wife was a fool.”

“Different priorities.” He winked. “But I have to thank her, because if she hadn’t left, I’d never be here with you.”

She smiled and climbed out of bed. She teetered off to the bathroom, used the facilities and took a two-minute shower. Having washed the scent of sex off her body, she felt more confident and in control.

She picked up her dress off the floor, where he’d sent it flying last night. What if one of the guests caught her sneaking back to her cabin in her bridesmaid dress? How humiliating that would be!

“You’re gonna put that on?”

“What choice do I have?” She put on her underwear then stepped into the silky gown. “I had a great time last night. Thank you.”

He laughed. “You’re very welcome. It was my pleasure,” he said, watching her.

“Not all of it,” she said, with a cheeky grin. “I had pleasure too.”

“Can you slip away tonight? I know you’re busy with your guests and everyone, but I’d like to see you if possible.”

“I’ll try, but no guarantees.” She turned around for one last quick kiss. “It was great. The best. Ever.”

“If you let me, I’ll make every night special.”

Her heart sang and filled with hope. “I might like that.” She was half way out of the bedroom when a thought occurred to her. “Colt. I have a great idea. Why don’t you invite your mom and sister to join us at the cafe? I’d love to meet them, and it’s a perfect opportunity with everyone in town.”

When he didn’t answer, she gave him a puzzled look. “What’s the problem?” She sighed. “I’m not trying to be pushy or overstep my grounds. We slept together, we’re not getting married or anything. If you don’t want me to meet them. Fine. Forget it.”

“It’s not that.” He raised his eyes to hers. “We’re just not close. Not like you and your family. I doubt they’d come.”

“You could ask, couldn’t you?” She tried not to let her disappointment show, but she wasn’t good at hiding her feelings.

“Uh. Sure. I could ask. But don’t get your hopes up. I haven’t seen them in over a year.”

“Do they even know you’re divorced?”

“Of course, I told them. They like my ex, probably better than me—and love my son.”

“You never mention your family, or anything about your life before Paradise Cove. What’s the big frickin’ secret?”

“No secret. Just nothing to tell.”

“Hell, Colt! If I’m ever to get to know you better, I should have the right to ask.”

“Taylor, if I thought my past was important I’d tell you my whole life story, but it isn’t. You know me, and whatever happened years ago doesn’t make me any less or any better of a man.”

“Invite your mom and sister, Colt. I’d like to meet them.” She turned and walked away.

* * *

Taylor tiptoed into the cabin, hoping to sneak into her bedroom. Unfortunately she encountered Brittany coming out of the bathroom.

“You’re just coming in?” she asked, knowing the answer to the dumb question. “So how was he?”

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