Read Hooker Online

Authors: J. L. Perry

Hooker (7 page)

He’s my dream

I have no idea where we’re heading, but I don’t care. I’d sit at a damn bus stop with him for the rest of the night, as long as we’re together. I’ll forever be grateful to Rupert for allowing this. All he said to me earlier was, ‘Be careful, call me if you
need me, and for Christ’s sake, have fun. If anyone deserves it, it’s you.’ I think he was taken aback when I threw my arms around him.

As we cross the street, Brock takes my hand, lacing our fingers together. It sends my heart into a flutter. I look at our locked hands, then back at his face.

‘You don’t want me to hold your hand?’ he asks.

‘Of course. I like it. Nobody’s ever held my hand before.’

My reply stops him in his tracks. ‘What do you mean, nobody’s ever held your hand?’

Now I feel stupid. I cast my face downwards.

‘Hey,’ he says, placing his finger under my chin, tilting my face up to his. ‘Haven’t you ever been with a man before?’

I shrug. ‘Sure.’ My gaze moves back down to the pavement. ‘It’s just none of them have ever held my hand.’

‘Well, they’re fucking idiots,’ he says, giving my hand a squeeze before starting to walk again. I’m relieved he doesn’t pry any further.

Eventually we reach our destination: Central Park. I love this place. I come down here often when I’m in New York. ‘It’s too early to eat, so I thought we could hire a buggy and do a tour of the park,’ he says. My smile widens when he points to the line of buggies along the sidewalk. I’ve always wanted to ride in one of them. ‘Is that okay?’

‘Perfect,’ I reply. He tugs on my hand as we make our way towards the group of men near the three-wheeled bicycles with a long bench seat positioned behind the driver.

‘We’d like to hire one,’ Brock says to the first man we come across.

‘Sure. It’s eighty dollars for a ride around half the park, or one hundred and fifty dollars for the full guided tour.’

doesn’t hesitate. He pulls out two one-hundred-dollar bills and hands them over. After the man stashes them into the black leather pouch that’s fastened around his waist, he starts to count out the change. Brock holds up his hand.

‘You can keep the change as long as you take your time on the tour.’

‘Thank you,’ the man says.

Grabbing my hand again, Brock helps me onto the bench seat before joining me. The second he’s settled, he laces our fingers together. It sends tingles running through my body. Who knew something as simple as holding hands could make my body feel so alive?

Brock and I stare at each other, grinning, as the driver sets the buggy in motion. I vaguely hear him talking as we travel. He points out where scenes in certain movies were made, but neither of us is really listening, we’re too focused on each other. Usually, I’m uncomfortable being stared at, but I’m surprisingly at ease under Brock’s watchful gaze.

A few of the things the driver says register, but my eyes don’t move from Brock’s even once. ‘This is the fountain where the opening of the
sitcom was filmed.’ I also hear him mention Marilyn Monroe, but I missed the rest of what he said. ‘The Kennedys lived over there.’ My eyes still can’t seem to move from Brock. ‘In those apartments across the street was where John Lennon and Yoko Ono once lived. Just on the sidewalk below is where he was shot. The memorial was moved over here to the park because of the large number of visitors to the site, making it a traffic hazard.’

Even though the driver did as instructed and took things slowly, the tour came to an end far too quickly. I sigh with
disappointment and Brock asks, ‘Do you want to go around again?’

‘I’d like that.’

Letting go of my hand, he pulls out his wallet. He hands the driver another two hundred dollars. ‘Can you do another lap? No need for the commentary this time.’

‘Thank you,’ I say when his eyes meet mine again.

‘You’re welcome.’ He gently strokes my cheek with the back of his fingers and his touch sends a shiver running down my spine. He’s so tender with me. My breath hitches when his face moves closer and he does something I’ve been hoping he’d do since our time together last night. He kisses me. A long, lingering kiss that sends currents of electricity shooting through every last nerve in my body.

My first ever kiss

I’m surprised by how disappointed I am when he pulls away.

‘I’m sorry,’ he whispers, ‘but I’ve been dying to do that from the moment you crashed into me at the airport.’

His words make me smile. He drapes his arm around me, pulling my body in closer. When I rest my head on his shoulder, he places a soft kiss on my hair and my heart melts. I pray this day will never end.



so overcome with sadness when we reach the door of my suite that I actually think I might cry. My time with Brock today was magical. He gave me a taste of what my life might be like once I’m free from M.

After our second ride around the park came to an end, we walked the streets of New York hand in hand, talking and laughing. Later, Brock took me to one of his favourite restaurants. He ordered a bottle of wine for us to have with dinner. I opted for a chicken salad, while he ordered a steak that was the size of my head. I couldn’t hold in my laugh when the waitress placed it in front of him. It looked delicious, though. M doesn’t let me eat red meat.

He talked about his business, and his brother. There was no mention of his parents. I didn’t divulge much about my life; there’s really nothing I can say without giving it all away. I thought I’d pretty much come to terms with being a hooker, but being with Brock makes me see that’s not the case. Just thinking about him finding out who I really am, and what I really do, fills me with shame.

did confess one thing: I told him about my love of cooking, and how I was hoping to one day open my own restaurant. That was a huge step for me. I’ve never spoken of my hopes or dreams before.

‘I was hoping tonight would never end,’ Brock says, reaching for my hands. ‘I promised Rupert that I’d have you back in the hotel by midnight, and I’m a man of my word.’

‘I don’t want it to end either,’ I reply as tears sting my eyes. Letting go of my hands, Brock runs his fingertips tenderly over my hair before tucking some strands behind my ear. His eyes are locked with mine, and there’s something about the way he looks at me that makes my pulse quicken.

‘I’m captivated by you, Miss Davis.’

Before I have a chance to reply, his lips are on mine. Sliding his hands around my waist, he pulls my body flush with his. This kiss is so much more than the peck he gave me at the park, and when I open my mouth slightly, he deepens it. My arms slide around his neck, holding on tightly as my legs threaten to give out. I’ve never been kissed like this before, but I just follow his lead in the hope I can pull it off. Besides, I’ve watched enough pornos in my time to know how it’s done.

This kiss is sweet and hot—is it possible to orgasm just from a kiss? Because, by God, this man has me so turned on. I’m certainly no stranger to orgasms, though I’ve never had one with any of my sexual encounters in the past. It’s my job to please them, not the other way around. What I have learnt over time, however, is how to turn myself on. Some of the men who require sex seem to like it when I touch myself in front of them. I, on the other hand, only do it to get wet. I don’t ever want to experience the pain of my first time with that pig of a man again.

body’s natural instincts take over. When I slide my tongue into Brock’s mouth, he groans, pulling me even closer. I feel his erection pressed up against my stomach, which only turns me on even more. I start to wonder what he’d feel like inside me. For me, sex has never been enjoyable, but with Brock, I get a feeling it would be different. Very different.

We’re both breathless by the time the kiss ends. I’m not sure how long we make out in the corridor, because time seems to have stood still. I’m no longer aware of my surroundings. Brock rests his forehead against mine and mutters one word, ‘Wow.’ That’s an understatement. Kissing is a hard limit for me, but not with him. I could kiss him forever.

‘I’d invite you in,’ I say, once I’m able to string two words together, ‘but Rupert is staying in the room next door.’

‘Come back to my suite then. I’m not ready to let you go yet. To be honest, I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready.’

His words both melt and break my heart. I don’t want to let him go either, but I know I don’t have a choice. It just makes me hate M even more. I’m still bound to her for two more years. A few weeks ago, it didn’t feel like a long time—now it feels like an eternity.

‘Okay,’ I reply. I’m taking a huge risk, but if tonight’s going to be the end of us, then I want to experience it all. He’ll forever remain the first man to hold my hand. My first kiss. I want him to be the only person I’ve ever wanted inside me. The first person I’ve had sex with, without being paid or forced. I wish there had never been any other man but him. Sadly, that ship sailed years ago.

‘Really?’ His whole face lights up with surprise. I nod.

He grasps my hand in his and leads me back to the lifts before I can change my mind, which I know I won’t. I want
this night with him more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.

Once we’re inside the lift, he presses the button that takes us to the fiftieth floor. He must be staying in the penthouse suite. The moment the doors close, he backs me up against the wall, caging me in. Threading my fingers into his dark hair, I pull his mouth to mine.

His hands glide down the sides of my body, before coming to rest on my arse. He lifts me and I wrap my legs around his waist. We’re so lost in each other, it takes a few seconds for us to realise the lift has stopped.

Stepping back, he carries me towards his suite. He balances me up against the wall while he fishes in his pocket for his room key. Using his shoulder to push the door open, he carries me inside and closes the door with his foot.

His lips are locked with mine before my back even touches the wall. He pushes my hair back as his lips trail a path down my neck. ‘I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you right now,’ he breathes against my skin.

‘Take me. I’m all yours.’ I’m surprised at how liberating it is to say those words. They’re something I never thought I’d say willingly. The men in my life have only ever taken, whether it was offered to them or not.

‘Jesus,’ he groans as he pulls the cardigan I’m wearing down my arms. ‘Your skin is so soft.’ His lips trail along my collar bone. I need this singlet gone. I want his lips all over me. Reaching for the hem, I tug my top up and over my head, revealing my white lace bra.

Brock looks at my chest. Usually the way I’m ogled by my clients repulses me, but in this moment, the look of appreciation I see on Brock’s face makes me feel beautiful, not dirty.

my back slightly off the wall, he runs his hands up the length of my spine so he can unclasp my bra. ‘You’re fucking perfect,’ he says when it drops to the ground.

Unwrapping my legs from around his waist, I stand. My fingers work their way down his shirt as I undo the buttons. I need to feel his skin against mine. My hands move up to his shoulders and down his arms as I peel the fabric away, letting it fall to the ground.

I drink him in, marvelling at his chest and his ripped abs. He’s even more beautiful than I imagined. ‘You’re perfect too,’ I say as my fingertips run down his body before hooking into the front of his jeans. Using my thumb, I flip the button open before sliding down the zip. I want to give him something back. I want to thank him for everything he’s given me today.

When I fall to my knees, Brock growls. I pull his jeans down around his thighs. His large erection bulges from inside his black boxer briefs. My tongue trails a line along his skin, just above the band.

‘Jesus, Jade,’ he breathes as his hands fist in my hair. I’m going to give him a blowjob that he’ll never forget. Over time, I’ve become a master at it. When I learnt that men love a good blowjob just as much, if not more than, sex, I watched every porno I could find on the subject until I had it down to a fine art. If I could do it well enough, there was a chance I wouldn’t have to sleep with them. Somehow sucking a man’s cock didn’t seem as personal as having them inside me did.

If I couldn’t escape my wretched life, I needed to find a way to make it at least bearable.



seems sweet and innocent, yet she can suck cock like a damn pro. I don’t even want to know how she learnt to do this. Just the mere thought of it sets off a raging jealousy inside of me. That’s a feeling I’m not accustomed to and I don’t like it. In just a few short days, this woman has managed to turn my whole fucking world upside down.

A minute or so in, and already I’m gonna blow. As much as I’d like too, I can’t bring myself to come in her pretty mouth. Reluctantly I pull away, placing my hands under her arms and pulling her to her feet.

‘I wasn’t finished,’ she says as her brow furrows. Without giving her a chance to mutter another word, my lips crash into hers. My fingers immediately go to work on her jeans. Once they’re undone, she takes over, pulling them down her incredibly long legs.

I step out of my jeans and underwear before scooping her into my arms. ‘My turn,’ I whisper as I cross the room and gently lay her on the bed. Seeing her sprawled out like that, wearing nothing but a tiny pair of white lace panties, is a sight, I can tell you. She literally takes my breath away. Does this woman even realise how spectacularly beautiful she is?

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot the red tie I wore to the office earlier today slung over the back of the chair. I’ve never felt compelled to tie a woman up before, but for some reason with Jade, I do. I’d like to have her tied to my bed permanently if I could. That thought shocks me. It usually doesn’t take long for me to lose interest, but I get the feeling that won’t be happening any time soon with Jade.

beside her, I place my lips on hers briefly before I grab hold of her arms, pulling them above her head. The moment I wrap the tie around her dainty wrists, I see fear flash across her face before her eyes clamp shut.

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