Read Horizons Online

Authors: Mickie B. Ashling

Horizons (14 page)

“Please, just let me hold you for a second.”

“Okay,” Jody replied, giving in once again. They stayed that way for a few minutes until Clark shuddered, and Jody heard the sob that escaped from Clark’s lips. He pulled back suddenly and was shocked by the tears that were leaking out of the beautiful eyes.


“I’m so sorry.”

Jody watched as Clark attempted to get control, but with little success. The tears kept on coming, and Jody’s weren’t that far behind, so he just embraced him again, feeling their hearts beating steadily against each other.

“I’m sorry about today,” Clark said again, pushing away from him. “I know that must have hurt.”

“It did.”

“I had no idea she would show up.”

“I know you didn’t.”

“You’re disappointed in me.”

Jody shrugged, completely at a loss for words.

“What did you expect me to do?”

“It doesn’t matter, Clark. Let’s drop it for now.”

“Did you like my family?” Clark asked, as if the answer would make a difference.

“They were very nice.”

“The truth?”

Jody smiled sadly and said, “What do you want me to say?”

“I don’t know. What you feel?”

“What I feel is completely out of control. The truth of the matter is that your family would hate me if they found out I was gay.”

“They’ll never find out!”

Jody shook his head and got out of the car.



in silence, surprised when he didn’t even bother to turn on the lights. He was standing at the picture window in his living room, leaning against the glass. The lights of San Francisco were easily visible, as well as those of the Golden Gate and the Bay Bridge. I moved over to where he stood, and I put my arms around him and pulled him toward my chest. He leaned his head back, and I sniffed the scent of his cologne, the new one that he’d bought the other day, with the outrageous price tag. It smelled like a football field after the grass is newly mowed; a fresh, citrus-like smell that would forever remind me of him.

He turned toward me, and we started to kiss, slow and easy, a gradual exploration of two mouths still getting to know each other. He tasted so good, probably because he was a nonsmoker and a little anal about his oral hygiene. Two things about him I’d learned over the past few weeks.

He was a great kisser, able to reduce me to a trembling wreck in mere seconds as he sucked on my tongue and bit my lower lip aggressively. His hands began their slow dance, lifting off my shirt and tossing it aside so that he could run them gently over my chest, toying with my nipples, bringing them to a peak, turning my knees to jelly, and unleashing a million butterflies in my stomach.

I was hard as a rock, rutting gently against his erection as he continued to fondle my nipples, all the while teasing me with his tongue.

“You’re driving me crazy,” he whispered, moaning as his mouth left mine and made its way gradually down my chest, past my stomach and finally stopping at my groin.

My pants were off in seconds, and he took me in his mouth, consuming me with wet, sucking heat. “Jo, I….” I stopped. How could I tell him how I really felt when we’d only been together such a short time? He would think I was insane, a virgin falling for his first fuck. I pulled him up my body, saying, “I want you,” instead of “I love you,” which would have been much more accurate.

He grabbed my hand, and we made our way into his bedroom, leaving the lights off.

We lay down on the bed and kissed again, soft, tender kisses that left us both breathless. “You’re torturing me,” I whispered.

“Not torture, my love. Just adoring every part of you.” He drifted down and when he got to my groin, he pushed my legs up and apart, putting his mouth where no one had ever been before, and I bucked in surprise, pushing him away. “Don’t!”

“It’s okay, Clark. Just calm down. Let me love you.”

I’d heard about this, read about it, seen it in porn videos, but never experienced it myself. I tried to pull away, freaked out that anyone would actually want to put their tongue on my asshole, but he held me down, soothing me with his hands, talking in a slow, gentle voice, telling me I was beautiful. Finally, I started to relax, and this time when he put his mouth down there I froze, but I didn’t push him away.

It was erotica to the umpteenth degree. Jody destroyed me with his tongue, making me whimper out loud as he turned more aggressive, pushing into me with determined strokes. I was writhing and bucking in seconds, opening my legs wantonly, letting him have me without any shame.

He turned away for a minute and pulled open the drawer of his nightstand, fishing around for the condom and the lube, and he straddled me, looking at me questioningly, waiting to see if I’d let him, but I shook my head vigorously, not ready for that final step. What he’d done just now was intense. I didn’t think I could handle any more surprises tonight, so I pushed him off me, laid him flat on the bed as I took the condom from his hand and rolled it on myself instead, spreading the lube on both of us. I sighed deeply as I sank into his tightness, feeling him clench around me. “God, you feel so good.”

“You too.”

I moved slowly, loving the sensation of his tight channel squeezing my cock. I couldn’t help but compare the difference between this joining and one I’d shared with Nikki months ago. There was no contest. Being with her felt like jacking off, while sex with Jody was as close to heaven as I’d ever get. “I love being inside you,” I shared, resting my head on his forehead.

“This is who you are, Clark.”

I kissed him greedily, not wanting to hear the message. I wanted to forget every bad thing that had happened today. All I wanted to do was be with this man and not have to worry about consequences, or repercussions, or life-changing decisions.



shut his eyes, savoring Clark’s deliberate moves as he thrust in and out, providing the exquisite burn he craved. He knew he was in trouble. Lost to a man who’d never be comfortable in his own skin. He should have sent him home tonight; all his resolve had gone by the wayside as soon as he saw the tears. He’d allowed his feelings to commandeer his logic, choosing to make love rather than fight it. His reality was completely eclipsed by Clark.

“Feel good, Jo-Jo?”

“Yes,” Jody answered breathlessly. Clark once said he loved to watch Jody’s face when they made love. The feeling was mutual because seeing Clark’s features in the throes of passion was the ultimate aphrodisiac. Knowing that he gave him so much pleasure was extremely satisfying.

Clark paused for a second to shift position, changing the angle of his penetration. He grazed Jody’s gland with the next push, unaware of this magical spot but quite taken with his partner’s reaction.

“There,” Jody gasped, “don’t stop.”

He began to thrash and moan and Clark picked up the pace and brought him to a shuddering climax.

Clark dropped in an exhausted heap and commented, “That was as rewarding as catching a Hail Mary pass.”

“I’ll say,” Jody concurred. “You’re getting better with each try.”

Their bodies remained joined long after they were spent, and Jody lay in the dark, listening to the soft huffing of Clark’s breath as he dozed. Jody wondered how much longer this would last before the whole thing blew up in their faces. All he could do was pray nothing and no one would ever keep them apart.

Chapter 14


days following Thanksgiving were idyllic in many ways. Jody and I seemed to have found a tentative truce, keeping our doubts under wraps and just relishing our time together. I practically lived at his place, only running home to my apartment for a change of clothes, or to check mail. The rest of the time we spent lazing around doing absolutely nothing. The most pressing things on our minds were food and sex. Jody never mentioned my English class, so I didn’t ask about his job. We were like two people on vacation savoring every second of our time together, because we knew that come Monday, reality would be back with a vengeance.

“You want to go out today?” he asked, caressing my chest. We lounged on his deck with towels wrapped around our waists and not much else. The weather was cooperating fully with a burst of unusual warmth for November. The temperatures were in the high seventies, adding to the illusion that we were on holiday. It was around eleven in the morning, and I was soaking up the sun, replete from the satisfying breakfast he’d cooked and even more from the amazing sex last night.

“Can’t we just stay here and fuck all day?”

“That’s what we did yesterday and last night,” Jody said, his grin and accompanying dimple a magnet that drew me in easily.

“I know. I’m just not in the mood to be looking over my shoulder every second, worrying about who might be watching.”

“You want to go to Marin?” he asked, ever mindful of my fears. “How about a day at the beach? We could pack a lunch and drive out to Stinson. Wear a giant hat and white sunscreen; no one will know who you are.”

“It’s still the Bay Area. I’m bound to run into someone. How about if we stay right here and wear each other out?”

Jody grinned and bent down to kiss me. “It’s going to take more than twenty-four hours to wear me out.”

“I’m beginning to realize that,” I groaned as his hand slipped under the towel and wrapped itself around my cock, which was coming to life again. “Who knew that a serious doctor could be such a sex fiend?” My voice turned husky with desire, my body responding to his touch like a fine-tuned automobile, quick to accelerate, going from silent to purring in a matter of seconds.

“You’re looking at a man in his prime,” Jody said, nuzzling my neck with bites that tickled and teased.

“What am I?”

“A newbie.”


Jody’s chuckle was reassuring. I was still learning, and I worried I’d say or do something to offend him or homosexuals in general. “You’re such an innocent, Clark. I’m having way too much fun teaching you new and improved ways to have sex.”

“I know! What is it with you and blow jobs? Is there a school I need to go to? Your blow jobs are, like, out of this world!”

“Gay men give better blow jobs for one simple reason. We love cock much more than women do,” Jody pronounced. “We not only love cock, we worship it. Think about it, babe. Our cocks are the first toy we reached for as infants. They’re the last thing we touch before we go to sleep; they comfort and give us pleasure. Many men fall asleep holding their cocks. How many women go to sleep holding their best friends on a nightly basis?”

I ogled him as he expounded on his theory. He had his doctor’s face on, pretending to be serious, but his eyes sparkled with mirth.

“I would tend to agree on that last point.”

He nodded, smiling that sexy, heart-stopping smile of his.

“Prove it,” I urged, grabbing and holding him tightly.

“Prove what?”

“Prove how much you love my cock,” I commanded in jest, moving to accommodate him. He pulled my towel aside and bent forward, rubbing his cheeks against my shaft. I groaned like I was in pain.

“Clark,” he lifted his head and looked at me with eyes that were glazed over with passion. “Let me shave your balls.”

My heart did a little hiccup when I heard the request. “Now?”

“Yes. Can you get away with it?”

“I’m on hiatus, remember? No one’s going to see my balls except you.”

“God… please, let me.”


We stood, our towels fell to the redwood, and we moved into the house, his hand gripping mine tightly. I was excited and apprehensive at the same time. The thought of being exposed in such an intimate way was a little daunting, but so were some of the other things Jody had done to me in the past two weeks. A whole new world was opening up in front of my eyes; a world filled with erotic layers and comfortable silences.

We went straight to the bathroom, and he made me sit on the counter on top of a towel so I wouldn’t slip. He put a brand-new blade in the razor and pulled down the can of shaving cream. Squirting a small portion in his hand, he massaged the cream all around my balls and down my ass-crack. My cock was leaking with excitement, pointing against my stomach. I groaned as he spread the cream over me, hissed when I felt the first scrape of the blade, whimpered when his fingers spread me apart and said, “Bend your knees, baby. Open wide for me.”

“Jo-Jo.” My cheeks heated in embarrassment. I stole a glance in the mirror and caught my blush.

“You’re beautiful, Clark, every millimeter of you.” He said it almost reverently, like he was worshiping at a fucking altar.

“I’m going to shoot all over you if you don’t stop looking at me like that.”

“Wait ’til I’m done, babe. I can’t wait to suck you off, now that you’re nice and smooth.”

He finished and wiped me with a warm washcloth, staying a little longer around my asshole than I thought was necessary.

“What are you doing?” My eyes were glued to his.

“I want you to feel this,” he whispered huskily, as he put his finger in my mouth and said, “Suck.”

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