Housewife Chronicles Volume 1 : Reignited (Erotic romance) (3 page)

“Hey guys! Good morning, babe.”

“Good afternoon,” I said, winking
at him. “You slept in awfully late today; you’re usually up before eleven.”

“I know, I slept like a rock.
Something must’ve
worn me out yesterday.”

I dropped my mouth open and put my
hand in front of it, pretending like he’d embarrassed me. He knew I was full of
it. He playfully rolled his eyes at me and kissed the boys on the head. They
ran back to me and he went to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

The rest of that day and the
several following went by as they normally did. Tyler went to work in the
evening, and slept most of the day, while I spent time with the boys. I read
books to them and played trucks. We busied ourselves with bubbles, blocks, and
alphabet puzzles. We danced, laughed and learned, and I loved every minute of

Tyler’s first day off that week
finally rolled around. I had an early dentist appointment that morning
(exciting, I know), and since he was catching up on sleep I dropped the kids
off at my mom’s house. I went to my appointment, but somehow, on my way home,
ended up in the parking lot of an “adults only” store. Okay, so it wasn’t an
accident. I had looked up directions on my phone and driven straight there. I
had always been curious, and being out alone gave me the perfect opportunity to
look around. I had examined the parking lot to make sure I didn’t recognize any
cars. I was in the clear, but my nerves had me planted to my seat. I had never
been in a place like this. I couldn’t really go inside…could I? Oh, who was I
kidding – of course I was going in. Yes. Hell yes. I wanted dirty and I knew
this place could give it to me. I got out of my car and marched to the door.

I took one step inside and my jaw
dropped. I had never seen so many interesting and terrifying things all in one
place. My eyes were immediately drawn to the shelf on my right, filled with
rubber phallus shaped items. They varied in size, shape and color and…holy
moly. My gaze fell upon one I swear was the size of a thermos. Sweet mercy, how
would that even fit?!? I couldn’t take my eyes off of it.

“I need some ID.” The words broke
me of my trance. I turned and saw the man behind the counter looking in my

“Oh, Right. Sorry.” I walked over
to the counter digging through my purse. I was surprised I was even asked to
show it, and I didn’t know whether to be flattered or offended. I pulled out my
license and handed it to him. He was an older guy, with scraggly gray hair and
a bushy beard. He looked as if he might be greasy to the touch. He was exactly
the dirty old man I expected to be working there, and if anyone else had been
behind that counter I think I would’ve felt cheated in a way. He grunted,
dropped my license on the table in front of me and went back to his magazine.
He seemed to really love his job. That was perfectly fine with me, though. I
really didn’t want him watching me as I shopped anyway.

I zipped my purse back up and began
browsing the shelves on the opposite wall. Hmm…Lubes and lotions? Too tame.
Body toppings? Too messy. Then I came to a basket filled to the brim and
labeled “C-rings”. What’s a c-ring? I looked inside and my eyes landed on a
floppy purple ring of rubber, with a bumpy protrusion on top that was filled
with a silver metal oval, and it was all connected to…a remote control? Once I
picked it up and examined it, I understood. It was sealed in a plastic bag, but
I was still able to push the buttons. I pressed it once to turn it on the ‘low’
setting. I felt a powerful vibration on my palm. Oh my. That could be nice. I
hit it again for ‘medium’. Whoa mama. I think it only took about two seconds
once I hit the ‘high’ setting for me to get back to the counter. This baby was
coming home with me. I paid Mr. Personality and was on my way, making sure to
avert my eyes from whoever I passed in the doorway. I really didn’t need any
visual images.

I drove straight home feeling
rather pleased with myself. When I walked in the front door, I saw Tyler in the
kitchen rinsing out a cereal bowl, wearing a pair of gym shorts and bed head.
He still looked sexy to me. “Hey,” I said, hanging my keys on the hook beside
the door.

“Hey… You don’t have the kids with

“Nah, I dropped them off at mom’s
house this morning to go to get my teeth cleaned. She told me to take my time
coming back for them since she hadn’t seen them all week. Soooo, I came here
first to give you a present I bought you.”

“Ooh, a present for me? What is
it?” I handed him the bag I was holding, and he took out the toy and eyeballed
it. “Seriously, what is it?”

I laughed like it should be obvious
to him, and like I hadn’t been asking myself the same question 20 minutes ago.
“Come in here and I’ll show you,” I said, taking his hand and leading him to
the bedroom. I took the bag from him and placed it on the nightstand. I
couldn’t remember the last time we had made love in the daylight. I figured it
was before the kids were here, and the thought sent a surge of insecurity
through me. In the dark you can hide imperfections, but now, in the bright
light of mid-morning, everything was on display. For a moment I wished that I
had gone straight to pick up the boys, and that I had waited to be with him
that night. I turned to him, about to object, to tell him I’d changed my mind,
when our eyes locked.

I’d heard the expression that the
eyes are a window to the soul, but I had never truly understood it until that
moment. He wasn’t just looking at me; he was looking into me, searching for exactly
what my soul needed, and then delivered by filling me with an outpouring of raw
emotions: Love, longing, desire. I never knew one look could convey so much. I
instantly felt comforted, warmed and invigorated. He told me everything I
needed to hear without speaking a word.

 His hand grazed my cheek and
tucked my hair behind my ear. I closed my eyes and basked in the wonder of his
touch. He ran his fingers along my jaw and tipped my chin so my face was
pointed up towards him. His lips gently pressed against mine and I felt sparks
erupting between us. I wrapped my arms around his neck and melted into his
kiss. Our tongues intertwined, each carefully examining every part of the
other. I twisted my fingers in the hair at the back of his neck, eliciting a
shiver I felt through our melded lips. His hands glided down my back to the hem
of my shirt. He slipped them underneath the fabric and began gently tickling my
sides and stomach, causing my skin to contract and prickle. He broke our kiss,
a cold absence settling on my lips. My shirt was lifted from me in a moment,
followed closely by my bra, my bosom now free to the cool air surrounding us.
As he kissed me again, his hands skimmed up my abdomen and padded rib cage, and
came to rest under my breasts, testing their weight. His thumbs traced the
circles of my nipples, now hardening under his touch. He flicked them gently
with the pads of his thumbs, causing me to release a quick heavy breath into
him.  He withdrew his tongue from my mouth and with it took my bottom lip. He
bit slightly and stretched it towards him, then released it with a quick snap.

 He traveled with a slow line of
kisses down my torso, until he was on his knees in front of me. He looked up at
me, piercing me with a smoldering gaze as he unbuttoned my jeans, and lowered
them along with my panties. That morning I had put on the raciest pair I had, a
black lace thong, planning for what I’d hoped would be a sexy afternoon. He
didn’t even notice them, though, as he kept his eyes on me until they had hit
the floor. He freed one of my feet from the bundle of material and brought it
to his mouth. He planted a trail of hot, moist kisses from my toes to my knee,
then repeated his actions to my other leg.  He worked his way up my thighs,
crisscrossing one leg to the other.  I lost myself in the passion of the
moment. My every cell was ignited, and a liquid fire burst from my sex. I
spread my legs a little, hoping that his mouth would continue to my soaked
folds. Instead, he gently pushed his palms against the place where my thighs
met my hips.

“Lie down on the bed, baby.” I
obeyed, placing myself in the middle of the mattress. I couldn’t take my eyes
off of him as he removed his clothes, crawled across the bed, and hovered
himself above me. He lowered his lips to my ear and whispered, “I am going to
kiss every inch of your gorgeous body. I am going to feel you, taste you, and
do whatever I can to make you come harder than you ever have before. Move me
where you need me, and tell me what you want me to do. All I want is to
pleasure you.” If he had kept talking, he wouldn’t have even had to touch me.  He
nipped my earlobe, then gently bit into my neck just above my collarbone. He moved
his teeth against me in a gnawing movement while sucking my skin against his
tongue. It was bliss; my entire body was heating up, set alight by his touch. I
wanted more. I pressed my hands to his back and tried to pull him into me, to
feel his hot flesh against mine, but he resisted.

 He floated above me, his pace
unhurried, caressing and tasting every part of me. He lingered on my breasts, then
moved to my shoulders, arms, and hands. Each fingertip got a tender peck. He
was paying homage to my body; offering his actions as proof of his adoration. I
could feel his love flooding over me, through me. My heart swelled to accept
these new feelings of reverence and desire. We had never shared such an
intimate moment.

Before I knew it, he was at my feet
again. He took my right foot in his hands, and slipped each of my toes into his
mouth. He copied with my left foot, then ran his tongue down my sole, around my
ankle, up my calf and onto my thigh. My legs sprung apart instinctively, and I
was rewarded with a slow hot lick from my ass to my clit. I gasped with

“Oh, you like that, don’t you,

“Yes. My God, Tyler, you are so
sexy. I’m so wet for you. Please…more.”

“Yes ma’am.”

He pressed his tongue harder into
me as he retraced his path. He licked me again and again, then slipped two
fingers inside my wet, waiting channel. He moved them in wide circles as he
flicked my clit with quick, deliberate movements of his tongue. I moaned out
loud, my head cranked back to the ceiling. He continued his steady pace and I
felt the pressure inside me climbing. His attention to my body had gotten me so
worked up, I was already close to climax. I dug my thumbnail into my index
finger, attempting to distract my mind from of the burgeoning heat within me.
It worked to an extent, buying me a few more moments to revel in his touch.
Before I could peak, I reached down and grabbed him around his jaws, pulling
him up along my body until we were face to face. The mood had changed from an
intimate indulgence to a shared desperate need. I pointed to the nightstand and
asked, a little shyly, if he wanted to use the toy I’d bought earlier.

“Whatever you want babe. Do what
you want with me.”

I grabbed the bag a little quicker
than I had intended, and heard a faint chuckle beside me.  Fumbling with the
packaging, I cursed and wished I had taken it off already, but I managed to get
the ring free. I slid it around his cock and pushed it until it was as far back
as it would go. The bumpy projection was pointed up for me, and I held on
tightly to the remote. He moved above me again, but I stopped him with my
unoccupied hand. “I want to be on top of you…is that okay?”

He laughed again, incredulously,
and rolled off of me onto his back. He patted his thighs and answered “climb up
here, sexy.” I positioned myself so that all my weight was on my shins,
elevated above him. I shifted my hips so that his tip was against my opening,
and slowly lowered myself down. The tight fit reminded me just how big he was,
and how long it had been. I held my breath and took all of him in. He
completely filled me; stretched me to my limit. I lifted my weight back up onto
my knees, then sunk back onto him. As he slicked with my juices, I was able to
move more freely and quickly. I sat all my weight on him, then pushed the
button on the remote.

 A shock hit me and in an instant
passed through my entire anatomy. My body was electrified from this one point
of contact. I sat up quickly to break from the intense vibrations. It was a bit
overwhelming at first, but I resolved to keep going. I dropped again, this time
knowing what to expect. It was much more comfortable that time around. I rose
and fell a third time, and I was in love. It felt similar to his tongue’s
flicker, but at an impossible pace. I sped my movements and fell into a brisk
rhythm; a quick upsurge followed by a deep plunge, completely immersing him
inside me. Tyler’s fingernails dug in to my thighs, bidding me on. I pushed the
button again. The powerful current drove me crazy. I thrust myself upward and
slammed into him with all my might, whimpering each time the pulsations crashed
into my clit.

“I love watching you ride my cock –
love seeing those luscious titties bounce.” To say that sentence surprised me
would be an understatement; I had never heard him speak to me like that. His
words intoxicated me. My head spun, and the only thought I can clearly remember
having is that I wanted to get everything I could out of that moment. I pushed
the button to high, and an earthquake was released between us. Any rhythm I had
was lost. Unable to hold myself up anymore, I pressed my stomach to his,
planted my palms on either side of his head and wildly grinded my hips into
him. Any breaths I could gather turned to shrieks of his name.

Orgasm hit me abruptly and with the
force of a thunderbolt. Lights burst behind my eyes. Screams filled my mind and
my lungs. Every muscle contracted at once, abandoning their strength and
leaving me a trembling but immobile mass on top of him. Immediately, I felt my pelvis
being lifted by his. His feet were rooted to the bed and he was driving up into
me at a frantic pace. His breathing quickened and sweat beaded on his skin. He
buried himself deep inside me and came hard as he forced my name past clamped teeth.
I felt his hot seed erupt into me, his cock throbbing against my walls. He
lowered his hips and rested us on the bed. The only part of me I could move was
my thumb, to switch off the still buzzing ring that was grazing my
ultra-sensitive nub.

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