HUGE X3: A MFMM Menage Stepbrother Romance (22 page)

"So what do you
say?" Mom’s looking at me expectantly.

What the hell did she ask
me? Something about the wedding. Do they have my blessing? Of course, they do.
But what if the question wasn't asked like that? What if saying yes means I'm
not giving my blessing?

I glance at Cory who gives
the smallest nod I've ever seen. Relief rushes through me, only to be followed
by fear. Would he sabotage me?

"Yes." I wait for
mom's reaction.

A smile spreads across her
face and she reaches over the table to squeeze my hand. "I'm so happy you
said that! We'll go shopping for your dress next week! A maid of honor has to
wear something pretty special."

I slump back in the chair
with relief. I can do that. It’ll be a good distraction from everything bad
that’s going on in my life.

The food arrives with three
different wait-staff placing steaming dishes in front of us. The chicken on the
plate looks good but I can’t seem to find the appetite to want to eat it. I
push the food around on the plate, then take a bite of chicken before my mom
can ask me again if anything’s wrong. I'm not good at lying to her.

Everyone digs into their
food but Cory got pasta. Only one hand required. His other hand continues to
rest on my thigh as he eats nonchalantly. Unable to take the sensual torment I
nudge him to get up.

"I need to go to the

Cory withdraws his hand and
gets out of the booth. I hurry to slide out behind him, smoothing my rumpled
skirt as I dash across the restaurant and burst through the door. I’m a mess;
hormones raging, heart pounding, hot everywhere. I run my wrists under the cold
water to try and get myself under control and take a few deep breaths to steady
my nerves. My hands tremble, and I look at myself in the mirror because I
really need to give myself and internal pep talk.

I can do this. I can make
it through dinner. All it’ll take is a few more bites of chicken, a bit more
wedding talk, and then I’ll make my excuses so I won't have to see Cory until
the wedding. I can’t let anything ruin mom’s plans and I’ve got enough going on
dealing with Drew. Trust me to end up complicating my life.

As long as Cory keeps his
mouth shut about our little introduction, everything will be fine.

Even though I’m calmer now,
I still feel so hot between my thighs and in the mirror I can see the hard
peaks of my nipples poking against my shirt. I should have gone with the padded
bra instead of the sheer one I chose but how did I know that Jeff’s cop son
would be so damn hot and cocky. I wasn’t exactly expecting foreplay over

I check my make-up, fluff
my hair and paste on a smile. When I yank open the restroom door I find Cory
leaning against the wall beside the men's room, waiting for me.

His smile is gone but his
eyes are still burning. I’m not sure which cop I like better; the friendly one
or the stern one. He pushes away from his position as I'm walking past him,
pinning me to the opposite wall with his body almost pressing into mine and his
hand resting against the wall above my head. I feel tiny like this and he seems
huge, all coiled muscle and raging heat.

"You okay, sis?"
he asks in a deliberately mocking tone. His eyes flash but it isn’t with
amusement. There’s something darker there, something that sends a shiver up my

"What do you think?
And don’t call me that. It’s weird when you’ve just had your hand on the inside
of my thighs.”

He smirks, and this close I
can see that dimple up close and personal. I want to punch him hard and lick
him softly. Then tell him he’s a shit.

"It’s just funny isn’t
it?” he says, looking at my mouth. “That you're going to be my sister in a few
months. I’ve never had a sister before."


"Hmmm...why does that
sound so sexy?" He leans in closer and I get another whiff of his cologne
and behind it, the unmistakable scent of his skin. The heat from his body seems
to seep into mine, waking the little hairs on my arms and sending a shiver over
my scalp.

I don’t know what to say to
him. He’s talking like we’re going to be family but he’s looking at me like he
wants to taste me. I can’t take my eyes off his lips and when he draws in the
bottom one, wetting it with his tongue, I blink.

"Did you think about

"No," I lie. It
sounds like a lie, too.

Cory’s eyes crinkle at the
sides as he smiles knowingly.

“Not even a little bit?”


“Liar,” he whispers.
He’s so close, and moving closer in such tiny
increments that before I know what's happening his lips press against mine. For
a few seconds we stand like that, mouths touching but neither of us moving. My
mind is scrambled.
My hands hang limply
at my sides but itch to take hold of his face and pull him into me. It’s as
though he’s giving me a chance to push him away, and when I don’t he moves.

Those lips that I’ve been
fantasizing about push mine apart, his tongue finding its way into my mouth,
stroking. Shivers of sensation pass through me because this is not a sweet
first kiss, it’s a claiming. I feel owned by the force of it and the need I can
feel. His mouth moves over mine, nibbling, teasing, as if he'll die of hunger
if he stops.

I’m lost in him, dazed by
the force and passion I can feel with every pass of his lips over mine. I’m so
lost that when he pulls away suddenly, I drift forward in his wake. His eyes
burn into mine, his thumb strokes over my bottom lips as though he wants to
wipe away the evidence of what we’ve done. I’m panting, waiting for more when
he turns and stalks away.

The wall is cool at my back
as I sag against it, wondering what the hell just happened. I exhale, then drag
in a shaky breath. It seems that I hadn’t imagined the chemistry between us. In
his uniform, Office Carlisle is pure professionalism. In his off-duty attire,
he’s a big bundle of sin and sex. My lips feel bruised and I put my hand to my
mouth, wanting to trap the sensation there. The ladies room door opens and an
elderly woman comes out looking at me strangely. I feel rumpled and disheveled.


Horny as hell.

And in desperate need of a
stiff drink.

I manage to walk back to
the table, though my trembling legs make it tough. Cory vacates his seat before
I can ask, allowing me to slide back into the booth. I don’t know where to
look. Cory is smiling and chats comfortably with his dad about his schedule for
the week. I plaster a smile on my face, trying to look as natural as possible.

Mom and Jeff are almost
finished with their dinner. Cory has eaten more than half of his. I eat some
more of the chicken but it doesn’t taste good. All I can think about is Cory's
lips on mine, but his teasing words are starting to come back to me.

The more I go over them,
the more used I feel. Who the fuck does he think he is, kissing me and then
walking away? Who the fuck does he think he is, fondling my thigh at our
parents’ special meal?

The kiss doesn’t seem to
have affected Cory’s appetite. He wolfs down the rest of his pasta, chatting
jovially with my mom, turning on the charm like a pro. I seethe quietly as mom
blushes at his compliments. She’s high on all the attention and obviously
excited about this new stage in her life. I should be happy but all I feel is
dejected and washed up.

Maybe Drew is right and I
do give off the wrong vibes. He was always telling me that his friends thought
I was flirting with them. He told me that I give off sex signals like a whore.
I shift further away from Cory, feeling deeply shameful about what we did and
the reasons why. If I hadn’t have flirted with him at the roadside, he never
would have thought he could get away with his actions this evening. All I was
trying to do was get away without getting a ticket, and I’ve managed to get
myself into even worse trouble.

The rest of dinner drags
by. I try to take part in the conversation, hoping that no one senses my mood.
When dinner is over, mom, Jeff, and Cory decline dessert and coffee, so I
follow suit. Everyone is busy the next day so no one wants a late night. While
Jeff sorts out the check, I walk arm in arm with my mom to the front of the

She glances over her
shoulder, studying her husband-to-be, and Cory who is standing beside him.

"You like him,

For a panicked moment, I
think she's talking about Cory. But of course, she's looking at her fiancé.

"I think he's great. I'm
glad he makes you happy, mom."

She squeezes my hand.
"He does. And I'm so happy you'll be standing next to me on the day."

I kiss her on the cheek and
give her a big squeeze of a hug. “Thanks for tonight.”

Jeff and Cory join us,
Cory’s eyes scanning my face as though he can tell something’s wrong. I avoid
his gaze, glancing towards the exit, feeling hollow. Jeff walks my mom out of
the restaurant and I can't get out of there fast enough. I don't even wait for
Cory to say goodbye or whatever mocking words he’s been thinking up since he
kissed me. I dash out behind my mom and hurry to my car, waving when I get
there. Once I’m safely inside I throw my purse on the passenger seat and start
the engine. By the time I pull out of my spot Cory is already at his car,
leaning against the driver's side door, watching me. His arms are crossed over
his chest, making his biceps bulge. Shit, I’m actually angry at his biceps for
making me swoon.

I’m an idiot.

I check the rear view
mirror as I wait at the end of the parking lot to pull into traffic. Cory is
still watching me.

My stomach is full of
butterflies but I’m angry, too.
that he has the ability to fluster me with so little effort. I tear my gaze
away from the rear view mirror. When the traffic thins I pull out and drive for

I’m tempted to speed just
to say a cosmic ‘fuck you’ to Officer Carlisle.

But when I’m tucked up in
bed that night, I find myself touching my mouth again, remembering how amazing
his lips felt on mine.




It's a few days after the
dinner with Cory and his dad and I'm following Rachel through a crush of
college coeds at a campus party, wishing I was back at my dorm. I down another
shot of something. I don't even know what I'm drinking anymore. It's blue and
tastes sweet like bubblegum. I could drink a whole tray of them if I knew where
the girl with the tray had gone. As soon as we'd grabbed a few of the blue
concoctions she hurried off to someone else.

I don't even know why we're
here. A campus party is the last place I want to be right now. I remember the
last one I went to and a surge of panic runs through me. As hard as I’m trying
to drink away my worries, the alcohol can’t dull what’s hanging over me. I turn
to Rachel, needing to find a way to distract myself.

"And did I tell you
how awful he was?" I ask, my words on the verge of slurring.

"Yes. And how annoying
he is!" Rachel turns sideways to squeeze through a small opening in the

I know she's humoring me
and I give her shoulder a little shove. "Maybe I have been droning on
since we got here but he
annoying. Did I tell you what he did to me at dinner?"

"I seem to recall you
mentioning something about it." She smiles and I puff out a breath.

Finally, through the crowd
and on the other side of the room we settle in next to the table full of
munchies. I grab a handful of chips, put the shooter glass down and pop a chip
in my mouth.

"He's so cocky and
arrogant." I shake my head trying to rid my mind of Cory. It's no use. The
memories of his grin, his hand caressing my thigh, his lips crushing mine,
won’t leave me alone.

Involuntarily my fingers
touch my lips and Rachel smiles knowingly.

"Right. He's

"He is," I

"He sounds like just
the kind of guy you would go for."

I pop another chip in my
mouth. "I've had enough of guys like that." The image of him races
back to my mind; the strong arms, muscular legs. His serious professional face
and his gorgeous flirty smile.

I’m about to reach for more
snacks when an arm comes around me from behind, grabs my breast as the other
brushes my hair aside. A wet mouth touches my neck and my stomach lurches. I
don’t need to turn around to know who it is.


I try to pull away but his
grip tightens around me, his groping hand moves to my other breast as he yanks
me back into his body.

His hot breath against my
ear turns my stomach. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Allyson. Do you
want those pictures going to everyone you know?"

I stiffen in his arms and
look at Rachel who screws up her face with extreme distaste. She can’t hear
what he’s saying to me because the music is so loud, but even so her eyebrows
raise and her eyes grow wide as though she's waiting for me to do something; to
fight him, push him away.

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