HUGE X3: A MFMM Menage Stepbrother Romance (25 page)

Cory kisses me again, this time more firmly, his
tongue licking out to caress the soft, sensitive part in the middle of my top
lip. His hand slips into my hair, cupping the base of my neck, drawing me into
him. It’s as though something slots into place inside me. I feel peaceful while
he worships me with his mouth.

Sometimes, when the world feels like it’s against
you in the worst way imaginable, it sends you a balm to soothe the hurt. It
might be a big mistake, but kissing Cory is the sweetest error I’ve ever made.





Cory's arms feel like a haven for me to escape to.
I snuggle against him, resting one hand over his fast-beating heart and the
other at his slim waist. I don’t have the will or strength to push him away or
the sense it seems to care about the possible repercussions. I let him control
our kiss as I practically melt against him. The cheesy romance idea that time
can stand still when you’re with someone you feel for is absolutely true. I
don’t know how long we stand there, reliving the kiss we shared at the
restaurant but with so much more passion it feels like no time and eternity all
rolled into one.

When Cory finally draws back he tips my chin up and
gazes into my eyes. I feel bare, as though he’s trying to look inside me. He's
a cop after all. That’s what he’s used to doing; trying to work out whether the
things a person says and does are the truth or a lie.

His expression softens and he looks like he's about
to ask me a question. I don't want to lie to him again, and if he asks me how I
feel about things now, I don’t know what I’d say. He’s pausing to check I’m
with him and that he hasn’t overstepped the mark.
Maybe he’s just a good guy or maybe it’s
because he thinks I’m sensitive at the moment because of my
. Impulsively I stand on my
tiptoes and press my lips against his again, silencing whatever words were on
the tip of his tongue.

My arms tighten around him and his hands go
straight into my hair, gripping tightly again. This time, the kiss has a hotter
edge; there’s something exploratory and needy about his touch. The spark that
has lingered between us since he flagged me down, rages into an inferno that
can't be put out.

I trail my hands over his broad back, enjoying the
play of muscles that bunch beneath my fingers. I skim higher, gripping his
shoulders for support. Cory deepens the kiss, wrapping his arms around me
possessively, crushing me to his chest with a groan, then his hands roam across
my back, down to my hips, squeezing. When he cups my ass and pulls me into him
I can feel how aroused he is and it sends my heartbeat racing. Cory’s so tall
and so big, all muscle and restrained strength. Although his squeezes are firm
there is nothing about his touch that is designed to hurt.

I think about Drew and how he liked to see the
imprint of his grabby fingers on the fleshy parts of my body. I hardly know
Cory but I trust him enough that I don’t fear where this is going. In fact, my
whole body is alight with heat and longing. Between my legs, I feel like
everything is swelling and throbbing. Our hands move over each other caressing,
exploring, frenzied.

The fantasy I had about him comes rushing back to
me as he pulls me in tighter to his body. His tongue strokes mine and a shiver
races through me. In my fantasy, he told me I was a bad girl. Standing in my
room wrapped around each other, breathless from the heated kiss, I feel like a
bad girl. Drew told me I was nothing. He would pass me around his friends,
that's how much he thought of me. He never cared about me, and the deep
insecurities I have, the ones that make me question if I'm worth caring about

There are tears burning behind my eyes again but
these have a different root. I’m so sick of never feeling good enough. I’m sick
of always wondering if whoever I’m with is going to tire of me and move on. And
I feel so damn stupid for still carrying around my childhood abandonment issues
and letting them affect me so badly.

I clutch onto Cory more, needing his strength. I
tell myself that this is all about pleasure. If I can just lose myself in him,
I can bury my troubles and anxieties for a while. I feel like a gambler chasing
their losses, knowing it’s foolish, but hoping that they’re wrong. Maybe lady
luck will look kindly on me tonight. Maybe the universe is sending me Cory for
a reason.

I reach down to fumble with the front of his
trousers but get all tangled up in the belt thing he has on. He draws back and
looks at my hands, gripping my upper arms as though he’s torn between letting
me get on with it and stopping me too.

Maybe Cory isn’t as certain of what we’re doing as
I thought.

“Allyson,” he says, and it sounds like a warning.

“What?” My voice is high pitched, frantic. I’m
trying to sound innocent but I’m not sure it comes across. I don’t want him to
tell me we’re going too far or too fast. My crumbling self-confidence is on the
verge of being stomped into the ground.

He looks me in the eyes, desire flashing in the
depths of his gaze. “Are you sure?” he asks in a voice that is so husky and low
I can barely make out the words.

I hesitate, bite my lip. My pussy throbs and I nod.
They say men are ruled by their dicks but they’re not the only ones who crave
sex enough to throw common sense out of the window.

Cory takes over, removing the thing he has around
his waist that houses all the equipment he needs to do his job. He turns to
place it on my nightstand and then pauses. My eyes search for what he’s looking
at and I spot the slightly open drawer and the glint of the handcuffs I have in
there. Neither of us moves for seconds that stretch long and thin like taffy. I
feel his hesitation. God, does he think I’m some kind of sexual deviant? I bet
he sees handcuffs as totally unsexy implements of law enforcement.

I’m waiting for him to say that he’s going to
leave, and the utter humiliation sends my cheeks flaming. Just as I’m about to
tell him he should go and save us both the embarrassment he steps forward and
hooks them out of the draw with his index finger.

His eyes glint with something I don’t understand.
Amusement? Desire?

“You an undercover officer, Allyson?”

My already pink cheek must now be the color of

I shake my head and hide my face in my hands.

When I feel his fingers on my wrist I think he’s
trying to pry my hands away so he can look at me. Then I hear the first clink
of the cuff and look up in shock.

"You like playing games?"

His eyes are filled with fire. I can't tell if he's
angry or turned on. Please let him be turned on. I glance at the floor. The
naughty fantasies I had about him flash through my mind, strobing images of us
naked, entwined, sweat soaked. My stomach flutters with anticipation and my
already wet pussy clenches its approval.

I nod once and wait. I want to know what he’s
thinking so badly. Is he angry with me? Misusing cuffs might be something he
feels very strongly about. Maybe he has a thing about consent. I’m sure he’s
heard his fair share of horrible stories. Restraints aren’t always placed on
women for their pleasure.

“I had a feeling about you, as soon as I saw you,”
Cory whispers. “You buzz with it, pushing and pushing with your sass mouth and
confidence. Under it all, you just want to be owned.”

I nod, still not looking him in the eye. I want to
know if desire flares there. I want to see his expression, but I can’t look.

"Put your hands behind your back," he
says coldly.

I feel a frisson of arousal run up my spine and
across my scalp. I hear the shaky breath escaping my lips as I comply.

My hands are trembling as he secures the cuffs, the
cool metal soothing against my wrists.

He stands behind me, so tall it feels as though
he’s looming. I love how powerful he is, how totally in control. The first
touch of his hand on me since he made me powerless is gentle. He brushes the
hair from my shoulder, stroking his finger down the column of my neck and over
my shoulder. It feels so tender yet strangely ominous. I have no idea what he’s
thinking or feeling. He puts his mouth close to my ear, hot breath gusting. I think
he’s going to kiss me there, but he murmurs words of reassurance instead. “Any
time you feel uncomfortable, just call me ‘officer’ and I’ll stop.”

I nod and exhale loudly. He’s safe, is all I can
think. Ninety-nine percent of me knew, but I’ve learned not to trust my gut
instincts over the past few months.

"Turn around."

I obey his gruff command and take a second to
glance up at him. The lust raging in his eyes is so potent I feel as though I
can’t breathe. There are words that are poised on the tip of my tongue, words
that I think will add to the scene we're playing. He told me he knew what I
needed, so I think I know what he’d want me to say and how he’d want me to act.

Like the dirty girl I am, in need of his

"Don't do this," I say biting my lip.

Desire flashes across his face as he descends on
me. His lips clasp mine in a heated kiss, hungrier and more devouring than any
we've shared so far. His tongue slips inside my mouth and strokes, pulling
shivers through my body. It’s like a jolt of pure electricity surges from every
point that is in contact with him, directly to my clit.

The need I feel is so powerful; to be filled, to be
owned, to give over my trust to someone in the hope that they will respect and
treasure it. Underneath it all is the visceral need to feel his utter surrender
to the pleasure I can give him. I want to see this strong man break apart.

He draws away, clutching me around the jaw. I moan
in despair wanting those lips on mine again. His gaze rakes over my body
seemingly seeing my t-shirt and shorts for the first time. He yanks the top
over my head and pulls it down until it rests above the handcuffs. The knot of
fabric tickles my back but I force that sensation away as he unsnaps my
strapless bra and lets it drop to my feet.

I want to snuggle closer to him, breathe in his
scent and feel his warmth, but that isn’t what this scene is about. When he
bends his head I take a step back.

My voice sounds tiny in the quiet of the room.
"No, don't do this."

Cory’s eyes blaze, but a grin appears on his lips.
His gaze is so hungry on my tits that it’s almost like a physical touch. My
nipples grow harder in the coolness of the room, drawing tighter in
anticipation of the first sensation of his hand or mouth on them. He raises a
hand and I expect him to cup my whole breast, but he doesn’t. Instead, he rests
the tip of one finger against my pointed nipple and presses hard.

Oh, god, it feels so good I almost fall to my

Cory grabs my upper arm and holds me firmly while
he bends to suckle hard. I want to hold him to my breast, run my fingers
through his gorgeous, soft, dirty-blond hair, but I can’t.
The cuffs clank behind me as I tug with

If he pulls away I can't stop him.

I'm at his mercy.

A sizzling sensation races through me again. I can
feel my pulse throbbing in my neck, behind my breast and in the tips of my
fingers. With every suckle, my pussy clenches. His tongue is so rough against
my sensitive skin that it almost hurts. I exist, in that moment, on the line
between pleasure and pain, and my mind empties of everything else.

He pulls away from me, his eyes on the nipple he
has sucked almost raw, then he twists it cruelly. It should feel bad. I know it
should, but I don’t seem to be built like other people. All I feel is
desperation for more. Anything that he will give me, I want, even if it hurts.

"You love this,” he says gruffly. “You want

Imperceptibly I nod but I say, "No. Please

He doesn’t.

I haven’t called him ‘officer’.
I haven’t used the word he gave me that would
give me the freedom to end this whenever I want it to.

Instead, he tucks a finger underneath the waistband
of my shorts. He hooks my panties as well and pulls them and my shorts down my
legs, tapping my left calf. "Step out of them."

I do as he commands and stand before him naked,
vulnerable, helpless and quaking with an anticipation that I’ve never felt
before. Cory stands and simply drinks me in with his lust-filled eyes. For a
moment, I see softness there, as though this is more than just hardcore sex to
him, but then it’s gone and he’s back to mean.

When he steps closer to me I shiver, the heat of
his body seeping into my exposed skin a contrast to the cool room. He moves so
slowly that I have no idea what he’s going to do, but when his fingers brush my
thigh I know he’s going to touch me where I need him most.

His first touch is gentle, fingers stroking through
the soft dark hair, tugging on it possessively. I watch him extend a finger so
he can part my lips and gain access to the wet pink place between them. My
breathing is short and frantic as I wait for him to touch me. Everything is so
slow and teasing I want to cry out and beg for him to just do it. Touch my
clit, push your fingers up inside me until I come.

I need to come so badly.

His fingertip brushes my clit, enough that I can
tell it’s swollen and ready to be stimulated. I moan, loudly. I can’t help

But he doesn’t like it. He reaches a hand around me
and slaps my ass hard.

I jerk forward, the sting of the slap a total
surprise. My eyes widen and he smiles. Before I can back away his other arm
comes around me to hold me in place. He slaps my ass again, harder.

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