Human Interaction (22 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne Meadows

Tags: #paranormal crime comdey erotic romance

"I'll tag along. Hell, someone has to drive him to the emergency room afterward." Bas moved across the room toward the door.

"I don't go to ER

"Uh huh. Concussion, broken bones."

"That was nothing. Child's play." Dad waved dismissively before turning his attention to the boys. "Come on. You can see Grandpa kick some…"


He glanced up and winked at me. "Dirt. We're gonna get all dirty."

Jessica ambled over shaking her head. "I might as well go too. Someone has to be the rational person with those guys." Her gaze bounced from me to Meat and back again. "Looks like you two will be all alone." With a wide smile, she hurried after the departing guests.

Standing up, I headed toward the vacated couch, stopping when a hand cupped my bottom, giving the area a firm squeeze.

Twisting, I rolled my eyes at Meat. "Still horny, I take it?" No sooner were the words out of my mouth than I wished them back.

A chuckle sprang from his chest. "You gonna do something about it?" He stepped close, brushing his lean muscular body against mine. "After all we finally have the house to ourselves."

I immediately retreated, pulling at my shirt sporting flecks of icing and cake batter from earlier, not to mention dampness from cleaning a few dishes by hand before Meat intervened with magic. "Ummm. I think I had better go change." No sense encouraging the sex fiend. He already appeared as revved as a NASCAR engine and more than motivated to do some mattress dancing without a wet T-shirt contest spectacle beforehand.

Twirling, I headed up to my bedroom, relieved for a break from the sexual tension that shadowed Meat. Opening the closet door, I thumbed through hangers until I found an old pastel pink blouse that buttoned down the front. I pulled the wet T-shirt off, dropped it in the floor, and began unbuttoning the new dry blouse to put on.


I startled and spun.

Sure enough, Meat had followed me upstairs. He leaned against the doorframe, arms across his chest, as he leered at me standing in just my bra and jeans. I pulled the shirt up to cover my chest in reflex, my cheeks burned from being caught in disarray.


He flashed a wicked grin, eased from the doorframe, and strode in my direction. Stopping just in front of me, he rumbled, "You called?"

He drew me flush against his body. Slowly, he lowered his mouth to mine, sealing our lips together. The kiss started slowly, persuasively, but soon deepened with passion. His tongue darted out, tasting my lips before insisting on entrance to flick over my tongue.

My blouse dropped, forgotten, as the kiss continued. He groaned low in his throat, encouraging me to wrap my arms around his neck, the movement plastering my body against his tall, muscular frame. Needing more, my hand slipped down to tug impatiently at his long-sleeved T-shirt. Meat paused, yanked the material over his head, tossed it aside, and continued where he'd left off.

Of their own volition, my hands explored the rippling muscles across his belly and chest, learning the texture, skimming over the hills and valleys, enjoying the feel of his bare skin under my light touch. Biting my lip, I dared to slide my right hand a bit lower, teasing at the buttons of his form-fitting blue jeans. A low groan carried across the room followed by a deepening of the kiss. His hips jutted forward as he tightened his hold.

Passion flared and I wanted more. The large bulge in his jeans intrigued me and I couldn't resist cupping the area and pressing. With a short growl, Meat effortlessly picked me up, and deposited me on the bed. He followed, rolling us both until I lay flat on my back with his large body covering mine. Holding his weight up with his forearms bracketing my head, Meat leaned in and spread light kisses across my shoulders and neck. My stomach slowly flip-flopped in delightful need.

I wiggled under him, managing to slip my arms under his, and began to knead the pronounced muscles of his back and arms. His hands caressed and explored, tracing his way over my mostly clothed body, leaving small fires in his path. My head tilted back as he licked and laved his tongue along my throat and up to my ear. I yelped when his sharp teeth nipped my sensitive earlobe. He answered with another low moan.
Who knew former monks have biting fetishes?

I leaned up, fixated on the muscle that led from his neck to his shoulder. Setting my teeth, I bit gently, returning the favor. My tongue followed, laving the area, tasting his skin. His hand snaked behind my back and freed the clasp on my bra. The soft cloth sagged, allowing him to not only see, but to caress the displayed flesh.

Soft lips kissed my bare breasts. His hand slid across my stomach, dipping south for a quick second, a teasing caress full of promises. My body arched into his touch, eager for more of the sensual pleasure only he could provide.

Meat's body rolled to the side. I heard buttons popping open on his jeans and saw a flash of color underneath.

I froze.

In my direct line of vision, the picture of Wills and me on our wedding day stared back from the far wall. Right beside it, another picture of my former husband, his arms wrapped around me from behind as he smiled in happiness.

My mind quickly pulled the memory and replayed it.

The warm spring day beckoned us outside, enjoying the sun. Wills took the opportunity to wash the car before the weather turned colder once more. Mischievously, I grabbed the water hose and sprayed him. He retaliated. After a quick game of chase, I allowed him to catch me. Bas had snapped the picture. Right after, Wills dragged me up to our bedroom and made such sweet love to me. Our bedroom. This very bed.


Meat's voice drew me back from those images in my mind.

A torrent of emotions flashed, guilt leading the pack. Betrayal loped in a close second. How could I be intimate with another man in my marriage bed with pictures of Wills looking on? The answer was simple. I couldn't.

"I… stop. Please." I pushed at his chest. He growled, running his hands over my belly once more, not budging an inch. His lips lowered, setting his teeth in my shoulder, as a male lion would to control his mate.

A streak of fear flashed through me at his actions. Shaking it off, I tried once more. "I can't." I shoved once more, sitting up on the side of the bed just as soon as he moved off.

Meat paused for a moment before sliding off the bed with the grace of a stalking puma. Confusion covered his face. "Why not?" His voice sounded low and controlled, but the hint of frustration carried over thick.

"I'm sorry. I… just…" I stammered, not sure how to explain. Clenching the sheet, I pulled it up to cover my exposed chest.

"You went from hot lava to a frigid iceberg in a matter of two seconds." He stared at me as if trying to figure out a particularly complex puzzle.

I swallowed and tried to force my sluggish brain to formulate an answer to explain. "I can't… here."

His brows furrowed as he followed my eyes to the far wall. After a moment, he looked back to me, then repeated the process once more.

"I… the memories. I saw the pictures… and had flashbacks… here… our bed."

His large hand cupped my cheek, his thumb wrapped under my chin, tilting it until I met his gaze. "So, you saw the pictures of your…" he paused as if tossing around words, then barged ahead, "and remembered things you and he did in this room, in this bed?"

I nodded.

His voice mellowed a bit more as he continued to hold my face steady, maintaining my focus on his ever-changing face. "You wanted me until you were reminded of the past?"

I peered into those stormy depths. "Yes. I still do. Just not… right here. I feel…" I closed my mouth, unsure of the word to use.

"Guilty?" he whispered in question.

Again, I bobbed my head. As much as I wanted Meat and his lovemaking, I simply couldn't be with him here. With images of my late husband looking on.

His left thumb brushed across my cheek. A sigh came from deep in his chest as his shoulders eased their tension. "Okay."

I hadn't realized how tight his muscles locked until that moment when they relaxed. "I'm sorry. I never expected it to be this hard."

He placed a tender kiss to my forehead. The pink blouse appeared in his hands as he handed it back to me. "No, I'm sorry."

Taking the offered shirt, I traded it for the sheet across my bare chest.

"I wasn't thinking. I should've realized this wasn't a good place. And, there's no hurry. It'll happen when it happens. Not before." Taking a couple steps back, he shot me a small reassuring smile. "Feel up to an evening on the town?"

Confused, I blinked at the sudden change of subjects. "Doing what?"

He gestured to my shirt. "Get dressed. We can hit the art walk."

Seizing the peace offering, I stood, turning my back to him as I slipped the blouse on after quickly refastening my bra. "As long as I get dessert afterward. Today is definitely a double dessert kind of day."

He laughed low. "I can promise you that."

The twinkling in his eyes clued me in that perhaps he surfed a different wave than I did at the moment. I wanted chocolate. I was pretty sure he wanted chocolate covered Shy.



We walked hand-in-hand along the boardwalk in front of a line of stores, most specializing in some sort of artwork from glass to sculptures, paintings to pottery. The whole square made up the art district and one weekend per month all the businesses stayed open late to accommodate after hours shoppers.

Night fell as we moved from shop to shop, finding objects both amazing and downright weird. Finishing with the last corner store, we turned south, walking through the lighted parking lots toward Meat's Jaguar.

"You know, Christmas is coming," I hinted at Meat, who shot me a knowing glance.

"Uh huh."

"Well, did you see anything you wanted?"


"Such as?" I prepared to figuratively jot something down in my memory.

"You." His mouth hitched up as his eyes sparkled with mischief.

Awwww. I squeezed his hand. "How did I get so lucky to find you?"

"Oh, I don't know. You slipped your hand in my thong and de-briefed me in front of a roomful of lust filled ladies."

I giggled. "Not the best first impression."

Meat paused, swiveling around, his body tensing. "Stay close to me."


"Look what we have here." A droll male voice interrupted our conversation. Two lanky men stepped into view. Both appeared fairly youthful judging by their faces and clothes, which hung off them as if three sizes too big, an odd fashion trend some of the youth latched onto today. Ratty jeans and leather jackets covered both. Hair hung limp on their heads as if shampoo and showers had become a rare commodity, turning what would be blond on one to dark and greasy, and the taller man's hair from what would be light brown to near black.

"Isn't that the same bitch from the other night? The one that escaped?" the shorter male asked.

"Yeah, well, her luck isn't going to hold twice."

Meat nudged me behind him. "Let me deal with this."

"Stay out of this, shifter. She's ours," the taller, more vocal one warned.

"No can do. Besides, you're wrong. She's mine."

"Worth dying for?"

"Yes, but I'm not the one worried about dying." Meat stood tall, keeping a sharp eye on the circling vampires.

I stuck to his side like glue, my heart in my throat as I faced the return of a living nightmare. In all the years I'd held blanket protection from just such attacks, I had never really considered how lucky I was. Until now.

Frantically, I searched for a way out of this mess, failing that, to stay out of Meat's way in order to become an asset as opposed to a hindrance. My purse, complete with taser sat locked in his car, leaving me with no weapon besides my bare hands and wits. Just my luck to run into riff-raff with no taser, no mace, not even a loaf of garlic bread.

"Think you're something special, huh? I see just another dumb shifter."

"Wrong on both counts, idiot. If you must know I'm an alpha. No one challenges me and lives to talk about it."

The vampys glanced at one another as if judging the truth to his words.

"Doesn't matter who you are. Hand over the human or die."

"Not happening."

The blond leapt forward first. Meat met him with a hard fist. The other took advantage, rushing toward Meat's flank. I stood my ground, ready to kick the guy's balls into his abdominal cavity, but a hard shove sent me backpedaling.

When I came to a standstill against a parked car, I found a huge tawny-colored cat standing between me and the attackers, roaring his challenge, and brandishing deadly claws. The beast awed me with his sheer size, easily the length of a couch from head to tail, and his head would reach my waist. Gorgeous, yes. Scary, definitely.

The darker-haired vampire rushed in only to be bowled over by the huge feline. Together they hit the ground hard, struggling in a wrestling match of survival.

Glancing up, I found the blond fangy eyeing me carefully, making his way around the struggle in my direction.

Slowly, I eased around the car and realized running would only buy me a few seconds but separate me from Meat at the same time. Divide and conquer. A familiar hunting philosophy on the Savannah as well as in Clearwater City.

Keeping the vehicle between us, I judged my options while the attacker stalked determinedly. His fangs flashed in the illumination from a nearby pole.

"I've been waiting for this day. So close before. This time I'll suck you dry like the prey that you are."

He faked right. I dodged left, then put on the brakes as he leaped over the car, landing just in front of me. He reached out.

A loud roar sounded as a huge paw grabbed him and threw him onto the ground. The big cat leaped on top with a harsh snarl, his tail swishing as he worked over his target.

I shuddered, thankful for Meat's intervention but shaken by the violence before me. Rubbing my arms over my jacket, I couldn't tear my eyes away from the gruesome scene. Thankfully, in moments, silence reigned once more.

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