Read Hunks Too Hot To Touch Online

Authors: Marie Rochelle

Hunks Too Hot To Touch (17 page)

Yes, a while ago. Shauntie had tried to find numerous way to push him away because she was scared to admit how she felt about him.

In his mind, this was a huge step in their relationship. Nash still sensed Shauntie might not be ready to embrace the feelings he sensed between them. However, with a little encouragement on his part; Shauntie would ultimately come around to see things his way, he was certain.

Shauntie twisted beneath his body as he tasted and teased her before he thrust his tongue inside of her. Her body would have shot straight up off the bed if he hadn’t been holding her down.

Moving his tongue back and forth, he made love to his woman with his mouth showing what she was going to get in a few minutes with his cock. He was so hard that he could barely think straight, but he wanted, no needed, Shauntie to feel how much he cared about her.

“This is so good,” Shauntie cried. “I’ve never had it like this before.”

The sudden thought of another man doing this to Shauntie made his blood race through his veins making him see red. Pulling her legs over his shoulders, he gripped her ass holding her even closer to his mouth as he licked, sucked and tasted.

“Oh my God!” Her thighs shook against his shoulders as he didn’t let up, devouring the sweet taste of her.

Nash loved the taste of Shauntie. He wasn’t ever going to give her up. This was meant for them only and no one else. He would kill any man that tried to come between them. Nash moaned when Shauntie slid her fingers through his hair holding him against her.

She didn’t have to worry about him leaving her. He wasn’t about to go anywhere until he was good and satisfied. He wasn’t going to be able to hold on much longer and he didn’t want Shauntie to come inside his mouth. She needed to come all over his cock while it was buried deep inside of her.

His tongue slowed down until he was only licking at her every few seconds and he felt Shauntie’s disappointment in her body as he removed her legs from his shoulders and lowered them back down to the bed.

“What are you doing? Don’t stop,” she begged when his head moved from between her shaking thighs.

“Baby, I’m not about to stop anything at all, but I need to be inside of you.” Nash moved back up her body so he was on top of her. “You taste so good. I love being with you like that, but it doesn’t compare to how it feels to be inside of you.”

Opening the drawer by the side of his bed, Nash grabbed a condom, tore it open and rolled it over his aching cock. “You’re just so breathtaking,” he told Shauntie as he brushed her damp hair away from her cheek. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted this?”

“We’ve made love before,” Shauntie pointed out to him as he pushed his hips forward, easing his cock inside of her.

“I know but it was at your house and not mine. Every man wants to make love to his woman in his own bed, so he can replay it over and over in his mind when she isn’t here with him.”

He wanted to surge forward and be buried as deep as he could, but Shauntie was so tight that he didn’t want to hurt her. So Nash took his time working all of his nine inches into Shauntie until she took all of him without any problem.

Grabbing her hands, he pulled them above her head linking their fingers together as he lowered his head and kissed her. He slipped his tongue between her lips stroking it over her tongue as he pumped into her.

“God, Nash,” Shauntie moaned as she tore her mouth away wrapping her legs around his waist.

Nash’s bedroom was filled with the sounds of their mingled breathing as he made love to Shauntie. He wanted to imprint the moment in her mind, so when she wasn’t with him she would think about it. The sooner he captured her heart, the easier it would be for her to accept his secret. Shauntie couldn’t ever leave him for any reason.

Suddenly, Shauntie ran her nails down his back as she threw her head back against the pillow. The sight of her totally lost in her own pleasure pushed Nash over the edge. He knew he had to find the way to have her screaming his name until she couldn’t think about doing anything else. He sped up his thrusts until he set a rhythm that had Shauntie meeting him thrust for thrust against the tangled sheets around their bodies. Nash grabbed Shauntie by her hips so he could control their movements. Shauntie was too used to being in control. He had to show her that in the bedroom especially in his bed that he was the
one giving the orders.

“Baby, you feel so good wrapped around my cock,” Nash whispered into Shauntie’s ear. “I think you should be like this with me seven days a week. I need it as much as you do.”

Her hips moved in tempo with his and Nash could tell she was fighting not to lose control, but he was going to make her see things his way instead of hers this time. Her entire body was ready to come; Nash could feel how her inner muscles were tightening against his cock.

“Stop fighting it,” he said, speaking softly into her ear. “Give into it. We both know that it’s what you want to do.” Nash pulled Shauntie’s legs apart angling his body, so he could hit the spot he wanted to send his woman over the edge.

“Oh God yes!” she screamed out as her orgasm ripped through her body. Shauntie continued to whimper and plead with him as he hit her G-spot over and over

The bed started moving under them from the thrust of his hips, but Nash didn’t let it take him away from the moment. Shauntie was his main and only focus tonight. All of this was for her.

“Sweetheart... you are so unbelievable,” Nash praised as his head dropped against her shoulder. The feel of her hard nipples brushing against his chest made him swell even more inside of her.

Sweat poured off his body as he tried not to come. All of this was way too good to let it come to an end. Nash wanted this to last forever. In his mind, he knew that he couldn’t but that didn’t keep him from trying his best to make it happen.

Pulling out, Nash shoved his cock back into Shauntie again sending another orgasm raking through her body which finally pushed him over the brink. Nash hollered deep in his throat as his release tore through the length of his body.

Minutes later, Nash collapsed onto Shauntie’s body reclaiming her mouth with his while his heart rate worked hard trying to get back down to its normal rate, but he didn’t care if he died like this because it would be the best way to go.

Easing his mouth away from hers, Nash stared down into the sated eyes of the woman he knew he loved. “I forgot to answer your question earlier,” he said. Rolling onto his back, Nash pulled Shauntie on the top of him liking how their bodies fit so well together.

Yawning, Shauntie snuggled closer to him surrounding him in their scent. “What question?”

“What present do I already have that I don’t have to ask Santa for?” he reminded her, running his fingers up and down her spine. “Do you remember now?”

Shauntie raised her eyes from his chest and looked at him. “I do now.”

“The perfect gift I have
you,” Nash answered. “How could I possibly have the need or desire for anything else?”

Wide awake now, Shauntie watched him closely like she was trying to figure out if he was telling her the truth. “You really mean that, don’t you?”

“With everything I have in me. I couldn’t want any more in my life than I already have with you. I know we could have something good if we work at it. I could tell when I first asked you out on a date that you were completely against the idea,” Nash confessed. “I don’t know what changed your mind about giving me a chance, but I’m glad you did.”

Moving off his chest, Shauntie eased away from him. She reached over the edge of the bed and grabbed a sheet off the floor. She wrapped it around her body holding it against her breasts. Sighing softly, she brushed her hair away from her face and over her shoulders.

“I wasn’t hesitant to go out with you at first because of something you had done. I just didn’t want to get involved with another guy like you after the last one I had in my life.”

“What happened?” Nash asked as a tiny bit of fear settled in the center of his chest. He wondered if Shauntie was getting ready to tell him about her relationship with J.T. and if she did, would he be able to come clean with her as well.

“I don’t want to get into all of the details, but I dated this guy for a little while. I thought he might have been the one until I found out he was only using me for my money and still seeing his ex-girlfriend behind my back. I vowed after that not to date any more men who weren’t on the same level as me.”

“You didn’t want to go out with me because you thought I was beneath you?” Nash asked.

Shauntie shook her head causing her hair to swing around her bare shoulders. “No, I didn’t want to go out with you because you scared me. I wasn’t attracted to J.T. the way I am to you. I knew if I got involved with you and it didn’t work out, I could end up getting hurt worse and I wasn’t going to allow it. Something about you pulled me towards you and as much as I tried to fight it or pretend it wasn’t there, I couldn’t anymore.”

“It’s called chemistry.” Grabbing Shauntie by the shoulders, he pulled her back across the bed to him. If he wasn’t sure about what he was going to do before, Nash undoubtedly had his answer now. He wasn’t going to lose Shauntie by telling her the truth now. Shauntie wouldn’t believe a word that came out of his mouth.

“I promise you that I’m not going to use or hurt you the way your ex did. We’re building something good here. I can see us going great places. I want everyone to know who I have in my life now. Do you think you’d be interested in meeting my friends?”

Pushing him down on the bed, Shauntie folded her arms on his chest and grinned at him. “Are you sure that you’re ready to introduce me to your friends? I mean this is still pretty new between us. I know how my girlfriends are about me when it comes to my dating life. They have an opinion about everything and don’t mind giving their advice. It doesn’t matter if I want it or not.”

Nash chuckled at Shauntie. “Sweetheart, I don’t think guys are the same as girls when it comes to their buddies’ girlfriends. Brian and Chance are going to love you because you make me happy.”

“I have to check my schedule first to make sure I’m free. I do have this persistent man working on my roof who doesn’t know how to take no for an answer. I’m not sure if he’ll be willing to let me have a day to myself.”

“I really don’t think he’ll be a problem. He just has to take one look into your beautiful brown eyes and agree to anything that comes out of that beautiful mouth of yours.” Cupping Shauntie’s cheek in his hand, Nash planted a kiss on her mouth loving how she instantly responded to him.

Moaning softly, Shauntie kissed him back with all of the passion he felt for her. Nash flipped them over, so Shauntie’s back was against the bed and he was staring down into her beautiful face. He loved how it felt being here with her like this. Everything about this moment was perfect, but his deceit was hanging above them and Shauntie knew nothing about it.

What in the hell was he going to do? Could he toughen up and tell her the truth which meant he risked losing her? Or should the truth stay hidden until he felt it was the right time to tell her everything?

Nash already knew his answer and he prayed he’d chosen the right one.


Chapter Twenty-Two



Shauntie glanced at Nash from the corner of her eye as he drove them to the nightclub where she was going to meet his friends Brian and Chance for the first time. She already felt like she knew them from the numerous times he had brought them up to her.

“Why are you so quiet?” Nash asked placing his hand on her thigh. “You haven’t said much since we left my house.”

“I’m just wondering if your friends will like me,” she admitted. “I know how close you are to them.”

“Sweetheart, you don’t have to worry about your first meeting with them. If I survived meeting Sapphire and Emerald, my two best friends won’t be a problem for you at all. Just flash them that winning smile of yours and everything will be fine.”

Placing her hand on top of Nash’s, Shauntie squeezed it. “Have I told you how much I like that I let you into my life? You’re good for me. I don’t worry about the small things like I used to.”

“Baby, that’s what I’m here for,” Nash told her as he glanced away from the street. “Stay with me and you’ll learn what else I can do for you.” He took his attention off her and gave it back to the road.

Shauntie allowed the last of her tension she was experiencing to leave her body. She wasn’t going to go back to her old ways and prejudge anyone else before she got to meet them. Chance and Brian were probably good guys just like Nash. She didn’t see him forming a friendship with anyone who wasn’t as open as he was.




“Shauntie, Nash has told us so much about you. It finally nice to put a face with the name,” Chance told her as he stood up and shook her hand then retook his seat. “You’re very beautiful.”

“Thank you.” Shauntie smiled. “It’s finally good to meet you too.” Sitting down, she glanced over at who she assumed was Brian. “I guess you’re Brian.”

“Yes, I am,” Brian answered as he shook her hand. “Sorry, I didn’t introduce myself. I was waiting until Chance stopped trying to charm you right in front of Nash.”

“I’m not worried at all about Chance flirting with my girlfriend. I know Shauntie is only into me,” Nash said as he pulled his seat closer to hers. Placing his arm around the back of her chair, he rubbed his hand up and down her bare arm.

Turning her head, Shauntie stared at Nash knowing right at that very moment he was telling the truth. “I have to say that Nash has become a very important part of my life. I know that we haven’t been together long, but I feel like we’ve been together for a while.”

“Nash is a great guy and we’ve been waiting a while for him to find someone. Before meeting you, he spent most of his time working on building up the roofing business,” Brian told her. “I’m hoping you’re really the woman he’s been waiting for. Neither one of us wants our buddy to be with the wrong woman.”

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