Read Hurricane Online

Authors: Taige Crenshaw

Hurricane (13 page)

“We knew it was bad from the call that came in, but not that bad,” he said.

Julianne listened as he told her about the fire he had helped with. Spent once he was done, he rested against Julianne. Her arms around him gave him a sense of normalcy.


Julianne held Keenan, blinking to battle back the tears. He needed her. She had to be strong for him. When she had got his text, she hadn’t known why he was cancelling. It wasn’t until later, when Regina came in and told her she had seen Keenan on the news with her husband Spencer, that she had realised what was going on. From what Keenan had shared about his job, she didn’t think he would be at a fire until it was wrapped up. For him to be there, it had to have been bad. She and Regina had watched the television in her office, horrified at the devastation.

In the morbid curiosity of the news, they had shown footage they’d taken before they’d been moved back from the fire. She’d been shocked and concerned when she’d spotted Keenan and another man carting bodies. Between the heat of the fire and the humidity, sweat was soaking the men, and they were moving tiredly. They had shown Spencer and some of the other doctors who had come from various hospitals arriving. They had been working to stabilise patients for transport. Regina had sent a text to Spencer to let her know when he was headed to his place, so she could come to be with him. Julianne and Regina had watched the news, not moving—wanting to know their men were safe.

Hours later, she had seen Keenan and Spencer at the news conference. Keenan had only been in the background, but he had looked so drained. Spencer had spoken on behalf of the doctors there—he had looked just as bad. Not long after the conference, Regina had received a text from Spencer telling her he was fine, and he didn’t need her. Julianne had seen the devastation those words had caused on Regina’s face, but she’d shrugged it off and left. Julianne hadn’t been sure if it was the right thing to do, but she wanted to be there for Keenan. Since she hadn’t changed her plans to spend the night with Keenan, she didn’t have to worry about getting someone to watch Rissa. She’d gone home, got her bag, and waited for him.

When he’d arrived, she had known it was the place she needed to be. Keenan was worn out and went along with her taking care of him. Him giving her a key was unexpected, but she had accepted it. Hearing everything that had happened first-hand was a bit much. But she would do it again. Hugging him as he slept, she listened to him breathe. Sleep overtook her.

Julianne jerked awake. Blearily, she looked around as she yawned—she wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but seeing how much darker it was outside, she realised it had to be at least a few hours. She slid out of the bed and padded over to Keenan, who was sitting in the window seat. She put her hand on his shoulder. Keenan didn’t look away from the window but he pulled her into his lap. She settled against his chest, stifling another yawn.

“Can’t sleep?” she asked.

Keenan nodded, not saying anything. She kissed his cheek.

“What can I do to help?” she murmured.

“You being here is enough,” he said softly.

She stroked his hand.

Keenan spoke again, “You remember when you asked me why I went into fire investigation?”


Since the first time, Julianne had asked him a few times. Keenan had brushed off all her enquires.

“When I was a detective, I had this case which involved fire. It was nasty. A child was burnt in her apartment. Her mother and the mom’s boyfriend had got out. After the fire was doused, I went in with the fire investigator. He said it seemed to be an accident, but he wouldn’t know until he finished with his investigation. My partner had already moved on, but there was something in that investigator’s voice that bugged me. The scene bugged me. I went to speak with him again. And he confirmed that it seemed accidental. But, again, I got the feeling he didn’t think so. When I pushed, he told me his gut was telling him no. I took his word and asked my captain to let me work with him. Since we didn’t have anything pressing, he gave me some leeway. My partner didn’t want anything to do with it.” He sighed, then continued, “I went with the investigator, and we searched leads that seemed to be heading nowhere, but he refused to give up. I refused to, as well. Something was off. Then we found the one piece that made it all click. It wasn’t an accident. The boyfriend was an electrician. He didn’t want a kid, and had rigged a heater to cause the fire. When we told the mother, she was devastated, but grateful to know what a scumbag this man who had been comforting her was. Imagine… If it wasn’t for that investigator, she might have never known he killed her child.”

Julianne could only imagine the pain the woman had gone through. She rubbed the top of his hand. “You and that investigator did right by her and her child.”

“Hell, I was only along for the ride. Tommy was the one who would not give up, no matter the evidence to the contrary. He found the truth and gave her closure.”

“Ah… I wondered if it was him. You talk about him fondly.” Julianne smiled.

“Yeah. He’s a manipulative bastard, too. Took me out a few weeks after we wrapped the case. He said it was a celebratory drink. But the bastard was recruiting me. Told me bluntly that my talent would be an asset to the fire marshals. Handed me the application and material on what training I would need. Of course, I was like, hell no. I liked being a cop. But he was devious, inviting me to his house to meet his wife Willy who was a fabulous cook. She was in on it, too, extolling the wonders of being a fire marshal. That it was just another form of perp. Between the two of them, I didn’t stand a chance. Tommy’s devotion is why I became a fire investigator.” Keenan tightened around her. “Even with days like this one, I don’t question it. We’re going to find who did this to all those people, and give them justice and their families closure.”

His voice was fierce, and his face determined.

“I know you will,” Julianne said.

“It’s the least we can do. The living must fight for the dead,” he said softly.

She nodded.

“I’m glad you’re here with me. Thank you,” Keenan whispered.

“There’s no need for that. I’m here for you whenever you need. I…care for you, Keenan,” Julianne replied.

He looked startled.

“I do,” she reiterated.

“I care about you, too.” He ran a finger down her nose, then pulled her to him.

Julianne kissed the side of his neck. Keenan moaned. Julianne licked along his skin. He was salty and delicious. He shivered. She shifted, straddling his lap, facing him. Moaning, she pressed against him, rubbing her pussy over his heated length.

“Wait.” Keenan touched her hips.

Julianne rose up. He held up the condom, opening it. Julianne was grateful that he’d started keeping protection around the house, in easy-to-reach places. She took the rubber from him and brushed her fingers over the spongy head of his erection, spreading the pre-cum. Raising her damp fingers, she licked the tips. Quickly, she smoothed the protection over his shaft. She moved up. Keenan gripped her hips, steadying her. Slowly, she lowered herself, kissing him as she did. She swallowed the sound he made then, in return, released a moan into his mouth, as she took him into her wetness.

Keenan held her as she moved on his cock.




She moved on him over and over again. She clenched around his embedded shaft, rocking against him. He dug his fingers into her hips as he guided her over him. Julianne rose off him until only the head of his cock was inside her, then she lowered. She gasped as he filled her again.

“Julianne,” he moaned.

She took him in, swivelling her hips. Julianne shuddered as he stroked along her inner walls. Tightening her legs around his hips, she arched back. A whimper came from her as he slid deeper inside. Julianne rode him with that same deliberate slowness. She lifted her hands and cupped her breasts, manipulating the soft flesh. She plucked at her nipples, rubbing the buds between her fingers she squeezed them. Julianne tightened around Keenan’s hard shaft and slid forward and back.

The passion built in a slow crescendo. Her breath hitched and he shifted his hands to cup her ass, tightening them painfully. They shuddered as they came simultaneously. She kissed his lips once more, then pulled back. Standing shakily, she removed the protection, knotted it off and threw it into the trash. Julianne held out her hand and waited for him. Without hesitation, Keenan took it, then stood and guided her back to the bed. She slid in and he joined her, cuddling against her back. His hot hand covered her stomach, keeping her close. Keenan’s leg slid between hers and he moved closer. His revived erection pressed between her legs. Julianne reached for a condom on the bedside table. She handed it to him. Keenan shifted away then his heat returned against her back. He placed his hand back on her stomach. Keenan glided his shaft along her lips. He rolled his hips and slid into her. Julianne put her fingers between his where it rested against her belly. She gripped his as he moved inside her, stroking quick and fast.

“Keenan,” Julianne moaned.

“Julianne.” His breath fluttered against the back of her neck.

He pressed a kiss against the spot. Keenan’s thrusts increased in speed. Julianne pushed back. She shuddered as she came. Keenan grunted as he joined her, moving in and out then he went still. His harsh breath tickled the back of her neck. After a while he pulled out. Julianne’s pussy clenched—she didn’t want to let him go. He shifted away then she heard the noise of the condom hitting the wastebasket. Keenan returned to press close to her back, wrapping his arm around her, their fingers laced over Julianne’s stomach. He kissed the side of her face then his breathing deepened. She felt his body relax as he went to sleep, and joined him moments later.



Julianne waited for the popcorn to finish popping. Frowning, she wondered if Keenan was okay. She hadn’t seen him in days—since Monday, when she’d stayed with him after going to him the night of the fire. That wasn’t uncommon, given their schedules. Sometimes he got caught up in a case, or she was busy with Moments. What was unusual was that she hadn’t actually spoken with him—they’d been texting and emailing back and forth and she’d even left him a message, but hadn’t actually spoken with him.

She knew he and the rest of the fire marshals were busy with the fire investigation. From Keenan’s texts and emails, she knew they were being pushed to get answers. Her cell rang, startling her from her thoughts. Running to where it was on the island across the room, she picked it up, noting the name on the screen.

“Hey, Keenan. Are you okay?”

“Better now. Sorry that I haven’t been able to talk with you. I miss you.” His deep baritone filled the line, making her ache to be with him.

“I miss you, too. Did you get my text? I understand if you have to call off our date tomorrow.”

“No. We’re still on,” Keenan said.

“Don’t you have to work?”

The microwave dinged. She headed back and pulled out the popcorn. She opened it cautiously, then dumped it into a bowl.

“No. We wrapped up the cause of the fire, and caught the perp, too.” Keenan sounded grim.

“So it was arson?”

“Yes. The official press conference will be on the news later. It was just some kid,” Keenan said.

“Crap. Did he say why?”

“She. From what she says, she was pissed at her boyfriend who worked in the building, and was planning to burn just his office, but it got out of control. All those people, because of her.” Even through the phone she could hear the tiredness in his voice.

“I’m glad you caught her. Are you sure you don’t want to cancel?”

“No. I want to see you,” he said firmly.

She smiled softly. “Me too. But we don’t need to go out. We can just have a quiet night at your house.”

“Uh-uh… We’re going out. I’ve been looking forward to showing you one of my favourite places.”

“Okay. You did say I should dress up, right?”


“I’ll bring my clothes with me to work and dress at your place. Get some rest.”

“Okay. See you tomorrow. Night,” Keenan replied.

“Tomorrow. Night, honey.”

She disconnected and slipped the phone into the pocket of her housedress before she grabbed drinks from the fridge, then placed them, and the popcorn, on a tray. Lifting the tray, she walked across the kitchen, then down the hall and turned right to enter the family room. Seconds later, she put the tray on the low table in front of the couch.

Flopping down on the couch, she asked, “So what movie are we watching?”

one and two,” Rissa said.

“Good. Love me some Optimus Prime.”

“He’s fictional, Mom,” Rissa said.

“You say that every time, Rissa. But I still like him.” She ran a finger down her nose.

“Why’d you do that?” Rissa looked at her strangely.

Julianne pulled back her hand, realising what she had done.

“Oh…just something Ke…someone does. Sorry. Won’t do it again.”

“Mr Callaghan,” Rissa stated.

Julianne had told Rissa about being friends with Keenan, but that was it. Uncharacteristically, Rissa hadn’t said much about it. Julianne had at least expected her to ask about him. Especially after their discussion about him in her office a few months ago.

“Yes. Sorry. I didn’t think.”

“I didn’t say it was a problem,” Rissa said, not looking at her.

“What’s wrong, Rissa?” Julianne frowned.

Rissa bit her lip, then said in a rush, “You’ve been hanging out with him for a bit, but I haven’t seen him since that day we went rollerblading. Doesn’t he like me?”

“Oh, baby. That’s not it. We… I…think it’s best for me and him to get to know each other first.”

“It’s been months. How long does it take?” Rissa scrunched up her face.

“There’s no time frame, baby. As your mom, it’s my job to decide who we allow in our lives. Believe me, baby, he wants to get to know you, but I decided to wait. And he agreed,” Julianne said.

She didn’t want Rissa to believe Keenan didn’t like her. Rissa seemed to consider what she’d said, then spoke again. “Do you think he would want to weather the hurricane with us?”

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