Read Hurricane Online

Authors: Taige Crenshaw

Hurricane (11 page)

Being with Julianne was so right. Each time they were together was more intense than the previous. Keenan used the last of his strength to roll off her, dispose of the condom, then pull her against his side. She rested her head against his chest and curled her hand over his stomach. His cock twitched again but sleep overcame him.

Chapter Five

Julianne stretched. She winced at the tender parts of her body, but smiled when she remembered what had caused them. Rissa had called and asked to spend another night at Dakota’s, which she had agreed to, so on Saturday they hadn’t done much but eat, have sex, sleep…then repeat often. On Sunday they had slept in then made brunch. After, they had gone back to bed and had another great interlude. Each time they were together she felt the intensity of their connection deepen. Keenan had got ready to leave before Rissa was due home and Julianne had been grateful for his discretion. She’d kissed him at the door and watched his vehicle as it disappeared from view. As she’d waited for Rissa she’d felt pleasantly sore. It had been years since she’d been with anyone.

Now, on Monday at lunchtime, Julianne frowned as she had the day before. Being with Keenan was so natural and easy but niggles of guilt filled her. Logically, she knew her husband was gone but emotionally she had to come to terms with the feeling she was betraying him. Julianne pushed the idea away—she would figure it out another time.

She heard a knock on the door before it was opened. She smiled at Keenan as he entered—she’d left word with her assistant to let him right in. Julianne stood, going to him, as Keenan closed the door behind him and reached for her. She pressed against him, kissing him gently. His hold was possessive as he ran his hand along her back. Julianne shivered as she dampened at the touch. She stepped back and, holding his hand, led him to the table. Keenan handed her the bag of food and Julianne unpacked it, opening their meals. In moments they were sitting, eating and filling each other in on their day. Julianne revelled in the intimacy they shared now that he allowed himself to touch her more freely.

“Can you come over to my house on Friday night for dinner?” Keenan asked.

Julianne thought of what was happening that day. It would be a perfect time. When Kendall couldn’t take Rissa for her last week Kendall had called on Sunday and made plans with Rissa for the upcoming Friday through Monday. Kendall would drop Rissa off at her day camp.

“I can. And if I’m invited I can spend the weekend. Leave from your place to come to work on Monday.” Julianne slid her hand along the top of his thigh.

“You have an open invitation to stay at my place anytime.” Keenan placed his hand over hers, squeezing her fingers.

Julianne kissed him, moaning in his mouth. A cell ringing interrupted them. She withdrew and Keenan took out his phone.

“Callaghan… I’m close to there, I’ll meet you. Okay.” He hung up, then said to her, “Sorry, I’ve got to go. I’ll call you later.”

They rose and Keenan kissed her gently before he left. She watched the door as it closed behind him. Julianne threw out their empty containers and went back to work.



Julianne followed the directions that Keenan had given her. She tapped her finger on the wheel as she drove. The entire week had been a tantalisation, wishing for Friday. She’d been useless at work today, watching the clock. Thankfully she didn’t have any meetings or deadlines. Julianne made the turn into his drive. She parked, grabbed her duffel, garment bag and purse then exited the vehicle. In rapid strides she walked up to the door. It opened before she reached it. Julianne didn’t stop—she stepped forward until she was pressed against his body and kissed him. Keenan wrapped his arms around her, holding her with that demanding touch. He returned her kiss, making her body tingle in anticipation. Keenan withdrew and smiled. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“Me too.”

A delicious smell registered. Julianne sniffed the air and looked at him questioningly.

“I made pot roast, mashed potatoes and carrots. I picked up a cheesecake for dessert. It’s all ready. Let’s eat.”

Keenan took her overnight bag and placed it at the foot of the stairs, the purse on top. He took the garment bag and hung it in the closet. When he returned to her side he held her hand and led her to the kitchen. As they went he pointed out the rooms of his home. In the kitchen he seated her, then served the food. When he sat they said Grace before starting to eat. As they ate they talked, flirted and enjoyed being in each other’s presence.

Later that evening, Julianne entered the bedroom where Keenan was already lying in bed under the covers. Her body still tingled from their explosive sex in the shower. Naked, Julianne retrieved her lotion and went towards the bed.

“What do you have there?” Keenan asked.

“My lotion.” She showed him the bottle.

“The one that makes you smell so good?” he asked, sitting up until his back rested against the headboard.

Julianne remembered he had asked her about it, and she nodded. Keenan held out his hand. She handed him the bottle then sat on the side of the bed.

“Your lotion is like nothing I have ever smelt before,” Keenan said.

“It’s specially made. My cousin has a store and makes fragrances based on what you request and your body chemistry. It is natural and doesn’t use lots of chemicals.”

“Come here.”

Julianne glanced at him. Keenan had removed the covers revealing his bare body. He opened his legs and gestured between them. Julianne did as he silently commanded. She sat at the foot of the bed and scooted back between his legs. She heard the click of the bottle opening then moments later felt Keenan’s firm touch smooth the cream over her skin. Julianne lowered her head as he rubbed his thumbs down the back of her neck then across her shoulders. Keenan massaged the lotion over her shoulder blades then along her back.

“Kneel.” His voice was husky.

Julianne knelt. With his hand he cupped her ass as he continued by rubbing the satiny cream over her butt. Keenan held her hips then his touch was gone and she felt the mattress shift. Julianne looked to the side of the bed, where Keenan now stood. She lowered her gaze. His protruding erection bobbed.

“Lie face down.” His voice was guttural.

Julianne lay down and she moaned as her body touched the warmth he had left behind. Keenan lowered his body over hers, pressing her into the bed as he straddled her lower legs. Using his fingertips he stroked down, rubbing circles as he spread the cream. With each touch Julianne whimpered and rocked against the bed. Keenan finished lotioning her lower body, even the backs of her heels.

“Turn over,” he whispered.

Julianne rolled over. She spread her thighs and watched him where he was kneeling at the edge of the bed. Keenan worked his way up from her toes as he lotioned each gently. Julianne shifted on the bed as he touched the side of her knee. Keenan stroked the skin then went up. He moved to her upper thigh, making sweeping circles on the flesh. Julianne canted her hip, wanting him to touch where she was wet and aching. He bypassed the area and moved to her stomach.

“Keenan,” she protested.

“Shh… Enjoy the sensation,” he said.

He kneaded his hands on her belly then along her ribcage—in between he poured lotion in his hand then rubbed it on her skin. Keenan straddled her as he worked, and she could see his erection was full with a glistening tip. Julianne moved her head back. Keenan spread the scent up her chest then across her neck before he stroked the lotion on her face. When he’d finished, Keenan sat back against her lower legs. Julianne inclined her head, watching him. Keenan got more then spread it on her inner thighs, then closer and closer to where she needed him. Julianne moaned, moving her legs restlessly. Keenan ran his thumbs, side by side, down the front of her pussy. Julianne rocked against his touch. Keenan spread her slit and flicked a finger over her clit. Primed, Julianne ground against his finger and came.

“Yes,” she moaned, shuddering as the pleasure flowed from her.

Keenan didn’t slow his caress. Julianne arched into his motions.


Keenan watched Julianne on the bed beneath him. Having her lay in the very spot that he had first imagined her being was sensory overload. It was different than he’d imagined, but so much better. He pressed his hands over her wetness as she continued to spasm on his fingers. Her sweet essence rose along with the scent of the lotion. Keenan shifted over her and reached for the condom he had placed under the pillow earlier. He put it on then thrust. Julianne gripped him with her lush pussy, taking him in.

Keenan closed his eyes, overcome at how right it felt to be inside her. Although this was only the third night they had spent together, they had made love so often the last time he already knew her body so well. Each joining only deepened their connection. Keenan moved forward, setting a slow ride. Julianne’s arms rested on his shoulders as she moved her hips in a lazy swirl. Keenan countered the motion. Julianne’s breath caught then she let it out in a whoosh. She tightened her fingers on the back of his neck then she clenched her inner walls.

“Julianne,” Keenan moaned moving inside her.

“Keenan,” she whispered hoarsely.

He stroked in then undulated his hips, repeating the continuous motions. With each movement Julianne called his name in a litany of sound. Keenan ground against her as he leaned over and kissed her. Julianne opened wide, sucking in his tongue, scraping her teeth along the tender skin, then bit down. Keenan shuddered as his cock jerked and he came. Julianne continued to kiss him, cradling him with her legs. Keenan rested against her, snuggling into her. Her satiny soft skin was welcoming, and Keenan inhaled the scent of it and of them. The sensation of rightness felt even stronger. Keenan listened to her heartbeat as she stroked his back.

Keenan knew it would take time for Julianne to accept their bond. He would show her that he wasn’t going anywhere. Keenan turned his head and kissed her gently.



Keenan kept true to what he set out to do. They continued to have their lunches when at work, spent as much time as they could together—which wasn’t as much as he would’ve liked, though he understood that Rissa would always come first for Julianne—they visited various places, deepening their connection. Keenan leaned against the railing of the balcony, appreciating the view.

“What are you up to?” Julianne’s arms came around his waist from the back.

“Waiting for the sunrise.” He pulled her in front of him.

Hugging her from behind, Keenan kissed the top of her hair, then went back to watching the darkened sky. The balcony off her bedroom was one of his favourite places in her house. He tightened his hold—he couldn’t get enough of being with her. It had been three weeks since they’d become intimate, and each time was more intense than the last.

Julianne was understandably very cautious about having him sleep over with Rissa there. Sometimes, after they went out, she would come to his house and they would be together, just chilling out or having sex before he took her home in time to get Rissa. Times like this one, when they could spend the entire night together, he appreciated being able to wake up with her in his arms. He was trying to be patient with her, knowing she wanted to be sure of them before letting him and Rissa get to know each other. It wasn’t easy because he already knew he wanted her beyond just a simple relationship.

“Come on, breakfast is ready. I’ve set it up on the back porch. It’ll keep warm until after we watch the sunrise. We can watch from there.” She laced her hand with his.

Keenan let her lead him back into her bedroom, through the house to the back porch. Exiting the house, his breath caught, as it did every time he saw the oasis that was there. Kendall, Julianne’s sister and her business partner, was a landscaping genius. The flowers, trees and lighting made the area feel comfortable, elegant and homely, while the pond, surrounded by a variety of trees with benches next to it, made you want to relax beside the water.

July had just started, thus the pre-dawn morning wasn’t too humid. Keenan strolled to the table on the left side of the wraparound porch. Julianne had set the table with flowers in the centre. Their hot breakfast was under a dome to keep it warm, juice was in a pitcher and a pot of coffee and one of hot water sat to the side. He held out her chair, then took his seat next to her, putting his arms around her. Julianne leaned against his shoulder as they waited for the sun to rise.

Julianne had given him a driving tour around the entire property on which she and her siblings had homes. At each, he became more impressed by the talent of Reid, her brother, and Sampson, her cousin, who had designed and built each home—unique to whomever it belonged to. The houses did have some things in common, though—they all had wraparound porches, and a pond. Julianne had even shown Keenan some of the houses on the other Locke Estate's. They, too, were beautifully designed, all of the work put into them being kept in the family. She hadn’t taken him to see her parents’ or her aunts’ and uncles’ homes, but had mentioned there was a lake in the centre of their property that they all shared. And Sampson, years ago, before he and Reid had gone into business together, had redesigned their homes.

The more he learnt about the Locke family, the more impressed he was by them. It was just as Julianne said—they worked hard. He’d met quite a few of the Lockes, and they were friendly and down to earth.

But I still haven’t been introduced as the man in Julianne’s life.
Keenan rolled his shoulders. Julianne rubbed his chest softly. It was the one thing that was bugging him from the time they had started dating—Julianne had become more open, but when he met the people she worked with at Moments, her introduction on who he was had been hesitant. She had come around since then, yet he still felt there was a wall she was keeping up. Although he’d met some of her family at the weekly poker games, it was just as a friend of Harmon’s.

The sun rose, majestic with reds, oranges and yellows across the sky. Keenan held the woman in his arms, enjoying being with her in this moment.

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