If My Heart Could See You (31 page)

“That is for my wife,” Dristan bellowed righteously, and he began to nick away at Hugh, piece by piece, with a satisfied gleam in his eyes.

Amiria watched in satisfaction as blood began to pour from Hugh’s wounds whilst he attempted to inflict the same on his opponent. He missed his mark, time and time again. For all of his attempts, he was only awarded more slices to his own flesh. Panic reached his eyes along with his need to flee, even as he lost his footing and landed on the wet bloodied floor.

Dristan must have thought he was to surrender, for he turned his back on him and hurried to Amiria’s side. She was attempting to rise from the floor, although she still felt dizzy from the blow she received. Since the opportunity presented itself whilst Dristan was helping his wife, Hugh quickly leapt to his feet and ran towards the stairway leading up to the tunnel, apparently to flee Berwyck the same way he had entered, and with his head still firmly attached to his neck.

Amiria scanned the hall to notice her brother slipping out the keep’s door. She turned her attention to the man afore her and gazed into Dristan’s worried eyes. She leaned lovingly into the palm of his hand that he had placed upon her bruised check and gently kissed the inside of his wrist. His eyebrow rose in such an intimate gesture, and not caring who was witnessing his care of his wife, he leaned down and pressed his lips upon her own trembling ones. She tried to smile, but winced in pain from her attempt.

“Dristan!” someone yelled and with sword in hand he rapidly rose to see the last traces of Hugh’s booted feet whilst he hastily made the first bend of the stairwell. He made to follow but got no more than a few steps. A scream rent the air, followed by Hugh’s limp body rolling back down the way he had come. Dristan went to Hugh and turned the man over with his boot. Two dirks protruded from Hugh’s body, one of which he did not recognize and was neatly inserted up to the hilt in the man’s chest. The other he could not fail to notice. ’Twas a very familiar dagger protruding from Hugh’s stomach. Hugh opened his eyes, gasping for air, and grimaced.

“That stupid wench killed me along with that brat of a boy!” Hugh gurgled. Giving up his last breath, he saw no more.

All turned their attention to the turret and saw Sabina, who barely managed to carefully make her way down the stairs with her arm draped along Patrick’s young shoulders.

“Is he dead?” she whispered.

“Aye, I should think so, my lady,” Dristan declared approvingly.

Sabina nodded, giving her brother a comforting hug and what sounded like reassuring words for his help in ridding this world of that vermin. Two of Sabina’s ladies came out of hiding to assist her as they began the long winding climb back to her chamber. Amiria prayed her sister could rest in peace with no burdens troubling her mind.

Dristan rushed back to Amiria’s side and she welcomed the support to help her rise. He held her at arm’s length, ensuring her safety afore he crushed her in a fierce embrace. Her arms wrapped around him and she sensed a force beyond mere mortals right itself in the world surrounding them.

“You gave me such a fright,” he said in a husky whisper, and she shivered from his touch.

“Me? Surely you jest, my lord.”

“Do not ever do such a foolish act again, Amiria, or I shall lock you in our chamber and never let you out!”

She pulled away from him slightly and caressed his cheek. “And will you lock yourself in there with me, as well, my Lord Dristan?” she said suggestively, taking a step closer.

His chuckle rumbled in his chest. “You can count on it, my

“Then it may well be worth it,” Amiria laughed and grabbed her sword to see who else she might take on next. Her arm was gently taken once again and she looked up into her husband’s stormy grey eyes.

Dristan took her sword and put it in her scabbard slung low on her hips. “Such a saucy wife I have married!” he declared, with a warning in his eyes for her to desist. “Killian! Come see you to my lady that she takes her ease ’til I ensure the rest of the keep is once more secure.”

Amiria rolled her eyes, annoyed again she would be pushed aside in such a womanly nature. “Dristan, I−”

“Do not question me, Amiria, in this, I beseech you,” he said harshly, and she knew he saw the wounded look that fell upon her face. He took her chin and tipped it up to receive his kiss. Over and over, did he indulge in the tasting of her, ’til she felt her world spinning. With one more look at her, ’twas clear he would leave her as breathless as he himself was feeling. Reaching out, he lovingly caressed her hair and offered her a bit of praise. “You did well,
, but I would ask you give me no further cause this day to worry over you, at least just this once. Tomorrow, we can begin again with your training.”

Amiria smiled in delight, knowing he did not expect her to remain confined forever in the hall. “As you wish, Dristan.”

He looked at her suspiciously but saw no reason for further alarm. At his motion, Killian came and led her to the hearth to warm herself by its glowing fire. Satisfied she would stay put this time, Dristan took another look upon her afore he called to Riorden and several of his men to follow him as he left the keep to search out his garrison to secure his land once more.



Ian inspected the inner bailey with a practiced eye and thought,
Dristan will be pleased when he’s finished with his business inside the keep’s walls
. The portcullis was already being raised, admitting the remainder of the king’s army. Hugh’s men began to flee in every direction imaginable with the sole purpose of keeping one’s hide from being captured. All knew ’twould not be pleasant to answer to King Henry or, even worse, Dristan of Berwyck. Better to die in battle than swinging from a rope.

Through the chaos currently ringing out in the courtyard, a faint cry of alarm caught Ian’s attention, and he swiftly took note of the direction of the sound. He glimpsed hair the color of the sun as a young woman was unwillingly dragged into Kenna’s hut. Such an occurrence was out of place with those trying to flee with their lives. ’Twas obvious from the displeasure of the lass’s continued screams that aid was in order. Since he had been tasked to find Lynet, he knew from the color of the hair he briefly witnessed that the girl was deep in trouble. Ian quickened his stride, hoping perchance under all the shyness Lynet usually showed the world, there housed a bit of her rebellious sister’s qualities. ’Twould keep her safe ’til he reached her side.

Sword in hand, he neared the dwelling. Reaching for the door, Ian was startled to hear a loud bang followed by loud curses. Pushing open the door, he proudly gazed upon Lynet wielding a heavy skillet. From the look of things, she had defended herself by waylaying her assailant in the head. The man looked dazed, but still drew his sword forward with a look of disbelief showing on his face. To be knocked senseless by a mere slip of a girl could not be good for one’s ego.

The look Lynet cast Ian from across the room clearly showed she was never so happy to see anyone in her life. A silent understanding passed between them, and she wisely backed herself into a corner away from the two men who were about to come to blows. A draft of cold air raced across the room from the open door. It drew a horrified gasp from Lynet, causing Ian’s attention to return to her. Anger consumed him, seeing the remnants of her gown exposing her breast. The skillet slipped through her hands, rattling on the floor as she hastily gathered the torn fabric together. Ian’s temper rose as he leveled his eyes on the man who had taken such liberties with the lass.

“You were a fool to think you could touch someone as innocent as Lady Lynet and still live to tell the tale,” Ian swore, advancing on the angry man afore him.

“A few more minutes and she would have been mine,” Gilbert declared with a smirk of satisfaction.

Ian’s gaze ran over the man’s features and knew he had come across his afore. “You look familiar to me, or am I mistaken?” Ian queried. “I would at least like to know the name of the man whom I will aid in meeting his master in hell!”

“Aye, you know of me, not that it shall matter. I am Gilbert, cousin of Sir Hugh.”

“I am sure you will meet your cousin again for I doubt Lord Dristan will allow the man to see another sunrise.”

Gilbert spat in the dirt. “My cousin is a fool, and I more so that I followed his idiotic plans.”  He licked his lips whilst his gaze drifted up and down Lynet, who raised her head in defiance. She grabbed the skillet once more. “Mayhap ’twas worth it.”

“Go ahead and just you try coming near me again!” she cried out, shaking the pan towards him. “I’ll gladly give you another lump on the other side of your head so you have a matching pair!”

Ian chuckled. “It appears the lady is not interested.”

“Harrumph! I could have changed her mind.”

Ian’s brows drew together in a frown. “And now you dare insult her in my presence?” he growled and advanced, bringing his sword forward.”

Gilbert met Ian half way across the room, and their swords rang out in the air. “Better to die at a pretty girl’s feet than what the Devil’s Dragon would have in store for me!”

“So be it,” Ian shouted.

The two men, who were of the same size, danced around the furniture, each testing the other’s worth. But Ian had the advantage from having trained with Dristan. His claymore sang out with each stroke that he wielded. ’Twas clear Gilbert was nowhere near his match, nor his equal. From one look in his eyes, he knew it, as well!

Starting to tire, Gilbert was shocked when his sword went flying from his hand. He stumbled a bit and once he regained his footing, he reached inside his boot for a dagger. With a mighty yell, he charged at Ian and the two went flying through the wall with bits of wood splintering around them. Those in the courtyard began to cheer in Ian’s favor as ’twas evident Dristan once more held Berwyck as his own.

“Finish him,” Dristan called out, certain Ian would see the deed done.

A confident smile crossed Ian’s features. He put away his sword and took dagger in hand.

Lynet poked her head out of the new opening of the hut then ran to Dristan when he called to her. He protectively held her in his arms.

“Do not worry,
ma petite
sister,” Dristan said, loud enough for all to hear, giving the girl a slight hug. “Ian will avenge your honor.”

“Of course he will,” Lynet said in confidence.

Some held their breath as the two men circled one another ’til they came together with muscle and sinew bulging in an effort to survive. Ian managed to finally knock Gilbert from his feet and when he rose, anger blazed ferociously in his eyes. He swiped his knife at Ian; once, twice, thrice, and still Ian easily remained untouched, causing Gilbert to grow more reckless in his attempt to kill the man afore him.

Ian had had enough of Gilbert’s games and advanced on his adversary with a calculating gleam as he assessed the man for his many weaknesses. His dagger sliced through the air with precision and speed ’til the blade crossed against Gilbert’s throat. His eyes momentarily showed a look of surprise afore he fell to the ground dead.

Wiping his blade and returning it to his boot, Ian turned in the direction of the cheering crowd. He watched as Lynet disengaged herself from Dristan and ran to him. Flinging herself easily into his arms, he caught the girl and held her close.

“You came for me!” she said in a breathless whisper. “I knew you would.”

Ian cleared his throat, overcome with emotions, knowing Lynet was safe. “I will always be here for you when you have need of me,” Ian said carefully and placed a chaste kiss upon her forehead.

“Well done, Ian!” Riorden shouted. “May our Lord Dristan have peace upon his

A deafening cheer rose up from the villagers who had come to the castle for protection. They were joined with the garrison knights calling out good health to the lord and lady of Berwyck.

Ian felt Lynet’s arm go around his waist and gave in to seeing the adoration in her thankful eyes. He pulled her closer and saw a beautiful smile alight on her face, and he gladly returned it with one of his own. She deserved a moment of happiness. Not thinking of the consequences of his actions, Ian leaned down and tenderly touched his lips to hers.



There was a cause for celebration as Hugh’s men were led from the bailey by the king’s men. One knight among the many Dristan did not recognize caught his attention, and he bellowed out for the man to halt. He watched as the younger man took a deep breath afore raising his head. Their gazes met and Dristan strode forward to confront the man who was obviously Amiria’s twin brother.

“I feel we have met afore,” Dristan stated with a smirk upon his face. From the expression on Aiden’s visage, he apparently did not find anything amusing.

“I do not know what you are talking about, nor do I see a reason for your mirth.” Aiden’s teeth were clenched whilst his hand fingered the hilt of his sword.

’Twas so reminiscent of his own unconscious actions that Dristan’s laughter echoed in the air. He slapped the younger man on the back and, although the effort would have caused many a man to stumble from the force of it, Aiden held his stance, much to the pleasure of Dristan. He would look forward to training with his wife’s brother.

“Do not take such offense. There is much we must have speech about, but I must needs ensure that all is secure with the holding,” Dristan declared, watching Aiden’s gaze follow the king’s men as they left the baily.

“I would like to accompany them back to London to ensure none escape and make my plea afore King Henry.” It appeared he wanted to say more but clamped his mouth tightly shut.

Dristan observed the man and could understand Aiden’s resentment of finding his home occupied by an enemy. “Your sister and siblings will wish to see you afore you go,” he stated, attempting to reason with the man.

Aiden only shrugged, “I have been gone for several months. A few more will make no difference ’til I return.”

“As you will, then.”

Aiden turned to leave but halted his stride to level his gaze upon Dristan over his shoulder. “Take care of my family or you will answer to me!”

“They are now my family, as well, Aiden. You have my word I shall keep them safe.”

Aiden nodded his head and took off in the direction of the barbican gate. Looking around the baily, Dristan realized that Berwyck and all its inhabitants were once more under his protection.

Dristan motioned for his knights and those closest to the castle’s family to return inside the keep, knowing the garrison would take charge of returning his domain back to order. He smiled knowing who awaited him inside, and without further haste, he quickly took the stairs two at a time to return to her side. He looked forward to their reunion for he had a cheeky wife to tame, if only a little. He gave a shout of laughter. Mayhap, if he thought long and hard about it, ’twas, in truth, the Devil’s Dragon who had at last been tamed!

Hushed tones filled the lord and lady’s bedchamber as their shadows were cast upon the walls. They knelt side by side with their two heads touched one to the other. Amiria’s hand grazed over Dristan’s naked shoulders marveling at the strength she felt beneath her fingertips. She could perform this simple loving act a hundred times more and still she would never tire of touching his wondrous body.

She raised her head, reached for a cloth and dipped it again in the warm water. Dabbing at one of his wounds, she set the cloth aside and smoothed some ointment over the cut. ’Twas not deep, but still gave her cause for concern. She would spend the morrow in the chapel thanking God above that Dristan had returned to her for the most part unharmed. From this point forward, whenever he was to travel, she would spend time on her knees and pray to St. Christopher to always keep him safe.

“Do they hurt much?” she questioned softly with another gentle caress. She marveled at the feel of his warm skin upon her hands.

“Nay, my love. Do not fret so. I barely notice anything but your tantalizing touch,” Dristan replied, leaning over and nuzzling her neck. He began to nibble his way upwards ’til his mouth touched hers and a contented sigh escaped her.

His words finally registered in Amiria’s mind and she sat back on her heels to stare into his eyes. “What did you call me?”

Dristan gave her a lopsided and devilish grin. He then had the nerve to begin laughing from what she assumed was her own look of amazement him from his words. He caressed her hair afore leaning in for another stolen kiss. “I called you my love,” he said in her ear with a seductive promise.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and played with the silkiness of his hair. “You love me?” she asked hesitantly.

“Was there any doubt, my sweet wife?” he asked with a look of teasing. He put his hand over his heart, as if wounded. “I thought my love making would tell you ’twas so, but mayhap I must show you again.”

He lifted her up in his arms carrying her to their bed as she squealed in delight. His gaze roamed over her body once he laid her down upon the coverlet, and she attempted not to blush in embarrassment. Coming to lie next to her, he rested upon his elbow watching her most intently, and Amiria’s heart fluttered in her chest in excitement. Taking a lock of her hair, he twirled the tresses between his fingers. It seemingly came to life at his touch and curled around his fingers as if claiming him for its own.

“What is it,
ma cherie
?” he asked, when she only continued to gaze upon him with a strange smile.

Amiria took her hand, placing it around his neck and brought him closer. “I love you too, Dristan,” she said shyly. “If this is but a dream, I pray I never awake.”

“Ah, my dearest Amiria . . . if we are slumbering, than glad I am we have found each other not only as we sleep but in our waking hours, as well.”

They smiled at one another and shared another kiss. Their breaths became as one just as surely as their souls would be bound together throughout all time. Amiria thought on her words to him some time ago, and her eyes twinkled with joy with thoughts of their life together in the years to come.

“And will you love me for as long as your heart may see me, husband?” she inquired hopefully.

Dristan took her chin and tipped her head up slightly and nodded. “Not only will I love you for all our years together, my love, but I shall do so for all of eternity,” he honestly declared.

Satisfied at his declaration, she smiled again. “Then love me now, my dragon,” she breathed breathlessly. “I so adore it when you make me burn.”

“As my lady commands,” he said and lowered his head to seal their fate. He showered her with his love far into the early morning hours ’til they both at last were sated and met their slumber.

She never doubted he loved her ever again.

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