If You Dare - A BDSM Billionaire Erotic Romance Novel (6 page)


Dawson pinched at her nipples through
her bra, making them hard and push against the lace in an eager
attempt to get more attention. His mouth took the place of one of
his hands and he suckled at her greedily while his other hand
followed the contour of her hips and then reached for the heat
between her legs.


Instinctively, Zoe’s hands went to his
head, but Dawson had anticipated her and his hands came up to
capture her wrists, putting them behind her back and securing them
both in one of his large palms.


“Did you learn nothing the last time
you were here, Zoe? Did I or did I not tell you that you were to do
nothing unless I specifically instructed you to?” His mouth
returned to her breast and his teeth bit down on her aching nipple
making her gasp at the pleasurable pain he inflicted.


“I’m sorry.” Zoe’s voice was husky and
breathless. “I thought that was just for then. I didn’t know it
would apply now.” Although in retrospect she should have


As she finished apologizing, Dawson
abruptly stood up and released her, leaving her swaying on unsteady
legs as she felt a sense of immediate loss. She didn’t say another
word as she watched him move across to his desk and quickly and
efficiently clear everything off the top of it. In no time at all
he was back in front of her, taking her hand and leading her to his


Turning her around, Dawson’s arms went
around her body and undid the clasp of her bra, letting it fall to
the floor without a second thought. Zoe held his gaze as his
fingers slid beneath the waistband of her panties and he pushed
them down over her hips, letting them slide unaided down the length
of her legs to pool at her ankles.


For the first time, Zoe was completely
naked in front of him, but rather than feel shy or self-conscious
she felt a sense of exhilaration and excitement. She watched as he
took a half step backwards so that he could look her up and down
with an appreciative glint in his eyes, and she raised her chin a


“Perfect.” He let out the
single word almost as though he was talking to himself, but Zoe
felt a flush of pleasure run through her.
You’re more than a kinky freak; you’re a bloody kinky
nymphomaniac freak.
She pushed the voice
aside and made a mental note to just replay the words over and
examine them later on when she was alone.


“Get on your back on the desk, Zoe.”
There was no ‘please’, but Zoe wouldn’t have expected one anyway.
She knew that she was here to do what he told her to do and not
what he asked her, and she was strangely okay with that. She felt
safety self-conscious as she climbed up onto the leather bound desk
but she pushed her nerves to one side and turned over so that she
was lying on her back with her feet dangling over the


Dawson walked to the foot of the desk
to where her feet were, and then he used his hands to part her
legs, stepping between them with his hands on her hips. Zoe watched
through hooded eyes as he looked up and down her naked, trembling
body, and she had to physically stop herself from writhing on top
of the desk. If she felt like this now, what was she going to feel
like once he’d finished with her, she wondered. It was almost as
though the slightest touch from him was going to bring her to
orgasm, and she was literally craving him almost like a drug addict
craving their next fix.


Placing his fingertips on her
collarbone, Dawson trailed it down her body, tracing the curves and
contours as though memorizing them for future reference. His hand
reached her breast again and Zoe’s back arched up off the desk in
an effort to increase the contact. But Dawson had other ideas and
she watched with a frown as he moved away and walked to a closet on
the wall at the side of his office.


When he opened the door, she saw that
it was where he kept his spare office clothes; a selection of
suits, shirts and ties were all neatly hanging in order of color,
and she absentmindedly wished that her closet at home was as
organized. She watched with curiosity as he grabbed a handful of
ties before closing the closet door and walking back towards the
desk. Was he going to blindfold her again?


She didn’t have to wait long to find
out that he was indeed going to use a tie to cover her eyes, and as
he knotted the article behind her head, she felt her pussy contract
with lustful anticipation as to what might come next. She heard him
step around the desk and then felt his hand on her wrist, pulling
her arm out to her side as he tied, what she rightly assumed, was
another tie around it. A minute later she gave a tentative tug and
realized that he must have secured the other end of it to the leg
of the desk.


Her other wrist was quickly secured in
the same way before she felt Dawson move to the other end of the
desk and take hold of her ankle, securing first one and then the
other in the same fashion. Zoe was now completely immobile and at
his mercy, but just like last time, she wasn’t afraid in the
slightest. She heard Dawson move away and then there was the
obvious rustle of his clothing been removed and she excitedly
wondered if this time he would actually fuck her. She didn’t know
when she had changed into such a wanton little slut, but there was
nothing she could do about it now.


“Did you enjoy what I did to you the
last time, Zoe?” Dawson asked the question with a curious tone to
his voice, and Zoe nodded in answer. “Remember what I said before
please, Zoe. I need to hear your answer so you have to speak and
not just nod.”


“Yes, I did.” Her voice was small with
embarrassment to admit it to him, but she instinctively knew that
honesty was the only thing he would accept from her.


“You found the pain pleasurable, did
you not?” He wasn’t really asking a question. It was more a
statement of fact.


“Yes, I did.” Zoe knew that she was
blushing because she could feel the heat burning her face. He was
already humiliating her and he hadn’t even done anything yet, she


“I’m going to try something new on you
today, Zoe. It’s going to hurt more than what I did last time, but
I think you’re going to find it even more pleasurable.” She heard
him take a few steps away but he quickly returned. “The cleaning
crew should have all left by now, so please feel free to make as
much noise as you want or need to.” He gave a slight chuckle. “In
fact, I want you to make some noise. Hearing you moan in pleasure
or pain turns me on.” The thought of Dawson being aroused was more
than enough to turn Zoe on too, but she wasn’t about to let that
little nugget out of the bag.


He paused slightly and Zoe could sense
that he was thinking about something. “We do need to have a safe
word in place though, just in case you reach your limits. If you
use the safe word I promise you that I will stop whatever I’m doing
immediately, but you need to understand that I will not accept you
using the word unless you feel that you absolutely have to. Does
that make sense?”


Zoe hesitated while she thought over
what he had said. She’d heard of safe words being used before but
she had never been in a situation where she had needed one herself.
In light of what he had done to her last time though, it seemed
like a good idea. “What will the safe word be?” she


“It will be bananas. Unless
of course you’re into food play and you happen to use bananas
during sex?” She was amazed at the fact that he seemed perfectly
serious when he asked her the question. Then she remembered exactly
where she was and thought about the fact that she was stark naked,
tied to her ex boss’s desk with a blindfold on, so she really
shouldn’t have been surprised at his question, should


“No I’m not. I mean, no I don’t.” She
made sure to keep her voice neutral and to keep the indignation out
of her tone, and then realized that she might need to clarify her
last sentence. “I mean that I’m not into food play and I don’t use
bananas.” It sounded ludicrous even to her ears, but to Dawson it
seems to be a perfectly normal thing to say.


“Well, we might need to explore that
at a later date, but for now our safe word is bananas.” Zoe nodded
in agreement with him as though it was the most normal thing in the
world. She was just about to say something when she felt the
unmistakable feeling of something hot hitting her skin just above
her belly button.


“Ouch! What was…?” Her voice trailed
off as she realized that it wasn’t her place to ask questions and
she really didn’t want to be punished any more than she had to


“Good girl. I think you’re finally
starting to understand what I expect from you.” There was another
burning sensation on her rib cage just below her left breast and
she hissed in a breath and braced herself. She had no idea what he
was doing to her, but she knew that whatever it was it would not
cause her any physical harm or leave any scars, and that knowledge
helped her relax a little as she breathed through the next few
splashes of heat.


If Zoe could have seen Dawson she
would have known that he was watching her face intently, making
sure that she really was okay in between tilting the candle and
letting the molten wax hit her skin in a different place each time.
She would have also seen that he was sporting a raging hard on that
he stroked with his free hand after every droplet of wax hit


He moved the candle down a few inches
so that it was closer to her body and tilted it again, this time
letting the wax hit her directly on top of her right nipple. Zoe’s
back arched up off the desk as a loud groan escaped her. “Oh God!”
Her other nipple received the same treatment and she moaned again.
“Fucking hell!” Zoe hissed the words out between her clenched


“Do you need to use the safe word?”
She had completely forgotten all about that already, but the fact
that Dawson prompted her to remember it made her relax into the
pain as the feeling of complete safety washed over her


She shook her head quickly. “No.” The
single word gave her a feeling of power which in turn amazed her,
because wasn’t Dawson the one with all the power here?


“Good girl.” His praise made her feel
incredibly proud, which was another surprise to her. Why would she
feel pride at having pleased him? Or maybe she was feeling pride
because she hadn’t disappointed him. She really wasn’t sure of
anything anymore.


Dawson changed direction again and
once more Zoe felt him move to the end of the desk that her feet
were draped over. She gasped in a breath when she felt his fingers
touch her on her pubic mound, and for a brief second she was
relieved that she had made sure she was cleanly shaven before
coming out tonight. In the next second she forgot to think about
anything as she felt his fingers slide between her lips and rub
over her aching clit, bringing it to life in an instant.


“Does that feel good?” His voice was
deep and raspy, and Zoe knew that he was as turned on as she was
right now.


“Very.” There would be no point in
lying to him because her body would give her away in a


“It looks good too.” He stopped
talking and Zoe felt him hold her lips apart with what she presumed
were his fingers and thumb. Was he looking at how swollen her clit
was? No, he wasn’t. He was opening her up wide enough to drop some
hot candle wax directly onto it, as she found out just a split
second later.


“Oh my God! Bananas! Bananas!” She
screamed the word at him, for the first time feeling enough pain to
make her want it to stop, regardless if it disappointed him or not.
Her clit felt like it was on fire and she could feel tears
threatening to fall.


Thankfully Dawson stopped as he’d
promised he would, and there was no more wax dropped onto her
screaming clit. “That was a little too much, huh?” His words were
accompanied by his fingers gently rubbing over the pained area;
soothing and removing the now dried wax from her clit. “Maybe it
wouldn’t have been so bad if you could have seen what I was about
to do.” His voice was thoughtful, almost as if he were talking to
himself. “Or that could have actually made it worse because you
would have been tensing against it as soon as you saw where the
candle was aimed at.” He was pensive as he carried on rubbing her
nether regions; removing every bit of wax and making her moan for a
reason other than pain.


Dawson looked at Zoe’s face as she
moaned again; her breathing coming faster every time he rolled his
finger over her sensitized clit. “Do you need to come, little


“Yes! Please!” Zoe remembered to
answer, but even she knew that it sounded more like begging than
asking for release, and she really couldn’t care less.


Dawson laughed at her discomfort.
“Sorry, little slut, but I’m not ready to let you orgasm just yet.”
Zoe moaned again; this time in frustration, and her body writhed as
much as it could within the confines of her restraints on top of
the desk as he went back to rubbing her clit in slow, deliberate
circles. With another chuckle, he inserted a finger into her
sopping wet opening and Zoe felt a burning begin deep inside her
stomach as her climax crept even closer. As he brushed against her
G-spot, she held her breath and her legs started to shake. She
didn’t know how much more of this she could take.

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