If You Dare - A BDSM Billionaire Erotic Romance Novel (7 page)


“Please, Dawson!” Zoe could hear the
desperation in her voice, but she couldn’t hide it. She needed to
come before she went insane.


“Are you begging me, Zoe?” He flicked
at her most tender of spots again, and her head thrashed from side
to side. No way was she going to admit to him how desperate she
was, even though he already knew.


He laughed again and took his fingers
away from her, much to Zoe’s dismay. “I think you need a little
something extra.” Zoe blinked as Dawson removed the tie from her
eyes; and then they went wide when she saw that he was naked from
the waist down and that he was sporting an impressive erection. It
was the first time she had actually seen his cock, and she wanted
to feel it inside her so bad that she ached to be able to reach out
her hand and take hold of it.


Dawson had seen the yearning look on
her face and the laughter died on his lips. “Is this what you
want?” He had said the same thing to her when she’d been here with
him last week; but he had still had his clothes on then. He wrapped
a meaty fist around his girth and stroked up and down while Zoe
watched him intently. A small bead of pre-cum appeared at his head
and she licked her lips, almost imagining how good he would taste
if she ever got the chance to suck him.


“You’ll get your chance, slut. Just
not yet.” Dawson moved to the top of the desk and held his cock in
front of Zoe’s face; just inches away from her mouth, and her head
came up off the desk as she strained to reach him. Dawson leaned
forwards the couple of inches he needed and then rubbed his
gleaming cock over her lips, wetting them with his juices while he
continued to stroke himself. Her tongue came out to lick at him and
he let out a shaky breath as he pulled away from her and she bit
back the moan of protest that threatened to escape her.


He walked halfway down the length of
the desk and carried on stroking himself with one hand and with the
other he went back to rubbing at her clit. Zoe ached to touch him,
but even though he had removed her blindfold, he showed no
inclination to remove her wrist restraints. She thought that he was
going to make himself come, but once again he proved her wrong by
releasing himself and reaching for something out of the desk


Her eyes opened wide once again when
she saw that he was holding a thick rubber band, and it didn’t take
a rocket scientist to figure out what he was going to do with it.
“Remember the safe word, Zoe,” was all he said, as he stretched the
band with the index fingers of both hands and aimed it at her


“No!” Her protest left her lips at the
exact same time that he released one end of the band, letting it
connect with her burgeoning nipple with a sharp sting. “Fuck!
Dawson, no!”


“That’s not really what you mean, is
it?” He did it again; this time to her other nipple and Zoe groaned
as it connected. Both of her nipples were on fire, but he did it
again a second time, making her wince in pain even while her clit
pulsated with a pleasurable response. Dawson stopped at flicking
her with the rubber band twice, and Zoe breathed a sigh of relief
when his lips closed around her tender nipples, lathing the sting
out of each one in turn with his tongue.


As he suckled, his hand went back to
teasing her clit whilst he plunged a finger deep inside her, once
more rubbing over her G-spot with a precision that literally took
her breath away. The heat that had been building slowly inside her
threated to burst into a full-blooded fire and Zoe found herself
writhing in pleasurable anticipation as her climax drew closer with
every thrust of his finger.


She desperately wanted to feel his
cock inside her and at this point Zoe wasn’t beyond begging for it.
“Fuck me. Please, Dawson, I need to feel you inside me.


“Little sub sluts like you don’t get
to decide when men like me should or should not fuck them.” His
voice had an edge to it that Zoe hadn’t heard before and it made
her shiver in response. His words had also made her realize
something else that she naïvely hadn’t realized up until this
point; he was obviously a dominant, and by the way she reacted to
him, she was a submissive.


Her newfound knowledge should have
scared her, or at the very least unnerved her, but rather than feel
afraid, confused or nervous, she embraced the realization. A lot of
things about herself finally made sense, and Zoe felt an
overwhelming feeling of excited acceptance. Had she always been a
submissive, she wondered, or was it a recent thing? She stored the
thought in her mind for examination at a later time.


“God, Dawson!” She moaned his name as
the finger inside her stoked the answering flame within her even
higher, and at the sound he rammed another finger inside up to his
knuckle. Zoe’s body bucked and writhed on top of the desk as her
orgasm crashed over her like waves on a shore. Her toes curled and
she tried in vain to clamp her legs together, but the tethers on
her ankles wouldn’t allow it. Her whole body felt alive in a way
that she had only ever experienced one other time; and that was
right here in this room with the man who was still pounding away at
her pussy with his fingers, making her come in torrents as she
soaked his hand and the desk beneath her.


Zoe didn’t know how long her climax
lasted. All she did know was that eventually he slowed the
movements of his hand and she stopped thrashing as her breathing
slowed down to a more normal pace. She shivered against the cold
that the drying sweat on her body had caused her to feel and gulped
in a heaving breath as she finally floated back down to


Zoe realized that Dawson was no longer
touching her and her eyes sought him out, watching with an
exhausted interest as he retrieved another item from the closet. He
came back to the desk and bent down to undo the knots at her wrists
and ankles, rubbing her skin gently to help bring life back to her
joints. Zoe could have quite happily curled up in a fetal position
right there on top of the desk and drifted off into an exhausted
sleep. Almost as though he could sense this, Dawson lifted her up
into his arms and carried her across to the oversized chair in the
corner of the room, sitting down with her on his lap and draping
the blanket he’d fetched from the closet over her naked shivering


“You do know that you were born for
this, don’t you?” Dawson had been stroking her hair back from her
face and Zoe had felt so soothed that she had been on the brink of
falling asleep until he spoke. “Why did you leave the company, Zoe?
Did you never stop to think that maybe this is where you need it to
be? This is where you belong?” Dawson asked the questions in a
quiet voice, almost as though he was talking to himself.


“The only thing I ever thought while I
worked here was how little appreciation I was shown for everything
I did. Why would I think I belonged in a place that showed me so
little and expected so much?” Zoe’s voice was thick with exhaustion
and he had to strain to hear her.


Dawson looked down at her while she
spoke, a frown marring his handsome brow. “What do you mean
‘expected so much’? I thought your complaint was that we didn’t
expect enough from you, not the other way around.” He sounded
confused, and if Zoe had been more awake she would have understood


Zoe shook her head tiredly. “What I
mean is that you expected me to be a perfect little secretary, but
you weren’t prepared to let me take on more responsibility. You
were quite happy for me to answer the phones, take messages and
make appointments, but not once did you let me tag along to those
appointments or liaise with anyone who held a higher position than
I did.” Her expression turned sad as she tried to explain it to
him. “I wanted to be more than a glorified coffee maker, Dawson,
but that was all you wanted. And I can do so much more than that if
you’d only given me a chance.”


It was Dawson’s turn to shake his
head. “You’re wrong Zoe. I wanted a lot more than that, but you
weren’t ready.” He smiled down at her enigmatically. “I think you
might be now though.”


Zoe was confused at his cryptic
comment. Did he mean that he wanted her to come back to the company
and work for him, or was he on about something else entirely? She
was about to ask when he lifted her up in his arms again and stood
up, putting her back on her feet and keeping his hands on her
shoulders until he was sure that she was steady enough to hold her
own weight.


“Put your clothes back on Zoe.” Dawson
left her standing there still confused and walked to his desk,
sitting down in his chair and ignoring her while she did as he’d
told her and got redressed. Zoe really didn’t know what she was
supposed to say to him. Should she ask him whether he was going to
let her have her severance package, or had he meant it when he’d
said that she’d broken their agreement? She felt more
self-conscious now than she did when she was naked on his desk with
his fingers buried inside her and hurried to get dressed as quickly
as possible.


Zoe slipped her shoes back on and
straightened her skirt before walking to his desk to retrieve her
purse that had been left on the chair opposite his. As she
approached, Dawson finally looked at her, but Zoe couldn’t gauge
his expression to figure out what sort of mood he was in. In light
of what had happened between them, and the self-realization that
she may very well be a submissive, she felt herself blush under his
gaze. Zoe thought she saw him give a small nod almost as though he
was making his mind up about something only he knew


Dawson slid something across the desk
towards her, and Zoe raised her eyebrows in question when she saw
the corporate credit card. “What’s this? I’m not a whore, Dawson.
You don’t have to pay me for my services.” Just the thought made
her angry.


“Trust me, little slut, if I wanted to
use you for my own personal pleasure, money would be the last thing
you would get from me in exchange.” Zoe blushed at his words;
unsure if she was flustered because of what he’d called her or
because of what he’d implied with his words. Either way, she
couldn’t help the small thrill that ran through her veins as her
anger quickly receded. “I would like you to accompany me to a
function tomorrow evening. The credit card is for you to buy a
suitable dress for the occasion. Make sure it’s a high quality one,
please. I want you to purchase the dress that looks as beautiful as
it’s going to make you feel.”


“Am I allowed to ask what the function
is?” Zoe picked up the card from the desk, sliding it into her
purse as she spoke, unaware that she had agreed to what he’d asked
without batting an eyelash.


Dawson shook his head. “No, you may
not. Just do as I ask and meet me back here tomorrow evening at
seven o’clock.” He reached for his phone and spun his chair around
so that his back was to her and Zoe, feeling suitably dismissed,
turned and walked out of the office with her mind spinning and her
body still coming down to earth from what he had done to


Chapter Four





As she collapsed into bed that night,
the last thought on Zoe’s mind was where she should shop the next
day. She wanted to make sure that she didn’t let Dawson down, and
even though he’d refused to tell her where they were going, she had
a feeling that it was somewhere classy and luxurious, so she didn’t
want to let herself down either.


She fell asleep quickly, and dreamt of
being tied down and mercilessly fucked by an enigmatic mystery man
who wore nothing but a mask and had the unmistakable smell of
Dawson’s cologne. She woke up the following morning with a feeling
of excited anticipation in the pit of her stomach and Zoe bounded
out of bed eager to start the day. As she showered and dressed for
the day of shopping she was facing, she couldn’t help but reflect
on how Dawson had made her feel last night, and how much she was
anticipating the night ahead.


After an exhausting day of traipsing
around all the high-end boutiques and exclusive clothing stores,
Zoe took her time getting ready and arrived at the office with just
ten minutes to spare. As she walked the short distance towards
Dawson’s office, Zoe was filled with confidence about how she
looked while at the same time feeling nervous, just in case she
wasn’t up to his standards. His door was open and Zoe gave a brief
knock on the doorframe to herald her arrival and then stood waiting
for Dawson to look up from his desk.


Zoe couldn’t quite decipher the
expression that flitted across his face as he saw her for the first
time. His eyes seemed to go an even darker shade of brown and
almost appeared to be black; there was a definite heat in them. She
was sure that his color also deepened a notch, but as usual,
candles flickered around the room so it could have just been either
an optical illusion or her imagination.


Neither of them spoke for what felt
like an age and Zoe stood there nervously on shaking legs,
wondering what was going through his mind. It was probably a good
thing that she didn’t know what he was thinking about, otherwise
she would have known that all he could think about was ripping the
dress from her body and having his way with her right there and

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