I'll Be Seeing You (16 page)

Read I'll Be Seeing You Online

Authors: A.P. Hallmark

"Conrad!" she gasps, suddenly remembering that he’s still outside.

"Oh, shit, hold on.”

I run through the foyer to the front yard calling for Conrad, but he doesn't come. As soon as I whistle though, he comes barreling around from the back of the house, through the doorway. After sliding across the tile, he struggles to get his footing looking like a newborn foal on a frozen pond.

"Okay, let me show you the rest of the house," I say, taking her arm again.

After the tour, we sit on the couch for a while, sharing a bottle of wine and discuss Thanksgiving, Laura and Jessie, and the people coming from New York. Watching her stifle several yawns, I suggest bedtime and get up to turn out all the lights. Scooping her into my arms, I carry her upstairs to my room.

"Matthew, are you going to carry me every time we go to bed?"

"Absolutely," I answer, kissing her cheek.

Entering my bedroom, I use my elbow to flip on the switch just inside the door then set her down near the edge of the bed.

"Do you want your bag so you can change into your pajamas?" I ask, watching as she shows no inhibitions by lifting her sweater over her head. Suppressing the gulp that tries to escape me, my eyes widen seeing her stand before me in a mocha colored bra with black lace overlay. My mouth waters when she slides her jeans over her narrow hips exposing its matching thong. It’s my undoing when she removes her bra, holding it out to the side by a dainty strap, and letting it fall to the ground.

"Damn,” I mutter.

Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I take her by her hips and draw her to me, placing her comfortably between my thighs. Then lifting my mouth to her, I suckle her breasts, teasing the pink rosebuds with my tongue.

"Mm, you taste so good, baby."

Standing there with her hands resting on my shoulders in nothing but a barely-there thong, I turn her around, admiring her perfect bottom. Slowly, I remove the strap of material from her hips and watch the thing strip of material appear from between the fleshy orbs.

Laying her down upon the bed, I reluctantly pull away from her, but am satisfied when I take in every inch of her beauty. I’m powerless to resist the feel of her porcelain skin and my fingertips glide down the length of her body. Starting at her shoulder, my fingertips skim over her breast, stopping long enough to teasingly pinch her hardened nipple, ending at her feminine wetness between her legs. Not able to wait a moment longer, I swiftly remove my own clothes to join her, feeling every soft curve of her body against mine.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" I ask, looking into her sightless eyes.

"No, but I know how beautiful you make me feel. I feel it in your touch … the way you caress me. I feel cherished when you touch me like this."

I could not have said it any better than that, and when she runs her small, delicate hands through my hair to pull me down to kiss her, my body hardens even more for her.


"Hmm," I answer, nibbling the soft and sensitive skin behind her ear.

"I want to try something." My mouth ceases its movement.

“Yeah?” I reply, interested.

Sitting up, she rolls me onto my back, her hands gently moving across my chest. Teasing my nipples like I do hers, she bends down, kissing and toying with them. Seeing her mouth on me like that is very sensual. 

Straddling my thighs, she skims her hands up and down my stomach and chest. When she finds the thin line of fleece on my lower stomach, she lowers her head and runs her tongue up and down the sensitive skin. Sitting up again, seemingly to stretch, forcing her breast outward, I reach to cup them in the palms my hands, running the pads of my thumbs over the puckered tips. Shaking her head at me, she places my hands on her thighs, patting them, indicating she wants me to leave them there.

Continuing her seduction, she pulls her hair off one shoulder, transferring it to the other, exposing her neck to me.

Then, lying her body down over mine, her breasts gently touch my chest while her mouth seeks mine, kissing me deep with need. Wrapping my arms around her, I hold her close, and that’s when she grinds herself onto my cock, making me shudder at how close it is to paradise.

When she reluctantly ends the kiss, she reaches between our bodies, taking hold of my cock, stroking it with feather-light touches. I shudder when she holds me steady in one hand and literally pets it with the other. It’s when her soft touch reaches the sensitive rim that I want more … need more. When the warmth of her hands disappears, I open my closed eyes and inhale as she spreads my legs, kneeling on her knees between them.

Oh. Fuck.

All that I can hear in this quiet room is my heavy, raspy breathing. I feel her warm breath on me and I nearly come anticipating the moment she takes me into her warm mouth.

"Baby," I whisper, grabbing the sheets in my fists.

Wrapping her hands firmly around me, she licks me from the base to the tip, and my eyes widen. Her sweet tongue swirls around the tip, and then I feel the hot wet warmth of her mouth. Suddenly I feel cold air. Her sexy mouth is gone.

"Please, Joy," I whisper in desperate need for more.

"Please what, baby?"

Oh, you little tease.

"Joy, if you don't finish what you started …" I say, throwing my head back, groaning.

With that, she lowers her mouth on me again, taking me down as far as she possibly can, her tongue tasting me.

"Mm," she moans.

Then the experimenting begins, starting with her testing how much she can take into her mouth. She allows the tip to rest at the back of her throat and after several attempts, I feel her relax. I'll be fucking damned if her throat doesn’t open up and she takes most of me. She gags at first, but after she tries it a few more times, she’s able to open her throat and take it all.

"Oh, Joy, baby, that feels so good," I say in a near whimper. I love touching her face along her jaw, feeling her mouth work over me. "I'm close, baby. If you don't want me to come …"

She doesn't stop. She engulfs me with even more enthusiasm, and as she does, her hands lower, gently cupping and tugging on my sac, and I'm wondering where in the hell she's learned all of this. I quit trying to guess as my body readies itself.

"Oh, Jesus, Joy … baby, I'm coming … ah fuck!"

My body turns rigid as I release into her mouth, shooting down her virgin throat.

Propping myself up on my elbows, I watch as my girl takes all of it. It is a true sight to behold. After she releases me, I reach down and pull her up to me, and she tucks her arms around my neck, holding me tight.

“Oh, baby, that was … that was … so good,” I say breathlessly.

"Did I do it right, Matthew?"

“Oh, baby that was … that was … perfect," I whisper, still unable to speak. I wrap my arms and legs around her even tighter, feeling my love for her course through me.

"I'm glad, because I have no idea what I’m doing," she giggles.

"You do everything right, baby. You do what you feel is in your heart. You are beautiful and pure," I say, rolling her onto her back, running my hand down across her breasts, past her stomach. "I love you, Joy," I say, slipping my hand between her thighs, feeling how exceptionally wet she is.

"Did my girl enjoy herself?" I ask as I position myself between her thighs, licking my lips longing to taste her.

"Now, my sweet, it's your turn." 



There is no better way to wake up than having your girl tucked tight up against you. 

Wide awake now, and snuggling close to her, I recall the first day I saw her sitting at the window, absorbing the sun. I can't believe it took me three months to approach her, and now, here she is, lying in my bed.

How do I convince her that I believe my procedure can cure her blindness? She’d gotten angry when I asked to see her medical records, so I can see her flipping out when I suggest my surgery. Who would blame her for not wanting another examination, though? It's a long, difficult process to endure and by the size of her medical files, she's been through a lot. With that in mind, and after giving it lengthy thought, I’ve decided to wait until after the holidays to approach her about it.

"Are you awake, baby?" she asks in a sweet voice.

"Yes," I whisper, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mm …" she purrs as she rolls onto her back, stretching like a feline, granting me a full view of her beautiful body. "I did. I didn't know how wonderful it was to sleep next to someone," she says, turning her face into my chest.

"Someone?" I ask, nuzzling her neck.

Rolling onto her side, she faces me, rubbing herself against my needy cock. She shows it no mercy.

"Um, Matthew?" she giggles as we grind our hips against each other.

"Yes, Joy?" I answer, burying my face in her hair, which is a mad, beautiful mess on my pillow.

"Are you going to … do you plan on … you know?"

I chuckle at her attempt to ask me if I plan to make love to her.

"I mean, I think we should wait until tonight at least, if that's okay. She's still a little sore, especially after you spent so much time down there last night."

"I know. I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone for a few days. I shouldn't have done that last night. I just can't resist you when you’re laying here, looking so beautiful and inviting. What you did for me last night was unbelievable, baby. That was truly amazing. You are amazing.” Pulling her on top of me, I hold her hard against me, wishing like hell, I could have her again.

"We need to hurry if we want to catch the ferry,” I say, smacking her pert little ass. "I’ll let Conrad out."

"Do we have time for some coffee?” she asks, throwing her arms and legs around me.

Not wanting to do to her what my body is craving, I push away from her and jump out of bed.

"You stop that, you little brat. You are pure evil. You, my love, are an evil-doer," I shout from the bathroom. After a quick shower, I come out and find her sitting cross-legged, patiently waiting her turn.

"Let me help you, baby," I say, guiding her into the bathroom. First, I face her toward the sinks. "This vanity has two sinks. You can use the one on the left when you are here." Watching her feel the countertop in search of her sink, I take her shoulders and turn her around. "Over here is another door where you will find the toilet and immediately to the left of that is the shower. It has seven shower heads, use all of them; I do." Taking her by her shoulders again, I guide her to the right of the shower.

"And over here is the spa tub. You can use it anytime you want, except for this morning. We need to hurry a bit, all right?" She nods her head in understanding. "Are you okay? Do you need help with anything?"

"No, I'm fine."

"You take a quick shower while I make the coffee and take care of Conrad. When I’m done, I'll help you down the stairs.

"Okay. I’ll be ready in fifteen minutes," she affirms.

"All right, I'll see you in a few." I sneak another peek at her perfection once more before turning to leave.

After I hurriedly step into a pair of worn, comfortable jeans and a pullover sweater, I run downstairs to make coffee and let Conrad out for a much-needed break. He has a blast, chasing a small rabbit around the yard. I can’t help but laugh when he nearly ploughs head first into a tree in the process of losing it in the low bushes.

After he does his business, I call for him to come back inside and hurry to get a cup of coffee for Joy. Just as I enter the kitchen, I’m stunned to see her at the counter pouring coffee into two large mugs.

"J … Joy?" I stutter. "How … when …?"

"Matthew, just because I'm blind doesn't mean I can't see my way around. It just takes me a little bit to get acclimated plus, I have my laser cane right here.

I’m familiar with the new prototype, having purchased two for my clinic. The patient uses the cane similar to the one already in existence, only the laser cane sends a warning signal that an object is in the path, allowing you to move around it. I’m hopeful the cane gains approval because it’s already useful for my patients, and for Joy as well apparently.

"See, you turn it on here, and when you aim the beam across the floor, it beeps or vibrates when there's an obstacle." Her face glows, showing me her toy. "I love this thing; it really helps in situations like this. I use Conrad mainly for outdoors, but when I'm inside, in a new environment, I like to use this."

"That's amazing. You have the most state of the art equipment, Joy. I’m definitely impressed." Taking her into my arms, I hold her tight to my chest. "You’re not the one that has a problem with an impairment. It’s me that has the problem remembering that today isn't the first day of your blindness." She giggles into my chest at my admission.

"You ready?" I ask.

"Yes. I have my bag next to the door upstairs. Would you bring it down with yours?"

"You bet," I say, before stealing a kiss before making my way to the stairs.


"Okay, baby, we’re boarding." Following the cars ahead of me, I drive onto the boat. "Have you ever been on the ferry before?"

"Yes, quite a few times actually. Will you take me on deck?" she asks excitedly.

"I sure will. Let's grab our coffee and go sit topside. It's a beautiful day." Carrying a thermos, I help Joy find a seat in one of the chairs on the deck that overlooks Puget Sound.

"Tell me what we're looking at, Matthew," she says nonchalantly, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Well, the ferry just pulled away from the dock and the Seattle skyline gets smaller the further away we sail. You can see the Island in the far distance in front of us. It's about a thirty-minute ride from Seattle to Bainbridge. The Island has so many trees that are all different colors at this time of year. The water is blue today and the wind is low, so we are in for a nice, calm sail." Looking over at her, she smiles and nods at my descriptions.

"Off to your right is a large cargo ship in the distance, and a little further out is a large fishing vessel sailing out to sea. It's really pretty out today." Smiling, she moans and lays her head on my shoulder.

"Very nice description, Doctor," she says sweetly. 

Once we arrive at the Eagle Harbor dock, I drive off the ferry and head toward my house on Eagle Harbor Road. It's a short drive, and I can't wait to show her around.

"My property here is relatively large for the area. It's on three acres and is one of the first pieces of land I bought. I love the island, so when this became available, I had to have it. I lived here for a few years, but once the clinic was up and running, and we got busier, the travel time started to kill me, so I bought another property closer to the hospital," I explain.

"The back of the house overlooks the harbor that leads out to Puget Sound. There's a lot of vegetation that offers privacy from neighbors; although, that isn't much of a problem since my place is large, but you can't see the structures through the trees and growth. I don't know if you remember as a child how the trees would turn different colors in the fall, leading into winter. Right now, they’ve already turned, or just about finished." I look over at her, and her head is resting on the back of her seat as she listens.

"You paint a beautiful picture, Matthew. Thank you."

"You are a beautiful picture, Joy,” I say, sounding cheesy, even to my ears. 

Reaching over, I take her hand, bringing it to my lips. Her hands are cool.

"Are you warm enough, baby? I can turn on the heater if you need it."

"I'm good," she says, looking very tired.

"Are you tired?"

"A little bit. Once I get moving, I'll be okay”.

Holding her hand to warm her up, I turn up the heater and soon we are turning onto my street.

"We're here," I say, pulling into the garage. After turning off the engine, I unbuckle my seatbelt then reach over to help Joy with hers.

"You know that I can do this all by my itty-bitty self, right?" she giggles as we fight to see who will be the one to unbuckle her first.

"But I wanna do it," I whine, tickling her so she'll let go. "I win," I say after the belt snaps open. I hurriedly jump out of the car and run around to open the door for her.

"Because I let you!" she yells at me through the windshield.

"Conrad, you ready?" she asks sweetly. I've got to say he's one of the best animals I’ve ever known. I'd call him Joy's pet, but she gets mad. He's a service dog, and to turn him into a pet is against the rules. Since I've been around, though, he's become more of a pet to us, and I'm not so sure that's a good idea.

"Here, I'll let him out for you."

Opening the rear of the SUV, he gets hyper and excited like he's going to jump out as soon as I open the door. Issuing him a few commands, I tell him to lie down and to stay, which of course he does. As soon as I open the crate, I turn around and start unloading the bags and walk Joy to the front door.

"What are you doing, Matthew?" she asks, curious about Conrad.

"I just think he's showing some signs of losing his position as your working dog, and I want to see if he will still follow instructions."

As soon as I open the door and usher Joy through, I whistle for Conrad. He excitedly jumps out and comes running. "Good boy, buddy," I say, petting underneath his neck.

"How'd he do, Dad?" Joy jokes.

"Well, let’s put it this way, if Sophie was here, he'd get his girl time," I say jokingly and watch as she bends down to give him some love too.

"Okay, Joy, house number two. Let's show you around," I say, taking her arm and giving her the tour.

After we settle in, and I give her a tour of the house, I ask her if she’d like to drive to town and visit the shops.

“There’s a museum of natural history I’d like to take you to as well. There’s a lot of local lore I think you’d be interested in.”

“I’d love that,” she says excitedly.

"Great! After we visit the museum, I know a really good fish house that serves fresh crab and lobster, whatever you want," I say, taking her hand, allowing her to decide. After securing Conrad inside the house, we head for town.

Acting as her tour guide, we stroll down Main Street, window shopping, enjoying the day and each other. I have to say, it’s been a stress-free day. One that I've not had that in a very long time.

"I'm getting hungry," Joy pipes up randomly. "I think it's all these great smells."

"All right, let’s go. I’m hungry for chowder," I say, leading her toward The Soup Kitchen.

"Sounds great."

Once we finish lunch and arrive home, I build a fire while Joy lays out on the couch in front of the fireplace. Just minutes after closing her eyes, she falls into a deep sleep. As she sleeps, I review a few patient files and dictate file notes so that I’ll have more free time when the group arrives from New York.

Looking up from my papers, I glance at my watch and see that it's nearly dinner time. After checking on Joy, she’s still asleep so I cover her in a blanket. Bending down, I place a light kiss on her forehead, moving a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. I can’t help but smile to myself at how beautiful she is and can't wait until she looks into my eyes. I want this more than anything.


That night, as promised, I keep my hands to myself and simply tuck myself around her. For the first time in recent memory, I experience one of the best dreams I’ve had … Joy could see.

The following morning, I stretch myself awake and roll onto my side and wrap around her when she stirs.

"Mm, you awake already?" she asks through a sleepy voice.

"Just. Did you sleep well? You slept a lot yesterday," I say, feeling her bottom burrow into me.

If she keeps this up, it's going to be a very long day, but I'm determined to let her rest and heal.

"I'm going to go make some coffee and let Conrad out. You stay here and keep warm then I’ll make a fire for us." Hearing her moan, she grinds against me again, so I jump out of bed, but not before placing a kiss her forehead. “Be right back.”

When I return with coffee mugs in each hand, Joy has dressed; her hair is fixed and her bag is packed. I shake my head at her resourcefulness and autonomy.

"Let's have our coffee on the deck; it’s nice out," I say, taking her hand. We walk downstairs and I guide her outside before getting her situated in one of the Adirondack chairs

"This is nice,” Joys says with a sigh. “It's so quiet. All I hear are the birds and the water making slapping sounds."

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