I'll Be Seeing You (17 page)

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Authors: A.P. Hallmark

"Yes, there was a large ship that passed through the Sound a little bit ago that caused waves. That’s what you’re hearing," I explain, watching her tune in to her surroundings.

"Let me get you a lap blanket to keep you warm while I take a look around. I have to check for any pipe leakage and all that before the winter sets in. If we are doing Thanksgiving here, I want to make sure everything’s working. It's been a while since I've been here," I say, getting up and giving her a quick kiss before I turn toward the house.

When I return, Joy’s playing with Conrad a little too close to the shoreline for my liking. She can be as adventurous as she likes but it scares me when water is involved.

"Joy," I call to her. "I don't want you out here by yourself, all right? I don't mind if you explore, but not when there's water right there, okay?"

"That's why I have Conrad," she says, stroking my cheek. "He won't allow me close to the water. But if it concerns you, I’ll stick close to the house, okay?"

"Yes, please. Thank you," I sigh, laying my face into her hand. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I guide her back toward the house and away from the water.

"You ready for breakfast?" I ask, looking down at her rosy cheeks and nose.

"Okay, let's go."

Once I pull the SUV into the only parking spot in the lot, I take her hand, and we make our way inside the Fork and Spoon.

"This is my favorite restaurant. The food here is home cooked and there’s nothing flash frozen then thawed here," I inform her as I see Nola running toward me.

"Matthew … Matthew … Matthew. It's been too long, sweetie," she wails, taking me into her motherly hug. "How are your parents? I haven't seen them in, what, three years?" she asks, taking my face between her hands, shaking my head.

"Hey, beautiful. It's has been too long," I return, eliciting a giggle from her.

"Nola, I would like you to meet my girl — Joy, this is Nola, the chief cook and bottle washer here. You are guaranteed the best meal you've ever had."

"Nice to meet you, Nola," Joy says, holding out her hand. Nola looks at her, then at me questioning me whether Joy is blind or not. I nod in affirmation, and she quickly takes Joy’s hand, nearly shaking it out of the socket.

"Joy, dear, aren't you the prettiest thing. Come … sit," she instructs, taking us to a table with a corner window.

"Thank you, Nola."

"Want an omelet?" I ask, while opening the menu.

"That sounds great. With lots of gooey cheese," she beams.

"Anything you want, baby," I reply while perusing the breakfast options.

"Why hello, handsome," a sultry voice says from behind me. I feel a hand roam over my shoulder and head for my neck. I jerk back to remove it.

"Suzette," I say, ruefully. I look at Joy, and she continues to hold her sweet smile.

"Where have you been, sugar? I haven't seen you around in a while. When are you going to come and see me?"

“Joy, this is Suzette.”

I don’t introduce Suzette to Joy because she doesn’t deserve to know my girl.

"Suzette, your order is ready,” Nola scowls. “Why don't you run over there and get it, and let these nice people have their breakfast in peace?"

Nola drapes her arm around Suzette's shoulder, guiding her to the cash register.

"Okay, okay," Suzette draws, rolling her eyes as she drags herself away. "Call me, Matthew," she shouts over her shoulder.

"Yeah, like that would ever happen," I say under my breath. "I'm sorry about that, Joy. That was rude of her."

"No worries. I know you had a life before me. It's just important that your life is only with me now," she says as she grins.

Reaching my hand to hers, I whisper low so that only she can hear, “Baby, you are everything to me."

"Thank you," she says kissing my hand.

After we order our breakfast, it arrives in no time, and my body reacts to Joy's moans of pleasure with each bite she takes.

"You better curb your pleasure voice before I take you home right this minute," I chuckle, taking a bite of my biscuits and country gravy.


"Oh yeah," I reply, meaning every word.

"I don't think I can wait another minute," she whispers.

"Eat up and make it quick," I say and hurriedly cram a whole biscuit in my mouth.

"I'll take mine to go!" she yells at the server.


As soon as we get inside the door, I scoop her up into my arms and kick the door shut with my foot.

Carrying her up the stairs to my room, I toss her on the bed and she squeals in delight when she bounces. In a race to see who can get naked first, I toe my shoes and socks off then tear my clothes off throwing them wherever they land. I can’t help laughing watching her struggle to get her own clothes off.

Needing to taste her mouth first, I throw myself across her and take her face in my hands. Out of sheer passion, our tongues war in a sloppy mess, competing with each other. 

I lift her so that her head rests on the pillows, and in doing so, her hands immediately lace their way through my hair. Using my knee, I spread her thighs giving me access to her allowing me to slide my fingers into her folds and ultimately inside her.

My fingers come back saturated and I noisily suck on them, tasting her honey, humming my pleasure.

"Matthew, please," she begs again, wrapping her arms around me. Pulling me on top of her, she spreads her legs wider, drawing me towards her. Once I position myself over her, she lifts her knees, giving me the access I crave. She’s wild with need, and I don't waste any more time as I position myself at her entrance with the intent of taking it slow, but as soon as my cock touches her, she thrusts her hips upward, driving me inside her, ready or not.

"Oh, God," she moans, her hips moving hungrily.

Taking long, forceful, strokes, I watch her face as I slide into her, and after seeing the pleasure there, it spurs me on.

"Oh, Matthew. What you do to me," she pants, out of breath. Her fingers weave through my hair again, pulling on it as she fucks my cock.

"Harder," she begs. I'd do anything for her, so not wanting to let her down, I thrust harder and faster. Feeling the boil begin deep inside, I know it won't be long now. I knew my girl had a passion in her, but who knew it would be like this?

Feeling her reach between us to feel where we are joined, I nearly lose my resolve to hang on. Her normally delicate hand is full of strength now as it wraps around me. Taking long and deliberate strokes, going from the deep warmth inside her, to her inviting hand and then back inside again is beautiful torture. But it’s when she reaches down under my sac to lightly stroke my perineum, I practically jump out of my skin. I can't stop the fire that spreads throughout my body feeling the double pleasure she’s giving me.

"Oh, shit, baby, I'm gonna come. I … I can't hold it … Fuck!" I yell, thrusting into her with such force that my body quakes with pleasure while I empty into her. Releasing a primal growl into the curve of her neck, I have never before felt the intensity of what I’m feeling at this moment. Knowing I don't have long if I want to take care of her, I’m on a mission.

"Oh, little girl, you are in so much trouble," I murmur as my focus is now on her. Getting on my knees, I lift her hips, sliding a pillow under her. "Give me your hand."

Taking her offered hand, I lower it to where our bodies are still joined and together we circle and stroke her while I slowly fuck her.

"Oh, god… Matthew … shit," she pants, rarely cursing except during sex apparently. Using her fingers to stimulate her, I angle my body to access her sweet spot.

"Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god," she cries over and over, her head burrowing deep into her pillow. Her other hand starts to scratch the sheets and when she reaches up to take a fistful of her own hair in a silent scream, I know she’s ready.

"Let me hear you, baby," I say, thrusting into her. “Let me hear you come.”

She finally has a voice and screams her pleasure. Peaking through her orgasm, her torso arches lifts off the bed as if being pulled by invisible ropes suspended from the ceiling.

"Are you all right?" I ask after her body finally relaxes.

"Oh, yes," she answers in a sigh. "Oh … yes."

"Baby, you’re scaring the hell out of me inside the bedroom," I whisper, nuzzling her neck, kissing her soft lips.

"What do you mean ‘scaring you’?" she asks, turning her head toward me, rubbing her cheek against mine.

"The other night when you put your mouth on me, it was perfect … and that was only your first time. I'm not certain you can improve on that. Now this, just now … was the best I've ever had. The way you touched me, made me come so fucking hard. No one has ever done that for me, but you, my little virgin, did. Now, I want to know how it is you know about this," I say, holding her face in my hands.

"Well, you see, Doctor, it's called Google … that, and Laura. I asked her to help me. I didn't want to come to you totally ignorant." She gets teary-eyed at that emotional confession.

"Ah, baby, don't …"

"I didn't have anyone to talk to about these things. I can't see things that you see to teach you. So, I ask Laura, and she helps me." I thumb a wayward tear from her eye.

"But it's you that does it, Joy. She may have told you what and how, but you are the one that pleases me. You are a very good student, I might add." I lower my mouth to hers, and she slowly and gently opens to me. When her sweet tongue touches mine, I lose myself in her all over again.


The surgery on Mr. Wilson went very well this morning. There were no complications, and I can't wait to remove the bandages. That's my favorite part. The fact that I'm the first one they see is a thrill for me. It's why I do this.

Feeling a familiar vibration in my pocket, I pull out my phone for a text.

Hey, handsome. Dinner tonight? ~ Joy

Are you on the menu? ~ Matthew

I could be, if you are ~ Joy

Then count me in. 7:00? ~ Matthew

I'll be waiting… ~ Joy

Order pizza, I'll pick it up ~ Matthew

See you tonight then ~ Joy

"Are you sending love notes again?" Jessie asks as he drops his weight onto my couch again. I feel the frame weaken each time he does that.

"Yeah, we're having dinner. What's up?" I ask, moving to the chair across from him.

"So, the people from the Center are coming this week, and they want to go out to a club, right? Do you know which one they want to go to?" he asks.

"Trinity." I’ve been so busy with Joy that I haven't given any thought to the group from New York coming this week.

"That's what I thought, so I reserved the VIP lounge for Friday night," he advises, grinning at me like the Cheshire cat. 

"Thanks, Jess, I appreciate that. You’re coming for dinner Thursday, right?"

"Wouldn't miss it. Do I bring a date?"

"Not this time. I wouldn't subject Joy to that kind of boredom anyway. I'm not taking her to the club either. How's it going with you and Laura, by the way?" I ask out of curiosity.

"She's been kind of cold lately. Every time I ask her out, she says she's busy. I can understand it, though — she has Black Friday to get ready for. That’s the excuse she gave anyway, so I'm free to ramble on Friday.”

"So, you’re done with her, then? If you are, then I want to introduce her to someone." Dropping this little bomb is just to get a reaction out of him, and because I actually do have an intern that would be perfect for her, I wait for it.

Sitting up as if he sat on a tack, "What the fuck, Matthew? What are you doing, hooking my girl up or something?" he barks, not disappointing me.

"Wait a minute, Jess, you have no ties to her. You fucked Kathy, for god sakes. You can't have it both ways, man. Either you want her or you don't, but I'm introducing her to Dr. Simmons. I think they’ll get along well together," I say, getting up from my chair and smiling as soon as my back is to him.

Looking at him as I walk around my desk, his heart is in clear view on his sleeve. Seeing that he’s struggling internally, I pick up my desk phone and dial a three-digit number.

"Hey, Mark, this is Matthew. Yeah, do you remember that young lady I was telling you about? Well, I just learned she’s available, and I thought we could double date sometime after Thanksgiving," I say into the receiver. Looking at Jessie out the corner of my eye, and I see him pacing the floor, his hand running through his dark curls.

"Perfect. I'll let her know and be in touch in a few weeks. I look forward to it, too." After I hang up, Jessie’s shooting daggers at me, but he doesn’t say anything.

"Okay, so dinner at my house Thursday at seven o’clock, cocktails at six." Seeing him struggle with his internal battle, I ask, "Jess, did you hear me?"

"Hmm? What?"

"I said dinner … my house … Thursday … drinks at six?" It's hard not to laugh, because, if he knew that was a bogus phone call to a bogus doctor, he would be pissed. What he doesn't know won't hurt him, though. He’s clearly disturbed about it nonetheless.

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