In The Still of the Night [The Protectors 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (17 page)

“Are you going to have trouble with those guys back there?” Logan asked.

“I don’t plan on it. I’m not wanted for anything if that’s what you mean.”

Logan laughed. “I wouldn’t say that. Jenna wants you in a bad way.” He slapped Riley on the back.

“Seriously, though, if her ex doesn’t pull through, are they going to try and pin it on you? I know and you know that you didn’t do it with intent to kill him, but that one policeman has it in for you for some reason.”

“True, but he isn’t over the case. The detective is, and he doesn’t seem to blame me. I’m not worried.”

Logan nodded and then followed Riley’s eyes to where a light had come on upstairs.

“So what are you going to do about Jenna? She loves you, you know.”

Riley drew in a deep breath and then let it out slow. “Yeah, I know.” He looked up at the window and smiled. “I love her, too.”

Chapter Twelve

Jenna let Tina lead her upstairs to the spare bedroom with attached bath.

“You need a hot shower and something to put on. You’ve got blood all over you.” Tina stopped and teared up. “Oh, Jenna. He might have killed you. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“I’m okay. I’ll have a sore face, but I’ve had a lot worse.” She tried for a grin to relax her friend, but it wasn’t very convincing, judging by the frown on Tina’s face.

“Really, it’s over now. They don’t think Gregg will pull through. Even if he does, he will go to prison for a very long time for killing Todd.” Jenna squeezed Tina’s hand.

“Don’t be thinking about it. Just be glad you’re okay.” Tina walked over to the bathroom.

“Riley needs stitches, but he won’t go to the hospital. I need to get dressed and make him go.”

“Then let’s get you showered and dressed. You go ahead. I’ll find something for you to put on. Of course, anything I have will swallow you and be a little short on you,” Tina said.

“I am sort of a stick figure, aren’t I?”

“No, you’re built like a model. I’m the plump one,” Tina fussed.

They looked at each other then broke out in hysterical giggles. Jenna figured the stress and tension had gotten to them. She climbed into the shower and enjoyed the hot water sleuthing over her skin. It felt good to her battered muscles from her fight with Gregg. Once she was out and had dried off, Jenna found a change of clothes minus a bra on the bed waiting for her.

So was Riley. His brooding stare had her wishing she hadn’t left the towel in the bathroom.

“What is it?” She crossed her arms over her breasts.

It didn’t do much good. He didn’t say anything. Instead, he stood up and crossed the room to where she stood in the middle. He cupped her face in his hands and lowered his head. She knew he was going to kiss her. Her body waited in anticipation of those luscious lips on hers.

He placed gentle kisses against her lips and the corner of her mouth that was split. He kissed along her cheek and the bruise blossoming there. He continued down to her jaw and around to her neck. Riley pulled her arms away from her breasts then his large hands enfolded hers and pulled her into his arms. He gently hugged her against his chest. She didn’t dare push against him for fear of hurting him and his many cuts.

“Baby, you scared me to death when I realized he had you.” Riley rubbed his hand up and down her back in a soothing motion.

It was probably more to soothe him than her, Jenna figured. She soaked up the comfort he was offering, though, wishing with all her heart it could be forever. Still, now she knew he really did care. He hadn’t left her after all. Instead, he had gone on with his plan of putting himself out as bait. She pursed her lips and drew back from his embrace to scowl at him.

“What?” he asked, clearly confused by her expression.

“You went ahead with that stupid plan to make yourself a target after I told you not to do it.”

“I should have been with you. I’m sorry, Jenna. I screwed up.”

“No, that’s not what has me so pissed at you. I’m mad because you deliberately set yourself up to be hurt. That is what has me so upset. You could have been killed.” Jenna walked over to the bed where the clothes were laying and began dressing.

When she was finally clothed, Jenna turned back around to find Riley leaning against the door, smiling at her. It was her turn to look confused.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Because you’re only going to have to undress again. You’re not going anywhere anytime soon.”

“You’ve got to have stitches.” She growled, crossing her arms again.

“That’s already been taken care of.” He smirked and pushed away from the door to walk over to where she stood.

“What do you mean?”

He grinned and removed his shirt. All his cuts and scrapes where clean, and a fresh bandage covered the gash on his chest. He carefully pulled the bandage back for her to see the five stitches that now held the edges of the wound together.

“Who sewed you up?” She gasped.

“Logan. Both of us have done it in the past. Remember we were in the army. You learn skills like that.”

“At the very least, you need a tetanus shot.” She knew she was pouting, but she couldn’t help it.

Jenna had wanted to baby him, but he wasn’t going to let her.

“I had one two years ago. Don’t need another one right now.” He moved closer still. “I’m all taken care of. Let’s see about you. What can I do to take care of for you, baby?”

He ran a finger down her chin to the
in the neck of the blouse she was wearing. Then he brushed her nipple through the cloth of the shirt. Since Tina had larger breasts than Jenna, she didn’t have on a bra. Instantly, she became aroused and wanted him. He could do that with one touch. Riley smiled that half smile that turned her insides to molten lava. In seconds, she was wet for him.

He breathed in and closed his eyes. God, he could smell her arousal. The thought both embarrassed her and turned her on. She took a step back from him. The back of her knees hit the bed, and she sat down on the mattress hard enough she bounced.

“Take off your blouse for me,” he ordered.

She slowly slipped the buttons through their slots and let the material slide down her arms to the bed. He hummed his approval with half-closed eyes.

“Now the pants. They come off, too.”

Jenna smiled her best come-hither smile and carefully unbuttoned then unzipped the pants. She didn’t bother standing up. Instead, she lifted her hips and shimmed out of them until they pooled on the floor around her feet.

Riley went to his knees and removed her shoes then lifted her leg up to his mouth. Chill bumps popped out along her arms as he slowly licked and kissed his way from her foot to her knee and then higher. Once he reached the back of her knee, she squirmed. He continued up her thigh and stopped at the edge of her panties. He blew a warm breath across the crotch, causing her to shiver all over with pleasure. Then he gently nipped at her pussy through the underwear. She groaned at the sensation.

Riley slipped one finger in on either side of her panties and pulled them down. They would only go so far before he had to lean back in order to pull them all the way off her legs. As soon as they were off, he held her legs wide for him and dove in to lap at her wet pussy. His fingers held her pussy lips apart as he licked and sucked at her juices as fast as they appeared. She squirmed, but he held her still with his arms against her thighs.

Jenna reached down with her hands and held on to him by his ears until he was laughing against her pussy. She realized what she was doing and let go only to buck and yelp when he shoved a finger inside her. She was so close to climax that most anything more would send her off now. She fought to hold it back. She wasn’t ready for it to be over yet. It felt too good. He felt too good. Jenna dug her fingers into the bed sheets when he pushed a second finger inside of her.
Oh, God, closer, so much closer.

He pumped his fingers inside her over and over again while he licked all around her pussy. Then he began sucking on her clit, and the lights brightened all around her as her climax drew a scream from her mouth. He rode her until she settled down. With one last lick, Riley stood up and very deliberately began unbuttoning his jeans.

Jenna loved button-down jeans, but his slow teasing was getting on her nerves. She wanted him inside of her now. As if knowing he was torturing her, Riley dragged it out even more. Finally, he had his jeans down around his ankles. He didn’t bother taking off his boots to remove them. Instead, he grabbed her by her legs and flipped her over, pulling her to her knees. He positioned himself between her legs at her opening and surged forward to the hilt inside of her. She screamed again. Fully seated inside of her, he waited a few seconds to let her body adjust to his girth before he began riding her.

He pumped his hard cock in and out of her, pummeling her over and over. Jenna met him thrust for thrust, backing into him until flesh slapped flesh. His balls slammed against her pussy near her clit with each slap.

Another climax began to build inside her. She felt it racing toward her and knew she wouldn’t be able to hold it off as she had before. Instead, she met it head on. It burned from within her and spread out inside her body until she felt it in her fingers and toes. White-hot light flashed behind her eyes.

Jenna came to awareness with Riley still inside of her, both of them lying on their sides. Her feet were tangled up in his pants. She tried to move to untangle them, but Riley groaned and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against him. His cock jerked inside her.

“Be still. I think I died. I need a few minutes to recover,” he groused.

“Did you hurt your chest? What about the stitches?” Jenna tried to twist around to see, but he held her too tightly.

“If you keep moving like that, you’re going to do some more damage.”

Instantly, Jenna went still. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay, baby. I’ll get us both up in a few seconds. I need to relearn how to breathe again first.”

She giggled. Clearly he had come as hard as she had. She was content to lie in his arms for the time being.

A few seconds later, Riley gently pulled out of her. That was when they both realized he hadn’t used a condom.

“Ah hell,” he said. “I’m sorry, baby. I shouldn’t have gotten so carried away.”

“It’s okay. I’m on birth control.” Secretly, she hummed to herself.

Maybe she would get pregnant and have his baby. He would eventually leave, but she would have a child to remember him by. Then she chastised herself for wishing something like that. He was an honorable man and wouldn’t leave her alone with a child of his to care for. No, she didn’t want him like that. She wanted him to want to be with her just because it was her.

“Lie still while I get a bath cloth.”

Riley eased out of bed and disappeared into the bathroom. She heard the water run, and a few minutes later, he returned with a warm, wet cloth. He cleansed her despite her protesting she could do it.

“No, I’ve got you.” He finished up and returned to the bathroom.

“It’s been a long night. We both need some rest.” Riley said and climbed back into bed and pulled the covers over them before pulling her back against him.

He kissed her shoulder then her head. Jenna felt cherished, loved even. If only it were true, and he did love her. Even after Riley had clearly gone to sleep, judging by his light snore, she couldn’t rest. Too much had happened in the last twenty-four hours. Her mind needed to process it all before it would let her rest. She lay thinking and contemplating for several hours before she finally wound down enough to fall asleep. Then the last thought on her mind was how long Riley would stay.

* * * *

Jenna woke the next morning to a mouth on her breast. She grinned before even opening her eyes. Teeth nipped at her nipple, and she yelped before collapsing in a fit of giggles. She felt so much lighter than she had in a very long time. The only thing that would make it perfect was if Riley would stay forever.

He pinched at her other nipple before he licked over it, soothing the tiny hurt. She shivered as pleasure suffused her insides. His mouth moved up from her breasts to her neck where he licked and sucked until she thought she would die of need. His fingers traced paths down her abdomen to just above her pussy. His hand massaged her mound, drawing her attention there without actually touching her.

“Please,” she begged.

“Please what?”

“I need you…”

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