Insufferable Proximity (65 page)


“Don’t ever take that ring off again.” He whispered.


“I won’t.”


“You better not.”


“I feel much better.” she whispered feeling as if the weight of the week’s events had melted and exited through her vagina.


“I’m glad to have helped.” he grinned as he finally stood up then slowly slid his member from her sex. He watched it pop out as his seed leaked from her pulsing pussy.


“I couldn’t have done it without you.” she giggled and stood up, then looked down as to see their combined juices running down her inner thigh. He grabbed a box of tissue from the end table and went down to his knees to slowly clean her up, he slid the tissue across her sex and she felt her knees wiggle at the intensity. Without another word, he picked her up and sat her on his desk, removed the panties that were still down around her ankles then spread her legs. She watched as he tossed the tissue then ran his fingers own her spread flesh, the muscles in her legs involuntarily jumping as he neared the sensitive nub. He began to circle it and she felt herself going back to the desk, unable to hold herself up any longer as he focused on her clit. His fingers were relentless in their quest to make her come and within moments she cried out as she felt it begin again. He quickly bent over to kiss her and take her cries into his mouth, his fingers working her flesh until her body stopped moving and she was shoving his hand away.


“Now how do you feel?”


“Now I’m ready to take that trip to the basement.” she whispered unable to even lift her arm she felt so drained.




It was almost time for everyone to leave for the night and Heaven ran to grab a pack of miniature chocolate chip cookies from the vending machine in the break room. She was smiling to herself thinking about what Julian would do with the cookies and oblivious to the person silently entering the room.


“Did you let him win?” she heard Ian’s voice from behind and turned to see him, irritated that he had once again snuck up on her.


“What did you just say?” she asked, instantly on defense against such an outlandish accusation.


“Did you let my brother become partner?” he clarified himself.


“I will give you one minute to rephrase yourself Mr. King before I take serious offense.” she warned him.


“I’ve seen this so many times before, I’ve seen women give up everything for him.”


“I’m not one of those women.” she retorted.


“Then how did he win?”


“Did you ever stop to think that maybe it’s because he’s that talented?” she asked, “Your brother is one of the most talented lawyers in the firm.”


“My brother is too busy wallowing in cesspools and mingling with filthy whores to be talented.”


“And you’re a sneak wallowing in the shadows, trying to destroy him behind his back.” she snapped at him, angry with him for speaking of Julian in such a negative manner. She could tell by the look on his face that he never expected her to defend Julian and he looked a little sad for a moment. “You know something else, you’re a real shitty brother.” she frowned then turned and left the break room, almost running into Julian on her way out.


“You ready?” he asked.


“Yes.” she nodded her head then walked next to him to the elevator. As they stood there alone, she turned to him. “Did you hear anything before I walked out of the break room?” she asked and he was silent for a moment before he turned to her.


“Do you mean did I hear you call Ian a shitty brother? Or when he asked you if you let me win?” he grinned and bent to kiss her forehead. “Let’s go to my place tonight.”






Early the next morning, Heaven was sitting at her desk when one of the guys from the mailroom delivered her a small brown box with no return address. She opened it and inside saw the ruby necklace Julian had purchased for her. All of the stones had been removed, and the platinum necklace that the gems had been attached to was broken into small chunks. She called her secretary and asked her to send for Julian immediately and in record time, Julian was walking through her door.


“What’s the matter?” he asked walking over to her desk, looking into the open box on her desk. “Is that the necklace I bought you?”


“Yes.” she answered and he looked at the actual box, seeing no return address. Heaven’s name and the firm’s address were spelled out in tiny stickers. “And this.” she held up the CD. Julian grabbed it and shoved it into her computer, when the footage started it was someone holding the camera and walking through the woods then Heaven gasped when she saw her house come into view.


“That’s the night of the robbery.” he said seeing them and the officers that were there that night all talking in her front yard.


“The person was right across the street, watching us.” she thought back to that day and remembered the strange feeling she kept getting, like someone had been watching her. She had assumed it was because she had just been robbed and felt vulnerable as well as violated, but now she knew why she was so uncomfortable standing in the front yard.




Ayden and Fritz sat on the couch in Ayden’s office watching the tape that had been sent, the broken necklace spread out on the coffee table before them.


‘This person is getting bolder each time.” Fritz said.


“I know, that’s what worries me.”


“We need to find this person immediately, if they continue there is no telling how quick this will escalate.”


“I have a bad feeling about this Fritz, I don’t know what it is but I know something is coming.” he confessed and Fritz nodded in agreement, feeling the same way.




Heaven saw Julian talking with his father and headed towards the cafeteria. The moment she walked in a hush fell over the room and all eyes turned to look in her direction if not at her directly. She took a moment to look around the room in disgust, her head held high as she looked down her nose at her co-workers. The secretaries were all hovered at their usual table, she noticed Gloria and Reese were smiling at her but, but Juliette had a scowl on her face trained on Heaven. Lila sat on the opposite side of the room, seething with anger and staring at Heaven through narrowed slits, looking as if she was willing the ceiling to drop down on Heaven’s head. 


Instead of making another scene and confronting them all for staring, Heaven walked over to get a fresh cup of coffee. She had no more then set her cup down when Julian walked in and went straight to her. He was focused only on Heaven and oblivious to the looks that some of the women in the room were giving him.


“Fritz is looking into where that letter was sent from.”


“Did he talk to the mailroom staff?”


“Yes, the package arrived with the rest of the mail, nothing suspicious other than the missing return address.” he said low enough for only her to hear. “Let’s go eat.”


“Alright.” Heaven said unable to avoid seeing the death looks she received, she saw the look of pure hatred on Juliette’s face but that was nothing compared to the look Lila was giving her. Heaven saw the jealousy in their eyes, plain and simple, they wanted Julian and they didn’t want her to have him. Heaven was sick of these cowardly sluts and needed to let them know who really had rites to Julian, so without another thought she turned to Julian, grabbed his face then kissed him straight on the lips. She heard the loud collective gasp blast through the room and smiled to herself, happy to have shocked them. Heaven tried to pull back, but Julian grabbed her face and deepened the kiss for a moment before letting go.


“Finally.” he smiled with pride.


“Thank you for the ring.” she held up her hand to dramatically look at the large diamond.


“Thank you for saying yes.” he grinned then grabbed her hand, glad that she would not pull it away. “Come on let’s go eat.” they walked hand in hand out of the cafeteria, leaving everyone in the room to look after them in utter shock.


“No.” Lila could not stop the word from bursting from her mouth nor the tears pooling in her eyes. Everyone in the room turned to stare at her, her face was so red with rage she looked like she would burst into flames at any moment. Instead she turned on her heal and stormed out of the cafeteria.


“I cannot believe that just happened.” Adele was horrified. Gloria sat quietly at the table watching Juliette having a silent nervous breakdown, she could actually see her fighting her emotions under her blank face. Juliette looked like she could not take anymore, like she was ready to burst at the seams, and who was Gloria, if she was not there to help her to the edge.


“I think it was an act.” Gloria said and all the secretaries looked directly at her.


“You mean them being enemies?”


“It’s possible they have been seeing each other all along.”


“No, way, they really did hate each other.”


“Then how do they like each other so much now?” she asked glancing at Juliette, “He seems to really care for her.


“He does not!” Juliette yelped, standing up from the table. “It’s just sex, just like every other woman he’s ever been with, it won’t last.”


“Then why did he buy her a ring?” Gloria’s smiled, obviously delighted by Juliette’s misery.


“It’s just a ring! It doesn’t mean anything! “Juliette yelled then stormed out of the room, leaving the secretaries to snicker at her.


Juliette stormed down the hall to the break room. She looked around the room to make sure that no one was looking, then she opened Gloria’s locker, grabbed the platinum bracelet she had brought just to show off and yanked it until the clasp broke. Then she went to Adele’s locker and took out the expensive bottle of perfume she had been using sparingly and then sprayed it in Gloria’s locker. She then hid the bottle of perfume in Gloria’s purse before going straight to the bathroom to wash the horrific smelling odor off her hands.




They sat on top of his desk, facing each other, their shoes tossed on the floor and their jackets clumped together on the chair. They had walked down to the restaurant, but it was over crowded and they decided they wanted a little more privacy. Julian, as usual, ordered an entire meal and finished it in record time. Heaven on the other hand decided to skip the meal and went straight for dessert.


“This is so good.” she said taking a bite of the hot fudge covered brownie, the melted ice cream had already softened the brownie and then pooled at the bottom of the large plate. “We should go out on your boat this weekend.”


“You mean go on the boat but stay by the docks.” he grinned taking a large spoonful of the brownie.


“No I mean really go out in the water.”




“Really.” she took another bite and the melted ice cream dropped down to her breast and stained her shirt. Julian carefully leaned over and licked the ice cream from her flesh, then pulling the material aside. He kissed her nipple through the lacy bra, and then sat back.


“You have a clean shirt in my closet.” he said. Since he tore off so many of her buttons and ripped so many of her shirts, they thought it was wise to keep spares handy.


“Good.” she unbuttoned the shirt then pulled it off, sitting in just her black lace bra as she took another bite of the brownie.


“You know you can’t tease me like that.” he said, setting the spoon down, “Take it off.”


“Nope, it gives you something to look forward to tonight.” she smiled then slid off the desk going to his closet and grabbing her white button down shirt.


“You better give me a peak before you put that shirt on Princess.” he warned her getting off the desk. She turned to him and slid on strap down her shoulder then slid the material from her breast. He closed the distance between them in seconds, wrapping his arm around her waist, he bent his head to her breast, taking the tip into his mouth. He held her still, pulling the bra down from the other breast, his fingers toying with the tip. She ran her fingers through his dark hair holding his head as he feasted on her breast, then just as quickly as he had started, he pulled back to look at her. “I can’t wait to get back inside of you.” he pressed his lips against hers, thrusting his tongue into her mouth.




Gloria opened her locker and frowned seeing her new bracelet broken in the bottom. She inhaled deeply, instantly recognizing the horrific scent. It was that perfume that Adele had bought a few months ago that despite the price, smelled like old fish oil. Gloria turned to Adele with an accusatory look on her face, her anger fizzing throughout her body.


“So it’s been you all along.” she spat.


“Excuse me?” Adele raised her brows.


“You broke my bracelet.”


“I did not!”


“Then why does my locker smell like your nasty perfume?” she yelled.


“I don’t know, but I didn’t touch your bracelet. I haven’t been anywhere near your locker!”


“If I find out that you did,” Gloria spoke as she pulled her large designer purse out, “I will fuck you up!”


“What is my perfume doing in your purse?” Adele snapped, seeing her bottle hanging out of the purse that Gloria had just sat down on the floor.


“Excuse me?” she looked down to see the horrific-smelling bottle of perfume in her bag.


“I can’t believe it.”

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